The sacred numerical codes

  • 2015

Many think that the sacred numerical codes do not exist, however during his life he has seen and had contact with people who have succeeded, in the economic part, in business, They have a family, anyone around them can see that they are happy and it is normal to wonder how they have succeeded and think that they are very lucky.

Sacred codes open the doors to blessing by luminous beings.

This balance in people's lives is not casual, it is not luck. They who have the support of God and beings of light. Most of the people who are successful in their lives have been blessed with some special gift or are souls of great spiritual sensitivity, great painters, inventors, actors, they all always have some mysticism and spirituality that many people do not They understand, but when they hear them speak in interviews or read their texts, they notice that they have a special energy, that they emit a light that does not seem like this world and it probably is.

There are many testimonies throughout history that show that God and beings of light communicate with human beings through sacred numerical codes . Communication with the beings of light leads to having to go through different paths between the third, the fourth and the fifth dimension, these sacred numerical codes would be like the key that opens the doors to be able to communicate with the beings of light. The codes can be used by anyone who is a believer and who really wants to use them with the heart and with a true feeling of love.

It is very important that when the codes are used, you are aware of what you are asking for and using directly communicate with the being of light or elevated teacher in a direct way. If you can vibrate with love and faith you can even by means of the codes practically decree that what was requested be granted.

The sacred numerical codes are considered by the light masters as the commitment they have with the smaller souls. Master Merlin was the first to transmit the code that allows the door to be opened to the nearby Syrian planet. This number is 147-62 and used properly allows communication with the fourth and fifth dimensions. This planet, which is not visible in our dimension, is called the planet of Mercy.

Sacred codes open doors to planets of other dimensions.

There are souls like that of José Gabriel Uribe (AGESTA) with which several beings of light have been in contact and are currently in contact. It communicates regularly using several codes periodically; Each teacher has their way or way of communicating and they transmit their vital and healing energy, in the case of AGESTA, repeating 45 times any of the desired sacred numerical codes works.

One of the ways to keep track is to make the necessary knots to control the quantities that are requested, it really does not matter if you ask for more, what counts is to comply with the 45 repetitions required. You can also make a rosary of accounts. It is considered that if you can take time for meditation with all the instruments that help you achieve mental balance, the results may be faster, although it is known that there are sacred numerical codes slower than others, but you should not be discouraged what is asked for will always be achieved and codes can even be used to help others if deemed necessary.

Remember that they can be repeated at any time of the day, wherever they are, the important thing is to do it with faith and love. A code can have multiple meanings and that does not indicate that it is wrong, some sacred numerical codes have several purposes. When the code is recited, a portal is being opened to the 4 or 5 dimension and communicating with the divinity or having it as a guest in the body.

I invite you to know the sacred codes and change your life with the help of spiritual beings.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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