Los Angeles and Kabbalah (II)

  • 2014

“It is the unanimous thinking of all Platonists, that as in the Original, and other copies of the world, all things are in Everything; so also in this bodily world all things are in Everything; so also the elements are not only in these lower bodies, but also in the heavens, in the stars, in the demons, in the angels and finally in the Creator and Original example of all things. ”

The first Kabbalists gave an even more mystical character than the Essenes to the classification system of angels, especially since the 12th century, gaining more and more ground until finally obtaining an overwhelming influence. In the Talmud the angels were considered as instruments of God; in the Middle Ages they were considered as instruments of man who was convinced that calling them by their names, or by other means, managed to make them visible to the human eye. The Talmud was well informed about angelic apparitions, but not rogative ones, which must be distinguished from invocations of demons. Raziel's book, composed of several elements, gives some clues to make requests to the angels which vary, according to the month, day and time, in order to use them for some purpose, or also as methods of divination.

In Kabbalah there were no known limits regarding the number of existing angels. Like Egyptian magic, it was dominated by the belief that no angel could resist the invocation of his name when it was carried out after certain preparations in the right places and at the right time. In Raziel's book there are thousands of names of angels. These names should not be considered as integral parts of traditional belief since the names of angels, and other elements of angeology, are older than literature about them especially in the Kabbalistic works of Hekalot, Akiva, Raziel and the Zohar . Since the names of the angels constituted the most sacred element of mysticism were often not written and much less printed, consequently some of them remain unknown and Kabbalists had to use gematria to guess their names. Ancient rabbinic mysticism and Sephardic Kabbalah originated some sources of angeology, as well as a rich demonological literature, just as important as that of the mysticism of 13th-century German Jews, which due to its angelic character, which was made in such detail and so cleverly adapted to the needs of everyday life, it was, from this point of view, more closely linked to contemporary Christian mysticism than all its predecessors.

Kabbalah, in its advance through the centuries ended up bringing the mystical angeology to the West and the East. Angels continue to play an important role in home-related uses and all the angels that govern the months, and their corresponding days, are said to serve those purposes. In this way we see that the closest link with astrology is angeology and therefore with monotheistic religions.

The advance of Christianity towards Kabbalah was growing largely by the conversion of a large number of Jews to Christianity, a religion in which they found a closer relationship with their Gnostic views, and also by Christians who perceive that Gnosticism It could become a powerful instrument for the conversion of Jews.

Kabbalah in relation to Judaism and Christianity

I - “It is the unanimous thinking of all Platonists who, as in the Original, and copies of the world, all things are in Everything; so also in this bodily world all things are in Everything; so also the elements are not only in these lower bodies, but also in the heavens, in the stars, in the demons, in the angels and finally in the Creator and the Original example of all things. ”

II - “Among the stars also some are of fire, like Mars and the Sun; airy, like Jupiter and Venus; aqueous; like Saturn and Mercury, and earthy, like the inhabitant of the Eighth Orb; and the Moon, which in spite of many is considered watery, and is the one that attracts to itself the heavenly waters with which it is embedded, which by reason of its proximity we can communicate with them .

III- Also some of the fire signs, some earthy, some airy and some watery are among the signs of the zodiac. The elements that govern also in the sky are the following at the beginning, the middle and the end: for Aries the principles of Fire; for Leo, progress and growth and for Sagittarius the end.

IV Taurus is the beginning of the Earth, progress is Virgo and Capricorn is the end. G minis is the beginning of the Air; Pound the progress and Aquarius the end. Cancer the onset of water; Scorpio the middle and Pisces the end. Of the mixed of both these planets and signs, along with the elements are the bodies made. In addition, the Demons are also distinguished from each other, so some are called fire, others earthy, others airy and some watery. Hence also the four infernal rivers: Phlegethon (fiery); Cocito (airy); Styx (aqueous) and Acheron (earthy).

V Also in the Gospel we read that the fire of hell, and the eternal fire, is the one they sent to the Damned; and in Revelation we read about a lake of fire, and Isaiah speaks of the damned that the Lord will send to corrupt the air. And in Job it will come to jump from the waters of the snow to the extreme heat and in it we read that the earth in darkness is covered by the darkness of death and the darkness of misery. On the other hand these four elements are also placed in the angels in heaven, and the blessed intelligences, there is in them a stability of their essence, which is an earthly Virtue, which is the firm seat of God, also n his mercy and piety is a virtue of watery cleansing .

VI .. Also according to the orders of angels, some are of fire, like Seraph, have authority and powers; they are earthy like the Cherubim; they are watery, like the Thrones, and the Archangels, airy like the Domains and Principalities. It is said that the same is a source of living water for cleaning and regeneration. Therefore the elements are found everywhere and in all things according to their custom, no one can deny it: firstly in these lower and thick bodies, and in the purest and clearest celestials, but in all lives since they are Blessed in all aspects. The exemplary elements in the world are produced in the Intelligences, which are in the Heavens and are virtuous, and in the lower world the human organs have rude forms. ” Heinrich C. Agrippa.

The belief in the unity of God was replaced by the ten sephiroth that were considered as divine substances. By not addressing prayers directly to God, but to the Sepiroth, the true cult of them was born. The Kabbalists despised the Talmud because they compared it to a hard rock that did not bear fruit and that when it is struck produces only a few drops that the end becomes a matter of controversy, while the study of the Kabbalah is like a spring that sprouts continuously and whose contents are innovative. The study of the Bible was also abandoned since it was not studied for its own sake, but for the sake of finding the highest Voice meaning through the mystical hermetic rules. Even the rituals were modified, recast and diversified.

The same is the case with the notion of Creation. When the first triad of the Sephiroth (Crown, Wisdom and Intelligence) referred to the three persons of the Deity, their relationship was not the one taught by Christianity. The three Sephiroth only represent three powers of God or three forms of His emanation; the other sephiroth are also divine powers and forms. Thus it can be rightly said that Kabbalah teaches not the Trinity, but the Ten-Unity of God (1 = beginning; 0 = end). Also the other features are different; for example when the Zohar attributes to God three heads, or when one speaks of a God-Father (ABBA) of a God-Mother (IMMA) and of a God-Son, or when we are told (Zohar, III, 262a, comp 67a.) that “there are two, and one connects with them, and they are three; and those three are one ”; This does not coincide at all with the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

In the Christian tradition we can read: "the Coptic, the Abyssinian, the Greek and the Roman churches adopted the invocation of the angels in their liturgy and since the tenth century the whole earth has been divided between the various guardian angels and the saints." (Cor.II: 6-8)

In the Quran, Jewish and Gnostic angeologies are mixed. It speaks of the angels and daughters of God, the Chief of the archangels is Gabriel (Yibril); Miguel comes next; Israfil (Sarafiel) plays the trumpet of the resurrection and Azrael is the angel of death. Instead of four there are eight angels who hold the throne of God (Quran-Sura XLIX: 17)

From then on the people of the Christian countries of the West began to become aware of the angels they considered closest, as well as superior beings, who watched over them regardless of the religion they professed.

Nine heavenly hierarchies of angels

The Greek theologian Dionysius the Areopagite (5th and 6th centuries) was the first to establish the choirs of the angels that were later accepted by the Christian churches. In that classification we find that the Archangels are in eighth place of the nine choirs above the Angels and below the Principals, and the choir leaders are called Metatron, Miguel, Gabriel, Rafael, Barachiel and Barciel, although Miguel is mentioned more as leader of the seven heavens and acts as ruler of the Celestial Choirs.

First Sphere and highest Hierarchy:

Choir of the Seraphim: (closest to God)

The Seraphim are undoubtedly those closest to heaven and also to the throne of God, and their main function is to go around the beautiful throne as a form of perpetual adoration to the Lord. According to Enoch each Seraph has six wings, which is corroborated by Isaiah in VI: 1-3.

The Seraphim are the angelic creatures that surround the throne of God. They are the ones that regulate the movements of the heavens and have incalculable responsibilities in the administration of God's infinite universe. They are the heavenly counselors, the guardians of light throughout the universe and have little contact with Earth beings. They are the ones who keep the heavenly records.

The original version given by the Sumerians indicates that they were relatively fierce-looking entities that had the body of an ox, or horse, and the face of a man with a very long beard and wings. They were supposed to have been sent to protect the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

The angels that govern the sephirah number one (Kether) are:

Seraphiel - Metatron - Miguel - Vehuel - Uriel - Nathanael - Jehoel - Chamuel (Kemuel, shemuel) - Lucifer (before his fall) - Abaddon - Asmodeus (before his fall) - Astaroth (before his fall) - Samael - Semyazza and Satan (before his fall).

Its appearance is fiery red and gold as a symbol of fire. The Grace of God flows through the Seraphim to the lower angels dissipating darkness and purifying the universe. It was from this Order that Satan came from. Before his fall from misfortune he was considered the angel that eclipsed everyone else.

There are twelve seraphim chiefs:

I - Historic Angels: direction of the affairs of each generation and origin of the races

II- Angels of progress: initiation of the evolutionary process of creatures

III- Religious guardians: angels of the church, direct political action.

IIII - Angels of national life: angels of the trumpets

V - Angels of the races: they work for the conservation of the evolutionary process

VI - Angels of the future: they predict and predict the future

VII - Angels of enlightenment: planetary education, mental and moral formation

VIII - Angels of health: angelic bodies for healing

IX - Angels of the home: preservation and promotion of homes.

X - Angels of industry: promote industrial development

XI - Angels of fun: play, humor, rest and leisure

XII - The angels of the superhuman ministry: angels of the angels.

His relationship with sephira number one, (Kether):

Arc ngel Metatron

Angelic Order: Hayyoth (The Holy Living Creatures)

Demons: Satan and Moloch

Demon order: Thamiel (the two Contestants)

Celestial Sphere: Primum Mobile

Man's part: the head

Celestial Choir: Cherubs

The angels that rule the sephirah number two (Chokmah) are:

Queribuel Gabriel Ophaniel Raphael Uriel Zophiel Azazel Beelzebub (before his fall) Berith Lauviah Marou Salikotal Samsiel and Sata before their fall.

It is the angels of the records, who take note of everything that happens on Earth, and also the guardians of God's glory. Over the years the Cherubim have undergone radical transformations; from the monstrous Assyrian lion, winged guardian creature of the Old Testament, to a plump baby with blue wings that began to appear around the year 1600 . Originally, the Cherubim were represented with multi-eyed peacock feathers as a symbol of their personality since they know everything and see everything. They are the first angels mentioned in the Bible. God placed the Cherubim east of the Garden of Eden to keep the entrance path of the Tree of Life. They are also the drivers of God's chariots and bearers of His throne.

His relationship with sephira number two (Chokmah):

Arc ngel: Raziel

Angelic Order: Ofanim (The Wheels)

Demon: Beelzebub

Demon order: Ghogiel (those who hinder)

Celestial Sphere: Zod aco

Man's Part: Brain

Celestial Choir: Thrones (Aralim)

The angels that govern sephirah number three (Binah) are:

Bodiel - Ophaniel - Jophiel - Zaphkiel - Oriphiel - Raziel - Astaroth (before his fall) - Gressil - Focalor - Forneus - Murmur - Nelchael - Phenex - Purson - Raum - Samael - Lucifuge (before his fall) - Sonneillon and Verrine.

They are known to have the shape of winged wheels that rotate continuously wrapped in fire and whose edges are full of eyes. These angels hold the Throne of God and consider the way in which the decisions of it must be manifested. Its mission is to bring individual karma and society as a whole to trial.

Your relationship with sephira number three (Binah):

Archangel: Tzaphkiel

Angelic Order: Aralim (The Thrones)

Demon: Lucifuge (Lucifer)

Demonic Order: Ghogiel (The Correctors)

Celestial Sphere: Saturn

Part of Man: Heart

Second Sphere: Priests-Princes of the Celestial Court

Heavenly Chorus: Domains - Hasmallim (the Shining)

The Angels that govern sephirah number four (Chesed) are:

Zadkiel, Zacharel, Muriel and Astaroth (before their fall)

These are the angels in charge of the teachings and the development of intuition. Through them the majesty of God is manifested. They carry a scepter and a sword that symbolizes the power they have been given over all creation and decide what needs to be done to meet the needs of God. They also regulate the angels' tasks to ensure that the universe continues to function properly. They appear in human form and wear a triple crown that represents their status on physical form. They can be seen carrying a scepter with a cross and / or a sword that symbolize the balance between active and passive forces.

Your relationship with sephira number four (Chesed):

Archangel: Tzadkiel

Angelic Order: Hasmallim (the Shining)

Demon: Astaroth

Demonic Order: Agshekeloh (The Annihilators)

Celestial Sphere: Jupiter

Man's part: Right arm

Celestial Choir: Virtues - Seraph (the Burning Snakes)

The Angels that govern sephirah number five (Gevurah) are:

Gabriel, Miguel, Uzziel, Tarshish, Sabriel, Peliel and Asmodeo (before their fall)

Based on the strength that God has given them to perform miracles on earth, the "shining beings" are the angels of miracles, encouragement and blessings. They help strengthen their virtues to people who are struggling with their faith. They have four wings with blue feathers and shining war armor. They can often be seen carrying a scepter, halberd, sword and / or a shield of protection. And each of these weapons are adorned with emotions (or passions). They work hand in hand with the Thrones when it comes to granting grace and reward to those who have overcome difficulties in their physical lives.

Your relationship with sephira number five (Gevurah):

Archangel: Kamael

Angelic Order: Seraphim (the Burning Snakes)

Demon: Asmodeus

Demonic Order: Golohab (the Arsonists)

Celestial Sphere: Mars

Man's part: Left arm

Celestial Choir: The Powers - Malachim (the Kings)

The Angels that govern sephirah number six (Tipheret) are:

Camael, Gabriel and Verchiel. Belphegor and Satan before their falls.

This is the first Order of angels created by God to prevent fallen angels from taking over the world and keeping the universe in balance. They also carry the power of the intellect in subjects such as mathematics, geometry, astronomy and so on, making them good teachers and educators.

Your relationship with sephirah number six (Tiphareth):

Archangel: Rafael

Angelic Order: Malachim (Kings) (means messengers in Hebrew language)

Demon: Belphegor

Demonic Order: Tagiriron (The Conflictive)

Celestial Sphere: the Sun

Man's part: Chest

Third Sphere: Principalities

Celestial Choir: Elohim (Gods)

The Principalities are placed for the first time in the third triad of angels (with the archangels and angels) and occupy the seventh place overall. They are also called Princes since these angels are the first of the rest of the choirs most concerned with what happens on earth and volunteers are offered to get the role of caretakers of each nation, province, municipality, district, city, town, village and house; In addition to working together with the guardian angels that are assigned to each place and person. Although this seems to duplicate bureaucracy in angelic activity, it can be argued in their favor that the function of these angels is to mentor as angelic protectors of each person, while the Principal are administrative clerks or bureaucrats.

The Angels that govern sephirah number seven (Netzach) are:

Amael, Nisroch, Haniel and Baal (before their fall)

These are the protectors of religions, the guardian angels of cities, nations and rulers. They are responsible for monitoring the nations and trying to inspire their leaders to make wise decisions. They are often represented wearing soldiers' clothing and sandals and are seen in human forms. They provide strength to the tribes of the earth to maintain their faith.

Your relationship with sephirah number seven (Netzach):

Arc ngel: Haniel

Angelic Order: Elohim (Gods)

Demon: Baal

Demon order: Noga (Los Carro eros)

Celestial sphere: Venus

Man's part: Right leg


Heavenly Chorus: Bene Elohim (Children of God)

The Angels that govern the sephirah number eight (Hod) are:

Metatr n, Raphael, Miguel, Gabriel, Barachiel and Jehudiel

Adramelech and Satin (before their falls)

It is the Prince-Angels who carry the message of God to human beings and also who is in charge of His angel armies in perpetual battle with the `` Children of The Darkness. They deal with the affairs of humanity and act as the guardian angels of the leaders of the world movements. These are the angels who are standing around the throne of God willing to carry out the divine and the most important decrees to human beings. According to the book of Revelation there are seven archangels who are in the presence of God, but only four are mentioned in the Old Testament: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel (Ariel). The identity of the other three remains the subject of debate.

The three Archangels recognized in the Judeo-Christian tradition are: Ragüel, Jofiel and Chamuel. Other probable ones would be: Ariel (Uriel), Azrael, Camael, Haniel, Jeremiel, Metatron, Raziel, Sandalphon and Zadkiel.

Your relationship with sephira number eight (Hod):

Archangel Michael

Angelic Order: Bene Elohim (Children of God)

Demon: Adramelec

Demonic order: Samael (the Delatores, raise False Testimonies)

Celestial Sphere: Mercury

Man's part: Left leg


Celestial Choir: Cherubs

The Angels that govern the sephirah number nine (Yesod) are:

Gabriel, Chayyliel, Phaleg, Adnachiel and Lilith (before their fall).

These are the heavenly beings closest to human beings and are the intermediaries between God and mortals. They have been assigned by God to each human being at the time of his birth to help in all aspects of each life. They focus on the actions of daily life and act as a source of information, knowledge and communication between humanity and God.

These angels have the shape of human bodies; they also wear wings and are dressed in various garments depending on the traditions of humans to which they have been "assigned." Actually angels do not have human bodies, wings or clothes, because they are made of energy and love. The only thing that angels do to human beings is not to help them destroy themselves, the planet and other human beings since angels are always a force for everything that is positive, good and true.

Archangel Gabriel

Angelic Order: Cherubs

Demon: Lilith (the Seducer)

Demonic Order: Gamaliel (the Obscene)

Celestial sphere: Moon

Human body part: Genitals

Cabalistic Angelic Hierarchy

Just as some Christian churches maintain that there are nine Celestial Choirs, the Kabbalistic tradition says that there are ten archangels and that each of them governs one of the Choirs of angels that correspond to each of the sephirot. The Hierarchies that the Hebrews maintain are the same as those of the Kabbalists.

I - Keter - Chayot Ha Kadesh - Living Creatures - Metatron

II - Chokmah - Ophanim - the Wheels - Raziel

III - Binah - Thrones - Erelim - Tzaphkiel

IV - Chesed - Hasmallim - The Shining - Tzadkiel

V - Gevurah - Seraphim - Burning Snakes - Kamael

VI - Tipheret - Malachim - Messengers - Raphael

VII - Netzach - Elohim - Divine Beings - Haniel

VIII - Hod - Bene Elohim - Divine Sons of God - Michael

IX - Yesod - Cherub - The Powerful - Gabriel

X - Malkuth - Issim - Souls of Fire - Sandalfon

His relationship with sephira number ten, (Malkuth):

Angelic Order: Issim (Fire Souls)

Demon: Nahema (The Children Strangler)

Demonic Order: The Namemoth (the Sorrowful)

Celestial Sphere: Elements

Man's part: whole body

There are other theories about the influence that Angels have on the Tree of Life and one of the most relevant is that elaborated by the Christian Kabbalist Athanasius Kircher (Germany, 1601-1680) in his “Cabala Hebraeorum” where we can read: “The names of forty-two of the angels that are marked with the name of the forty-two letters, and their interpretation, however, whose use is prohibited by the church because they are considered a source of all kinds of superstitions. ”

"La Cabala is the secret of divine and human things."

1. Orphaniel - Angel of the Lucid Look

2. Boel - Angel of God

3. Gabriel - Angel of Courage

4. Iophiel - Angel of Beauty

5. Thumiel - Angel of Perfection

6. Tsadkiel - Angel of Justice

7. Kabtsiel - Angel of the Congregation

8. Raphael - Angel of Healing

9. Gnazuziel - Angel of the Force

10. Schemschiel- Angel of the Sun

11. Thabiel - Angel of Happiness

12. Nagdiel - Angel of the Annunciation

13. Nachliel - Angel of Possession

14. Gaboriel - Angel of Strength and Courage

15. Daniel - Angel of Judgment

16. Iehudiel Angel of Confession

17. Chebaschiel Angel of the Sumisi n

18. Schagnariel Angel opening of the Doors

19. Berachiel- Angel of La Bendici n

20. Tabtabiel Angel of Great Happiness

21. Rachmiel Angel of Compassion

22. Tsaphiniel Angel of the Hidden Treasures

23. Therumiel Angel of Exaltation

24. Gedudiel -Angel of the Camp

25. Chaziel Angel of Visions

26. Kumiel Angel of the Resurrection

27. Bardkiel Angel of Lightning in the Swords

28. Tahariel Angel of Purification

29. Nuriel-Angel of Fire

30. Gnamiel- Angel of the Nations

31. Isr el Angel of Righteousness

32. Geriel Angel of the Pilgrimage

33. Lehabiel Angel of the Flame

34. Phaniel Angel of the Faces

35. Zachariel Angel of Memory

36. Kedoschiel Angel of Sanctifications

37. Schalgiel Snow White Angel

38. Karbiel Angel of the Guarantees

39. Vauieln Angel of Anguish

40. Tsuriel Angel of Rupture

41. Ilphiel Angel of the Ulcers

42. Thabriel The Angel of the Divisions

Mary of Grace


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- ”Libri Bareschith Rabba”

- ”Occult Philosophy”, books I and III - HC Agrippa

- ”Conversations with Angels”, John Dee

-Hebrew Encyclopedia

- "Cabala Hebraeorum", A. Kircher

- "Book of Angels", Eleazar de Worms

Los Angeles and Kabbalah (II)

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