The Mayan elders talk about upcoming tribulations of the Earth


BY: MITCH BATTROS Earth Changes Media (ECM) APRIL 9, 2007

Yesterday I received a phone call from Carlos Barrios, the Mayan Priest residing in Guatemala City. In it, he told me about a meeting of the Mayan elders of his region, which became a Conference. He has just returned from that meeting and is eager to share with the Earth Changes Media (ECM) audience (, everything that was transmitted to him on that occasion.

I will only comment on the outgoing features mentioned in this telephone conversation, since Carlos has agreed to appear at ECM Radio Time, this Tuesday, April 10 and share with us all such important information.

Carlos told me that the US economy It is much worse than it is being officially informed. He also spoke of an increase in natural disasters such as earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes and other events resulting from the extreme climates that are developing on Planet Earth, particularly in 2007, and, with greater intensity, 2008

In tomorrow's radio interview, I will ask Carlos to give us some other more specific descriptions in this regard, as well as guidelines on the times in which such events would arise. I will also ask Carlos if he could explain to us in a clearer way, how the Mayan Elders assume that the upcoming events would be presented. For sure, all this has a lot to do with the Calendar and the Mayan Prophecies. However, I would like to know specifically, how they, collectively, as Mayan Elders arrived at such predictions. I am curious to know if at least, this has to do with the succession of “cycles” that go through the different Planets and their Humanities, as part of their evolution and development of life in the different places of the Universe.

The readers and the audience of Earth Changes Media (ECM) must also remember that prophecies and predictions are established to generate a degree of awareness, a degree of knowledge and understanding in people, in order to prevent certain events. By the way, Michael de Nostradamus said: "A fulfilled prophecy is a failed prophecy."


APRIL 13, 2007

On the occasion of the scheduled radio interview with Carlos Barrios and the High Priest Elder Santiago, held at ECM Radio Time, last Tuesday, April 10, a wider and more intense picture was opened in relation to the level of understanding we have, regarding of the next events of change that will have to go through Planet Earth and its humanity. Next, I will present a brief overview of some of the most important events mentioned by both Mayan Priests on the occasion of the interview in question.

In it, Carlos reminded us of the interview we had last November 2006, in which he warned us that we should be attentive to the possible changes that Planet Earth would suffer, during the months of March and April 2007; In other words, he was alerting us to possible tsunamis, as it actually happened on April 1, 2007, when an earthquake of 7.3 degrees on the Richter Scale hit the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, along with New Papua Guinea and Australia, generating waves over three meters high. On that same occasion, Carlos Barrios, the Guatemalan Mayan Priest, friend of Earth Changes Media (ECM), told us that this would be a precursor to other much more intense upcoming events.

Precisely, in the recent conference held by Carlos Barrios with the Elderly Priests Mayas of the region of Guatemala, the Council of High Priests met to talk about the forecasts that the Earth would live during the remaining months for the Conclusion of the current Mayan Year, as well as for the next New Maya Year, which will begin on Thursday, July 26, 2007. Carlos told us that they are very concerned about the escalation of catastrophic events in past months, which will increase in the coming months.

Carlos also told us that the planet's environment is in much more delicate conditions than the official reports mention. The state in which the Earth is located is characterized by a great imbalance and disharmony, generated by the little responsible action of people and humanity as a whole, reason for the which, as the different governments do little or nothing to heal and decontaminate the Earth, she will begin to correct herself, to `` purify '' herself, naturally. Carlos and the Mayan Elders tell us that all these upcoming events are part of a a natural event, those that occur as part of a much larger cycle the one that cross civilizations and planets that make up our Universe. He reminded us that these cycles are repeated every 25, 625 years, or, if desired, in round figures, every 26, 000 years.

Together, these cycles are closely related to the energies generated and sent every 25, 625 years from Alci n, the Central Sun of our Galaxy, the latter also known as V Milky. In accordance with the Mayan Calendar, the end of the current Fifth Evolutionary Cycle or Fifth Sun (each cycle lasts 5, 125 Earth years), will be on December 22 of the year 2012. Next, it is worth say, from 2013 onwards, the New Planet Earth and its transformed New Humanity - physically and spiritually - that which survives these changes, will give rise to a new First Evolutionary Cycle of this New Earth and of its New Humanity, Major Cycle that would last another 26, 000 years.

In the same way, Carlos told us about the extreme activity characterized by higher levels of radiation generated by intense solar rains and sun flares, greatly increased in recent times, which is causing a great agitation on Planet Earth and its humanity. Recall that our galaxy (Milky Way), includes our Solar System and, of course, the Earth, which will regain its balance affecting not only our Solar System, but also the set of the systems that make up the Milky Way, basically, by the reception of high levels of light and energy sent from the same Central Sun located in the galactic center. For this to happen on our Planet, says Carlos Barrios, there must be an external adjustment, as well as an internal adjustment both in the Morada as in their Moradores .

According to Carlos Barrios, the `` external '' adjustment will take place through extreme changes that will take place on the Earth's surface, through different natural events such as earthquakes, reactivation of volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods and droughts.

In turn, the “internal” adjustment will come in the form of changes in the human being, that is, transformations in the human being, as well as in all the existing forms of life on Planet Earth, returning them, harmony and the balance they should always have had with the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe itself. Yes, obviously, this could sound like a great spiritual revelation. But, wait, since both Mayan Priests also told us that this could also be a very, very stimulating challenge, for those of us who currently lack harmony and balance against - firstly - our Higher Self, that is, our true identity

In fact, this will be a right path if, indeed, we were now working to maintain our balance, in search of our true path, with the necessary integrity and humility. If, on the contrary, we are without the necessary harmony, and if our actions and behaviors are inconsistent with our truth and integrity, we will also undergo changes to bring back that much needed balance and harmony in our lives. This could mean that our world could be set, if you want and if necessary, even the other way around. Of course, not to punish us, but to help us remember who we are and why we are here, what our passion is, and, what our true journey to other dimensions consists of, through the present earthly experience.

Carlos also told us that the US economy and the European are much more fragile than they are being publicly disclosed. He tells us that during the next year 2008, we will see major radical changes in the stock markets and in the other financial systems of the world. Carlos suddenly stopped in his address, very felt and on the verge of a collapse, before indicating that many human beings will go through great suffering, deep tribulations, particularly, during the next three years. He reminded us that this is not “a punishment”, much less, but rather, an opportunity for rectifying behavior that will lead us to recover our interdependence, our love and loyalty, towards each and every member of the community of Planet Earth.

The recent Conference of the Council of the Mayan Elders held in Guatemala, alerts us to Four Tsunamis that will occur in the Four Continents, during the remaining months of this year 2007 and 2008, one of which, the last one according to Carlos Barrios, it will hit Australia. This will happen together a series of earthquakes and volcanic reactivations that will occur throughout the Pacific Ring of Fire. Carlos believes that this cycle of intense natural disasters has already begun on April 1, 2007, with the strong tremor and tsunami that occurred in the Solomon Islands, in the South Pacific, near Papua New Guinea and Australia.

This Council of Elders and High Mayan Priests also announces that Asia will suffer the most devastating catastrophic events, compared to catastrophes that will occur in other continents. In fact, according to them, the changes on Earth will increase steadily, so far this year and next. By the way, we were suggested to look more closely at the probable events that could happen in certain months of this year 2007, the details of which are presented below:

JULY: Observe moderate “mass” earthquakes (4.5 to 5.5 Richter Scale), along the Pacific Ring of Fire.

AUGUST: Stay tuned for a very large event of changes in the surface of the Earth, in a geographic area corresponding to the United States. He (Carlos Barrios) did not want to be more specific, despite my insistence on the question.

SEPTEMBER: High risk of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis in Asia.

NOVEMBER: Stay tuned for an escalation of changes in the Earth's surface, particularly in the Central American area.

In this same interview on the ECM Radio Hour, held last Tuesday, April 10, Carlos told us that we should be attentive to the appearance of very powerful winds, together the action of water, events that, according to this Mayan Priest, would already have started to manifest since the last Mayan New Year (July 26, 2006), and would continue their devastating action towards 2012.

There is much more to tell you about this interview. Much more. Wait until next Monday, April 16, where I will present the Third Part of this interview, in which I will report among others, the following: 1) the seas and beaches will burn. 2) The galactic alignment and the change of the Earth's axis. 3) End of the Fifth Sun. 4) Prayer of the High Priest Maya Santiago.


APRIL 18, 2007

In principle, let me correct the name of the Mayan Elder who attended the radio interview, jointly Carlos Barrios. His name is "Don Diego" -Translator of the Mayan Sacred Books-. According to Carlos, Don Diego is a Priest very respected by all the Mayan Elders that make up the High Mayan Priestly Council. In fact, he is one of the few who have translated the “Mayan Sacred Books, ” and, over the years, has taught his people about the great wisdom that the ancient Mayan Priests also called “Chilamis” possessed or "Ahau Kines."

In that same interview, Don Diego told us that the coming times will be very difficult for the Planet. “The soil of the Earth will get very hot. There will be great loss of water. ” He also told us: “We are not alone here. There are great spirits, all of them, are among us. They are in animals, in plants, in stones, in water. ” He told us that human beings are the guardians of animal life. Consequently, if we allow them to die, we will follow them. Don Diego tells us that in these times, the beings of antiquity have contact with us, and that, therefore, we have to take care of their spirits, in the same way that they live in Nature without it affecting them or damage

Don Diego tells us that "the weather is going crazy, just like we are going crazy too." Similarly, he says: "The Earth is without the right balance, as we are without the necessary balance or harmony." “THE TEMPERATURE IS GOING TO ELEVATE IN SUCH WAY, THAT IT WILL SEEM THAT THE COSTS OF THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES WOULD BE BURNING, THEREFORE, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GIVE A STEP ON THE BEACHES OF THE SEA.” “THE SEA AND THE BEACHES PRACTICALLY GO TO 'ARDER' ”.

Don Diego went on to affirm: "We have to do something about it, getting in motion, to prevent all these events predicted in the extension in which they are being planned." “Of course, we will not stop the changes, but at least, we can acquire the domain and the ability to face them, to some extent. That is our choice, ”concludes Don Diego.

All of the above, according to Carlos Barrios and Don Diego, is written in the Mayan Sacred Books, The Book of Prophecies.

NOTE: The name of the Holy Book was said in the Mayan language, and, for now, I have not found the correct spelling. Sounds like "Chillan Belam."


Carlos Barrios is trying to define a date so that we can all meet to take a moment of meditation, of contemplation, in order to celebrate a ceremony where we all light a candle, asking for lighting for these difficult times. The date will be next Friday, April 27. Don Diego, Carlos Barrios and many other Mayan elders will be participating in the ceremony on this day. Carlos asks that we meet him on this day, in order to help restore balance and harmony to both the Earth and each one of us.





Earth Changes Media (ECM)

APRIL 18, 2007

My recent guests at ECM Radio Time, Mayan Elders Carlos Barrios and Don Diego, have proved a very pleasant and important surprise. Although Carlos had told me that for our radio interview he would bring a very respected Mayan Elder, who would tell us some forecasts that the Council of Mayan Elder Priests had assumed in relation to upcoming events that would take place on the planet's surface, honestly, I did not expect That it was such an outstanding character. Precisely, on the occasion of their last Conference held in Guatemala, the Mayan Priest Elders, in the light of the Calendar and the Mayan Prophecies, managed to establish a set of events that would affect Planet Earth soon.

To tell the truth, before the interview, I had no idea of ​​the caliber and representativeness of Don Diego, a highly respected Mayan Priest within the Maya settled mainly in countries like Guatemala and the State of Yucatan in Mexico. To our great surprise, Don Diego had been one of the few translators of the Mayan Sacred Books of the "Chilam Balam, " the book of the Mayan Prophecies.

What these Prophecies represent both for you and for me, is in a direct connection with the previously concentrated knowledge exclusively, at the level of the Ancient Mayan Priests, better known as "Chilamis" or "Ahau Kines." They were the ones who transmitted all their wisdom to the humanity of these times, basically, through petroglyphs, hieroglyphs, symbols and other writings. Today, very few people can translate with real mastery the messages left by the "Ahau Kines" in this sacred Mayan language. Few people have achieved very hard, deciphering their real meaning, and, most importantly, how could these prophecies be applicable today for our time.

Friends, I confess to you that we really feel very honored to have been able to receive such illustrious visitors, who have shared with us and with the audience of the ECM Radio Hour, the visions and announcements that the Mayan Elders Council has, in relation to the next events that will be presented on the face of the Earth. Until a few years ago, we were not allowed to have access to this very important and highly valued information contained in the so-called Mayan Prophecies. Perhaps, at that time, it was believed that we were not sufficiently worthy to receive such knowledge, and, consequently, there was a risk that we would be influenced by personal interests, We could use it improperly. In addition, it was thought that much of the civilized world could detract from these prophecies, even stating that the promoters of their dissemination could be subject to some form of ridicule. n. Apparently, there was somehow, the susceptibility to generate a certain type of threat to fairly consolidated modern religions, particularly those linked to Christianity, whereupon, there was a risk that they - the Prophecy as Mayas- can be declared blasphemes .

Consequently, assuming that everything that happens, occurs for some reason, in the present case, surely, there is a powerful reason why in recent times, they have begun to spread with great force, the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors, including those related to the Mayan people and culture. Personally, I consider that this is happening because simply, - the time for its diffusion and understanding is precisely now.

We are living the time of the diffusion of these prophecies, and, surely, we will witness their development and consequent fulfillment. Within the framework of our free will, we have the opportunity to accept or reject the planned changes. In the affirmative case, we can facilitate its wide diffusion, so that we can be part of its maturation and, in that way, arrive at a New World, constituted by a New Earth and a New Humanity -m It has evolved, both physically and spiritually. In this regard, we have a choice in front of us: Either we assume a behavior of fear and fear that nullifies our abilities and powers as multidimensional human beings, or, on the contrary, we assume this great challenge of moving towards our evolution Physically and spiritually, embracing and uniting among all human beings, so that each one of us can become an interactive element, participating consciously and decisively, in this transition leading to a quantum quantum leap, as a result of profound changes in the Morada (Earth) and its Moradores (Humanity).

By the way, it is important to mention one of the strongest and most consistent interpretative coincidences existing in Christianity. When Jesus was already crucified and dying on the cross, for a moment, Jesus was bewildered, perplexed, helpless, and even somewhat fearful. Only at that time, his faith would have been affected by a feeling of doubt. At that time, he would have said: Father, why have you forsaken me? Of course, God never abandoned Jesus; I was there all the time. As it was said in the work: Footprints in the sand, there was a man who was in a state of joy, connected with his community, enjoying great success, who, In time to find yourself walking on the sand of the beach, you could notice two sets of footprints. However, that same man, when he was in a state of depression, deprivation and loneliness, when he felt isolated, separated, noticed that there was only one set of prints on his beach feet. One day, this man fell to his knees and shouted to God saying: “God, why do you leave me alone during these moments of confusion, doubt and struggle? I called you but you didn't answer me. ”And God said:“ My son, I have never left you, when you were alone and felt helpless and unloved, that was when I helped you to support yourself. ”

Obviously, according to the Mayan Prophecies and others existing in relation to the “end of time, ” they are expected to be disturbing, and, at times, completely frightening. However, if we could associate together, with love and compassion, as a community, and accept the knowledge of our ancestors, we could acquire the necessary wisdom about how to face these upcoming events leading to the conclusion of the current evolutionary cycle, and the step to a next Era of love and light. This would allow us to remember that "we are the creators of our Heaven on Earth", that "we are the Guardians of the Portals of Spiritual Ascension", that "we ourselves are the facilitators" for this great quantum leap to occur in the that humanity is immersed. Ultimately, we can understand that it is we who have full control over our destiny.

In relation to my person, I, Mitch Battros, responsible for Earth Changes Media, consider myself only a simple splinter that is part of a large wooden log. But, I also know that together, all of us, or, if you like, all the "splinters" can form a robust and strong tree, with the roots deeply anchored in the ground.


The "Chilam Balam de Chumayel" Books constitute the most important part of the Mayan native literature. Written in the Mayan language, they reflect the ideas and thoughts of the Maya, in a closer way than any other written record that has reached us. They not only contain a profuse historical and ethnological information invaluable for that student of the Pre-Columbian Race of Culture of Los Mayas, but also provide a record of the reactions that had the original mind of those Mesoamerican regions, towards the European culture represented by The Spanish conquerors. Likewise, these books clearly express the way in which these last Mayan representatives had to adapt to the new conditions imposed by the Spanish conquerors, because that was what was convenient to survive in this new emerging scenario after the arrival of Hernán Cortez to the Yucatan region. It is also necessary to highlight the value of these ancient texts for the student of the Linguistics Degree.

The "Chilam Balam de Chumayel" Books are the sacred books of the Maya of Yucatan, and they received that name in honor of their last greatest Prophet. This one was known as Chilam, or Chilan, name that represented the title that this Prophet had, a name that in Mayan language means "spokesman or interpreter of the gods". In turn, the word Balam means "jaguar", although this term is also a common surname in the Yucatan region. Anyway, it has been agreed that the translated title of these books could be: "The Book of the Prophet Balam."

It is known that during much of the colonial period that lived this Mesoamerican region at the hands of the Spanish Crown, and, even in the nineteenth century, many of the towns and cities of northern Yucatan, had Books of Chilam Balam. In that way, this denomination was complemented by the name of the town to which the book belonged. Therefore, the Book of "Chilam Balam de Chumayel" corresponds to the Book of Chilam Balam belonging to the town of Chumayel, located in the Tekax District, located a short distance from the town of Teabo, in the northwestern part.

The Mayan Prophet Balam lived during the last decades of the Fifteenth Century (XV) and probably, during the first years of the XVI Century. He was the one who predicted the arrival of "strangers" (referring to the Spaniards) from the East, who would impose a new religion on the Mayan people. The early fulfillment of this prophecy, later endorsed by the arrival of the Spanish conquerors under the command of Hernán Cortez, greatly increased his reputation as a "great fortune teller", a "great seer", and, finally, as a Prophet. Subsequently, the Prophet Balam was considered as an authority and as the author of many other prophecies, even though some of them had been predicted by others, long before his time.

Original Message prepared by:


Earth Changes Media (ECM)

Translation, Adaptation and Complementation:

Jebner Zambrana Román

“AMATISTA” Group of Maestro Saint Germain

La Paz, Bolivia

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