The 82 "commandments" of Alejandro Jodorowski

1.-Set your attention on yourself, be aware in every moment of what you think, feel, desire and do.

2.-Always finish what you started.

3.-Do what you are doing your best.

4 .- Do not get chained to anything that eventually destroys you.

5.-Develop your generosity without witnesses.

6.-Treat each person as if he were a close relative.

7.-Order what you have messed up.

8.-Learn to receive, thank each gift.

9.- Stop self-definition.

10.- Do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and steal yourself.

11.- Help your neighbor without making him dependent.

12.- Do not wish to be imitated.

13.- Make work plans and fulfill them.

14.-Do not take up too much space.-

15.-Do not make noise or unnecessary gestures.

16.-If you don't have it, imitate the f .

17.- Do not be impressed by strong personalities.

18.- Do not appropriate anything or anyone.

19.- Distribute equally.

20.- Do not seduce.

21.- Eat and sleep as strictly necessary.

22.- Do not talk about your personal problems.

23.- Do not make judgments or criticisms when you do not know most of the facts.

24.- Do not establish useless friendships.

25.- Do not follow fashions.

26.- Do not sell yourself.

27.-Respect the contracts you have signed.

28.-Be on time.

29.- Do not envy the goods or successes of others.

30.- Speak only what is necessary.

31.-Do not think about the benefits that your work will bring you.

32.- Never threaten.

33.-Make your promises.

34.-In a discussion put yourself in the place of the other.

35.-Admit someone to beat you.

36.- Do not eliminate, but transform.

37.- Beat your fears, each of them is a desire that camouflages itself.

38.- Help the other to help himself.

39.- Beat your antipathy and approach the people you want to refuse.

40.- Do not act by reaction to what they say good or bad about you.

41.- Transform your pride into dignity.

42.- Transform your anger into creativity.

43.-Transform your greed into respect for beauty.

44.- Transform your envy into admiration for the values ​​of the other.

45.- Transform your hate into charity.

46.- Do not praise or insult yourself.

47.- Treat what does not belong to you as if it belonged to you.

48.- Do not complain.

49.- Develop your imagination.

50.- Do not give orders just for the pleasure of being obeyed.

51.- Pay for the services they give you.

52.- Do not advertise your works or ideas.

53.-Do not try to awaken in the other emotions towards you as piety, admiration, sympathy, complicity.

54.- Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.

55.- Never contradict, just shut up.

56.- Do not contract debts, acquire and pay immediately.

57- If you offend someone, ask for forgiveness.

58.-If you have offended him publicly, I excused in public.

59.-If you realize that you have said something wrong, do not insist on pride in that mistake and immediately give up your purposes.

60.- Do not defend your old ideas just because it was you who enunciated them.

61.- Do not keep useless objects.

62.-Do not be adorned with other people's ideas.

63.- Do not take pictures with famous people.

64.- Don't be accountable to anyone, be your own judge.

65.- Never define yourself for what you own.

66.-Never talk about yourself without giving yourself the possibility to change.

67.- Accept that nothing is yours.

68.- When your opinion about something or someone is asked, say only its qualities.

69.- When you get sick, instead of hating that evil, consider it your teacher.

70.- Do not look with dissimulation, stare. Do not forget your dead, but give them a limited place that prevents them from invading your whole life.

71.-In the place where you live, always devote a place to the sacred.

72.- When you perform a service, do not highlight your efforts.

73.- If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure.

74.-If you doubt between doing and not doing, take risks and do.

75.- Do not try to be everything to your partner, admit that you look for in others what you cannot give him.

76.- When someone has their audience do not go to contradict him and steal the audience.

77.- Live on money earned by yourself.

78.- Do not boast of love affairs.

79.- Do not boast about your weaknesses.

80.- Never visit someone just to fill your time.

81.- Get to distribute.

82.- If you are meditating and a devil arrives, put that devil to meditate ...

-> Received by Mario Liani

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