The 11 steps of Magic - José Luis Parise

  • 2014

The Method of Magic, by José Luis Parise

From the beginning of history, Humanity transmits a Legacy that teaches that it is possible to use Subtle Forces that help Man in his Life. That same Legacy has unequivocally also indicated that a profound Transformation occurs in the One who takes the Path that leads to reaching such Forces. In fact, Who undertakes these Steps has received the mythical names of Hero, Shaman, Warlock ... and Magician.

What are the mysterious Forces that the Magician (Hero, Shaman, Warlock ...) summons? Why do these Subtle Forces sometimes present themselves as the most powerful Ally, but sometimes as the most fierce enemy? Is it possible to work with these Invisible and Subtle Phenomena with the same certainty with which modern man has learned to work with Visible and Manifest Phenomena?

These were the Questions that almost three decades ago Started Our Journey. A Journey that would cover more than One Hundred Travel, and that led us to the so-called 'Initiatic Cultures' of the Planet ... to Meet Those Who We Weren't Even Sure There Were: Those Who Are Literally Always Marked as Those Who Know Magic ... and that currently receive the generic name of The Guardians of Wisdom.

Something in common threads with Gold Threads everything that in the different Cultures is presented as Magic. As if an original identical Teaching had been distributed as Basal Paradigm of Humanity, in what we see today as different cultures and religions ... all learned to follow the same Map. A Map ... That Leads to the Highest, Most Powerful and Sacred of the Human Being. A Map ... That Transcends the Human Being, Unifying it with His Divine Forces. A Map ... of Eleven Steps.

STEP I: ~ The Chaos of THE IDEA ~ EXPLANATION: Where does an Idea come from?

Although what will be obtained in the Tour of the Eleven Steps is infinitely superior to any previously desired Result, the Wizard's Method is used to, in principle, achieve something defined. And every attempt, decision, company or achievement that wants to be achieved starts from an Idea.

Three elements come together in That which we commonly call Idea: A Thing, An Image (or Form) and A Definition. The tendency, as natural as it is automatic… and tricky, is to believe that the Thing we want to achieve behind the Image or Form is clear, and that the Definition will not change much what we get, let's use the words we use to define That.

If you take The Way whose Route imposes the requirement of having to learn to order all that is presented in your mind according to One Method ... you will have the Divine Opportunity to be Walking the Way that, in all Biblical Myths and millenary Teachings, travels' That 'what we call God: a Path that brings Order where you first had to detect and recognize that there was Chaos.


It is only a matter of ordering the Chaos of the Universe so that the Magic of the Cosmos begins. But as with any Order ... a Method is needed to achieve it.

Let us now think of any question we want to reach in our lives ... If we have thought about a girlfriend, or a family, or a good job, or health ... it is quite easy to imagine a pretty young woman, a scene of parents and children around the fire, a beautiful office in a company with us inside, or see us running through the park.

But all that ... is nothing but the Image, the Shape of the Thing. If we want to move towards the concretion of that Thing in the world, we will be forced to go beyond the Image. And for that we must make use of language, by whatever means.

Without defining what we want, that will never go from a simple Idea limited to just existing in our thoughts. And as soon as we want to go beyond the Idea ... we will discover that a true abyss opens when trying to cross the Image and Define it by putting it in Words that allow that Idea to materialize as a Thing that inhabits and has its place in the world.

What Defines that Thing in itself? What defines this young woman as my girlfriend? What does a family consist of? When is a job good? We will see then that, inevitably, what we assumed was more anecdotal and less important ... it will become imperative: The Word, because we need to define the Thing behind the Image ... This is how the Universe works, in any order.

Everything is Started by the Word; even if it has to be said through gestures or through whatever means and language if we look further, we will see that God himself is not exempt from such Method to reach what he wants to achieve: He would have the Power he had available, to set the Universe in motion towards The Thing that he wanted to Name What He wanted to Create: There is Light., Haya D a, and Haya every Thing that had the Idea of ​​ halar in the Universe.

STEP II: ~ The WORD Order ~ EXPLANATION: What happens when we talk?

All the Teachings of Magic from the East, the Middle East and Indigenous Peoples, all, taught a respect for the Word only comparable to the Respect for the Divine. The Idea of ​​the thing is a shadow, whose Light is in the Language, in the Word, in the Word. Thoughts are projection of the Word. That is, concretely and surprisingly: we don't know the thoughts that inhabit us until we name them. Which means that if we name something other than what our Idea supposed we would say, that name is what is actually in the mind trying to be done in the world.

The consequences may not take long to manifest, since to discover that the Word is going in a different direction from the Idea is to discover that our forces have divided dramatically: while with a part of us we try to create something, our mind is trying to create something else, which may well be different or directly opposite to the one we want to create. We begin to speak and under a totally hidden Order (which in principle seems pure Chaos) there are equivocal happenings, forgetting that have nothing to do with the Image to which we wanted to allude.


Buddha is represented with immense ears. Chief Inka was named El Orej n . Lao Tse was known as `` Big Ears ''. Why? Because Listening is That which in all the Teachings of the Origin of Humanity is established as a Threshold of Occult Knowledge. Listening in Qu is really what we say in what we order, without letting ourselves be caught up in the idea of ​​what we want to say . Some examples:

I am going to look for work. What instruction am I giving to the Universe ?: the one that Orders all my days so that I do not find work but to simply pass them looking for him.

I want to find a good husband. The only way my Order can be fulfilled is to bring me men who are already married, that is, to be "husbands." ; and for the worse (according to the instructions that I order) that they be `` good husbands '', who therefore will never attend another woman that is not his wife. That is to say: I order the Universe to bring me men, who will never attend to me.

I want my father to stop yelling at me. I order the Universe that my father, every day, yell at me, only way he can 'stop yelling at me', as long as he doesn't I order 'don't yell at me', but 'stop doing it'. For which, you first have to do it.

"I want to lose weight." Instruction that orders my body and my entire Universe to continuously gain weight ... a logical, inevitable and mandatory requirement to 'lose weight', which has nothing to do with "I want to be thin." Just as "I want to heal" has nothing to do with wanting to 'be healthy', and guarantees to organize a Universe where to live getting sick ..., it is the only way to 'heal'.

STEP III: ~ The Danger of The Form ~ EXPLANATION: How do I do it?

As soon as you realize that the Universe has always fulfilled one by one all our Orders, and that what was missing was simply Someone who warned ..., all personal history will be crossed with questions that, vertiginously, will go giving birth to a first Question, the basis of all others: Who has directed my life, if I have not addressed it? Which is a way to ask yourself: Who am I? And in parallel, at the other end of the same axis: upon discovering that we have always obtained what we have In'Boca'do, we begin to discover that an authentic, efficient, surprising and very powerful Magician has always worked in us. A Magician who always gets what we order… without the slightest need for us to know The Way to Get It.


Automatically the first thing someone asks when they want to do something that challenges them is ... "How do I do it?", Which ... has fallen into the trap: it started with the Form! Had we needed to tell the Universe the Form, the How to carry out what we had InBocado when that Ordered was lost? No way; We simply gave him the Instruction on What Thing to do ... and the Universe found the How, the Way to do it. So, every time we want to start with the How, or we stop for not 'finding the Way' to do it ... we are going against the Universe Method.

And if it's not about the How, what is it about? Again, just listen to the question to hide the answer. 'What is it about', or what is the same: it's about ... what '. When thanks to Listen to 'What' I am InBocando I make sure that that Order given to the Universe Ordained the chaos ... then the time has just come to take action: now we have to go to That ... without needing to know how to do it!

The only How the Wizard is interested is not outside, but inside: How it feels about The Thing that InBoca. For the Universe to Mobilize bringing me what I order, I need the Order not to be divided with respect to the Idea and that my Affects are not divided with respect to what I Order. That is what Step 3 gives me. It frees me from having to find The Way to Do it ... and puts the whole lens in The Way I feel.

If my Affections are Divided (insecurity, guilt, embarrassment or any other Emotion that is not Aligned with my Result) my Universe will divide its Movement. The Universe only needs to be ordered by the What ... and to polarize it, Continuously and nonnegotiably directing It towards that, feeling that the Realization is unfailing. Then ... it will happen.

How? Simply, by that Factor that all the Initiations, Cultures and Teachings of the history of mankind have had and have to deal with: by 'Chance'. As soon as the By Where, the Form, the How ... appears, that will be seen as a Fact of Luck. The 'Luck' Factor ... Hidden in The 'Ring' with which The Initiates identified themselves, for the Initiate is the one that Orders Luck.

STEP IV: ~ The Oracle of THE THING ~ EXPLANATION: Am I going to The Thing?

If we have not justified ourselves to stop in the dark for not knowing The way forward ... we are now at the dawn of the Dawn; and the Thing we want will therefore begin to become visible.

To be aware that the Thing will be presented by pure chance ... is literally to be attentive to the world and every issue that the world puts before us. Clearly and sparkingly, the most everyday day is then transformed into the most vibrant adventure when we reach this Step where we know that everything that happens throughout the day (and even and especially at night, during Dreams) can be Lattice with the Thing to which we are heading.


At this Step, day by day we learn to recognize more easily and immediately the seeds of what InBocamos in the Thing that is presented to us ... and therefore, in that same act and at the same time, we learn to recognize if what InBocamos It is the Thing that we want ... or if, on the contrary, we have deceived ourselves with the Idea that we are going to That while in reality Where we are going is towards another Thing.

Whether the Thing had given Signs of diversion (eg I choose the wrong announcement when looking for work) or the Thing that appeared gives Harmonic Signs with what I want but moves away when I want to specify it, then ... more Magic is necessary. I must listen ... For the same InBocation that Casualizes the advance Casualizes the arrest. Listening to it, I will then disregard, perhaps, that the Order I am giving to the Universe ... makes the mistake of not locating the period of completion of The Thing I want. "Find a job" orders only that. And the Universe will be fulfilling my Word perfectly and 'neatly', find that job now ... or in ten years!

The Signs of the Thing that begin to 'materialize' guide us as true Lighthouses in our Journey, and will reveal to us that the Journey we are undertaking is not only towards a Result ... but towards a New Life in a New Universe. That same thing is pointing, externally, to the internal ..., which is where these steps originate.

But as well as externally, these Signals show us keys that are conditioning the Result in particular that we now want to achieve, the Hidden keys that from the inner world that same Thing Points ... condition not only this Result, but our entire life. Who hypothetically starred in the case of seeing that he does not specify the work he has already learned to 'go out to find', will discover that throughout his life, in all the 'orders', 'that' himself tries to settle: it is difficult for him to Increasingly, with each step you try to take, conclude the Things, until you finally got used to not concretizing most of the Things you open.

This Step is teaching us then one of the Tricks that we will learn the most to take as Allies on the Path of Magic: Read the external reflecting the internal. Symmetry that revolutionizes our entire Life ... by dissolving the illusory division between internal and external.

Reading the external Thing as a Sign of the internal is the same function and dimension that an Oracle has: Letters, Yarrow Stems or Stones ... are Signs that reveal aspects of myself that were hidden, and that are deciding my future and conditioning my destiny.

Biphasic START ... and The Sphinx

We have reached the central and decisive moment in The Path of Magic. How much the first Four Steps have been respected will depend on the quality, precision and power of the Magic that is detonated.

But a reaction is opposed to every action. Then, the greater the momentum achieved, the greater will inevitably be 'something' that will be presented trying to cancel it to restore balance. That 'something' ... is the Mythological and Millennial Sphinx. In the same way that, mythologically, this Character is composed of a collage of all the feared figures of each culture in which it appeared, The Sphinx that appears on the Way of the Magician will be a compendium of all 'that' that he has feared, has made him fall into traps, has made him more fearful, insecure and has managed to weaken him.

All the diversity of Sphinxes feared in myths condenses into the same three disguises. To know them is to know then ... The Logic of the Sphinx:

When the Biphasic Start is carried out, Something decisive has been learned for those who want to become a Magician: if my change of position From Where I faced the Tour allowed me to leave behind what seemed to stop me ... then never, ever, the obstacle that I would have The power to restrain or divert me comes from outside. If I brake myself against 'that', it is because from 'inside' I am 'Ordering' my Universe so that this obstacle presents itself as irresolvable. To become aware of this reality is to become aware of one of the three costumes that the Sphinx uses: if I already know that nothing from the outside can stop me ... every time I allowed myself to orient a combat outward I would be falling into the claws of a detour.

Of course, if The Sphinx cannot stop the Magician because he does not fall into the trap of believing that the obstacle is outside, but the Magician still does not see Signs of the Thing that bring him closer to the Result ... it is logical that then the Sphinx will try to persuade him of that if you still did not achieve That longed for is because it is not the time to achieve it, and therefore ... just wait. If the outward fight tries to stop by an aggressive and active route, the wait trap tries the same thing but by the passive route: if it is about waiting for the Thing to arrive ... That is outside.

And when the Magician accedes to a Reality where he learned deeply that neither the obstacle is outside, nor the arrival of what he wants to reach is outside, but he still did not reach That ... The Sphinx can still use one more resource: convince him that Then, if he does what he does, he could not yet achieve what he wants. That is not for him and then it is justified to stop moving towards That.

Treat yourself of Christ in the Desert, of Buddha under the Tree of Wisdom, or of every Initiate of every culture and every myth in the history of mankind, they all show that they have had to fight against The Sphinx, In its three forms. But, also, they all show that if they did not stop before their three disguises they came out so strengthened from each Combat that nothing else could separate them from the most intimate conviction of that the Power of the Universe is in Each One who never agrees to put the Power out.


Everything that, thanks to The Sphinx, we have been able to learn allows us to be warned and see clearly what to do whether the Thing gives non-harmonic signals or if there are no Signs of The Thing. In both cases, we will know that if we are not closer to what we want, it is because, simply, simply and concretely we are going to another place, and the Universe polarizes towards what we InBocamos with our Word, not where we have the Idea that we are directing to that Universe. And if we get here, we also know that it is La Listen that allows us to hide the detour and redirect our steps.

But together we know, also, Something much more valuable yet: all that we disregard from our detour is to Continue Moving towards our Result. There is no other possible decision for Who Addresses Magic. And such internal Combat towards the only possible Decision for the Magician should also be carried out even when the first Signs of The Thing appear and are perfectly harmonic. With what I want


If I proposed to find a job and the one I found is not even the one I want, but it gives me the peace of mind of being employed and having a secure salary at the end of the month. I am facing a situation that means a serious commitment to my ethics.

Actually, to get to this situation in which I will have to take a very serious decision, I have already had (very possibly without warning) that I have to make two other decisions.

The first is when reading that there were no signs of La Cosa, I have also decided to move forward.

The second is when I have decided whether such a signal is harmonic or not with what I want; which demands a non-negotiable ethic of no self-deception for me.

But the third one is the one that will force me to a higher degree of demand, whose consequences will not fall solely and specifically on reaching or not the result that interests me, but rather that it leaves me In a position before myself on which everything will depend, absolutely everything in my life.

All Sphinxes are embodied in our environment when we are at this step: extremely lgicos arguments, common sense, fears, threats, anger. As we are facing a moment in which Everything in Our Lives is played, everything will be valid for The Sphinx.

What is really and deeply in this Step is being played ... is if our Desire to reach the Destination we want has such Magnitude as not to comply with the islets (Signs of the Thing) that are presented to us in the Journey to That ... and that they seem paradisiacal compared to the prospect of continuing to sail to the open ocean.

Finally, if the Destiny to which I am heading is to become a Magician ... what is here tested is whether I am so Reliable that the Universe detonates True Magic for Me. You must learn not to negotiate the Inegotiable. That is exactly what this Step teaches. And the non-negotiable thing is that Your Response, whatever happens and does not happen what does not happen ... is to continue moving towards what you want.

STEP VI: ~ The Magic of ENERGY ~ EXPLANATION: What happens to my Energy?

The Psychic directs the Energetic and the Energetic directs the Physical. That is the order of Inter-determination of the three planes, as taught by the Paradigm of Magic: from the Subtlest to the Dense. That is why it is infinitely more Effective to work from the Subtle, while that is what will move to the Dense.

The Energy moves to the Physical, but that Energy is directed From a more Subtle place still, that you want, decide ... and Order: 'That' is the Psychic. And within that Subtle field of the Psychic, the Subtlest of the Subtlest ... is the Word. That is the Subtlest from where the Universe can move. Which includes ... learn to move Our Energy. That is why, in This Step, The Magician learns the Secrets of the Most Powerful Energy Techniques on the Planet. Those that The Guardians of Wisdom applied to their environment and to themselves to precisely maintain and grow That Wisdom throughout the millennia.


Obviously it completely transcends the possibilities of a medium like this to try to develop such Secret Techniques, which the Teachers only Teach with the Most Decent Care and with the most rigorous Selection Criteria. That is why it is necessary to clarify and remember very explicitly two questions: first of all, that, anyway, Energy is a Secondary Stage, which only serves to amplify and accelerate what is ordered from the Psychic. And immediately: Energy energizes what we have set in motion from the Psychic. And of the energization of the Energy (not of its management) we can talk here.

To see the Factor with which to energize The Energy that will energize our Universe, it is only necessary to see the Daily Life with the eyes of a Magician. Someone finds himself without strength, absolutely depressed because he doesn't find what he wants in life. Suddenly, the miracle happens: the phone rings and you are notified that the job has been granted (for example). He jumps out of bed, runs around the house, rushes to clean himself and calls everyone to tell him. The Explosion of Energy is evident. But ... what varied in the dense, in the Physical? Nothing, absolutely nothing: he still did not receive his first salary. However ..., Your Energy has immediately become radiant. Why? Simply and concretely: because Something varied in His Psychism. The Psychic Directed the Energetic, which in turn directed the Physical.

Exactly That same explosion of Energy is what happens with Who comes to this Step in His Path of Magic. Well, along with what each section has revealed, it has become aware of Something else: we are discovering ourselves in contact with a Universal Lattice that connects everything and connects us with Everything. A State of Alert expands our consciousness, making us attend to issues of everyday life that used to pass us by (that is, they remained hidden) and, therefore, the Universe begins to disregard itself for us. And that ... activates our Energy and fills us with Brightness every time we remember it.

STEP VII: ~ The Magic of CASUALITY ~ EXPLANATION: Do I have enough Magic?

Unmatched materialization and growth begins to be experienced through more and more coincidences. At this Step, the Magic produced by chance will bring 'Something' (no longer just Signals and Ways) that brings us closer and drives much more powerfully towards the Result we want. And together with the coincidences, if that Magic that the Magician already manages to detonate is not enough yet, in the Steps that remain to him to Walk, to obtain the Result that Ordains… the Universe will also send him (of course, through His Ally, Chance) the System that is necessary for That. A System is an empowerment that will appear if it becomes necessary, by the level of Result required, to increase the Power and Efficiency of Magic. Such a System can be presented in this Step, or in Step IX; Well, sometimes in the last stage before arrival is when maximum reinforcements are required.


I Ching, Kybalion, Pyramids, Feng Shui, Kabalah, Astrology, Numerology, Dance, Incenses, Wu Wei, Tantra, Martial Arts, Yoga ... and a very long list of and so on. All are Magic Systems; Each one displaying all His Power in some area. Systems that at the same time that can be a great help when you are in a position to use them ... constitute a real chaos if from them you intend to access the Use of the Hidden Forces of the Universe: because without a Method, all those possibilities quickly transform in a loss that will have us for years bouncing between them as snobs of the 'new age' on duty.

For in the same way that it would be ridiculous to believe that a CD with the precise data of the astrological constellations can work and perhaps serve for something without the Computer ... equally ridiculous is trying to use the Magic Systems without His Method. Without a 'Computer' that guides all 'that', what you get is a progressive loss that (at most and in the 'best' case) produces specialists in studying the branches of a Tree ..., which never They even know that The Tree exists.

Each of the Systems that Magic uses is not born to be an end in itself ... but to do Magic. Therefore, if he does not get caught up in the siren songs and continues to turn towards his Result, the Magician will grow and develop through them 'systematically' and 'methodically' increasing and more powerful resources of Magic.

Thus, the more the Wizard travels and higher is what he intends to achieve, the more of the Universe he is concealed and more Magic is at his disposal ..., reaching levels at which the System he needs can no longer even be 'learned', but it will only need to be detonated and developed: we are referring to the Potentials that until then remained hidden. Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Astral Travel, Expanded States of Consciousness, Lucid Dreams and any other Potential System that my Psychism needs to use to achieve what I order from my Universe are then present, detonated with spontaneity.

STEP VIII: ~ The Magic of NEGOTIATION ~ EXPLANATION: What do I do with what others want?

It makes no sense to go to InBocar to the confines of the Universe what is necessary for a Result while ignoring what every day can take me to That. It is in the daily framework where I must intertwine, take advantage, defend and expand what I obtained through the Universal framework. True Challenge ... because in everyday life it is usually where the Shine is dramatically resigned.

Before venturing into the application of the Magician Method to Negotiations ... Something literally fundamental must be taken into account: a Quadruple Ethical Premise that should never be ignored in a Negotiation, as doing so would inevitably curb every possibility of Magic.

First, it is decisive to remember that it is never about aiming to change the Other. That respect for the Other will be nothing more than the outward reflection of a much deeper respect: The Respect for Myself and what I want to achieve.

The Second Ethical Premise: whatever happens, the negotiation is 'won' or 'lost', continue to address the desired outcome ... That is non-negotiable.

The Third Ethical Premise is that my Result never depends on what I face in the Negotiation. As powerful as it may seem to me, however conditioning I think it is for what I want to achieve… Magic can do more.

The Fourth Ethical Premise is: lying is a bad method. Being willing to lie is the demonstration that 'pleasing' the Other became more important than what I offer ... and that I myself. And, under such conditions, both my product and myself become disposable.


When two people 'interact' in a negotiation, around a Thing there is a chaos of Ideas that develop, with respect to which both parties only manage to make some Image ..., and therefore it will be directed by the Negotiation who manages to Listen to that Idea that, hidden behind that Image, reveals what the Thing is really to be achieved.

An example. Someone attends an interview responding to a demand for staff to attend the children of a home. With Listening, it is detected, for example, that the mother of the children to be cared for feels undervalued and that the Idea hidden behind the Thing she imagines she is looking for ... is that she expects some recognition from the husband. Disappointed 'that' ..., I have already located Where to direct my Words. Quien sitúe Palabras tales como “los dueños de casa, en los lugares donde trabajo, siempre están muy a gusto conmigo”, será descalificado de inmediato. Pero quien, en cambio, con frases que (sin mentir) apunten a investir los servicios que ofrece con factores como “los esposos de las personas que me contratan siempre las felicitan por la elección que han tomado”…, tendrá todo el Universo de la selección polarizado y Casualizado de su lado.

Si lo que digo para ofrecer mi producto lo limito a las Ideas que se me ocurren obtendré un Universo de caos. En cambio si apoyo en la Escucha las Palabras con las que hago mi ofrecimiento, y con lo Escuchado invisto y recubro mi Factor Diferencial (lo que ofrezco de diferente), Ordeno un Universo arm nico.

Si este paso es algo Clave es porque, despu s de la Negociaci n, Lo interno y Lo interpersonal incrementaron definitivamente su convergencia y se han Polarizado hacia Lo que queremos. Esto equivale a estar en el umbral de alcanzar La Concreci n de La Gran Realizaci n.

PASO IX: ~ La Magia de CONCRETAR ~

EXPLICACI N: Estoy en Condiciones de Alcanzar Eso que tanto Deseo?

Tenemos ante nuestra vista el tramo final del Camino que nos conduce a Nuestro Resultado. Entonces, es tiempo de un Examen Final. Exactamente igual que cuando estamos muy cerca de pasar de a o en el sistema escolar, deberemos poner a prueba qu Aprendimos en todo lo Recorrido. Solo as podremos Estar a la Altura de La Gran Realizaci n.


Todo lo Recorrido nos ha Ense ando Secretos del Universo que nos estaban absolutamente Ocultos. Y si hemos logrado llegar hasta ac es porque muchos obst culos han sido sorteados . Si hemos aprendido a sortear tantos obst culos que antes nos habr an detenido o desviado no tendremos inconvenientes entonces en v rnoslas de nuevo con todos y cada uno de ellos. Y ni detenernos ni desviarnos, sino simplemente seguir Avanzando ser nuestra confirmaci n de que cuando eso se presenta ya no tiene poder sobre nosotros. Por eso, en este Paso, todas las Esfinges saldr na nuestro paso nuevamente. Uno a uno, los obst culos que hemos debido enfrentar y vencer se presentar n otra vez, pero ahora la gran diferencia est en que el Desaf o es lograr no atenderlos.

Si tenemos la Idea de estar seguros de que ya los hemos vencido, pero cuando aparecen otra vez tenemos que presentarles combate, entonces no estamos tan seguros, y por lo tanto no es tan claro que los hayamos vencido. Deberemos, en ese caso, rebotar una y otra vez contra eso, hasta liberarnos de necesitar enfrentarlo. Pero si cuando se presenta ese mismo obst culo que s lo unos Pasos atr s nos dominaba, desviaba o deten a, ahora simplemente seguimos caminando, entonces s lo hemos Vencido, pues nos hemos liberado de eso.

Cerca de la cima es donde m s distracciones, deserciones, contratiempos y accidentes se producen. Why? Por el mismo motivo que constituye el riesgo m s peligroso de este Paso: lo que ya hab amos enfrentado y vencido al dirigirnos hacia nuestra Tierra Prometida no aparecer necesariamente bajo la Imagen en que lo conocemos y tampoco asociado directamente en su Forma respecto a Eso que queremos alcanzar, sino que podr presentarse en cualquier otra Forma y, especialmente, en cualquier otra rea de nuestra vida, no donde lo esper bamos. Y muy probablemente donde menos lo esper bamos, donde menos habr amos supuesto y donde menos nos gustar a encontrarlo. Lo examinado es si hemos filtrado en realidad en nuestras vidas ese obst culo, no si solo podemos no detenernos ante eso seg n el rea en que se presente.

PASO X: ~ La Magia de LA MAGIA ~

EXPLICACI N: Qu Hice para Llegar?

El Viaje llega a Destino. Las Fuerzas me han Asistido. Ahora el Universo sabe que puede Contar Conmigo. tica e innegociablemente Hago lo que Digo, y nada logra desviarme de Eso. Entonces Las Fuerzas Universales pueden tener en cuenta lo que digo que har y Asistirme para lograrlo. El Viaje llega a Su Destino, pero no a su Fin: Llegar a la Tierra Prometida no es sin nimo de haberla Conquistado. Cuando El Viaje por fin lleg a Destino, el Paso X reci n Se Inicia. Desembarcar en el Puerto que parec a imposible alcanzar pero ser vencidos o rechazados en cuanto damos unos pocos pasos en la Nueva Tierra transformaría en inútil haber llegado hasta ahí.


Sobran los exponentes que en la cima de su gran logro de pronto enferman, tienen un accidente, caen trágicamente en adicciones o simplemente de pronto cometen un error en sus decisiones, el cual se traduce en la pérdida de todo lo alcanzado. ¿Qué falló? Bien, hemos llegado a Destino gracias a lo que se logró filtrar. ¿Qué sucede con lo que no se filtró? Todo 'eso' que quedó como sedimento impuro, ahora lógicamente tenderá a instalarse en el nuevo Lugar al que se logró llegar.

Es Quien llegó a ese Nuevo Lugar quien debe transformarse en el custodio que cierra el paso e impide avanzar a 'eso' que, de lograr ingresar, instalaría lo peor del ciclo anterior y transformaría en inútil el Viaje realizado. What to do? Para Eso el Paso X aporta Su Truco, que será Clave: Jamás debe suponerse la llegada a Destino como el capítulo final que concluye la Obra…, sino como el primer capítulo de la Obra Siguiente.

El I Ching tiene una propuesta para esta situación: “Meditar para anticiparse a la Desgracia.” Meditar, pero ¿en qué? Exactamente Eso es lo que Enseña El Método De la Magia en Este Paso. Pues tendremos que Escucharnos Responder las Tres Preguntas que nos permitirán Custodiar qué ingresará y qué no dejaremos que ingrese en la Tierra Nueva a la que hemos llegado.

Primera Pregunta: ¿Desde Dónde lo hemos Logrado? ¿Qué hemos logrado efectivamente filtrar de 'eso' que, gracias al Viaje realizado, descubrimos que debíamos filtrar?

Atender a Eso y asegurarnos de que siga afuera 'eso' ya filtrado es lo que permitirá Habitar la Tierra Nueva y que, independientemente del tiempo que transcurra, siga siendo 'Nueva'.

Segunda Pregunta: ¿Desde Dónde no lo hemos Logrado? ¿Qué vimos en el Viaje que deberíamos haber filtrado y no lo hemos hecho aún?

En los momentos donde todo corría serio riesgo ¿fuimos nosotros mismos quienes lo hemos Resuelto, o tal vez dependimos de la Casualidad y/o de algún Compañero de Viaje que lo resolvió una y otra vez por nosotros? Todo 'eso' que ya se detectó que debería haberse filtrado y aún no se filtró debe ser inmediatamente expulsado de la Tierra Nueva. Y Para Eso… Habrá que hacer 'Excursiones', que pueden llevarse a cabo en ese mismo Territorio Nuevo: es innegociable imponernos Desafíos cuyo único objetivo es el de asegurarnos que podemos Resolver 'eso' que dejamos sin Resolver.

Tercera Pregunta… y tal vez la más excitante: ¿Qué cambió de Mi Realidad para Lograr Esta Nueva Realidad?

Está todo eso que, desde la tierra anterior y durante todo el Viaje, nos parecía normal, positivo y defendible en nosotros mismos…; todo 'eso' que ni sospechábamos que deberíamos filtrar en nosotros, hasta que esta Nueva Tierra nos lo empieza a mostrar.

Y como ahora La Fiesta es cotidiana… estaremos, casi sin darnos cuenta, ante La Enseñanza Final y Fundamental de este Paso, la que debe ser tenida en cuenta con la mayor seriedad, y que de no considerarse amenazará de inmediato El Logro Alcanzado y nuestra permanencia en el Método Desde Donde lo alcanzamos: Es imprescindible, es innegociable, es urgente y es vital…

¡Aprender a Festejar el Logro! Todas las Culturas Iniciáticas lo demuestran con total nitidez. Las fechas dedicadas a los Rituales de Festejo, Disfrute y Agradecimiento son tan importantes e ineludibles como las que previamente habían sido dedicadas a las Ofrendas, Peticiones, Trabajos e InBocaciones. Festejar para Recuperar fuerzas, y para InBocar Nuevas Fuerzas con las que emprender lo que Por Sí Mismo El Mago aprehendió, es lo más Magnífico que puede hacer en y con Su Vida: Su Próximo Viaje Iniciático… por El Mapa De La Magia.

Publicado por Revista Athanor:

José Luis Parise es un investigador, escritor y psicoanalista argentino, autor del libro El Otro Camino (entre otros). Creó la Primera Escuela EDIPO en Latinoamérica, donde se integran los temas iniciáticos con el psicoanálisis.


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