LORD KUTHUMI AND VENERABLE MELQUIZEDEC - Detachment of entities and advanced transmutation

I am Kuthumi, and I present myself on the Rays of Love and Wisdom, to welcome each of you this morning and to bring to each one blessings of trust, understanding, receptivity, and conscience.

Greetings, dear. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we can meet with each of you on this day while keeping you firmly in the heart of Christ, and securely over the Hands of God. Dear ones, by meeting with you in the presence of the Light of Christ, we extend our light, love and support to each other in the creation of geometric grids and energetic formations that will contribute to the purification process that you will experience today. The attachment of entities is something that is not given almost attention. Nor is there much talk about it; However, it is important that people are aware of how the energies that are outside their own being, and through being, impact their life.

There are a number of forms or attachments to identity; A number of different types of entities and these energies are able to interact with the 3rd dimension. His kingdom within the astral belt of the fourth dimension is a kingdom that feeds the darkness, if it can be called that; of their consciences - the knowledge of the dark part of being, that is, the consciousness that exists within the unenlightened being. Darkness is only the absence of light, and when the particles of light stagnate, darkness arises. Therefore, to transmute the darkness, all one needs to do is simply reactivate the light particles again. This is accomplished through the powerful Law of Attraction through the Laws of Intention, and conscious co-creation. This does not only apply to the outside world, but also largely to yourself. You have heard of trapped souls, lost souls, you may have heard of entities in the form of other creatures - reptilians, draconians, grays, and many others. These are simply names with which the force that chooses to focus on darkness is called.

Now that I have explained what darkness is, perhaps you will understand how darkness could begin to exist, and why. When any of you, regardless of who you are, or your spiritual, emotional or mental progress you choose to focus primarily on darkness, or whatever lacks light, you risk attracting entities.

However, that is not the only thing that attracts entities; There are also many, many Lightworkers who attract the attention of these beings due to the large amount of light they emit. These entities, although they focus on darkness under their own choice, possess an internal desire to be released. However, because they do not know how, they remain within the quagmire of such darkness, wishing for light. As soon as they see the light, they will gravitate towards it, and that is why we have told the Lightworkers on countless occasions that one is to be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually mature; with a very equal balance, because they can be spiritually as advanced as any of the greatest gurus on the planet, but if they are in a state of emotional development stopped at the age of 5, and they spent their entire lives reacting through the ego, entities will be coupled to that energy.

And in fact, it is the emotionally or mentally immature Lightworkers, who run the greatest risk of attachment of entities, simply because the light of the spirit captures the entity's attention and they approach and oh my God! What a party !, since the emotional aspects or lack of mental intelligence of being, are deepening in the dark, getting involved with all those negative energies. Therefore, you literally become a sweet and sour buffet of both types, the main course and the dessert to put it in some way! (Laughter) Many have said "But if I don't pay attention to the entities, why will they interfere with me?" Yes, that is correct. However, if you are focused on any area of ​​your life, on your limitations, on the negativities, then you run the risk of an entity adhering to you.

Therefore, all the teachings that have been granted to you, all the books that are at your fingertips, and now even with "The Secret", which I am sure you can all see clearly consist of all the messages that I, Kuthumi and many of the other Ascended Masters have been giving humanity over the past 50 years, through a certain number of channels.

It's all there - all the tools are at your disposal, and everyone has access to it now. The arrival of the Secreto, so to speak, is the confirmation that mass consciousness is being given an opportunity to break the chains and break free. This has come as a result of some of the eliminations of plugs that have been taking place. I would like to talk a little more about this topic before continuing to explain the adhesions of entities.

The Plugs are implants that were placed several times during their evolution. They have been put there for a number of different entities, for different reasons; The main reason, of course, is to keep them in a state of disempowerment, to have them as victims. But now, everyone knows that you can only be a victim once, and then you volunteer for the experience (Laughter) I say it in case you started saying Oh yes, I've been a victim, poor of me! (Laughter)

The removal of these plugs has occurred over a long period of time and now at an accelerated rate; and most of you have done so automatically your personal guides. I, Kuthumi, have carried it out personally and there have been a certain number of other systems and modalities that have facilitated the removal of these implants; the memory blockers, if you think so. These were inserted into different parts of the body and interfered with in the central nervous system, and the body's ability to read the energy around it. The numbness of certain levels of the nervous system, and in fact, of most of the brain, has kept humanity ignorant regarding the power of the soul in a human body, and therefore, the power of the human. All this is changing now; It has been changing and all of you are able to preserve these changes.

Today we will eliminate the plugs of the 7 main chakras and with the help of the Pleiadian Masters and Lord Melchizedek, together with the sacred geometric formations that will be introduced, the pr The next 33 days will be a process of simple dismantling of these plugs so to speak, or transmuting the plug into a key, which in itself is a process very powerful

You have completed what is called Kali Yuga The Great Dream. This ended a long time ago, and the more you have worked with yourself the closer you have come to claim your full perception, total awareness, total recovery of memory. This memory recovery will be achieved in your present incarnation, if you choose it that way. And you will choose that simply because you have chosen to practice the Divine Principles of Attraction, and become the master of your own life.

Most of you have been exposed to a great deal of my teaching. And during the last three years, in particular, my teachings have focused on guiding you, directing you towards yourself, to those places of power where The Secret ”as you call it, exists. And now we tell you, you are going to find THE secret about the "Secret" and perhaps there will be some deeper secrets about the secret of "The Secret" (Laughter). Doesn't this sound like an announcement of the “Da Vinci Code)? Yes? (more laughter) Everyone adding their opinion, and so on, so let's start before it all starts! We are going to give you the secret within the secret and all the secrets! (lots of laughs) Maybe you want to divulge some secrets? Build your own secret, but of course, it would no longer be a secret because everyone knows it! So why do they call him “The Secret? Some clue…? I do not know either. (Many laughs)

When it is understood that the lightest part of life is what keeps the flow of energy, and it is what will lead them to the realms of a total recovery of memory. Humor, laughter, lightness, are all key ingredients to maintain those foundations that you are creating for yourself. One of the reasons I have been insisting for a while about bringing information related to the blackness of gossiping around, judging, criticizing, and ridiculing others, is for that reason. You cannot recover your memory completely if you are clinging to darkness. When you establish yourself in another's judge, you are rejoicing in the dark. When you rumble over others, you are loitering in the dark. When you keep envy and hate in your heart towards another, you are recreating yourself in the dark. Jealousy, greed, lust, all those vices are the portals to the dimensions of darkness.

You have been going through an intense journey trying to get away from these dimensional influences and entering the fluid universe, which is what all the work of the 6th dimension is about and that I gave you not so long ago. In anchoring the fluid universe - the 6th Ray of Fluid Love, was part of it, and perhaps those of you who took part in it at that time, remember that we said that no one would be able to access the true abundance of Christ Consciousness through of the 8th dimension unless, it came from the 6th dimension of Fluid Love.

Everything we say has a purpose because we work with the greater vision. We gave them pieces of the puzzle, and we helped them put them together; All we ask them to do is listen, trust us, and apply what they are learning. Even in times when you think to yourself that the spiritual path is actually a cosmic joke, and that you have been the main point of the universe's humor, or the favorite of this channel, - God has lost his marbles and He is going around the world to look for them! (Laughs)

All this has a purpose; The Spirit never acts without a purpose. There are an infinite number of plans that are joining now. There is a Plan A, most of you have a Plan B and C, and the Universe reaches the Plan Z! (Laughter) There has never been an overlooked aspect; Everything is taken into consideration. Therefore, when we suggest that you take some time and withdraw from everything, we say it for something. When we ask you to rest your body, and pay attention to what your body is feeling, we say it for a reason.

When we tell them that gossip, criticism, judgment, rejection and ridicule is black magic, we say it with conviction. And this not only happens when you project it towards others; It is even worse when you do it to yourself. Don Miguel Ruiz, who anchored the teachings of "The Four Agreements", recognizes and repeats that the teachings of gossiping teachers is the blackest magic of all, because words have so much power. Now let me explain something representative to you, beloved ones. Words are power, because they embody vibrations, vibrations that you may not necessarily feel, or even understand. But you feel the effects of the vibrations of these words. When someone, for whom you care deeply, says "I love you", his body responds positively. When this same person tells them something negative, their body goes into shock, withdraws and often feels emotional and even physical pain. It is the vibration of those words and in turn the understanding that you have of the definition of those words, which hurts you. So, that's what it does when it happens face to face.

When people sit together for the sole purpose of gossiping about the lives of others, simply because they do not like their lifestyle, or the way they think, or because they are jealous of the person, there is envy, or not understand; So, you are playing with fire. The energy creates the formation, the vibration of this energy is a call to entities - "Hello here I am, come and take me, I have some" food "for you; A whole bowl of really tasty negative energy! ”This is something we all need to be aware of. However, all of this still gets worse. How many times have you entered your supermarket and see magazines everywhere shouting “LATEST CHISMES” !? What kind of energies is emitting that, huh? What invites them to do? He is inviting you to get involved in the drama of other people's lives, people he doesn't even know! This is distracting you from the purpose of your lives, distracting you from what is really important to you.

It is much easier to focus, and talk about other people's issues and point out how bad they are, how insecure and empty of integrity they are; and how you have ruined certain things that you thought were already ruined, and which you believed were lacking integrity. However, you do not know the total essence of that individual's life. If you talk about someone who has maintained an affair, and they judge you, "Oh my God!", "I thought he was so spiritual and committed" or "Oh my God! "I thought she was a healer, and look what she just did" What do you know about their lives and the circumstances that led to such behavior! You don't know anything about it.

You are focusing your attention on the surface and when you do this, you open the hatches of the dimensional astral fourth plane and literally invite the negative energies to join you when you speak gossiping. The other thing that you are doing - now that you know "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction", and it should be easy for you - is that the words that you let out through your mouths, you are bringing to this existence for themselves! So what happens is that other people will do the same behind their back, they will point out, reject and accuse them for lacking integrity, etc.! Why do you think that happens? Because you have engendered it in the process of expressing it; You have focused on that, and you have woven the magic. You have created your own black magic.

This causes the entities in the environment to adhere and feed on the energy that you have created in that environment. The person or people to whom you are judging, criticizing or speaking behind your back, is then under your psychic attack, for which you will be charged. Each person who participates in the activity of gossiping, etc. He has contracted karma with that person and will have to be balanced.

Therefore, gossip creates negative karma for you. The person who is receiving it, energetically speaking, on the other side, has been dramatically impacted and in such a way, that they can even get sick. Have you ever been on the other side receiving criticism, accusations, judgments and gossip? Or maybe I should ask, is there anyone here who has never experienced that? Anyone here? Group Replica: No, I wouldn't believe it that way. How did you feel inside? I am sure that if you try to remember, you may be able to remember that you might have felt as if all the energy had been taken drop by drop from your body; as if they became weak - shock, disbelief, sadness, sorrow, anger, guilt and shame - all these emotions present within you. And these are just the same emotions that are evoked in others always, and when you act in the same way.

Therefore, the process of attachment of entities is carried out in the blink of an eye, and you have greater access to you than you imagine. It is vitally important that you understand the subtleties of what it means to attract them to your personal space. I should add at this point that when one is talking to another person, at most 2 people about a particular issue that you have, about someone else, or their thoughts or feelings regarding the actions of another; or getting rid of something so to speak, is a different scenario, because his intention is not to gossip or attack, his intention is to relieve himself, to have a shoulder to cry on, someone who can give them maybe some guidelines to follow, a sense, or Some clarity regarding what you are experiencing.

In some cases it will be necessary for you and 3 more people so that the Structure of the 4 elements is in place. You always introduce the Spirit into a situation where the Spirit mediates the energies and facilitates transmutation, but if you have something pending with someone and you are talking to one, perhaps, two, or three of your best friends, or a very good friend. Good and a therapist, that's fine. But when you go later and tell the injustice that this person did with you, to anyone who lends itself to listen to you; Well then, my dear ones, you are gossiping! It will be creating a psychic mud that will attract to you an entity that will feed on such pure energy, and plainly. Has this been clear enough for all of you? Group Answer: Yes. Very good.

The other reason I give you this information is because you don't have to use your precious energy or time focusing on the dramas of other people's lives when there is so much in your life that it requires your attention. It may not necessarily be issues that need to be solved. Instead, such energy can be used in a creative way. That is energy that you can use to give lubricant to your life, to be inspired, to invent new creations, ideas, to invest such energy in your life, in your service work, in your healing training. n, in your career, or whatever you choose to do.

Attract that energy to YOU ​​and direct it along the flow of your purpose and your plan. Remember that feeling attracted to conversations that deal with the lives of other people, other than in a healing context, is being tempted to ignore their own lives. You are getting distracted from what is really important. Therefore, negativity will literally lead to distraction; by ignoring your own beings you will lead yourself to distraction; fearing a time of silence for oneself causes them to incur distraction; fear of creation makes them distracted. Then an entity enters into you. What does this cause? It adheres to you through its most vulnerable chakra; normally the solar plexus or the sacral. After a period of time, you feel reluctant, depressed, angry, everything irritates you, everything you see bothers you, and the affairs of others irritate you, and how much more If you get irritated, frustrated and angry, it will become more delicious as food! Therefore, this entity will ensure that its focus remains more negative because it is what it feeds on. No matter how much light you want, you need what makes you survive your fear, your negativity.

All anger attracts negativity. Now, I'm not talking about having a bad day, or a few bad days. When this happens continuously, there is a 98% chance that there is an entity attached to you. Sometimes, entities adhere through a habitable space. They will be within spaces in which you physically penetrate. It could be a house to which they move, the land they inhabit, a place they visit; Even driving through an area that you experience as too heavy and dark has these negative presences. They exist because there is negativity.

They will adhere to you if they choose to insist on the negative; I repeat that this is not about having a bad day or a bad week; but during that period of time, I encourage you to do something for it; to take oneself through the process of reaching the depths of what is wrong with you. There are a number of ways, and I know that most of you usually / can visit your own therapists. Keep them busy, that's why they have them there! This will clear them. The lighter they are retained, the more it will cost them to adhere. Why? Because the vibrations of light are so fast and so high that they are unable to adhere to them because their frequency is much denser than that of light; So there is no way to get hooked, or get stuck, or throw a rope to any of your vulnerable chakras. Often, entities use situations where there are drugs involved; Even where alcohol is consumed in excess, this creation is brought to light. This type of creation is a kind of template, a signature, a business card, if you think, that puts the entity on alert about its availability.

Now, using drugs and abusing alcohol frequently is very dangerous. Alcohol consumption creates a channel within the body that goes through all the chakras, and as it does, leaves a seed of negativity. So the alcohol that is consumed regularly, plants these seeds. You are conceiving these seeds for the excessive consumption of alcohol due to the vibration that alcohol contains, and as for what you do with your body, it is what causes the degenerative process. However, drugs have a different effect on the body than alcohol.

While alcohol has a rather physical effect, drugs work at many other levels and impact on the 3rd eye and the crown chakras mainly. They give rise to the beginning of the degeneration of the pineal and pituitary glands, causing a tremendous impact on the hypothalamus. This is happening to the cerebral cortex where another degenerative process begins. Now, if alcohol and drugs are consumed at the same time, all brain cells that are being dehydrated become inflamed to allow even greater amounts of negative energy to enter the body. A dehydrated body is also very vulnerable to negative energy. So when the brain is so toxic and is so intoxicated by both substances, oh my God !; You have just literally opened the floodgates to hell, so to speak. In particular, with individuals who have no idea what they are opening to.

Many have said that using hallucinogenic drugs is harmless when they know what is being done. Not in any way; particularly if there are still traumas blocked in their bodies. If you still have deep wounds, you run the risk of opening up to something that you may not know how to deal with. Alcohol does not have the same impact as drugs. We want to tell you to be very careful of any individual who approaches them under the guise of Spiritual Journey or any type of introspective trip using hallucinogenic substances. If you are completely calm in all your processes, then go ahead; for all! However, if there is any trauma even in the cells of your body, you are exposing yourself to a great risk, even if there are facilitators that support you in that space. You open yourself to the astral world where there are things that you cannot even glimpse. The reason why they exist is because humanity has caused them to arise through negativity and fear, and each of them will serve to develop the former; therefore, being in an environment where there is a lot of alcohol use / drug abuse, means that not only are you enjoying with your friends, but with a couple of invisible cronies too! And ... who can say what they have in their agenda? (Laughs)

Most of the entities related to alcohol and drugs are probably the size of a 2-year-old child. However, the hole known as the mouth, resembles one of its sea creatures called shark. And this entity literally clings firmly to the Seat of the Soul that is located at the back of the neck over the occipital area where the oblong medulla is located. Then insert a tube into the Soul Seat through the entire cerebral cortex, it extends to the pineal gland, to the pituitary gland, and literally absorbs all of your light. It also feeds on all the information in your brain; It feeds on all the information in your cerebrospinal fluid, because it can take advantage of your central nervous system. Therefore, it has access to all its parallel stocks; and God help any of your parallel existences in which you may be having a bad time; because, oh my God, it will attract that negativity into your space as well; reason why individuals have had to submit to the so-called exorcisms, and in which they are literally possessed by aspects of their parallel or alternative inner selves, which have been highly traumatized by an event; and part of their energy has been ripped through time and space, and merged with your staff.

Entities also enter here that in search of a way of expression, can take charge of their energy and manage themselves through your life. This has happened and continues to happen. But it happens, however, 9.5 times out of 10, to people who don't know what they are doing; when playing with energies they don't understand, so ignorance is so dangerous. If you are feeling attracted to something, investigate it before getting involved. If you are going on vacation, you would like to know where you are going; what is there, and where are you going to stay. If you are going to start a new profession, you will find more information than you expect to know about what it means to do that career, and more about the company that you could choose to apply for a job, right? In your physical life you do that, and why not then, in the rest? It is equally important.

All this information is very important because you are going to come into contact with individuals who are suffering as a result of the accession of entities. It may not be as intense as a possession, but it is those individuals who are so decayed, depressed and disillusioned with life and who do not know what to do, where to go, or who to go to in case of help. And with this knowledge at your disposal you will be in the position of informing them with vital and valuable information, educating them and also yourselves.

Today's lesson goes directly through the core of his being, because it is not about judging or gossiping about the other; It's about you. It is also about the intentions that motivate them, which become part of the grid that determines their outer life. As more and more plugs are unplugged, the more they remember, the more awareness they have of everything; The more attractive you are and not only to physical human beings, they will be also for those other entities. You are, however, driven by the knowledge that you cannot interfere with you when you know what to do.

So, this little piece of theory, so to speak, constitutes a good foundation for you, the basis from which you will work. I must add that Mr. Melchizedek is asking me to repeat that it is vital that they not join the drama of other people through criticism, gossip, judge, ridicule, etc., since they will reverse the creation of forms Sacred geometric we are about to create with you. In fact, he is telling me that everything that will be done today will be dismantled or completely reversed by those types of energies, since they will convert the particles of light into dark and stagnant energy.

Therefore, any type of density; Deliberate density will stop what you will be doing today. Therefore, beloved ones, be aware of who you are with. That is the power of discernment. Be aware of the conversations in which you get involved. Be aware of the material they read, what they watch on television, what they hear on the radio, what they read in a book, all of this influences their thoughts. It is a vibration. You get involved in what is being heard in these media and it becomes part of your reality. – que es por lo que la humanidad experimenta el nivel de violencia, persecución, odio, y destrucción que posee. Porque, ¿Qué es lo que le encanta hacer a un humano medio en el Planeta Tierra la mayor parte del tiempo? Solo tienen que echar una ojeada a los títulos de películas que más se venden en los cines, las revistas que más venden, las letras en la música de sus discos más oídos, y allí encontrarán su respuesta. Así de poderosa es la Ley de Atracción y así de poderosos son ustedes; cada uno de ustedes en la Tierra, ya que la humanidad ha creado el mundo donde ustedes habitan. Su mundo es hoy un reflejo externo del mundo interior de cada humano en el planeta. Entonces, comencemos con el aspecto energético de la transmisión de hoy.

Por favor, pónganse cómodos. Relajen su cuerpo respirando profundamente, exhalando por completo y simplemente permitiendo a sus músculos que se apacigüen, y cierren sus ojos, sino lo han hecho aún. Tomen otra respiración profunda, exhalando a través de su boca, y permitiendo a los músculos en su cuerpo relajarse. Tomen conciencia de la relajación de sus músculos en su cuero cabelludo, los músculos de alrededor de los ojos, los de alrededor de su boca, su mandíbula, y su cuello. Dejen caer sus hombros, relajen su pecho, relajen su estómago, permitan que se relajen los músculos de su espalda, sus brazos, sus manos. Permitan que sus caderas se ablanden hundiéndose en sus asientos. Relajen la parte superior de sus muslos, relajen los músculos de sus pantorrillas, sus tobillos, y sus pies, y respiren.

Les pedimos que invoquen conscientemente la presencia de todos sus guías personales, Maestros, y Ángeles (pausa); acompañándoles a ellos se encuentra el Señor Melquizedek, y 13 de los Maestros Pleyadianos de Luz. (Pausa) Estos 13 Maestros Pleyadianos, representan a las 12 hebras de su ADN, y ustedes los seres humanos conscientes, serán el 13er elemento. They represent the 12 paths of their destiny; the 12 aspects of his masculine and feminine; the 12 months of your year; las 12 horas de luz del día, y las 12 horas nocturnas, con ustedes que siempre son el 13er elemento. Mr. Melchizedek represents the one who is qualified to make decisions, take action, and the teacher, the guide and instructor who contacts you through your intuition. Cuando estén listos, permitan a los 13 Maestros Pleyadianos que pasen a su campo sagrado de energía, y que se reúnan cerca y alrededor de ustedes. While they are doing so, they bind to their 12 strands of DNA (pause). El 13avo Maestro Pleyadiano se conecta con ustedes, el humano que son aquí y ahora (pausa)

Ellos también envían energía a seis vidas paralelas que representan el pasado, ya seis que representan el futuro, todas vinculadas desde aquí y ahora; el 13er elemento (pausa). They connect with the 12 months of their year, 12 hours a day, and 12 hours a night; los seis aspectos de su parte masculina, y los 6 aspectos de su parte femenina (pausa). Breathe as this network is built, and relax (pause). El Señor Melchizedek ahora se manifiesta a si mismo directamente en frente de ustedes junto con los Maestros Pleyadianos agrupados cerca y alrededor de usted. El les mira a sus ojos y les pide que por favor, mantengan su mirada fija (pausa). Mientras que él hace esto, el comienza a emitir un sonido profundo de vibración desde su garganta, el cual se extiende a su chakra de la garganta (pausa). Esta vibración comienza ahora a crear una energía ondulante a través de su campo de energía, ya través de sus seis surcos de tiempo pasados y seis de las líneas de tiempo futuros. Sus seis aspectos masculinos y femeninos, y todas las otras energ as y lugares a las que los Maestros Pleyadianos est n enlazados. Esta vibraci n ondulante representa a Decodificadores Divinos que autom ticamente comienzan a activar la rejilla del desprendimiento de entidades.

Esta rejilla siempre es creada de manera divina por la Madre y el Padre Divinos, en el momento en que ustedes llegan al Ser. Es una expresi n Divina de nuestros Padres C smicos, y fue creada para este prop sito, pero solamente pod a ser integrada, cuando estuviesen preparados; cuando ustedes lo pidieran. La raz n de ello es que esta capa crea una especie de invisibilidad, por decirlo de alguna manera, a su alrededor. Sin embargo, tambi n requiere que por su parte ustedes se embarquen en un poderoso viaje de madurez. Por consiguiente, cualquier aspecto suyo que se encuentra en un estado de desarrollo atrofiado, ser remediado, y se les instar a reanimarse para que se ponga al mismo nivel que el resto. Por lo tanto, amados, si ustedes est n conscientemente deseosos de embarcarse en este viaje de maduraci n, y est n conscientemente dispuestos y preparados para experimentar el viaje de reclamar los aspectos de ustedes que han estado en una etapa de desarrollo atrofiado, entonces, denle permiso al Se or Melchizedek para que siga adelante. Si hay entre ustedes alguno que no desea hacerlo, entonces, les pedimos que por favor, sean tan amables de salir del c rculo por ahora, y vuelva con nosotros cuando la activaci n est completa (larga pausa) Imag nense una sensaci n de ligero hormigueo subiendo por sus columnas; algunos de ustedes pueden incluso sentir acompa ado con calor (pausa).

Empiecen a notar esta energ a ahora entrando en su chakra base desde el centro de su rea p lvica, subiendo por la columna, e imag nenselo penetrando su tronco encef lico seg n se va colocando en la gl ndula pineal, la gl ndula pituitaria, y todas las c lulas de su cerebro (pausa). Seg n esta energ a va subiendo por su columna, comienza a filtrarse por los nervios espinales hasta que se encuentra completamente aunada a su sistema nervioso central (pausa). These are the connection cords that link you to this layer; la Sagrada Capa de la Divinidad, que retiene el Anteproyecto de nuestros Padres C smicos, y que se convierte en su escudo de invisibilidad (pausa). La energ aa lo largo de su columna puede intensificarse, algunos de ustedes pueden sentir como se concentra en un chakra concreto; s lo permitan que fluya y respiren hacia dentro del chakra; y si sienten alguna energ a intensific ndose y atasc ndose, o haci ndose demasiado intensa (pausa), visual cenla como un ri de luz que fluye libremente.

Esta energ a proviene del coraz n del cuerpo de la Madre Tierra, lo cual es una manifestaci nf sica de un aspecto de nuestra Divina Madre C smica, y desde este aspecto f sico de ella proviene la luz con la que ella les alimenta (pausa). Ahora comenzar na notar que los ojos del Se or Melchizedek se vuelven m s claros y casi como si estuvieran hechos de l quido (pausa). Su visi n puede volverse ligeramente borrosa seg n siguen mir ndole, y notar n que de cada uno de sus ojos sale una estrella tetra drica tridimensional (terminada en cuatro planos o caras); they appear as floating in the air between you and him. Estas dos estrellas tetra dricas provienen de los chakras del coraz n de sus Divinos Padres C smicos, y seg n las observan notar n como se van acercando entre si, y se hacen una (pausa). Tomen una profunda inspiraci ny seg n exhalan, esta estrella tetra drica se expande, y contin a haci ndolo hasta que pueda acomodar c modamente a ustedes, los Maestros Pleyadianos, sus gu as, y el Se or Melquizedek (pausa). Ahora solo les pedimos que dejen que sus cuerpos respondan a las energ as a las que est n siendo expuestos.

These energies are being emitted from the tetrahedral star; son energ as sintonizadas con mucha precisión que penetran sus cuatro (4) cuerpos inferiores y comienzan a reestructurar los sistemas a través de los cuales ustedes responden a la vida (pausa). También comienzan a penetrar en los 7 chakras de su cuerpo físico, y activan el proceso de transmutación de cualquier tapón en una llave, la llave que abre la puerta de su libertad (pausa). El Señor Melquizedek ahora alza sus manos y abre sus palmas, y miles de formas geométricas, figuras, energías, salen despedidas de los chakras de sus manos y comienzan a arremolinarse alrededor del cuerpo de ustedes, creando una vibración que inicia el desprendimiento más poderoso de entidades que hayan experimentado hasta la fecha (pausa). Sólo respiren mientras estas energías se fusionan con su campo de energía; cada una de ellas personifican un sistema muy intrincado de información. Ellas abren los senderos a la luz a través de los cuales toda densidad pasa y es transmutada en luz (pausa). Estos miles de formas geométricas sagradas, formas y vibraciones, alteran por entero el sonido de su frecuencia vibracional, y aumentan su tono, lo cual automáticamente desplaza cualquier adherencia de entidad alguna en la forma de pensamientos, emociones, actitudes, sistemas de creencias, percepciones, expectativas y miedos.

Sólo déjenlo pasar (pausa). EL 13er Maestro Pleyadiano coloca la palma de su mano izquierda con mucha delicadeza sobre el chakra corona suyo, para facilitar el flujo de energía que sale de su corona. La vibración que sale de la mano de este Maestro también expande la capacidad para absorber la luz de la Glándula Pituitaria, y la filtra a la Glándula Pineal; y esto comienza entonces a alterar a la estructura fisiológica de sus ojos, de sus oídos y de su habilidad para utilizar con mayor libertad su 3er ojo (pausa). Los cambios fisiológicos que tomarán lugar como resultado, forman una parte integrante de esta particular sanación y liberación (pausa). La transformación a la que ustedes han dicho “si” existe, y continuará alterando las estructuras de su vida, asegurando que cualquier cosa que refleje las adherencias de entidades y las limitaciones que resultan de los tapones, y otros implantes, sean eliminados por completo; dando como resultado que ustedes permanezcan dentro de la esencia y presencia de una de sus mas prístinas plantillas de por vida. Lo que esto hará por ustedes, amados, es darles literalmente una pizarra limpia. Muchos de ustedes se encontrarán haciendo cambios de una manera increíblemente rápida. Todos estos cambios son reflejos directos de los que se están llevando a cabo en su interior; como resultado de su elección, su deseo de liberarse de todos las adherencias en su vida; todo aquello que representa estancamiento, oscuridad, ilusión, limitaciones, y todo lo que lleva el mensaje de que usted está atrapado y de que es impotente, será eliminado, será trasmutado; será transformado porque a través de su proceso de maduración, tampoco nada de ello podrá permanecer.

Ustedes han elegido una completa reforma de su vida (pausa). El cuerpo, el cual es su morada, la estructura de su vida, y por consiguiente, su casa física; su carrera física, la gente que ha sido parte de su vida y las cosas en las que han estado involucrados pueden cambiar todas, porque no forman ya parte de ustedes. Tomen otra respiración profunda y relájense (pausa). La frecuencia en la cual las sagradas creaciones geométricas están siendo implementadas dentro de su campo de energía se acelera, y nuestros Padres Cósmicos: el Divino Padre Dios y la Divina Madre Dios, pasan ahora a este espacio y colocan personalmente la capa sobre ustedes; blessing you in love and recognizing the choice you have made today. And it is through this election that the revelations will come (pause). Por causa de esta elección ustedes serán liberados de los ciclos de la oscuridad y de las adherencias de cualquier dimensión oscura, y pasarán a tomar el rol de Emisario de la Libertad (pausa). Inhalen profundamente y exhalen profundamente, mientras permiten que esta capa se pose sobre ustedes (pausa).

Ahora los 12 Emisarios Pleyadianos comienzan a moverse alrededor de su cuerpo en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj. Según hacen esto están emitiendo energías que están creando una espiral que gira en sentido contrario al las agujas del reloj a su alrededor, y según se mueve esta espiral comienza a absorber su campo de energía y en particular, de sus cuatro cuerpos inferiores; cualquier energía residual adherida de cualquier entidad de cualquier tipo que sea, a través de cada dimensión, de cada realidad paralela y alternativa, a través de cada aspecto de su parte masculina y femenina, a través de cada proceso de pensamiento motivado por su parte emocional, espiritual y física (pausa). All the portals that give the 4th astral dimensional plane that have been active in their energy field, are now placed inside an incubator. Those portals will not close forever, they will simply be kept inside these incubators.

En un período de su viaje, estas incubadoras los transmutarán completamente en portales que les llevan a las dimensiones donde se encuentra la Presencia del Todo Poderoso Yo Soy Monada (del latín monas, unidad). Pero existe un viaje que va con ello, y usted sabrá cuando el proceso de transmutación ha ocurrido (pausa). Quiero que simplemente observen lo que está ocurriendo en su mente, sus emociones, sus sentimientos, y en su cuerpo (pausa). Un proceso increíble de adaptación se está produciendo en su cuerpo; no sólo a nivel celular, sino a través de su ADN y atómicamente. Las partículas que existen entre los átomos dentro de su cuerpo se están reajustando porque la frecuencia es totalmente distinta. Ustedes ya son diferentes, su elección de cesar de merodear en la oscuridad les ha cambiado para siempre. Su elección de participar en lo que se está desarrollando hoy, es un paso hacia una nueva dimensión dentro de los universos fluidos, que les llevará a mundos de inmensa creatividad, reconocimiento, realización y actividad. Thus, any plug that was in its chakras and has been transmuted into keys, will be used to open these dimensional passages to the fluid universe, and this will happen gracefully and automatically.

Inspiren profundamente. Notamos que algunos de ustedes se sienten algo mareados. Las náuseas están relacionadas con el miedo; mis palabras han levantado una sensación de desconocimiento, un no saber que esperar; ese miedo clásico a lo desconocido. Limítense a respirar a través de el, y que se transmuten en emoción por el potencial de lo que el futuro les va a deparar (pausa). Respiren hacia la parte de atrás de su cuello; algunos de ustedes están experimentando también algo de tirantez y molestia en dicho área. Roten su cuello si sienten que lo tienen que hacer. Simplemente permitan que ocurra este flujo. El dolor, las nauseas, la incomodidad, el miedo, son todo reacciones de su ego. Ustedes están al mando ahora. Son perfectamente capaces de decirle a sus egos que simplemente saben que confiando en el Espíritu, y confiando en ustedes, todo será siempre perfecto (pausa).

Ahora amados, el Señor Melquizedek comienza a cambiar el flujo de energía, los Maestros Pleyadianos ahora comienzan a caminar en dirección de las agujas del reloj creando una espiral en el sentido de las agujas del reloj que ahora comienza a absorber una inmensa cantidad de vibraciones geométricas específicamente, lo cual representa un sonido muy nuevo para las células de su cuerpo. This particular sound reorganizes the way in which cells normally meet, this form creates a new formation; This same formation becomes genetic designs that will be projected into the future. These geometric shapes become geometric images that form the new genetic design that supports not only you but also your children. Ahora continúen respirando mientras visualizan este poderoso sonido moviéndose hacia ustedes ya través de ustedes a lo largo de las frecuencias genéticas, conectándose con sus hijos si los tienen, y saliendo hacia fuera para conectarse con sus padres biológicos y hermanos, sin importar si están todos en forma física o no (pausa). Esto activa la misma oportunidad para ellos, la oportunidad de hacer la elección de si ellos continuarán merodeando en la parte oscura, o eligen pasarse a la ligereza de vivir su propia vida, tomando responsabilidad y permitiendo al proceso de maduración que se revele. Si sus hijos no tienen aún diez años, ellos habrán elegido automáticamente lo que ustedes han elegido hoy, y seguirán sus pasos (pausa). Ahora queridos, les pedimos que espontáneamente permitan a cualquier forma geométrica entrar en su mente (pausa).

Rellenen esta forma con la luz más brillante y la más poderosa energía que se puedan imaginar (pausa). Ahora, dirijan esta forma geométrica hacia el lugar donde está su casa emplazada geográficamente, e imaginen esta forma enorme, llena de esta poderosa luz y energía, descendiendo muy suavemente sobre su hogar (pausa). Expándala para que envuelva a la propiedad entera en la cual se emplaza su hogar (pausa). Tomen una profunda respiración, y según expulsan el aire, soplen y esto activará la energía dentro de la sagrada forma geométrica (pausa). This lets out the cleaning power, the power of transmutation within this geometric form, and takes every piece of negativity from your home, transmuting it. It absorbs it from animals in its house if they have them, and completely transforms the flora in its house and on the land in which it is located.

La estructura de su hogar comienza a absorber esta luz y el proceso de transmutación ha comenzado. La liberación de esas adherencias de entidades está ahora completamente activa. Todos aquellos que habiten en su hogar, pasarán por el mismo proceso. Cualquier persona que entrase en su casa con malas intenciones será emplazada automáticamente dentro de un campo geométrico específico que contendrá su negatividad, o se marcharán en un período de tiempo muy breve. Las personas que cohabitan en su casa y que comparten espacio habitable con ustedes, como ayudantes domésticos, compañeros de piso, amantes, un compañero que ha completado su contrato con niños temerosos que no quieren reclamar su propia independencia y seguir adelante, y los inquilinos se sentirán afectados por ello y se apartarán de su espacio, si eligen no integrar la liviandad de la vida en el espacio de ellos.

Esta poderosa energía que ustedes han creado y esta forma geométrica servirán también como un vehículo de invisibilidad alrededor de su casa, escudándola de las influencias de la negatividad de la consciencia colectiva. Ello requiere sin embargo, un gran nivel de conciencia a nivel suyo. Ustedes tienen un alto nivel de conciencia; por consiguiente ustedes necesitan estar sintonizados; necesitan estar al tanto de lo que está ocurriendo en su casa, alrededor de su casa, y en cuanto se sientan incómodos; un poco decaídos, traigan esta energía y reactiven la rejilla geométrica. Si ustedes entran en un espacio negativo atraigan estas energías hacia ustedes.

Sin embargo, si ustedes elige caer en los reinos de la ignorancia una vez más, les llevará tan solo 5 días desmantelar estas rejillas geométricas por entero; simplemente porque la densidad que conlleva esta invisibilidad desaloja la alta vibración de la luz; la luz literalmente se aleja de ella, en particular, si existe una intención de rechazar esa luz de alta frecuencia, que es por lo cual se experimentará una especie de separación; para aquellos que encarnan la luz, esta se separará. Pero lo que permanecerá con ustedes es de mucho más valor que cualquier cosa material sobre la superficie de su planeta que jamás hayan imaginado, incluyendo todo el dinero del mundo. Inhalen y exhalen profundamente tres veces, mientras el Se or Melkizedeck y los Maestros Pleyadianos comienzan ahora a recalibrar su cuerpo, realineando todas las energ as (pausa). For now we just want you to relax and soften inside. Entr guese a la luz, la luz que han atra do, la luz que han co-creado (pausa). Imag nese a ustedes mismos entrando a la vida que tan profundamente desean (pausa). Imag nese absorbiendo la luz dentro de esa vida y de todo lo que ella implica (pausa). Recuerden enfocarse en aquello en lo que ustedes deseen crear; lo que ustedes eligen sentir (pausa).

Ustedes est n programados para hacerlo porque es la ley magn tica del universo, y no puede ser de ninguna otra forma. Esta ley trabaja todo el tiempo, sin importar d nde est n ustedes, o quienes ustedes son, o qu est n pensando, diciendo, o haciendo. Est funcionando (pausa). Tomen otra respiraci n profunda y rel jense (pausa). Por favor, recuerden que este proceso de purificaci n continuar . Los pr ximos 33 d as son muy importantes. Ustedes continuar n estando protegido entre las rejillas que han sido creadas El Se or Melchizedek est presente, los Maestros Pleyadianos, est n presentes, y tambi n sus gu as personales. Ustedes pueden utilizar estos procesos de protecci n para ustedes mismos y para los que aman, simplemente proyectando una forma geom trica que les llega a su mente, como hicieron para su casa ahora (pausa). La espiral que gira en el sentido de las agujas del reloj comienza a ir m s despacio hasta que est vibrando en perfecta alineaci n con los chakras de su cuerpo f sico; y todo dentro suyo ya su alrededor, entra en un liviano estado de paz (pausa) y rel jense (pausa). Give thanks now for all that you have received; for everything they have learned.

Den gracias por todo lo que ha sido transmutado, y den gracias por todo lo que seguir su camino de acuerdo con lo establecido, si no resonase con el sendero divino que ustedes han elegido (pausa). Les pedimos ahora que simplemente se queden quietos dentro de la presencia del Padre-Madre Dios recibiendo las bendiciones y el amor de nuestros Padres C smicos (pausa). Mientras la energ a les llena, podemos recordarles cu nto se les ama a ustedes, se les honra, y gu a, y que nunca jam s se les abandona (pausa). Utilicen su poder, sean ese poder, y vivan la vida que se merecen. Permanezcan dentro del silencio por lo menos durante otro minuto.

Yo soy Kuthumi, saludos y Adonai. De: Fredaricka Yarom

15 de julio del 2007 18:26 hrs.

Hola a todos!, el sumamente querido Lord Kuthumi, por medio de Michelle Eloff. Envolvi ndolos a todos en Pura Luz Blanca de la Fuente. Fredaricka


Traducci n: Maria-Luz Martinez

Edition: Anita Manasse


Canalizado a trav s de Michelle Eloff Johannesburgo, Sud frica; 19 de mayo 2007.

Para saber m s acerca de Michelle & The Lightweaver, por favor, Visiten www.thelightweaver.co.za

Transcrito por Michelle Eloff; por favor, tengan en cuenta que la lectura de esta informaci n surtir efecto en ustedes. Ustedes se enlazar n energ ticamente al ser Canalizado, y un proceso similar les ser proporcionado a ustedes. No es exactamente lo mismo que estar en la presencia del Maestro canalizado; sin embargo, los efectos son igualmente poderosos. No se preocupen demasiado con respecto a las fechas dadas a los participantes en la canalizaci n; Ustedes ser n part cipes de algo similar, de acuerdo con su Plan Divino, su Sincronizaci ny Prop sito.

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