What we think varies our biology "by Bruce Lipton

  • 2011

Victor-M Amela, Ima Sanch s, Llu s Amiguet

What we think varies our biology.

Bruce Lipton, doctor of Medicine, researcher in cell biology

I am 67 years old. I was born and I live in New Zealand. I am married, I have two daughters and three grandchildren. I think the evolution of civilization is happening now. A human body is made of 50 trillion cells, the being is a community. Passenger Agnostic Scientist.

We can change

This is not a pseudoscience guru, Lipton taught Cell Biology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and later carried out pioneering studies of epigenetics at the school. of Stanford University Medicine that led him to the conviction that our body can change if we re-educate our limiting beliefs and perceptions. The problem is always the how: how to change the information of the subconscious. In his book The Biology of Belief (Palmyra) recommends methods such as PSYCH-K. And in The Biology of Transformation (The sphere of books) explains the possibility of a spontaneous evolution of our species.

They taught me that genes control life, that all our abilities and characteristics are inscribed in them, but it is false.


We are not victims of our genetics, it is actually the DNA that is controlled by the external cellular environment.

What does that mean?

The cell is the life. Talking about a cell is like talking about a person. We receive the information through the five senses and the cells receive the signals from the environment through the receivers that capture the information. DNA is controlled by signals that come from outside the cell, including energy messages from our own thoughts, both positive and negative.

Are we what we live and think?

Yes, and changing our way of living and perceiving the world is changing our biology. The studies that I started forty years ago show that cells change depending on the environment, which is what we call epigenetics. Epi means above genetics, beyond it.


Depending on the environment and how you respond to the world, a gene can create 30, 000 different variations. Less than 10% of cancer is inherited, it is the lifestyle that determines genetics.

Is the environment that defines us?

We learn to see ourselves as they see us, to value ourselves as they value us. . What We hear and how we live. We do not see the world as it is, we see the world as we are. We are victims of our beliefs, but we can change them.

But beliefs are inscribed in the depths of our subconscious.

True. The subconscious is an information processor a million times faster than the conscious mind and uses information stored from our childhood as a reference between 95% and 99% of the time. That is why when we decide something consciously, such as earning more money, if our subconscious contains information that it is very difficult to make a living, we will not succeed.


If we change the perceptions we have in the subconscious, our reality will change, and I have checked it through numerous experiments. By reprogramming the beliefs and perceptions we have of how happiness, peace, abundance is, we can conquer them.

Sounds like a happy formula ...

That's how placebo effect works. If I think a pill can heal me, I take it and feel better. What has healed me?

The belief?

It seems. Just as positive thoughts and the placebo effect affect our biology, there is the nocebo effect: if you think something will hurt you, it will end up hurting you. Henry Ford said that whether you think you can or you think you can't, they are right. If you choose to live a world full of love, your health will improve.

And why?

The chemistry that causes joy and love makes our cells grow, and the chemistry that causes fear causes the cells to die. Positive thoughts are a biological imperative for a happy and healthy life. There are two survival mechanisms: growth and protection, and both cannot operate at the same time.

Or you grow or protect yourself.

Growth processes require a free exchange of information with the environment, protection requires the complete closure of the system. A sustained protection response inhibits the production of energy necessary for life.

What does it mean to prosper?

To prosper we need to actively seek joy and love, and fill our lives with stimuli that trigger growth processes. Stress hormones coordinate the function of body organs and inhibit growth processes, completely suppress the immune system's performance.

Does the blame for all parents have?

The perceptions that we form during the first six years, when the brain receives maximum information in a minimum time to understand the environment, affects us the rest of life.

And unconscious beliefs passed from parents to children.

That's right, the behaviors, beliefs and attitudes we observe in our parents are recorded in our brain and control our biology for the rest of life, unless we learn to reschedule it.

How to detect negative beliefs?

Life is a reflection of the subconscious mind, what works for us well in life are those things that the subconscious allows you to work, what requires a lot of effort are those things that your subconscious does not support.

Should I bend my subconscious?

It is a losing battle, but nothing is solved until one strives to change. Get rid of unfounded fears and try not to instill limiting beliefs in your children's subconscious.

Source: http://www.lavanguardia.com/lacontra/20110909/54213913374/lo-que-pensamos-varia-nuestra-biologia.html

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