What is happening on Earth is happening through the Mike Quinsey solar system.

  • 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mike Quinsey

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

What is happening on Earth is happening through the solar system, but on planets that were already working in a slightly higher dimension, the changes are less extensive.

Another day has just passed when the energies that reach the Earth have increased, as part of the continuous rise of those that can attract them to themselves.

The help they are getting will continue and has already resulted in a higher level of awareness, which will go even higher.

It is all part of the plan to ensure that you are well prepared for Ascension.

You can also notice that it is causing a positive reaction to old problems that affect a large number of people.

They are making your views known, and in some cases insisting those in power to meet their demands.

This is particularly relevant with issues concerning your well-being, and a strong desire to bring peace to the world.

They will be rewarded for your perseverance, and that elusive peace will be achieved. Then and only then can military machinery be dismantled, and all its personnel put at the service of the people to preserve peace.

Weapons of any kind will be deactivated and destroyed, because for peaceful and devout nations they are no longer necessary.

In the last century, great wealth and resources have caused continuous wars and defense programs, which could have raised the quality of life of millions of people.

Then there are the undercover operations of the secret government that are sometimes backed by money from drug trafficking.

Immense amounts are involved, and there is no consideration for the resulting misery it causes.

All activities that are not supported by the Light will cease in the end, as will criminality.

Prosperity programs and redistribution of wealth will also act as a means to eliminate many of the reasons for crime, since they will eliminate the reasons that cause it.

Those in the dark have deliberately kept them in a state of lack and dependent on them for help.

However, when dealing with such matters they often made them worse, since it has been their intention to repress them and condition them to such a life.

The truth is that if they had already used wealth and your resources for the good of the people, they would now be enjoying a higher standard of living.

Going into a New Age free of needs means that much of what sustains them now must be removed.

That is why you are now facing a period of challenging changes, and you are being asked to leave much of what you depend on now.

Chaotic conditions are inevitable, but the introduction of new ways of doing things will soon overcome obstacles.

Clearly the new path must be opened very soon, with a smooth transition so that people can see and understand what is happening.

The Galactic Federation will take care of your need to be informed of such matters, and they will be given an advanced communication system once the new leaders are established.

Let us tell you that no matter how chaotic things turn, we will always be working behind the scenes.

We will make sure they see what emerges from those conditions and realize that it is for your good.

The future is very promising and there will be a quantum leap that will propel them towards a great level of consciousness, and the arrival of Love and Light to Earth.

It is a dream world that will become your reality and will fill all your needs and a happy life full of peace. Accepting that vision, you will attract those energies to you.

As always, your best strategy in any circumstance is to focus on the future and start living that feeling of fulfillment.

That will lead them to a higher vibration, so they do not need to get involved in emotional matters.

Once they begin to experience the positive changes that will elevate them, they will navigate through the last period of this cycle.

How you react depends on you, and there is no need to be absorbed by the changes, unless you like the vision of the future.

Your strategy will be a calming influence for others who are less informed. Finally, never forget that we remain close to you, even if you don't realize us, and in any case you always have your Guides present.

Talk with us about your concerns and they will be heard, and they may feel our presence around you.

The climate in the world is changing and it is because of the adjustments that Mother Earth and your Sun are making.

The result will be a more temperate climate, without the extremes they usually experience. This not only affects you, but also all life forms that will disappear or go to new locations when the time is right.

The fauna will also be affected and again the changes will encourage the appearance of some varieties, while others may no longer flourish as before.

The result of all these changes is to raise all life on your planet, and that which is of low vibration will disappear completely.

Anything that is less will not progress unless it is also from the higher vibrations.

What is happening on Earth is happening through the solar system, but on the planets that were already working at a slightly higher dimension, the changes are less extensive.

You have little influence on what is happening, but you can help make the experience less disturbing or traumatic by focusing on your own Light.

Inevitably in some areas there will be a greater degree of cleanliness than in others, particularly in earthquake zones.

Mother Earth will cause the necessary changes, which will alter the topography of certain areas.

This does not necessarily mean that it will have devastating results. We are monitoring such events, and this will help make the consequences less severe in relation to human lives.

Some loss of life is inevitable, but we remind you that all the souls that leave the Earth before Ascension do so according to their life plan.

In such circumstances they have not been denied the opportunity to ascend, but they have chosen to complete this cycle in the way that best suits their needs.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and speaking for the energy group I represent, I wish you to know that we have much love for you.

We will do what we can to do the final months of your trip out of duality as easy as we can.

The most important thing is that we will ensure that it is completed with the Ascension.

Mike Quinsey

Mountains like Mount Shasta where our activities are notorious.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

There are others within mountains such as Mount Shasta where our activities are notorious. When necessary we put ourselves in places without cloaks of invisibility, and there is no hidden place for us, we regularly have a presence in the secret meetings of the Illuminati.

You are constantly advancing, and our goal is well in sight as the light elevates you.

This month promises a surge in the energies that will again give power to the light grids on Earth.

Gradually it is affecting every soul on the planet and raising the level of Consciousness. Even those who have woken hard to their true selves are feeling a movement inside.

They do not know what is happening but they feel the air of expectation and feel that the changes are happening.

After waiting patiently for major changes, you will soon be entering a new year that has almost all the answers you are looking for.

This will be a period of many challenges, as old forms fade away, making room for the new that is to come. It will be a year in which new heights will be reached, and the path of humanity clearly defined.

Chaotic times are coming but they cannot be avoided when the new is in conflict with the old.

People find it difficult to get rid of what they are familiar with, and change usually brings fear.

However, all changes are necessary, if they are to move quickly once the bases of the old power are broken.

Government changes are a priority in the list of urgent actions that need to be taken.

The scene has been set and only awaits legal approval to continue. It will be given in such a way that it will be a fact achieved when it can be continued.

We have planned this moment for a long time, and there is no margin of error because all possibilities have been carefully examined.

Success is guaranteed and fully supported by the galactic federation.

There is very little time left this year, but before the end it will be seen that other countries are also preparing for big changes.

The United States is no longer the one who carries the baton, but regardless of that its role will be of important significance.

Darkness has shrouded that country for a long time and brought it to its knees, but under leaders who are spiritually careful it will emerge again.

A return to the constitution will take place, and the changes will bring health to the financial markets.

People can no longer play with the lives and property of others, responsibility and care will be first.

The light is now so powerful that it is bringing people together, with a new resolution to live in love and peace.

That objective will be fulfilled before the Ascension, and expanded to bring harmony and balance to the life of each person.

It is almost impossible to describe the feeling that will surround the new era, and to be a soul totally free from all afflictions and worries.

We know that you can sometimes escape to your own world and find enjoyment. However, the future will bring permanent change, and not just a fleeting experience of how it will be.

Each of you who are working for the light is bringing your visions to reality, and you are not here just to be but also to be expanded.

Follow the signs of your heart and let others see how it is when love and light is distributed, and most importantly how this brings peace and serenity.

People are attracted to each soul that gives such energies, and their own vibrations are high as a result.

Happiness is contagious, as laughter can also boost vibrations.

Its evolution is about bringing more and more light and understanding into your life.

It is through bringing the light wherever you go, and showing others how to live their lives by seeing your example.

There is nothing to gain by forcing beliefs on another person, so do not worry with these souls that prefer to be directed, since it is your decision to experience that way.

Every experience has its value, although sometimes they look like a failure. To learn the secrets about love is to improve your ideas in preparation for Ascension, and you will find that love and light surrounds you in the highest dimensions.

We of the galactic federation continue to make our presence obvious, it is no longer possible to be denied.

It is being accepted far and wide that we are of extraterrestrial origin, and this is seen no matter how close we come to you, there is no threat to your safety.

That is why the question jumps, the longer the plot of our presence can continue to be hidden.

Admitting our existence is one thing, but explaining why this has been in place for so long is another.

The real truth will not be given, yet claiming that national security was at risk is patently not true, since we have never instigated acts of violence against you.

The farce that covers the truth reaches higher levels, and the members of the Illuminati who have been from the secret government.

So you can see that the door to truth can be opened, but there may still be attempts to hide the true purpose of these lies.

However, the complete truth will come to light at a good time, for your appreciation and understanding of the last century.

It will be shocking and beyond what they believe for many. It is not the intention that you lose a lot of energy in these matters, and your focus should remain in your immediate future.

The laws of the Unvierso are immutable, and surely every soul that has erred in its judgments and actions will face the truth of the consequences.

Its laws are too draconian human laws when viewed with spiritual understanding. Although there is little time for the end of duality, there will be reform of its laws so where injustice has occurred this can be remedied.

You must begin to live your truth as one who has discovered the light with and without. Become the being you imagine will be in preparation for Ascension, and relate to others on that high level.

In doing this they will find great inner peace, and will help to cope with the most difficult aspects of the changes.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I wish to tell you that we are already very present on Earth. It's just that our bases are hidden from view, and some are safe and out of reach at the bottom of the sea.

There are others within mountains such as Mount Shasta where our activities are notorious. When necessary we put ourselves in places without cloaks of invisibility, and there is no hidden place for us, we regularly have a presence in the secret meetings of the Illuminati.

So dear we know what is planned and act according to the degree of actions we are authorized to take.

We serve based on love, and for the love of the great Supreme Creator.

Mike Quinsey

Messages Translated by: Enrique and Jimena

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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