The highest they can give - Jeshua through Pamela Kribbe

  • 2011

December 28, 2010

Translation: Alma Delia Cervantes

I am Jeshua. I have been the representative of a new energy on earth, which is the Christ energy. It is a type of energy or consciousness that recognizes the unity of everything and everyone. It is the energy of connection, which brings unity back to earth. My goal was and is to recover the sense of belonging among all the creatures that live on earth, the key of which is the heart. The heart connects. The heart is the place where you can come to Home. Feeling at home has to do with being connected, connected with your own deepest being. Your own deepest being is always connected with the whole.

What is the whole cannot be described with words. You can mention words such as universe or cosmos, but the whole is neither a thing nor an entity. The whole is the source of the unspeakable being, an infinite realm of probabilities. Each individual life has its own specific space within the whole. You are all a part of a huge infinite totality that is eternal and at the same time dynamic and variable. Life moves constantly in an infinite dance of manifestation and retraction, birth and death, creation and letting go. As human beings you take part in this creative dance in your current form as a man or a woman. At the same time, there is a divine and indestructible core within you, which is independent of form.

Imagine that, you in your current body, are connected with the incomprehensibly huge totality. In your mind you cannot reason how and why you are part of a whole and what place belongs to you. However, you can feel it from the heart. You are embedded in the whole, connected with the beating heart of the cosmos, for which you do not have to do anything. It is a fact. It is an inseparable part of who they really are.

You have a unique place and a unique function in the whole. Finding your place and letting your light shine makes you feel very fulfilled. It makes them feel happy and cheerful. Being in this unique place and performing your unique active function as high as you can give. This is what I am going to talk about today: the highest they can give.

Many of you wish to be aligned with the source of light that you are at the deepest level, to exist from the Source, to give and to shine in this world. Feel the Source from the inside out, as it flows through all its cells. It connects everything within you, although you cannot see it. Please feel it ... feel the flow of life that carries you. Life knows what place it is for you and what role it is yours. Feel your desire to embody the highest of you, the angel of light that you really are, regardless of time and space. You are here temporarily, in this body, so you can bring the light that you are to this place. Earth is a place they love. Feel it. Feel how you are connected to the heart in the deepest part of the earth.

Let go of your thoughts on how difficult it is to live on earth, how difficult it is to deal with the dark aspects of human society. Connect only with the earth itself, with the essence of the planet. Think of the extensive forests of the earth, the oceans and the wide sky. Think of the abundance of animals, trees, plants and flowers. Connect with the earth ... and feel how it inserts itself in the totality of the cosmos, in which she takes her own path.

There is a place for you, here and now, on earth. Create yourself, know that you are connected to the whole and that there is a path that leads you to the manifestation of your higher self.

How to find that way? And how do you know if you are developing and manifesting your higher self? I will mention three aspects by which you can recognize if you are "giving the highest of you".

The highest they can give is unique.

The first aspect is that the highest of you, the highest you can give on earth, is unique to you. His contribution is a unique combination of characteristics and qualities, with his own vibration and seasoning. Essentially, you are giving yourselves. The highest you can give is you! What distinguishes them is not what they have learned from others, such as certain skills or knowledge. The highest you can give does not come from outside of you. No, you are the decisive link.

Of course they have acquired knowledge and information from others, from books and through education. Of course they are formed by their culture and education. However, they have integrated these influences into their nature in their own way. Because of everything that has happened in your life in this life and previous lives -, you have a unique charism. You shine your light in life in your own way. People are attracted to this unique light. It is the light that shines from its place on earth, it is the light that makes them shine.

Its unique light is a mixture of earthly and heavenly qualities. In this life, you are a man or a woman, who has had a certain upbringing and education. You are formed by a worldview of the society in which you live. This is as it should be, because this training has helped them obtain an intimate knowledge of human life. Since you have been through all these difficult experiences, you have gained a deep insight into how you feel and what emotional ups and downs you can experience as a human being on earth. Through their own journey of exploration, through darkness and light, they have traveled a unique path. Therefore, what they have to give to others is also a unique mix of qualities.

Always keep your individuality in the area of ​​creativity and work! No matter what you do, such as a baker, a teacher, an artist or a spiritual therapist, giving the highest of you corresponds to the expression of your individuality and share it with everyone. The world is not complete without you. The universe is waiting for your contribution instead of the copy or reproduction you have made of someone else's contribution. The universe wants to encourage you to let your unique energy flow. Therefore, incarnating your higher self refers to being yourself and expressing your individuality.

To give the highest of you is to receive the highest for you.

The second aspect is that to give the highest of you always implies that you receive the highest for you. These two currents are, in fact, inextricably linked with each other.

When you let your unique light shine, you open your heart and give from your heart, you experience deep satisfaction and fulfillment. You are allowing yourself to be completely yourselves, so that your light shines without reservation. You feel that you are correct, natural and sincere in doing so. When you give yourselves so openly and freely, you receive something very special at the same time. The greatest gift they receive is that they arrive home. The moment you are really yourselves, you are naturally united with the greatest of all, with God. You are at home with you and the universe at the same time. There are no judgments made either in you or in others. There are no more judgments that separate. You are the Unity.

By daring to be true to themselves and express their superior being in the outside world, they attract good things to their lives. The necessary material things and the right people for you should appear automatically. The universe will support and nurture them. It will offer you the right circumstances to manifest the energy of your soul. In this way, the donor current is responding through a receiving current, which realizes and enriches them in all areas of life. On a deep level, you have given yourself all this for having the courage to let your own light shine. Life must say yes to you with all your heart if you say yes to life without any reservations.

The whole creation, in which we all have a role to play, is like a huge puzzle and each of us represents a piece. The puzzle is not complete without you. At the moment when the piece of the puzzle that you are is put in the right place, you contribute something to the puzzle that nobody else is able to add to it. At that same moment, you also receive something very precious: you arrive home. You feel that you are in harmony with the greatest of all, that life is supporting you and that you are safe. You know that you are making an essential contribution and feel that you are received by the whole with joy and appreciation. To give the highest of you is to say yes to yourself in a profound way and allow yourself to receive all you need to flourish and shine.

To give the highest of you really means that you are no longer separated from the whole. You are not an ego, not a separate individual at that time. The question "how to balance the two currents of giving and receiving", in fact, dissolves in that state of being. The balance is in charge automatically, it happens naturally. When you express yourself from the most sincere part of you and let your light shine, you are the light and receive it at the same time. This is the experience of unity that you all want.

Now you may ask yourself: how can I do this? How can I align with the highest of me, my unique talent, my true light? This brings me to the third aspect that I want to mention related to giving the highest of you.

You give the highest of you if you are able to connect with the lowest of you.

You give the highest of you if you are open and willing to connect with the lowest of you. By the lowest I mean fear, doubt and depression, in short, the darkness in your soul as a result of experiences of unresolved pain.

Your highest being should shine the moment you receive the darkest part of you. When you invite the lowest of you to introduce it into your consciousness, you let your light shine without judgment in those parts of your soul that have felt rejected and expelled. This is the part of you that has become angry, sad, bitter and lonely due to painful experiences. Please have compassion for this part of you that lives in darkness and seeks solutions from darkness, which will often take you even further from the light.

In the dark, you develop survival mechanisms that prevent you from feeling what is really going on inside you: fear, despair, depression and loneliness. Stay away from these. In fact, they are often taught to do so for the world around them. “Stay away from negative emotions. Be positive Do your best. Be useful". These kinds of warnings and invocations create fear within you about your own darkness and take you away from your deepest feelings.

You all have a deep desire for light, for the inherent freedom to surrender to who you really are. Please realize that you turn on the biggest light inside, if you are willing to reach the darkest and mostly neglected parts of you.

I invite you to do it now, right now. Please take a look and see if there is a negative emotion or thought inside that is constantly manifesting and needs your attention. First realize that this dark emotion or thought is part of being human. Imagine that this dark area within you is a child that has been neglected. You can find him / her hidden in a corner. Is it a boy or a girl?

Take a look and see if they can find him or her, if they can get in touch with the child. Begin with eye contact and then extend your hand carefully. Look at the child with tenderness and see how difficult he or she has tried to survive. This child is full of joy and passion for life. However, he or she had to endure so much that the power of joy and passion has been distorted. The child's original energy has been trapped in all kinds of masks and survival mechanisms, so that his life force began to work against himself. But now, the child is allowed to be what he / she really is. Please, extend your hand and let your light shine. Welcome the child with the eyes

Let the child come to you, at your own pace. Wait patiently, hold him / her in your arms and hug him / her close to your heart. What the child needs to relax and recover must be seen and relieved by you. Observe how you shine with warmth, love and understanding when you are in contact with this helpless and dying child. Invite your darkest part to enter, give him receive and bring him home, he reveals the most enlightened part of you. You understand how this child feels. This understanding heals. The child in the dark represents the part of you that has been carrying a great deal of pain without being able to understand why. Surrounding this pain with understanding and compassion, you illuminate your light in the areas that used to be the source of negative emotions and thoughts. The moment you embrace the dying child within you, you become a human angel. You bring light into the darkness, which is exactly what humanity needs right now.

Humanity does not need saints and gurus who teach from a pulpit or pedestal, but real people of flesh and blood who have experienced darkness and light for themselves and are able to embrace so much without judgment. You become a human angel the moment you dare to face and accept your own darkness. This will make your light pure and powerful. Life must support them. You will be directed to the opportunities and places where you can reveal your superior being in an easy and natural way. You do not have to work for it. You do not have to pretend to be another person, since it is your own unique vibration and energy that inspires people and brings joy to them. It's you! You represent the love of God in your unique form, because you are willing and able to face and accept your own darkness with understanding. People experience openness, sensitivity and inspiration in their presence, in the way you listen to them. Whatever you do by expressing and manifesting your superior being on earth, you will invite people to shine for themselves and believe in their own unique power and talents. Giving the highest of you encourages other people to do the same.

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