Reaching a new dimension, by Karen Bishop

The first phase of our trip was all about raising the vibration of the planet, by transmuting the densest energies through ourselves, trying to attract shapes and new and higher vibration systems, heal and help others raise their vibrations, and basically, move and shake the planet's energy as much as possible.

Much of the time, whether we realized it or not, these tasks were simply accomplished through our own presence, and no intention was even necessary. This is why many of us move so many times to different geographical locations, and we find people, systems, and other diverse scenarios that vibrated much lower than us. Our own personal energy and vibration were necessary to help with this massive venture. Those times and those roles, then, have now ended and gone forever. In this way, much has changed and really, things will now be very different. We have finally left the old reality behind, along with our previous purpose, and now we are perhaps wondering what the hell is going to happen now, what our new roles are about, and maybe even we are confused about what we want to create for ourselves, or maybe even very excited about our new lives.

Before we can create something in the new world, it is vitally important to complete a first step before anything can even manifest itself for us. This first step is to be very clear about who we are, what we came to contribute here, and what we really and truly want for ourselves.

It is of vital importance then, to really know who we are and what our purpose is, because we are going to use our soul's purpose to create our shop windows, as well as to determine how we will fit into the new communities of life and of being superior.

In addition, we can certainly create anything we choose, and it does not necessarily have to fit the model of the new communities and the model of our shop windows. When the line was drawn in the sand, we were given options; options about reintegrating into the mainstream, advancing to align with our purpose and soul plan, or even leaving at all through the process of physical death.

In addition, with the advent of the great explosion that created the June 2009 solstice, each and every one of us was expelled from our old furrows, landing in very new territory, with very different connections with those around us. There was then much more space between our brothers and sisters, and the connection was in relation to who was at our vibratory level and specific purpose. For some of us, there was really no one around us who felt good or in alignment with where we were (in particular the precursors), and for others, a new space was created with a lot of company and much more of the same in what Regarding what we had been doing in the past.

What feels good and looks good can vary for each and every one of us. How can we know and identify then, what do we really and truly want?

In times past, we were strongly guided by the source, our stellar families of origin, and the universe. Sometimes, during the trip, we could have thought that we really and truly wanted something, and we found to our regret that what we wanted simply could not be and was not going to manifest itself for us. There are several reasons for this scenario, and when they understand why, everything makes sense:

1. Group energy, or a mind of all of us who have created and who are experiencing the ascension process, made a plan, and therefore, needed and agreed to follow this plan every step of the way. As things progressed (and in particular, sometimes, when they did not progress), we adjusted and shaped the plan according to the situations that were present, so in this way, although there has always been a general plan, the path always He was open to change and flexibility. As mentioned so many times in this ebook, things did not progress as we expected, and if sometimes they did, it was very slowly. So, we withdraw all the stops, putting ourselves in every situation we could, in order to ensure the success of our plan. This was our main objective during this first phase; Our goal was not to manifest for us all the desires of our heart, since it was not yet time for this particular phase. We were dedicated to our purpose then, and I think most of us deliver everything. In this way, every time we felt it was time to manifest a community or a beautiful sacred space, or a new and special spiritual retreat, or even almost anything to ourselves, sometimes we could not do these things the way What we expected Why, then, was it so difficult to manifest during these times?

A. We were being guided and assisted by our souls and our star families, who knew more than we did at that time. I remember once several years ago, when I was asked to go to a specific place in nature, with a huge waterfall that flowed through a great mountain, to be able to connect with a special energy there and to introduce it more fully into the planet. I have never believed that we were destined to receive orders against our will for these strange tasks, so I refused. Later that day, my grandchildren and I were trying to decide where to go to spend a day in nature. Oddly enough, we end up right in that particular place anyway!

Introducing and assisting with the energies in order to raise the vibration of the planet, was our sole purpose (almic) during this first phase, apparently whether we like it or not! In this way, many of us end up in places and situations that we may not have chosen with our conscious self.

B. We could not manifest sometimes, because we would soon evolve rapidly from our current desires, and we would have to go back or redo or undo what we had just said. This is one of the main reasons why we were occasionally blocked. Likewise, manifesting only for ourselves, regardless of the whole, was not in alignment with our purpose in the first phase, but that situation has changed to some extent. This is explained - in more detail - later in this ebook.

C. We could not manifest at times, because it simply was not yet time. The vision that many of us have maintained, in regards to the creation of the original plan for the Earth, since this is really what some of us came to do, was simply not ready to hatch until we reached a certain frequency within ourselves and within the planet.

Many tried to create specific things, but they often fell apart, dissolved, or could not even take off from the ground. It just wasn't the time yet, since we were still involved with the first phase. And although many of us were quite clever within ourselves, we still had to wait for the critical mass situation to be complete before we could be released, in order to move on to something very new; that is, our very new roles, or for some, their own version of heaven on earth.

These are just some of the reasons that have been holding us back for so long. And these are the

reasons also, why common manifestation techniques and manifestation knowledge simply do not work as they should in certain situations. The soul always has a higher rank in the law of attraction, for example, since at the soul level anything vibrates higher.

Our souls and soul plans always carry the baton.

(Excerpt from the book Crossing the Other Side)

Translation: Margarita López -

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