Books: The Labyrinth of the Fireflies, I write to you from the stars and Allegories of Carme Martínez Primo

  • 2015

The Maze of the Fireflies

Carme Mart nez Primo

The labyrinth of fireflies is a book that responds to a very unique vision. While remaining personal, he knows how to communicate a message of hope in a better world for humanity. But to achieve this, in each human being you must awaken that universal consciousness. We are not only yo but the sum of all and everything that exists, the visible and the invisible, says the author. The book is divided into two parts: the first corresponds to our origin and the second to the revelation that explains where our humanity is heading. In the midst of a maze of ideas and attitudes, the fireflies advance in the middle of the night waking up those who still sleep today.

The book is open, there is no religion in particular and it covers all of them, and yet it shows us how spirituality and simplicity live within the daily life of life.

I write you from the stars

Carme Mart nez Primo

The meaning of life: a journey from here and now to infinity.

The meaning of death: an evolutionary process of change of consciousness. Actually, we are not alone.

Each letter contained in this book is a message from one of these spiritual beings who shared with us a human stage. The author channels them and transcribes them in her own words.

Today, those loved ones are present again from another dimension, in a state different from ours, and they manifest to us, the hope that nothing ends with death and the certainty that they continue to love us. The author wants to offer that gift in thanks and tribute to all those who said goodbye and their families that have allowed to share those messages. With the voice, the same voice of all in unison and in favor of evolution.


Carme Martínez Primo

Allegories is not what it seems, metaphors follow each other, the messages remain implicit and the writer already knows in advance that only those who open her mind and her heart will understand.

The characters live in a timeless space within an unfair society that submits to the paradigms and tyranny of factual powers. Throughout the plot, the reader identifies with those characters, who respond with attitudes such as fear, doubt, revenge ... so typical of the human being, but also gets excited with the vision of a new and spiritual world that It is available to everyone.

Carme Martínez Primo

He was born in Lleida, lives and works in this same city.

Currently, although for a short time, he still teaches Spanish language at an institute in Lleida. That is why, since he published his two previous books The Labyrinth of Fireflies and I Write You from the Stars, he has also dedicated himself to lecturing and giving workshops in different parts of Spain, raising awareness among the need to integrate the spiritual life to everyday personal life.

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