Leonard Orr: Renaissance and Physical Immortality. The Secrets of Rejuvenation

The secrets of Juvenecimiento are hidden in old age and senility, however, these issues almost nobody wants to face. Even when people become senile, they deny it, they do not examine it or study to find a cure. Aging is considered an incurable disease. This means death. Many people say, "I don't fear death, but I don't want to get old."

The triumph over death is a science: "the science of immortal yogis."

When I learned that immortal yogis existed, my first question was: Are they still alive?

In 1977, I went to India to look for them. Since then I have met eight people of 300 years and five of 2000 years and they are still alive and healthy.

Why are not all the people of India immortal? The answer is basically mental laziness.

... The physical body is perishable but the history of the immortal yoghis reveals that the body is also renewable. The human body can be regenerated, transfigured, dematerialized and rematerialized, rejuvenated, resurrected, reincarnated, transferred, destroyed and rebuilt. The body is as magical and mystical as the soul.

The great immortal yoghis can be found in the Khumbas Melas of India. A special gathering of immortals takes place on a full moon every September at the Bhattriji ashram, which is located in Sariska, in a forest reserve in Rajastham, India, between Delhi and Jaipur.

… Bartriji is a 2000-year-old yogi who makes public demonstrations of immortal yoga once every 108 years. The next one will be in 2006 DC Bhartraji is a devotee of Babaji as is Enoch, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah and Jesus from the Bible.

… The educated people have a learning disease that is very common. It's called: "Learning more and more things you don't practice." This disease like almost all diseases can only be cured by practice.

... The basic practices of spiritual purification produce eternal values ​​that are beyond the understanding of the mind.

... The ultimate secret of Juvenecimiento and eternal life is to be aware of the energy body. Learning to take care of the energy body is the secret to health and vivification.

… “Open to the Divine Spirit and listen, ” says Babaji, Shiva Yoghi, the eternal young man.

… Eternal life is achieved by incorporating the physical body into our Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Immortality means unraveling the life-death cycle, the conditioning of the race and the conscious old age. This means being a conscious expression of the Eternal Spirit.

... The Church has robbed us of the truth, simplicity and love for 2, 000 years. We die because we don't have permission or help to heal childhood consciousness.

… Self-mastery does not mean suppression or forced discipline, it means retraining the mind patiently and the body always follows the mind.

… The Book of Isaiah is the book of Physical Immortality of the Old Testament. He says: “Those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength. When I surrender to weakness, I do it completely and I hope. I wait until the Eternal Life of the Eternal Spirit flows in my body, until I am possessed by God who then heals me from childhood consciousness.

… Senility is an altered state of consciousness in which the past trauma of childhood, of childhood, even of the prenatal phase and of our whole life comes to the surface spontaneously. It is a full time job to be able to survive emotional pollution during this period of our life.

... Senility is either healed or we die. We drown in our accumulated negativity. We either win the game of spiritual purification or kill ourselves with emotional and physical illnesses.




There is a man who lives in the Philippines who is over 350 years old.

The practice he used to achieve Physical Immortality is the easiest I've ever known. He simply went into the forest once a week for 24 hours. He does not eat or sleep, just dedicate this time to nature and God.

... There are at least two immortals in the mountains between Iran and Russia, in the Sufi tradition and another in Pakistan. But most of the immortals are yogis who are in India and in the Himalayas. His presence for centuries with his profound wisdom and magical abilities are easy to prove. They are not valued by people who know them, since most people are hypnotized by the moralistic mentality and do not care.

Immortal yoghis are an eternal inspiration for people who want to master senility, mind and body. The biggest mistake about Physical Immortality is to believe that it is difficult to achieve. After studying the lifestyle of eight immortals, I noticed that the spiritual practices they do in common are simple and pleasant. The disciplines of pleasure that enliven us eternally are easy, but they are so essential!

... If the Eternal Spirit is the origin of the mind and body, then my mind and body can be eternally young and strong as is the Spirit.

... I have discovered that the Spirit created a manual of procedures for the physical body within nature. Nature is Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

Fasting and exercise, energy breaths, baths with hot water and sitting before a fire are the eternal techniques for triumph over senility and old age. When we meditate and participate in practices with Earth, Air, Water and Fire and maintain relationships full of love with people, we can achieve triumph over old age and death.

Earth, Air, Water and Fire are the physical qualities of God. They are the eternal vehicles of grace.

We also need to work with our thoughts. The human mind is eternally hungry. We need to feed it with the name of God. I practice the presence of God through continuous meditation in the Name of God.

Fast one day, once a week is one of the most powerful disciplines that I use. It is my most valuable ally. A fast of liquids can be all you need. Your energy body will reveal the truth to you through practice.
You must be gentle in the beginning. Maybe you need to become a vegetarian for months or years before your body can tolerate strong fasts.

The body is totally obedient to the mind. The body is not an enemy, the mind is. Our contaminated soul is the enemy.

Not everyone needs to reincarnate. It depends on God and his computer of justice and mercy.

The ultimate secret of victory over death is to survive it . The Babaji Immortal.

Water is bathing twice a day.

Air is the ability to breathe energy as well as air, as the rebornrs taught.

Fire is sleeping in front of my fireplace every night and working near it as much as possible in the daytime.

Mind is mantra yoga. I love practicing God's presence by continually remembering his name. The name I use is OMNAMAHA SHIVAIYA . It is the name that God gave Moses in the burning bush.

Earth is the domain of food and sleep and having a career that we love as well as doing physical exercises.

Eating meat seems to cause heart problems and cancer. These diseases feed childhood feelings of being helpless and of having no hope providing true reasons for wanting to leave the body. Without spiritual purification, the body becomes stiff, with less ability to work and more disobedient. The body becomes an unpleasant place to be. People who have lived in accordance with social, economic and religiously popular norms are hard to think of self-control. Obviously, vegetarianism is the most appropriate. Eating meat is the basic origin of the desire of the flesh and is the reason why Christians rarely follow the example of Jesus that leads to victory. Daniel was the great vegetarian of the Bible. Eating dead animals is the origin of victim awareness.

... I met Babaji for the first time when he appeared to me as "The Angel of the Lord" for three minutes in Houston, Texas, in 1977. Then as "Babaji" in India. He told me that Melchizedek was his devotee for centuries before becoming Abraham's guru. He also told me that Moses, Elijah and Jesus went to visit Varanasi. He has maintained his physical body on Earth for more than 9, 000 years, which represents a very short time for him. I believe it because the word "Father" that appears in the Greek New Testament in the prayer to the Lord that Jesus made, is "Abba." "Abba" is a Sanskrit word that etymologically means "Babaji."

… Earth, Air, Water and Fire are the eternal Sadhana or eternal spiritual practices.

The Earth, Air, Water and Fire are the eternal four gospels of the Eternal Father. They can be found in the lives of the immortals of the Biblioa as well as in the immortals of the East, Enoch, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah and Jesus are Western immortal yoghis.

Earth, Air, Water and Fire are the basic qualities of the Holy Spirit. They are the physical nature of God.

Fire worship was the primary basis of the Bible worship system from Adam to Jesus. However, he was perverted by the sacrifice of animals and that perversion culminated in the human sacrifice of Jesus.

Baptism is purification with water.

Fasting (Earth) is a basic aspect for holiness in the Bible and is the main theme of Jesus' teachings.

(Air): The breath, "The Breath of Life" of Genesis and the "River of Life" in the teachings of Jesus, have been denied by the church, but they are basic aspects for life and personal vivification.

When the truth is known, the Hebrew and Christian religions as well as the Islamic religions will be remembered as modern Hindu sects. The Bible is a recent Hindu script. The Ancient Scriptures that are Shiva Purana and Ramayana cover millions of years of human history. The Bible begins by narrating that people lived 500 to 1000 years ago 5, 000 to 6, 000 years ago. We are ending the last great period of physical immortality established by Ram and Sita over 100, 000 years ago.

The role of Enoch, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah and Jesus is to prepare us for the New Age of Eternal Life in which we are now entering that science and technology are leveling with our philosophy and theology.

... Most religions are the numbness of people. People are no better than animals. The only difference seems to be the language. Language creates as many problems as it solves.

In most of Europe, vegetarianism is very popular and has a lot of press support. Scientists are learning more and more how eating meat destroys the organs of the physical body; first, the digestive system (especially the colon), then the circulatory system, including the heart. Heart disease, as you know, is the biggest killer worldwide. Simply abuse of food.

By Efraín Villegas Quintero

... To talk about GOD, we will have to think about the existence of the Cosmos, the Universes, the Galaxies, the Constellations, the Stars, the Solar Systems, the Planets and the different kingdoms such as the vegetable, the animal kingdom, the metal kingdom, the kingdom of minerals, water, air, fire, ether and earth.

GOD is one but multiplied by how many species, shapes, sizes and names exist within the infinite Cosmos.

GOD is a mixture of spirit, energy and consciousness that fills all the gaps of the infinite Cosmos and within that triple substance, galaxies, stars, solar systems, humanities are born, with different types of matter and different levels of consciousness. Human beings who belong to fully developed societies, other humanities just in development like ours and others beginning their evolutionary process. Moreover, there are other humanities with totally divine bodies of energy and light. It is not easy for us to understand their behavior, their movements without time, without space and without distances; they are divine beings, splendorous, some of light and others of fire.

… “So, God is in the trees, in the flower, in the animals, in the people and in the sun? the boy asked. Yes, God said - it is also in the seas, in the rivers, in the lagoons, in the fire and in everything that exists that you can see, if you see a dove flying, there goes the presence of God, if you see a little fish in the water, there is the presence of God; With this, I want to tell you, that God is in all Creation and as such, never destroy neither the trees, nor kill the animals, nor damage anything because it is to God that you do it.

“Never contribute to eating the corpses of your younger brothers, who are the animals, that are evolving, looking for one day to reach the human form and continue to evolve until their soul reaches the angelic state and continue growing and advancing, until becoming Archangel or in Master of Divine Wisdom, and so on until merging with the All, which is God, therefore, I want you to know that God is in everything created and everything created is within God and so you have a more vision Of course, my name is Samana and that man you see is myself, God.

At that moment the boy woke up in the little house, sitting in a chair, looking at the portrait of the Lord who had spoken to him, who was none other than the same Divine Lord Samana or Jesus of Nazareth, that he knew. The boy crying with immense happiness, he could understand who God was and that he was absolutely in everything created, and that in turn everything created was within God.

By Leonard Orr and Efraín Villegas Quintero

SOURCES: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

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