The Seven First Dimensions of Being, October dc

Dimensions are the different states of existence that we experience during the path to the One Being. That is, they are the evolutionary steps that the Being decided to experience to return to the divine source. All dimensional levels are found in the here and now, the difference is the length of its wave or frequency. The dimensions are frequencies within which we vibrate, we could also say that they are levels of consciousness, they are something similar to radio bands with their frequencies and stations.

There are seven perceptual dimensions that correspond to the eighth dimensional where the Earth is at the moment. There are also other dimensions that correspond to other vibratory octaves that are currently outside our human understanding. Each dimension is governed by a set of specific laws and principles to work in tune with the frequency of that dimension. Changing dimension means expanding our consciousness. The story of the animated character who lived in a role and whose world was totally two-dimensional or flat is famous, so his brain had learned that this was his reality formed by points and lines on an immense white plane. It was inconceivable to think of objects with volume or three-dimensional.

So it is impossible for us from our beliefs, to think about the realities that are not known, since our brain is trained to perceive in a certain way. So, to change dimension is to expand our way of perceiving reality, of seeing things. Now we are moving to a more energetic reality, which is more like the world of dreams and imagination.

The first dimension is responsible for converting energy into matter, it is the basic frequency of atoms and molecules, therefore it is the dimension of the microcosm, it is the vibrational frequency of DNA activation. It can be said that he manages a level of elementary consciousness referred to the fulfillment of functions, that is, a specific consciousness, knows how to go from one point to another. Minerals and water vibrate at this frequency, minerals are the crystalline aspect of it, water is the liquid aspect of it. It is found in the fluids and electrical currents of the human body, activates the genetic code and energizes the cellular system. If we take as a metaphor the human being to describe the dimensions, we could say that the first dimension is experienced in the prefetal stage, where we are a set of potentialities with a program of cell division and maintenance of functions. All dimensions work at all scales and those of this octave are the same throughout the universe.

The second dimension is the frequency where most animals and plants exist. It is also physical and drives biological identity. It is the vibration that maintains the union between the species, what has been called the collective unconscious of the species, that is to say, the way in which the animals of the same species are recognized to fulfill their reproductive functions. It has no individual differentiation or self-recognition. At this level of consciousness there is no spatial temporal reference. Consciousness is linear or two-dimensional. At a geometric level it corresponds to flat shapes such as circle, square etc. It is responsible for the biological variety and all the energies that are responsible for promoting it as the elementary forces of nature. We can take as an example the flocks of birds that act cordinately as a whole, or the schools of sardines, both have been studied and it has been proven that they act as a conscious body where each member maintains a mathematical distance between them and that only break the formation when they are attacked. Following the metaphor of the human being, the second dimension could be compared with the fetal stage, we float being one with the environment, in a non-egotic state, without temporal / spatial reference.

The Third Dimension is where we human beings exist, it is also physical and the type of consciousness of this vibration is volumetric or three-dimensional, at a geometric level shapes such as the cube and the sphere and platonic solids are perceived. There is a linear perception of time and space, with the ability to remember the past and project the future being in the present. It is based on polarity and the illusion of separation, on the development of individual identity and the loss of group sense. This is the frequency where we become aware of ourselves, develop the ego and believe that we are separated from the whole.

It is in this dimension where we perceive ourselves more separated from the whole than in any other, therefore it is here that the Unique Being is presented with more integration and growth challenges. In the human being it starts from the second year of life, when the child begins to differentiate himself from the environment as an individual, to express his desires, to form his ego. It is a very important learning stage, where fragmentation begins. In the third dimension we experience a process of division of Being that produces what we call personality. It is part of the evolutionary work to collect and gather all the parts.

The Fourth dimension is the frequency where we return to the consciousness of group integration, without loss of individuality. This frequency has been called the archetypal zone or collective unconscious, it is the place where feelings, emotions and dreams reside. In this dimension we perceive time in cyclic waves or spiral. It exists in a quantum field where all alternatives and possibilities are presented simultaneously. It is the frequency of synchronicity, empathy and telepathy.

It is the last dimension where we experiment with the physical body as a learning vehicle. In this frequency we perceive multidimensionality and we realize our responsibility, by becoming aware that each of our actions affects the whole. In these moments we are waking up to the fourth dimension consciousness and we feel it superimposed on the third one, so on a human level we are going through the need to share with groups, review our relationships, seek healing and growth with therapies. It is also the cause of the collapse of long-established physical, economic and political structures, which no longer correspond to this new vibration. And every time we will see more changes at all levels of what does not correspond to the new energy. The dimensional change is at all scales, we are not only experiencing human beings but also Mother Earth and on a larger scale the entire galaxy. The dimensional change does not happen from one day to another but by gradual layers of consciousness. Once we are alert in the fourth dimension, the fifth and sixth doors will open gently. Accepting the fourth dimension consciousness is what has been called the quantum leap and is the most difficult step of dimensional change since this implies a profound change of beliefs. The fourth dimension is the portal to Christ consciousness.

The Christ consciousness is that collective consciousness that recognizes itself as Unity.

The fifth dimension is the frequency of wisdom and is totally pure energy. It is where the Ascended Masters and the guiding spirits meet. In the fifth we experience merging with the group of souls to which we belong vibrationally and to the Higher or Multidimensional Being. It is the dimension where we remember who we are and awakening our inner wisdom. It is in this dimension where the group consciousness is experienced that forms a single Being of greater dimensions. It is an energetic frequency, not physical. Time is a continuum, there is only the eternal now. Many of the beings that are in that dimension to contact their wisdom, choose to be the spiritual guides of those in the physical dimension, as part of their service in the process of evolution.

Many of the beings channeled today that are presented as a group conscience are in fifth dimension, and when we make contact with our Higher Self we are living a fifth experience. As it is a dimension of light, we perceive holographically and in luminous forms of great intensity, often geometric.

The difference between fifth and sixth as well as between sixth and seventh is not as evident as that of fourth and third, from fifth the dimensions are overlapping or fused and their borders are diffuse, this is because we are talking about energy and not matter. The sixth dimension is the frequency that has been called Critical or Scientific, because that is where the state of total remembrance comes, where responsibility is taken for the whole and the whole is taken. It is a state of compassionate consciousness, the famous enlightenment. It is the return home, to the Unique Being. In the sixth process of evolution of Being and Everything are experienced as One, it is the place of unlimited and unified consciousness. This frequency manifests as individual and collective simultaneously.

The sixth dimension is the creator of the morphogenic matrices that manifest in other dimensions as third, second and first. These matrices are the geometrical forms and the networks that we call sacred geometry, are the geometric patterns of light creators of life and responsible for their materialization.

The seventh dimension is the frequency of total integration, there are no more scattered parts, consciousness is experienced multidimensionally, that is to say knowledge of the parts that were once dismembered in the past with a New perspective of integration. There are the beings that are and are pure love. It is an energy dimension where there is no form. It is the dimension of the angelic kingdom and the consciences of pure light.

SOURCE: Positive life.

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