Tantrums 10 Rules for acting before tantrums

  • 2015

A habitual behavior in the smallest ones are the tantrums. Tantrums can be caused by different situations, usually they are the way to express frustration or anger, it is an explosion of anger caused by different causes.

The children, feel an upset or frustration, justified or not and before the difficulty of handling that emotion in an appropriate way, they express it through a tantrum.

This happens because they have learned something, even if they are not aware of it, they have learned that before a tantrum they receive an adult response sometimes the one they want, although not always the best for the situation. It is important that we learn to manage these behaviors of the little ones, that we teach them to control their frustration and express their emotions adequately and productively.

Types of tantrums according to their cause

The fatigue. Often when the little ones are tired, they behave in tantrums. Tiredness makes them feel angry and upset and their way of expressing it is with a tantrum. Examples of this are: the child who is sleepy, when we wake him up early, the little boy who is tired of doing his homework, etc.

Attention call. If the child wants to receive attention, he will feel a sense of frustration and anger because he is ignored. He will probably try other behaviors before the tantrum, and if it doesn't work, he will let his anger run wild with a tantrum, even if this has worked for him on previous occasions.

Get or avoid something . Another situation in which boys and girls tend to feel frustrated is when they fail to get something they want. The little one wants something, a toy, eat ice cream for dessert, etc. If you are denied, you will feel frustrated and respond with a tantrum. The same happens when the child does not want something, and can not help it, eat vegetables, go to bed early, pick up, go to the bathroom, his frustration will lead him to a tantrum.

Discomfort in a situation they don't like. When they do not like something, they also usually respond with tantrums, which change their place in class, have to go to visit instead of play, a comment from someone, a retinue, etc.

The little one needs to discharge tensions, present or past frustrations. This happens when we observe that the child enters a tantrum for any reason. In these cases the child feels frustrated by some situation that makes him angry and the current situation will only be the trigger.

How to act before the tantrums of the little ones?

The general rule before a tantrum is to act so that this behavior does not become habitual and our children learn new and more productive ways to deal with frustrating situations.

10 Rules for handling tantrums

We should not pay attention to the tantrum. If we respond automatically, we don't let the little one learn to tolerate that frustration. We must teach him that with tantrums he does not achieve his goal.

Wait for the little one to calm down, and then act.

Explain calmly, without altering, that when he calms down you will pay attention to him and you will get with him to solve the situation.

Don't lose your nerves, an anger on your part, is a way of paying attention.

Be firm and steady, but show affection and not anger. Say something like: "If you don't calm down, we don't know what's wrong with you. When you calm down, you explain it to us and we do something."

Divert the child's attention to something else.

Try to let the children unload tensions, take it to the park, ride a bike, use a sense of humor.

Act as an example, when you feel frustrated or angry, try to control yourself and not lose your temper.

Dialogue with him, express your emotions and try to make them feel comfortable to do it in a proper and healthy way.

Do not judge children. Be compressive and criticize in any case your behavior, explaining how you feel, do not criticize the child.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Psychologist and Pedagogue


Source: http://www.educayaprende.com/

Tantrums 10 Rules for acting before tantrums

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