The Scientific Tests of Astrology

  • 2011

Although I am not an Astrologer (because my specialty - you know it - is Numerology), I consider this article of general interest, because I believe that Astrology is one of the best known Alternative Sciences in the world ...

Mario Liani

The scientific tests of astrology

A recent scientific study seems to indicate that the moment in which it is born affects personality, is astrology an arcane science or just the result of a conclave of quackery and superstition?

"Perhaps there is a pattern in the celestial vault for those who want to see it, and once seen, to find himself, " Plato

The influence of the stars in our lives has been despised by science, probably also influenced by their own skeptical (and dogmatic) stars and by the quackery industry - the pocket horoscope - that has been generated around astrology, a 'science' (which is also an art) that in its esoteric beginnings was only practiced by the initiates.

Great personalities have used and believed in this discipline - which we could call one of the oldest and least known sciences at the same time:

President Ronald Reagan consulted an astrologer throughout his presidency to make decisions (John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's astrologer, was a fundamental part of the empire's strategy); one of the parents of the scientific method, Francis Bacon, recognized the influence of the planets; Like Bacon, Isaac Newton also studied alchemy, the sister science of astrology, and defended astrology from skeptical Edwar Halley.

The psychologist Carl G. Jung, without necessarily believing in the magnetic influence of the stars, saw in astrology an intuitive discipline that through synchronicity and the archetypes reflected in the constellations, allows man to communicate with the deepest of his being, and get divinatory answers from your unconscious (in the mirror of the cosmos).

Although there are some other studies that we will refer to later, a study by the University of Vanderbilt was unveiled this week that inadvertently suggests that astrology has a scientific basis, that is, the moment it is born influences the behavior and physiology of living things.

In this case, different groups of genetically modified mice were studied and exposed to artificial winters or summers at the time of their birth.

The scientists noted that despite the fact that these mice were changed after birth, they still exhibited characteristics characteristic of the season in which they were born, that is, the mice that were born in artificial winter when placed in summer light conditions, they continued to maintain characteristics as a decrease in your activity rate during the day.

This is the first time that an imprinting or impression effect of the conditions in which an animal is born has been observed. Something that scientists call "seasonal biology" (or seasonal biology).

The study is aimed at investigating why people born in the winter months have a greater propensity to develop neurological disorders, such as seasonal affective disorder.

"What is particularly remarkable about these results is the fact that the effects of imprinting affect both the behavior of animals and the neuronal cycle of the master biological clock of their brain, " said Vanderbilt University.

In the case of mice born in the equinoxes, corresponding intermediate effects were observed that are consistent with what was observed.

Now, this study has generated found versions; acclaimed by astrologers as proof that this discipline has scientific bases, and by the mainstream as only proof that light conditions affect the biology and personality of mammals.

Analyzing the study we see that on the one hand it indicates that the moment of birth - not necessarily the position of the planets (but if the position of our planet) - affects the personality and biology of a baby in such a way that it generates an imprint that accompanies during his life (the mice in their maturation maintained characteristics printed at birth).

Scientists believe that the imprint occurs because light affects the development of some parts of the brain in its stage of pregnancy, which can have lasting effects.

Now, if there is an effect of the planets, how would it be from physics? Dr. Percy Seymour, a member of the Royal Astronomical Societey, believes that there is a physical effect caused by the position of the planets at the birth of a person, this is an influence of the magnetic field of the Sun and of some planets in that of the Earth, in reality a network of interaction between the different planets affecting the magnetic fields of each one.

Seymour in this article cites a series of tests of how the magnetic fields, of Jupiter and Saturn, for example, affect the solar cycles, or the magnetic field of the Moon affects that of the Earth (something that is evident if we observe the tides, menstrual and agricultural cycles).

The variations in the magnetic field of the Earth, it has been shown, have effects as diverse as in the intensity of dreams or even in the fluctuations of the stock market.

What Seymour poses is a sophisticated version of the music of the Pythagorean spheres, where the harmony - gravity, position, mass, and magnetic field - of each celestial body form part of the great symphony of the universe.

Seymour believes that the fetus in the womb receives magnetic signals through the cells of its nervous system, which act as an antenna, and even the moment of birth is triggered by this magnetic influence.

Throughout his life a person would maintain his biorhythms and cell cycles according to this imprint regulated by the influence of certain planets.

Astrology traditionally explains the effects of celestial bodies on the human body under a mirror concept: "as above, it is below" (urbi et orbi) says the maximum hermetic. This suggests that the design of the universe obeys fractal cycles, in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, man is likeness of the universe.

In this sense, the zodiac would be an intuitive and symbolic animated mathematical code to reflect these processes that the universe and our solar system have with their particular characteristics.

Key to this understanding is the holistic conception of a system, in which each part influences all others with differences of magnitude, such as the proximity of a planet or its size and electromagnetic intensity.

The stars: an Indra necklace where each pearl not only reflects each other pearl but each of the reflections that intersect in the skein?

It is curious that people born in the winter months are at greater risk of having the so-called winter depression, this corresponds to Capricorn, the melancholic saturnine temperament, a fact that, although isolated, seems to show some intrinsic wisdom in the zodiacal planes.

On the other hand it is interesting to consider that there are various astrological systems, such as Chinese and Maya, in addition to the Babylonian, which seems to indicate that this is a complicated science, which requires a deep understanding and a master's degree there. of the horoscope in the cereal box.

In the future, it might require astrology to re-ally with astronomy - such as alchemy with chemistry to transmute the body - to obtain greater precision, to know the true interactions between magnetic fields.

For example, details that may not be insignificant, such as the fact that every 8 minutes a magnetic portal opens between the Earth and the Sun, through which tons of particles penetrate energy through the magnetosphere.

Could this affect a person's imprint according to the minute he is born? And how much do we know about the physical effects of the high-energy particles of the Sun, which cause northern lights, but which in certain cases disturb the electrical systems of our planet (and we are also electrical systems)?

Among other studies carried out on the scientific validity of astrology is the famous effect of Mars.

Michel Gauqelin documented a highly significant statistical correlation in the position of Mars, the vigorous planet of war and iron as an element, in the birth of professional athletes.

Something that was later corroborated by independent studies.

Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson found an effective method of predicting depression in a person by observing his astral chart. A similar method seems to occur by observing the astral chart of serial killers.

In this article, 10 supposed evidence that planets affect the personality of human beings can be investigated.

And maybe beyond the evidence of a knowledge paradigm like science (a change of approach: I would rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach 10000 stars how not to dance ee cummings), is the daily intuition of each person.

In that sense, the best opinion about the validity of astrology is the reader. Do you find in your life that certain people of certain signs, with certain planets in their homes, behave according to a pattern? Do you notice a difference in your personality or in nature according to the phase of the Moon?

But how far can you distinguish your mechanisms of psychological projection from the patterns you observe in nature? To what extent the suggestion of this narrative comes from the material world, objective and not from the narrative of culture and collective consciousness?

And above all, how far can you separate these narratives, the physics and the supposedly objective world from your mind and the subjective world? It is not possible that they are the same thing and this is the key to astrology: that the planets in the sky are also inside your brain and the same universe has a kind of mind And a psychological pattern, how do you have a body made of the same substance as the stars in its basic constitution?

"The unveiling of the company of heaven./ Every man and every woman is a star." Aleister Crowley

Source: Pijamasurf

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