The properties of evening primrose

  • 2013

Evening primrose is a plant native to North America, from the 17th century it spread to Europe and then became known throughout the rest of the world.

In ancient times the leaves of evening primrose were consumed in salads and their roots were used for the elaboration of natural remedies especially in order to be able to relieve hemorrhoids .

At the beginning of the eighties, the great healing potential of evening primrose seeds could be detected, this is because they have significant amounts of gammalinol acid also known as AGL .

The compound of these seeds have a relevant effect on prostaglandin levels and, therefore, on hormonal balance. These are pressed to extract its oil, which is used in capsules in order to combat premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, and menopausal symptoms.

It has been determined that evening primrose lowers cholesterol, its oil can lower the blood cholesterol level by up to 20%, which is comparable to the results obtained by regularly prescribed drugs, but without risk of toxicity .

This oil fights diseases such as rheumatic pain and arthritis, however, it is recommended that it be taken in combination with other Omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil or of flaxseed .

Some research determined the relationship of improvement of disorders such as hyperactivity and attention deficit when taking essential fatty acids such as that contained in evening primrose seed and Omega-3, since It is believed that some people have deficiencies in these fatty acids .

It is also used externally to relieve eczema itching and skin irritation and may even reduce the need to use creams containing steroids and other types of medications .

In the area of natural beauty, evening primrose oil is added in masks for dry and irritated skin with premature wrinkles. And recently, its power to treat pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, alcoholism, anorexia, Parkinson's, among others, was known.

Among some natural treatments can be applied evening primrose for premature wrinkles and on the skin of the neck, for rheumatic or arthritis pain and also for external hemorrhoids .

You can also take one capsule of evening primrose oil in concentrations of 500 mg to 1000mg per softgel capsule daily which can be purchased at natural supplement centers.

In order to acquire the evening primrose oil, it is recommended that it be of first cold pressure, which is the highest extraction quality. The vast majority of brands complement it with a vitamin E supplement, but it should be noted that this concentration varies. For that reason, it is important to be able to look at the label for the milligrams it contains and if the oil is cold first pressure, which is the best.

It should be noted that evening primrose oil has no side effects, in most people who consume it. However, some ailments may occur, you may suffer from a headache, some type of mild stomach disorder or mild abdominal pain.

With regard to pregnant women or nursing mothers, its use is not advisable, since more research results are required to know if it could be ingested, although many specialists already recommend it for their experience as beneficial for pregnancy and breastfeeding

Because evening primrose oil can delay blood clot formation, it should not be consumed with other medications that are anticoagulants, as this could increase the chances of some bruising and bleeding .


The properties of evening primrose

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