Mayan prophecies

The Mayans left us the inhabitants of the planet earth today, a message written in stone, a message that contains seven prophecies, an alert part and an art of hope, the alert message prophesies about what will happen in these In our times, the message of hope tells us about the changes we must make in ourselves to push humanity towards the new era. The era of women, the era of the mother, the era of sensibility.

All of us, in one way or another, feel that we are beginning to live the times of the Apocalypse. We all feel war, war for oil, war for peace.

Every day there are more volcanic eruptions, the pollution generated by our technology has become alarming, we have weakened the ozone layer that protects us from the sun's radiation, we have contaminated the planet with our industrial wastes and garbage. The devastation of natural resources is ending the sources of water, the air we breathe; The weather has changed and temperatures have increased dramatically.

The glaciers and snowfall melt, great floods occur throughout the world; huge tornadoes endangered Florida and gigantic hurricanes destroyed Central America. We are threatened by computer chaos, widespread poverty due to the effects of economic chaos is felt in almost every country in the world. We all look for answers and a safe path for the times we live.

We recognize from the problems we face every day that we are not living in harmony. Many religions made prophecies about what is happening, the Bible announced that when all these events happened at the same time the times of the Apocalypse would be coming.

The Mayans knew that this was going to happen exactly in these times, so they left some guides for each of us, individually, to contribute to humanity towards the dawn of the galaxy, to a new era in which there will be no more chaos or destruction. They left us seven prophecies in which they speak of their visions of the future, of our present. They are based on the conclusions of their scientific and religious studies on the functioning of the universe.

1st Mayan prophecy

The first prophecy speaks of the end of fear, says: “that our world of hate and materialism will end on Saturday December 22, 2012, (time that has been shortened by the same acceleration of time and this results in such events happening before this date, about 4 or 5 years before) For that day humanity must choose between disappearing as a thinking species that threatens to destroy the planet or evolve towards harmonic integration with the entire universe, understanding that everything is alive and conscious, that We are part of that whole and that we can exist in a new era of light.

The first prophecy says that from 1999, we have thirteen years left, only thirteen years to make the changes of consciousness and attitude, of those who speak to us to deviate from the path of destruction through which we move towards one that opens our conscience and our mind to integrate with everything that exists.

The Mayans knew that our sun (they called it kinich-Ahau) is a living being that breathes and that from time to time it synchronizes with the huge organism in which it exists, which upon receiving a spark of light from the center of the galaxy shines brighter intensely, producing on their surface what our scientists call solar eruptions and magnetic changes, they say that this happens every 5, 125 years, that the earth is affected by changes in the sun by a shift in its axis of rotation. They predicted that from this movement great cataclysms would occur, for the Mayans the universal processes such as the respiration of the galaxy are cyclic and never change, what changes is the consciousness of the man who passes through them, always in a process towards More Perfection

Based on their observations, the Mayans predicted that from the date of their civilization since 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, that is, from the year 3113 BC, 5, 125 in the future, that is, on Saturday, December 22 of the year 2012 the sun received a strong Synchronizing beam coming from the center of the galaxy will change its polarity and produce a gigantic radiant flare. By then, humanity must be prepared to go through the door that the Mayans left us, transforming the current civilization based on fear into a much higher vibration of harmony, only individually can the door be crossed that allows avoiding the great cataclysm that the planet will suffer to begin a new era, a sixth cycle of the sun.

The Mayans claimed that their civilization was the fifth sunlit Kinich-Ahau, the fifth great solar cycle, which had previously existed on earth four other civilizations that were destroyed by major natural disasters, believed that each civilization is only one step in rise of the collective consciousness of humanity.

For the Maya in the last cataclysm, civilization had been destroyed by a great flood that left a few survivors of whom they were their descendants, they thought that upon knowing the end of those cycles, many human beings would prepare for what was coming, and that thanks to that they had managed to keep the thinking species, man, on the planet.

They tell us that changing times will allow us to ascend a step in the evolution of consciousness and move towards a new civilization that will manifest greater harmony and understanding for all human beings.

The first prophecy tells us about the time of non-time, a period of 20 years called by them a katum, the last 20 years of that great solar cycle of 5, 125 years, that is from 1992 to the year 2.012. They prophesied that until that time more and more intense spots of the solar wind would appear in the sun, since 1992 mankind would enter into a last period of great learning, great changes. That our own behavior of depredation and pollution of the planet would contribute to these changes happening; The first prophecy says that these changes will happen so that we understand how the universe works and move to higher levels leaving materialism behind and freeing ourselves from suffering.

The sacred Mayan book of Chilam Balam says: In the thirteen Ahau at the end of the last katum, the itz will be rolled over and rolled Tanka, there will be a time in being They are plunged into darkness and then the men of the sun will come bringing the future signal; The earth will wake up in the north and in the west, itz will wake up .

The first prophecy announced that seven years after the beginning of the last Katum, that is, in 1999, it would begin a time of darkness that would confront us all with Our own behavior. They said that the words of their priests would be heard by all of us as a guide to awakening, they call this time as the time that humanity entered the great hall of mirrors, a Time of changes to face man with himself, to make him enter the great hall of the mirrors and look at himself, to look and analyze his behavior with himself, with others, with nature and with the planet where he lives. A time for all humanity by conscious decision of each of us to decide to change, eliminate fear and disrespect in all our relationships.

2nd Mayan prophecy

The second Mayan prophecy announced that the behavior of all humanity will change rapidly from the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, that day we saw how a ring of fire was cut against the sky, it was an eclipse unprecedented in history, because of the cosmic cross alignment centered on the earth of almost all the planets of the solar system, they positioned themselves in the four signs of the zodiac, which are the signs of the four evangelists the four guardians of the throne who star in the Apocalypse according to St. John, in addition to the shadow cast by the moon on the earth through Europe through Kosovo, then through the Middle East, to Go In Iraq, he later addressed Pakistan to India, with his shadow seemed to predict an area of ​​wars and conflicts.

The Mayans maintained that from that eclipse men would easily lose control of their emotions or strengthen their inner peace and tolerance by avoiding conflicts.

Since then there is a time of change that is the prelude to a new era, before dawn is when the darkest is the night. The end of time is a time of conflicts and great learning, of wars, separation and collective follies that will in turn generate processes of destruction and evolution.

The second prophecy indicates that the energy received from the center of the galaxy will increase and accelerate the vibration throughout the universe to lead to greater perfection, this will produce physical changes in the sun, on the earth and psychological changes in man altering their behavior, their way of thinking and feeling, relationships and modes of communication, economic, social, order and justice systems will be transformed. Religious beliefs and accepted values ​​will change, man will face his fears and anguish to solve them, and in that way he will be able to synchronize with the rhythms of the planet, and the universe, humanity will concentrate on its negative side and can clearly see what It is the one that is doing wrong.

This is the first step to change attitudes and achieve unity that allows the emergence of collective consciousness. The events that separate us will be increased, but also those that unite us. Aggression, hatred, dissolving families, clashes over ideologies, religion, models of morality or nationalism; Simultaneously more people will find peace, they will learn to control their emotions, there will be more respect, they will be more tolerant and compressive and they will find unity, men will arise with a very high level of internal energy, people with sensibility and intuitive powers for healing, but they will also appear fakers who will only pretend to have economic revenue at the expense of the desperation of others.

The Mayans predicted that in 1999 the era of the time of non-time would begin, a stage of rapid changes necessary to renew the social and human ideological processes. At the end of the cycle each man will be his own judge when the man enters the hall of mirrors to examine everything he did in life, he will be classified by the qualities he has developed in life, his way of acting day after day, his behavior with others, and their respect for the planet, all will be located according to whatever they are, those who maintain harmony will understand what happens as a process of evolution in the universe, instead there will be others who by ambition fear and frustration blame to others or to God for what will happen. Situations of destruction, death and suffering will be generated, but they will also give rise to circumstances of solidarity and respect for others, of unity with the planet and the cosmos.

This implies that heaven and hell will be manifesting at the same time, and that each human being will live in one or the other depending on their own behavior, heaven with wisdom to voluntarily transcend everything that happens, hell with ignorance to learn with suffering; two inseparable forces, one that understands that in the Universe everything evolves towards perfection, that everything changes, another wrapped in a material plane that only feeds selfishness.

At the time of the change of time all options will be available, practically uncensored of any kind, and moral values ​​will be more lax than ever so that each one manifests freely as it is, the second prophecy states that if most of the Human beings change their behavior, and synchronize with the planet will drastically neutralize the changes that describe the following prophecies. We must be aware that man always decides his own destiny especially at this time, the prophecies are only warnings so that we become aware of the need to change course to prevent them from coming true.

3rd Mayan prophecy

The third Mayan prophecy says that a heat wave will increase the temperature of the planet, producing geological and social climatic changes in an unprecedented magnitude, and at an amazing speed.

The Mayans say that the increase in temperature will be due to the combination of several factors, one of them generated by man that in its lack of synchrony with nature can only produce processes of self-destruction, other factors will be generated by the sun that at accelerating its activity by increasing its vibration produces more radiation, increasing the temperature of the planet. Each of us in some way helps pollute the planet or deforest it, with our cars, throwing garbage on the streets, or in public parks, helping to make the planet's climate turn against us.

The changes are happening already but as they have been happening very slowly, we have adapted to them and we do not perceive them, the industrialization process that took place in the twentieth century has dramatically polluted the atmosphere with its toxic gas emissions, the so-called acid rain product Burning coal or petroleum products and sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions in the industrial sector takes place throughout the world and is concentrated in urban areas, corrodes monuments and bridges destroys exterior paint, kills forests, damages marine life, cultivated soils make drinking water toxic and reduces visibility. The polluting chimneys of thousands of factories indifferent to the damage they cause changed the seasons of rainy seasons and weather.

In millions of homes on the planet it is still cooked with charcoal and firewood, creating fires that emit large amounts of smoke, ashes, water vapor and carbon dioxide, all this led to the emergence of the greenhouse effect because the concentrations of carbon particles that they remain floating in the atmosphere they react chemically with the dioxides increasing the dirt and the temperature. The air we breathe is filled with carbon monoxide particles of nitrogen oxide and methane, resulting from the combustion of gasoline in the engines of millions of cars and thousands of thermal power plants.

The predation of forests to turn them into cultivation land, or to extend the cities has become a common practice, the forests that purify the air are burned by converting the carbonic gas that contains the oxygen.

Man is not aware of the evil that is causing the planet, nor that it is necessary to sow to replenish the vegetation it consumes, the entire planet has become a large garbage dump, we send containers with radioactive waste to the bottom of the sea, we load entire ships with non-degradable waste.

The climatic variations as a result of the harmful activities of the man and the changes in the behavior of the sun produce an alteration in the rains, diminishes his quantity, intensity and regularity. The increase in temperature will produce strong winds, hurricanes and tornadoes. Hurricanes are gigantic and violent storms a vortex of destruction and death, they are called a hurricane in commemoration of the God of the evil of the aborigines of the Caribbean. Hurricane Mich and the phenomena associated with the child's current, are evidence of the tendency towards the great disasters caused by the weather, the hydraulic system is fundamental because the earth is covered in 70 percent water.

As the temperature rises, the relative humidity in the environment will decrease, which will result in less cloudiness in the sky and greater exposure to the sun, thus aggravating the problem, thus evaporating the water from the soil producing large droughts and many forest fires throughout the planet, the lack of water will produce great inconveniences in all the vegetation, reducing its growth and considerably reducing the size of the Crops.

By reducing the amount of rainwater will also decrease the flow of reservoirs and lakes, creating serious problems for all the fauna of the earth, all this will cause a strong impact on the economy, there will be shortages and many weather-dependent products such as fodder, cereals, fish and hydroelectric power will rise in price vertiginously, they will be times of rationing hunger and social unrest. It will increase the number of pests and insects and tropical diseases such as malaria, the behavior of man will be crucial to overcome the general increase in temperature caused by his own unconscious and predatory behavior.

4th Mayan prophecy

The fourth Mayan prophecy says that the increase in temperature caused by the anti-ecological behavior of man and a greater activity of the sun will cause a melting of ice at the poles, if the sun increases its activity levels above normal there will be a higher production of solar wind, more massive eruptions from the sun's crown, an increase in irradiation and an increase in the planet's temperature.

The Maya relied on the five hundred and eighty-four-day turn of the Venus planet, to calibrate their solar calculations, Venus is a planet easily visible in the sky, as its orbit is between the earth and the sun.

They left registered in the Dresden codex that every 117 turns of Venus marked every time it appears in the same place in the sky, the sun undergoes strong alterations, huge spots or eruptions of solar wind appear.

They warned that every 1, 872, 000 kines or 5, 125 years occur even greater alterations and that when this occurs man must be alert, it is the harbinger of changes and destruction. In the Dresden codex there is also the figure 1, 366, 560 kine that has a difference of one katum, 20 years with the figure that appears in the temple of the cross.

In the temple of the cross in Palenque the figure 1, 366, 540 kines is carved, the difference it has with the one recorded in the Dresden codex is 20 years or a katum is a period of time that they called the time of no time, in the Since we are living since 1992, the changes in the activity of the sun will be stronger, since the protections we have at the planetary level are weakening the electromagnetic shield that covers us is decreasing its intensity.

The production of ozone in the ionosphere that prevented ultraviolet rays has decreased and huge holes have appeared over the poles allowing the arrival of the sun's rays to the planet's surface. The activity of man is altering the composition of the atmosphere, producing the so-called greenhouse effect that traps heat and increases temperature. All these phenomena when occurring simultaneously will produce alterations in the climate and an increase in temperature in the seas, which will melt the ice more quickly in the polar caps. This will cause an increase in the level of the seas, causing flooding in the coastal lands and morphological modification of the continents where we live. The Mayans said that this would be the way our planet would be cleaned and green again everywhere.

The rise in temperature began scientific reports from various sources confirm it, studies conducted by the University of Colorado, conclude that glaciers and snowy peaks around the world are decreasing their volume significantly as a result of the increase general temperature throughout the planet; The largest glacier in Africa on Mount Kenya lost 92 percent of its mass, the glaciers of Mount Kirimanyaro have been reduced by 73 percent, in Spain in 1980 there were At 27 glaciers, today the number has been reduced to 13 in the European Alps and the fall in Russia has shrunk by 50 percent and in New Zealand and the mountains have chan between Russia and China by 26 percent, preliminary study calculations say that if the changes continue at the same rate, in fifty years there will be no snowy peaks anywhere in the world.

In the antarctic, the situation is even more serious, the glacial Park IceLand is melting from its center not from its edges, it is known that a pond or an icy lake begins to melt it always does its center.

The temperature in the Antarctic has increased 2.25 degrees in the last 25 years, and vegetation is appearing in parts where before there was no more than ice, 50% of the population The world lives near the sea whereby millions of people will be affected and displaced from their homes, 1998 set record high temperatures in 600 years at high temperatures, however a temperature increase like the one that has been happening does not change rapidly the levels of water in the whole planet, it will be a process that will take several years; the only thing that could achieve it is a sudden change in the position of the earth's crust over its central nucleus, this has already happened several times on the planet by changing the position n of the poles. We know that many things that we do not want to happen and that cause great tragedies finally happen, we must concentrate on producing positive results of our actions and at the same time grow with the difficulties we encounter, we must assume life and make our decisions consciously. open our eyes to the possibilities that a world can bring us in which everyone blames others for what happens.

All the prophecies seek a change in the mind of man because the universe is generating all these processes so that humanity expands throughout the galaxy, understanding its fundamental integrity with everything that exists.

5th Mayan prophecy

The fifth Mayan prophecy says that all systems based on fear, upon which our civilization is based, will be transformed simultaneously with the planet and man, to give way to a new reality of harmony.

Man is convinced that the universe exists only for him, that humanity is the only expression of intelligent life, and therefore acts as a predator of everything that exists.

The systems will fail to confront man with himself and make him see the need to reorganize society and continue on the path of evolution that will lead us to understand creation.

At the moment almost all the world's economies are in crisis, and a speculative wave has been unleashed everywhere, in just one day 1.5 trillion dollars change hands in the international financial markets. A 15% drop in the markets makes a wealth equivalent to the annual production of all US factories disappear.

Since 1995 the world economy is not dominated by the exchange of cars, steel, wheat and other real goods and goods, but by the exchange of foreign exchange stocks and bonds; that is to say of virtual wealth with which it is very easy to speculate.

Credit card syndrome has become a common evil. The man is indebted beyond what he earns by putting his personal economy on the tightrope and that is reflected at all levels, speculation around financial capital led to an economic situation much more delicate than that of 1929 before the collapse of the bag in 1, 930.

Almost all economies are in trouble and government lifeguards, with money from banks that are on the verge of bankruptcy, make this process even more difficult. There are high-risk situations in the economic system and information management, and if we add to this the increase in the activity of the sun that can cause irreparable damage to satellites, the situation is complicated.

With the solar flares an unusual dose of ultra violet rays that expand to the upper atmosphere of the earth is received, decreasing the pressure that exists on satellites that are at low altitude, this causes them to drop from orbit to a much faster, losing temporary contact with them at best and interrupting all communications on the planet; It can also happen that the 19, 000 objects that are in the orbit of the earth when receiving a high dose of electromagnetism from the sun, see their electronic components damaged and stop working forever.

When the ionosphere is affected by extraordinary solar emissions, there are alterations in all radio and television communications because it is in that layer of the atmosphere that different frequencies are transmitted and reflected. We have then that the economies and the communications are very fragile systems and interconnected to all the others, the electrical network is especially sensitive to the solar flares as it happened during nine hours in all Quebec, in 1989.

The electricity system is the backbone of our contemporary societies, if they fail, all other systems like dominoes that fall consecutively would fail one after another. It is said that a system is equally strong to the weakest of its components or links, imagine how our societies would react to all these simultaneous events, food would begin to be scarce.

Communications will be impossible, traffic will go wild in all cities, the economy will be paralyzed, most people will lose their mind, civil disorders will begin that, due to the amount of people involved, will overflow all government expectations and controls. This situation of total lack of control will forever change all systems of society, religious systems based on a God that instills fear will also enter into crisis. A single common spiritual path will emerge for all mankind that will end all the limits established in the different ways of seeing God.

The new galactic day is announced by all religions and cults as a time of peace and harmony for all mankind. It is clear then that everything that does not produce this result must disappear or transform, the new era of light cannot have a humanity based on the military economy of impositions of truths by force.

6th Mayan prophecy

The sixth Mayan prophecy says that in the next few years a comet will appear whose trajectory will endanger the very existence of man.

The Maya saw comets as agents of change who came to set in motion the existing balance so that certain structures were transformed allowing the evolution of collective consciousness.

All things have their proper place. All circumstances, even the most adverse ones, are perfect to generate understanding about life, to develop awareness about creation; This is why man has constantly faced unexpected situations that generate suffering, it is a way to get him to reflect on his relationship with the world and with others, so throughout many experiences, in many lives, he will understand the universal laws of the reason for creation. For the Maya, God is the presence of life, it has all forms and its presence is infinite.

The comet of which the sixth prophecy speaks was also announced by many religions and cultures. For example in the Bible, in the book of revelations, it appears with the name of wormwood. If the comet appears, it is possible that its trajectory leads it to collide with the earth or also that by means of physicists or psychics we can divert its trajectory.

Comets have always been part of the solar system, thousands of waste cross, cross, rub, go and return periodically and even collide with planets that always move quietly in regular orbits around the sun.

The scientific community accepts that a comet fell 65 million years ago in the Tertiary Cretaceous in Chixilub, in the Atlantic Ocean, facing the Yucatan Peninsula, causing the extinction of dinosaurs; its 180 km diameter crater contains high concentrations of iridium, a very rare element on earth but common in asteroids.

The appearance of comets has been associated with difficult situations such as the one that coincided with the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano that destroyed Pompeii in the year 79 of our era, or with the overthrow of King Harol by William the conqueror in England that in 1066 It was registered in the Bayeux tapestry. They have caused collective panic: the Halley in 1910, then it was presumed that its tail was of a poisonous gas, cyanide, millions of pills were sold to protect itself from it; They have also been the cause of collective suicides such as the 39 members of the Heaven Gates cult in 1997, who believed that the huge comet Hale - Bopp. With 40 km in diameter it came to crash.

Comets have always generated controversy but perhaps never as much as in 1456, when Halley's comet reappeared and was considered an agent of the devil, which would have to be expelled from the heavens being excommunicated by Pope Calixto III.

It was Isaac Newton who discovered that gravity keeps the planets spinning in defined orbits spinning around the sun. Edmond Halley su contemporáneo utilizo estos cálculos para determinar las órbitas de los cometas anunciando que cada 76 años el cometa Halley regresaría, por este motivo lleva su nombre. También los cometas han causado desastres regionales como en Siberia, sobre el rió Tunguska, un asteroide de aproximadamente 50 metros de diámetro explotó en el aire en 1908 destruyendo instantáneamente 2000 Km. de espeso bosque. Algunos se han acercado bastante a la tierra como el cometa Iras Saraki Alcob que en 1983, se acerco a 6.000.000 de Km. y pudo causar una explosión mayor que si explotaran simultáneamente todas las bombas atómicas existentes.

Los mayas siempre estudiaron y registraron los eventos del cielo, su alerta fue prevenir al hombre los peligros de no conocer la orbitas y periodos de grandes residuos que se cruzan con la trayectoria conocida de la tierra. Ellos sabían que para el hombre moderno descubrir con anticipación un asteroide tan grande que pudiera causar su extinción y luego desviarlo sería uno de los mayores logros de la historia humana y un hecho crucial que nos uniría como especie.

Antiguamente la esfera celeste era el dominio de los dioses, la aparición sorpresiva de un objeto desconocido que dominaba la noche era motivo de miedo y misticismo; por ese motivo los mayas construyeron observatorios dedicados a estudiar dichos fenómenos. Querían entender sus impredecibles movimientos en el cielo, especialmente después que establecieron las posiciones de los planetas y las estrellas.

El peligro inminente nos obligaría a construir un nivel de cooperación internacional, a establecer un sistema de comando y control por encima de los países y una estructura de comunicación mundial seria la única manera que los países declinaran su soberanía a una identidad como las naciones unidas, dando paso a un gobierno mundial para el bien común, sería un cambio para aprender a trascender la separación que es la base de nuestra sociedad.

7° profecía Maya

La séptima profecía maya nos habla del momento que el sistema solar en su giro cíclico sale de la noche para entrar al amanecer de la galaxia. Dice que los 13 años que van desde 1999 al 2012, la luz emitida desde el centro de la galaxia sincroniza a todos los seres vivos y les permite acceder voluntariamente a una transformación interna que produce nuevas realidades. Que todos los seres humanos tienen la oportunidad de cambiar y romper sus limitaciones, recibiendo un nuevo sentido, la comunicación a través del pensamiento, los hombres que voluntariamente encuentren su estado de paz interior, elevando su energía vital llevando su frecuencia de vibración interior del miedo hacia el amor, podrán captar y expresarse a través del pensamiento y con el florecerá el nuevo sentido.

La energía adicional del rayo trasmitido por Hunak-Hu activa el código genético de origen divino en los hombres que estén en una frecuencia de vibración alta. Este sentido ampliara la conciencia de todos los hombres, generando una nueva realidad individual, colectiva y universal, una de las trasformaciones más grandes ocurrirá a nivel planetario, pues todos los hombres conectados entre sí como un solo todo, dará nacimiento a un nuevo ser en el orden galáctico. La reintegración de las conciencias individuales de millones de seres humanos despertará una nueva conciencia en la que todos comprenderán que son parte de un mismo organismo gigantesco. La capacidad de leer el pensamiento entre los hombres revolucionara totalmente la civilización, desaparecerán todos los límites, terminará la mentira para siempre porque nadie podrá ocultar nada, comenzará una época de trasparencia y de luz que no podrá ser opacada por ninguna violencia o emoción negativa. Desaparecerán las leyes y los controles externos como la policía y el ejercito, pues cada ser se hará responsable de sus actos y no habrá que implementar ningún derecho o deber por la fuerza.

Se conformara un gobierno mundial y armónico con los seres más sabios del planeta, no existir n fronteras ni nacionalidades, terminaran los l mites impuestos por la propiedad privada y no se necesitar el dinero como medio de intercambio.

Se implementaran tecnolog as para manejar la luz y la energ ay con ellas se transformara la materia, produciendo de manera sencilla todo lo necesario y poniendo fin a la pobreza para siempre.

La excelencia y el desarrollo espiritual ser n el resultado de hombres en armon a que realizan las actividades con las que vibran mas alto; al hacerlo expandir n su comprensi n.

Sobre el orden universal, con la comunicaci na trav s del pensamiento, aparecer un s per sistema inmunol gico que eliminara las vibraciones. Se dar una baja de miedo, producida por las enfermedades, al prolongarse la vida de los hombres.

La nueva era no necesitara del aprendizaje del contraste inverso producido por las enfermedades y el sufrimiento que caracterizaron los ltimos miles de a os de historia.

Los hombres que consciente y voluntariamente encuentren su paz interior, entran en una nueva poca de aprendizaje por contraste arm nico, la comunicaci ny la reintegraci n har que las experiencias, los recuerdos individuales y conocimientos adquiridos est n disponibles sin ego smos para todos los dem s.

Ser como una Internet a nivel mental que multiplicara exponencialmente la velocidad de los descubrimientos, y se crear n sinergias nunca antes imaginadas.

Se acabaran los juicios y los valores morales que cambian con las pocas, como la moda, se comprender que todos los actos en la vida son una manera de alcanzar una mayor comprensi ny armon a. El respeto ser el elemento fundamental de la cultura, transformar al individuo ya la comunidad y colocara a la humanidad en posibilidad de expandirse por la galaxia.

Las manifestaciones art sticas, las ocupaciones est ticas y las actividades recreativas comunitarias ocuparan la mente humana, miles de a os fundados en la separaci n entre los hombres que adoraron a un Dios lejano que juzga y castiga, se transformaran para siempre; el hombre vivir la primavera gal ctica, el florecimiento de una nueva realidad basada en la reintegraci n con el planeta y todos los seres humanos en ese momento comprenderemos que somos parte integral de un nico organismo gigantesco y nos conectaremos con la tierra. Los unos con los otros con nuestro sol y con la galaxia entera. Todos los hombres comprender n que el reino mineral, vegetal, animal y toda la materia esparcida por el universo a todas las escalas desde un tomo hasta una galaxia, son seres vivos con una conciencia evolutiva.

A partir del s bado 22 de diciembre del a o 2012 todas las relaciones estar n basadas en la tolerancia y la flexibilidad, pues el hombre sentir a otros hombres como otra parte de s mismo.

Cultura Maya: ense anzas, profec as y evoluci n A continuaci n un estudio basado en el mensaje de alerta y de esperanza que la cultura maya dej registrado para nuestra humanidad actual, para los tiempos de cambio del ltimo gran ciclo solar de 5.125 y especialmente del ltimo KATUN o periodo de 20 a os del ltimo ciclo solar, es decir, desde 1992 al 2012 de nuestro calendario solar.

Los mayas dejaron dos tipos de mensajes: uno de advertencia por la autodestrucci n de la raza humana pensante, otro como mensaje de esperanza, como el inicio de la era de la mujer, de la sensibilidad, de la madre.

Actualmente todos notamos un cierto apocalipsis en nuestras vidas y en el mundo: guerras, polución, desastres meteorológicos, cambios climáticos, tornados, inundaciones, caída de los supuestamente seguros sistemas de control global y social… en definitiva, la raza humana o especie pensante no vive en armonía.

La Biblia decía que llegarían tiempos de apocalipsis. Los mayas sabían que todo lo que está aconteciendo iba a ocurrir, por eso dejaron una guía para que cada uno de nosotros pudiera llevarse a sí mismo a una Nueva Era, al AMANECER DE LA GALAXIA.

La Guía son las 7 Profecías Mayas, basadas en conclusiones sobre estudios científicos y religiosos sobre el funcionamiento del universo.

¿Quiénes eran los mayas?

Lo primero que se sabe de los mayas es del año 600 aC, tiempo en el que aparecieron simbologías talladas en piedras. En el 300 dC, comienza el desarrollo de los mayas, seres que dedican su vida a estudiar y registrar la galaxia. Los mayas construyeron sus maravillosas ciudades, sus lugares ceremoniales y sus pirámides al Sur de México, en la provincia del Yucatán, Honduras y Guatemala. Dejaron gravados en la piedra sus mensajes de tiempo, del recorrido del SOL, de la Luna, de Venus y el camino para que la humanidad se dirija hacia el crecimiento de la LUZ y la Nueva Era, no hacia el materialismo y la autodestrucción.

Después de casi 600 años de intensa actividad constructora y de un asombroso desarrollo científico en el año 830 dC, todo el pueblo maya desaparece de manera voluntaria y consciente. Abandonan sus ciudades, sus casas, sus templos ceremoniales en el momento de mayor desarrollo de su civilización, dejándolos intactos y poco a poco son devorados por la selva. Quedan algunos custodios a cargo de lo abandonado, supervisores de la herencia que nos dejaron.

Tras 200 años aproximadamente desde el abandono, la mayoría de sus ciudades desaparecen entre la selva y algunas de ellas son repobladas nuevamente. En el año 940 dC, el Rey tolteca llamado como Serpiente de Luz Emplumada conduce a su pueblo hacia el sur, huyendo de la invasión bárbara de los chichimecas del norte, que habían destruido su capital, TULA. Los toltecas ocuparon nuevamente algunas de las ciudades mayas abandonadas haciéndolas renacer, pero nunca llegan a la mismos niveles de desarrollo. La época maya-tolteca dura desde el año 1000 al 1350 dC, cuando comienzan a desaparecer lentamente.

En el año 1500 dC, cuando llegan los conquistadores, la mayoría de sus ciudades están nuevamente cubiertas por la selva y para el año 1700 lo poco que queda de ellos ya no existe.

De las investigaciones sobre las ruinas de sus ciudades, del estudio de las fechas y los números tallados en sus muros, de su exacto calendario, de sus códices y libros sagrados, están reapareciendo conocimientos y se están descifrando sus misteriosos mensajes de alerta y esperanza.

La palabra MAYA viene de MAYAB, que significa: sitio del planeta Tierra llamado Yucatán. Para los hindúes la palabra MAYA significa ILUSION; MAYA también significa Mente, Magia y Madre.

MAYA, MAYAA y MARIA son una misma palabra y curiosamente la madre de Buda se llamaba MAYA y la madre de Jesús se llamaba MARIA.

Nuestro mes de MAYO lleva el nombre de la diosa romana MAYA; la Diosa de la Primavera, del Florecimiento.

En la filosofía esotérica la palabra MAYA representa a una mente que se libera del cuerpo para moverse a grandes distancias con plena consciencia.

Primera Profecía Maya

Dicen los mayas que la primera profecía tienen que ver con el final del miedo en nuestro mundo de odio y materialismo. Dicen que terminará el sábado 22 de diciembre del año 2012. Será entonces cuando la humanidad tendrá que escoger entre desaparecer como raza pensante que amenaza con destruir el planeta o evolucionar hacia la integración armónica con todo el universo, comprendiendo que todo está vivo y consciente, que somos parte de este todo y podemos existir en una Nueva Era de Luz.

A partir del año 1999 nos quedan 13 años para cambiar nuestro camino de destrucción a un cambio de actitud hacia la conciencia, para integrarnos con todo lo que existe.

Los mayas sabían que el SOL o KINICH-AHAU, como ellos le llamaban, es un organismo vivo que respira y que cada cierto tiempo se sincroniza con el enorme organismo en el que existe, la galaxia, y que al recibir un chispazo de luz del centro de la galaxia brilla más intensamente, produciendo en su superficie lo que los científicos denominan erupciones solares. Los mayas dicen que esto sucede cada 5.125 años, que la Tierra se ve afectada por los cambios en el SOL mediante un desplazamiento de su eje de rotación. Predijeron que a partir de este movimiento (hasta el 2012), se producirían grandes cataclismos. Para los mayas, los procesos de respiración de la galaxia son cíclicos y nunca cambian, lo que cambia es la conciencia del hombre que pasa por ellos siempre en un proceso hacia la perfección. Los mayas predijeron que desde el año 3.013 aC y 5.125 años más en el futuro, o sea, el sábado 22 de diciembre del año 2012, el SOL, al recibir un fuerte rayo sincronizador proveniente del centro de la galaxia, cambiaría su polaridad y produciría una gigantesca llamarada radiante. Para entonces la humanidad tendrá que estar preparada para atravesar las puertas que nos dejaron los mayas, transformando la civilización actual basada en el miedo, en una vibración mucho más alta, de armonía. Sólo de manera individual se puede atravesar la puerta que permite evitar el gran cataclismo que sufrirá el planeta, para dar comienzo a ena nueva era, una sexto ciclo del SOL de 5.125 años.

Los mayas aseguraban que su civilización era la 5º iluminada por el SOL, el quinto gran ciclo solar, y que antes habían existido sobre la Tierra otras 4 civilizaciones que fueron destruidas por grandes desastres naturales. Creían que cada civilización es sólo un peldaño en el ascenso de la conciencia colectiva de la humanidad. Para los mayas, en el último cataclismo, la civilización fue destruida por una gran inundación que dejó unos pocos sobrevivientes de los cuales ellos eran descendientes; pensaban que al conocer el final de esos ciclos muchos seres humanos se preparaban para eso, habían logrado conservar en el planeta a la especie pensante, el hombre. Nos dicen que el cambio de los tiempos nos permite ascender un peldaño en la escala evolutiva de la consciencia, dirigirnos a una nueva civilización que vivirá en mayor armonía y comprensión para todos los seres humanos.

La 1º profecía nos habla del TIEMPO DEL NO TIEMPO, un periodo de 20 años o KATUN, de los últimos 20 años del gran ciclo de 5.125 años, es decir, desde el 1992 hasta el 2012, profetizaron que durante estos años manchas de viento solar cada vez más intensos aparecerían en el SOL, que desde 1992 la humanidad entraría en un periodo de grandes aprendizajes, de grandes cambios, que nuestra propia conducta de depredación del planeta contribuiría a que estos cambios sucedieran.

La 1ª profecía dice que estos cambios van a suceder para comprender cómo funciona el universo y para que avancemos a niveles superiores de consciencia, dejando atrás el materialismo y liberándonos del sufrimiento.

El Libro Sagrado Maya del CHILAM BALAM, dice: Al final del último Katun (1992-2012) habrá un tiempo en que estarán sumidos en la oscuridad y luego vendrán los hombres del SOL trayendo la señal futura. Despertará la Tierra por el norte y el poniente, el ITZA despertará.

La 1ª profecía dice que 7 años después del último KATUN, es decir, en 1999, comenzaría una época de oscuridad que nos enfrentaría a todos con nuestra propia conducta; dijeron que las palabras de sus sacerdotes serían escuchadas por todos nosotros como una guía para despertar. Ellos hablan de esta época como la que la humanidad entrará en el Gran Salón de los Espejos, una época de cambios para enfrentar al hombre consigo mismo, para hacer que entre en el Gran Salón de Los Espejos y se mire, que mire y analice su comportamiento con él mismo, con los demás, con la Naturaleza y con el Planeta, una época donde toda la humanidad, por decisión consciente de todos nosotros, decide cambiar el miedo y la falta de respeto de todas nuestras relaciones.

— Visto en: El-Amarna

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