The Laws of Infinite Abundance: everything is transformed

  • 2018

Our Universe is governed by a series of laws without which it is not possible to achieve the goals in life. They are indispensable to the point of being exposed to chance at random, just because of their ignorance. If you are looking for infinite abundance, you must clearly know its laws .

Our world is governed by the laws of infinite abundance because that is its nature. The Universe grows and continues to grow and all existing life forms seek to multiply. If we manage to connect our desires with the manifesting flow, we will obtain magnificent results.

Material abundance and money are an expression of energy. They are not energy, but they are governed by the laws of the Universe.

The Laws of Infinite Abundance

Law of Creation

All we see that exists is because you perceive it through your senses . It is only a projection of your mind and we have all the powers to modify that reality.

If we understand the procedures, we will learn to create the life of our dreams, overcome paradigms and enter a new awakening of consciousness.

We can see the things of the world in another way, from another perspective. We will have significantly improved our self-control and our dominion of the Manifestating Power .

Law of Vibration

The quality of life we ​​have is especially related to the level of internal vibration we have. To create favorable conditions for our existence we must have high vibrations.

In order for us to raise our vibration we must focus on the goals of improvement we have set ourselves. The more attention we give to the positive and constructive ideas we have, we will adopt increasingly favorable beliefs that will throw us towards our personal fulfillment.

Listening to related melodies and audios with our internal vibration helps adjust our energy fields .

Law of Balance

This law states that the achievements we have in our lives are the result of exchanges and if what we want is to achieve financial success, it is vital that we focus first on providing people with valuable goods or services.

In all aspects of our life we ​​must face unbalanced situations, which will require our full attention. The law of equilibrium tells us about the essential search for Balance among all the things of this world.

Law of Action

The actions that happen daily modify our belief systems incessantly and it is in the process of each one of them that the results or their consequences flow in our lives .

If what we seek or intend is to enjoy a life in abundance, we will have to carry out as many actions as possible that propitiate that change of state and we can believe again in Prosperity and awaken our own consciousness of Wealth .

Minimum Effort Law

This law tells us that the Universe does not need efforts to grow and expand. Its natural abundance flows harmoniously .

But for us to experience it, we must first unlock our own mind of barriers and bonds . We must focus the maximum of our energies on our goals and emphasize those that are a priority.

From there we must find the key so that our incidence obtains the best of the results, using the minimum efforts to achieve them.

Constant work, deep thinking, discipline and will are indispensable tools for us to believe intensely in Wealth and gradually increase our own Fortune.

Media and Purpose Law

Energy connections are the generators of our material abundance . To get to experience positive emotions we will have to love our life project.

People who have achieved great material successes agree that they love what they do . That flow in your well-being.

We must understand that we are already part of the Infinite Abundance of the Universe . We just need to get rid of the blockages that separate us from our own abundance.

Merl's Law: create a vacuum that will attract infinite abundance

Once King Arthur had a dream where he saw that it was necessary to create a country where all people could live in harmony and with abundance . In the Middle Ages, it was not easy to create such a country, so it was necessary to overcome various obstacles.

One was to change the belief system of all people to take abundance in their lives. But Arturo knew that the limiting beliefs of people were very difficult to change .

And then he began to create laws that would bring abundance to all his subjects.

When he discovered that the laws did not work, he experienced the greatest disappointment in his entire life. It was when he asked his friend and mentor MerlÃn for advice.

When Arthur told him about his disappointment, Merlà © n laughed.

What is so funny? King Arthur asked.

Dear Arthur, you took the sword from the stone just because your actions reflected the purity of your heart. It was your own actions that created abundance for you.

This meant that, in his sincere attempt to create abundance for the people of Camelot, he involuntarily deprived people of the opportunity to experience abundance as a result of their own actions.

"Abundance cannot be passed on to anyone" - said Merlin. "It can only be created within ourselves through the expression of abundance."

After speaking for a moment, Merlin offered him a simple solution, a decision that is even effective to this day.

The people of Camelot called it "Merlin Law."

Merlin's law says: " Abundance is created by the manifestation of abundance ."

The flow of abundance returns when one creates the appropriate conditions. When you give, you receive, because you set in motion the events that create an excessive flow of energy.

"Create a vacuum that will attract infinite abundance"

This emptiness is created at the moment when something is shared, because energy is such only when it is in motion.

Sharing is creating a space for energy to flow, which allows the laws of Universal Energy to be put in place.

When creating a vacuum, it is automatically filled with abundance. But what is empty? There are two types of vacuum:

Ethereal vacuum

Whatever is offered creates a vacuum in space, returning to you. It is an increase of 10 times.

When you make a gift from the heart, without conditions, come back ten times.

Money is a reflection of energy, not energy . Gifts of money bring benefits when they are gifts of abundance, which creates an even greater abundance vacuum.

This is the basis of what in some religions they call a tithe, which is a gift that comes back to you multiplied by ten or more.

If the gift creates a feeling of dependence on those who receive it or if you give the gift with conditions, the return of energy will decrease .

Physical vacuum

The physical vacuum is activated by creating a physical space . If you want something, make room for it.

For example, if you want to have more clothes, clear the closet, if you want a new car, take place in the garage.

Your actions in this physical world can help you create a vacuum that attracts abundance in the form of objects .

The return of the physical vacuum has a ratio of 1: 1.

Seen on Triskelate dancia-y-la-dualidad

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