The Laws of the Spirit

  • 2012

Enjoying the summer but back from the summer holidays, I return to the blog posts. THANKS to my loyal visitors who in this relaxing time have continued to visit this blog every day.

Today touches a soft post: some brushstrokes about some of the laws that govern our world. How many of them were you already aware of?


Do what you want without harming anyone. The Self is free to choose and act. The limit of this personal area is where the Free Will of another Being begins. Upon a request from Reiki by a client we can find that a disease can be freely chosen (although He does not know it) because it constitutes a teaching, either through a Life Lesson or as an exchange currency to free himself from the burden of previous actions and decisions (the so-called karmic debts). For this reason, the practice of requesting permission from the Higher Self of the patient is essential. If we ignore this and decide to administer Reiki, we are trying to avoid that teaching and we are attacking his Free Will.


Every Cause has its Consequence, and vice versa .

a) Every Cause has its Consequence. That means that every choice has a result and that every action has its reaction. It is summed up in the popular saying that `` each one gathers what he sows. '' We call these results, the consequences, Karma. And that Karma is something that not only occurs, but also returns to us, just as if we hit a front ball.

b) Every Consequence has its Cause. We don't always know the reasons why something happens, but it has a reason for being. Even the simplest coincidence (a synchronic fact) is a sign that there is NO ual ual ual ual y y and that there is a message or a guide for us and / or for others. Often the coincident facts with no apparent connection are clues that help us choose the next step in our path correctly.


In order to receive something, something equivalent must be given in return. Everything has a price. If I want Love, I have to give Love equivalently, or if I want gratitude I have to be grateful. Everything that is intended to achieve requires a previous job or effort (EYE! Let's not confuse that there must be effort with which suffering is necessary).


Each Self represents a mirror for others on which the subconscious of the person himself is projected . It is as if every Being that appears in our life is a character in the movie of Life that we are projecting around us. On the other hand, each Being attracts to itself the people that best reflect what the Being Is or what it carries within. The reflection will always be manifested so that we cannot see it clearly with the naked eye, as if there were a smoke screen that prevents vision. So the encounter with the other people forces us to observe within ourselves, although what we seek we do not know exactly what it is, and to learn the same lesson as the other person if we had not yet assimilated it.


“Everything we are results from what we have thought. Everything is Mind. That's how we think, that's how we become, ”said Buddha. The energy, if we leave it “alone”, tends to follow its own Consciousness, but if we emit a thought this Energy will follow the thought, and this is how we manifest our reality. Thought acts as director, gives energy direction. We are building the World at every moment with everything we emit with our thoughts. That is why it is very necessary to analyze what are the reasons that occupy our mind most of the day, because that will surely be the tonic of our life.


“Everything flows and refluxes. There is an advance and a return. This movement is always a circle, and its rhythm is compensation. ”The end of something is also its own creation and generation. Everything that ends causes something new to begin. The Circle is the traditional symbol of the infinite. In that "go and return" two extremes or polarities that are part of the same continuum are manifested. This Law therefore speaks to us of the Alchemical Weddings between duality, that is, all extremes and poles touch each other ("Too much to the East ... is the West") and at that point the dual transcends into the One and the complete.


“As is Above, so is Below. As is Down, so is Above. ” It means that all planes of existence are so interrelated that what happens in one has an impact on all others. Moreover, if the Laws are applied in one plane, it means that they are also applicable in all other planes. As far as Reiki is concerned, what happens to a person on a spiritual level, on a psychic level, on an emotional / emotional level, and on a physical / physical level, is all linked and they are nothing more than different ways of showing what happens in reality.


Reiki Therapist

The Laws of the Spirit

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