Brain frequencies and states of consciousness

  • 2014

Brain waves represent a kind of materialized metaphor around different states of consciousness that our mind experiences.

Self-knowledge could be the strongest existential tool at our disposal. The famous adage of S crates, Concents yourself, could well synthesize the answer to any possible question that arises throughout our lives. That is why among more familiar you are with yourself, and with what happens inside you within the countless planes that make you up, you will probably be closer to reaching your end maximum generally associated with happiness, fulfillment, or inner peace. And in this sense, if you haven't done it yet, maybe it's a good time to find the frequencies that oscillate in your brain.

Brain frequencies refer to the patterns of neural oscillations that are recorded within the central nervous system. The variations within these patterns, which are measured in Hertz according to the cycles they complete per second, show different levels of intensity, which correspond to different states of consciousness and therefore can indicate the degree of alertness, attention, stress, etc. of a person. These frequencies are basically divided into four groups. Below is a brief description of each.

Beta (12-30Hz)

It is the most common frequency in the brain of an average adult while awake. It manifests a state of alertness, acute sensoryness, and reveals mental processes associated with reasoning. Although the beta state is essential to function daily, the truth is that when levels are maintained in the highest region of the spectrum, then they produce stress, anxiety.

Alpha (7.5-12Hz)

The alpha frequencies flourish within states of deep relaxation, including certain moments in which we are awake and certain mental places to which we access through meditation. . This state facilitates processes such as imagination, concentration, learning and visualization. In addition, here ideal conditions are gestated to re-program our mind, for example by healing certain fears or painful experiences, or preparing us for a complicated mission. Apparently the alpha state is the border between the conscious and the subconscious.

Theta (4-7.5Hz)

It refers to that state in which your mind is between deep sleep and awake attention - also known as sleep. It can be achieved through deep meditation practices or sometimes it is accessed unexpectedly, just before falling asleep but when we already notice that our mind is governed by other rhythms and other laws. It also characterizes the moments of light sleep, including when we are in the REM stage, and it is considered a favorable state to experience mystical sensations, mental images of remarkable wealth and to develop intuition.

Delta (0.5-4Hz)

When our brain is in tune with these frequencies, it means that we are submerged in the depths of the unconscious - where not even dreams come. Apparently this state can also be accessed through advanced meditation practices in which the state of alertness and awareness of the environment are diluted to give way to a state of omnipresence or, rather, absolute unity. It is related to the regeneration of vital energy, which is why it is considered as the ideal state to heal and recover lost or hindered functions.

Knowing the frequencies

This brief introduction should be enough to include in your reference map the existence of the four frequencies and, by means of a little self-observation, detect how often you are at certain times of your day. Once you get acquainted with them, it may be a good idea to encourage them at will. For this there are different meditation techniques, as well as devices popularly known as 'machines of the mind' that through visual stimuli, for example lights, or sounds, such as binaural beats, can facilitate the induction of a certain state. Soon we will share a selection of these resources to manipulate our brain frequencies, meanwhile it would be most appropriate to play with our respective minds.

Brain frequencies and states of consciousness

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