The energies of March 2007, by the Archangel Michael.

Dear Lightworkers, March will be a month of intense energies and powerful energy changes, in which you have to complete the integrations of this evolutionary cycle of energies that began in December 2006. During this month you will experience a total Lunar Eclipse on the 3rd of March, and a partial Sun Ellipse on March 19. The Equinox, that important moment of recalibration and equilibrium, will arrive on March 20-21, when the Sun moves towards Pisces and inside the first house of Aries to start another cycle.Therefore, dear ones, let's talk about the powerful energies that are reaching their maximum integration within you right now. First, during the Full Moon and the Lunar Eclipse, they will fully integrate the Divine Feminine Solar energy that was sent from the center of the galaxy through the Sun in December. Then, on the New Moon and the partial Solar Eclipse, you will experience the rebirth of your inner Divine Masculine energies in preparation for the Sacred Union of Divine Feminine and Masculine within. This Internal Balance will be the main focus of the Equinox, and then, many of you will be fully prepared to create the external union of the Twin Flame, as a mirror of the internal process that has been completed. You will be fully prepared to experience the states of Grace, Bliss and Joy, which will be the expression of Unconditional Love and Compassion on the New Earth.

Integration of the Cosmic Fire of the Solar Goddess

The powerful energy that you have been feeling during the last months has been the energy of the Divine Female Solar, sent from the center of the galaxy and transmitted to you through the powerful flare of December. That solar vortex is still active on the surface of the sun, and is transmitting these energy codes to the Earth's crystal grid system right now. In March, Venus will be in Aries, and the Solar Goddess will help them in the integration process.

The solar energy of the Divine Feminine is a powerful energy-archetype, better expressed as Sekmet, the Lioness or Egyptian Goddess, or Pele, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess. She finds her reflection in Mary Magdalene in the Christian tradition, because the Goddess of Fire always has a strong passionate and sexual energy. In Eastern traditions, Kali would better exemplify this energy. Its nature is Strength, Power and Creativity. These Goddesses are intense, passionate and creative. They are the guardians of Birth, death and sexuality. No wonder many of you have felt on an "emotional roller coaster", with themes of love and sex and relationships, with endings, beginnings and intense emotional experiences of all kinds.

But now, my dear ones, since you have allowed this energy to flow through your light and physical bodies, you have opened new channels of light, called meridians, and new chakras and vortices to carry this energy, according to the model of perfection in your DNA design. And so, now, many of you who have gone through this process are ready to transmit this powerful Solar energy as it re-enters the earth. It is a strengthening and warm energy that will help you to have the strength to end the old energy and create the New Earth as you wish and even while manifesting your desire.

But also know, as you manage with this unfamiliar energy, and the planet Venus passes into Taurus on March 18, you will find it easier to express the more gentle aspects of your part of internal Goddesses, the Venusian energies that are expressed through Isis and Hathor and Mother Mary, such as unconditional love, softness, receptivity, abundance, beauty and joy.

The Lunar Eclipse, on day 3, falls in Virgo with the Sun in Pisces. These energies resonate with Earth and Water, or the body and emotions. Add to this the powerful electrical energies of Uranus in Pisces, and you will have a powerful combination of transforming energies.

Dear ones, expect the unexpected. Remember also that Mercury is still in retrograde. Expect Volatility, abrupt changes and even strong and paralyzing events. This is the energy of Kali, Sekmet and Pele. But know what will happen to be replaced by the soft energies that will reach the end of the month. Any type of “end” you experience at this time will be in preparation for the rebirths that follow later this month as they begin the next cycle that will be introduced into the Equinox when the sun advances to Aries, the first house!

Therefore, we advise you, dear ones, that at this moment you make a conscious choice to express the energies of the Divine Feminine in your compassionate aspects as a way of staying balanced. Choose unconditional love, beauty, balance, peace, calm and serenity. These energies will balance and calm the powerful solar energies in any form that is present in your lives this month.

In the Lunar Eclipse, the integration process will be completed, and the Divine Solar Female will be fully embodied in humanity and collective consciousness once again. The cosmic fire has returned and is in complete balance within you, and prepared to be expressed within the unions and relationships of Twin Flames by those who chose this experience on Earth at this time.

The rebirth or realignment of the Divine Inner Masculine

Dear ones, with this powerful internal change in the Divine Feminine, or Goddess within each one, you are also in need of balancing or realigning the Divine Masculine within you. The optimal time for this integration process will be in the partial Solar Eclipse on the 19th.

The rebirth of the Divine Masculine is always a key moment in a cycle of rebirth and transformation. The Goddess has done her job, and she brings the new energies in the form of a divine child who is masculine, the Christ child or the Horus child in the Egyptian tradition. The Divine Masculine is reborn at a higher level of consciousness, and begins in a new cycle!

At this time, as we told you in December, Humanity is being reborn as the Christ child, and you are the Christians or Crystals (Translator's Note = Christ's)

You are the new evolutionary cycle. You are the manifestation of Love in the Human form. You are the Cosmic Fire expressing as a Human Angel!

So here is the great paradox and mystery of the sacred cosmic dance of life. As you integrate and balance your inner God and Goddess and bring you to the sacred union, you are also reborn as a Divine Child who is the key to the New Cycle. The one becomes TWO and the Two becomes THREE, and the mystery of the Trinity is complete! You carry with you all the power you need to create the New Earth.

And so, as you go through this phase of realignment and rebirth, make a conscious choice to keep the masculine energies balanced, those energies of strength, responsibility, courage, perseverance and leadership.

And, as the inner child emerges, remember the joy, wonder and mystery of life, and remember to play in the world and experience with gratitude and love, all that The Source (God) has given you.

The Equinox of March 20/21

On March 20 or 21, depending on where you are on the planet, you will have the opportunity to bring these energies to a balance and alignment within yourself. This is the monument of sacred marriage. At this time, focus on the internal balance and express calm and balance in everything you do.

Allow Unconditional Love, Compassion and Gratitude to flow through you and you will be ready to embrace the high states of consciousness that will bring the energies of the new earth and the said in the Twin Flames when they come together in pure happiness.

Grace, Bliss and Peace Now is the time!

Now we will talk a little about these beautiful states of high consciousness that gradually become a part of your lives as they enter the frequency of the New Earth. These states are all connected and are, in truth, only one, but we will describe them here to better inform you.

The first is the state we call Thank . It is available when you have completely aligned with the flow of Divine creative intelligence. You are completely in that flow of abundance and miracles. Life is lived and experienced as a series of synchronicities, blessings, and miraculous events that respond to each of your needs and desires. You believe from total clarity and manifest according to your desires, and your desires express the Divine Light within you. This is what we call the State of Grace. It is available to everyone, right now. Ask, and they will be given. And when it is given, express Gratitude, and so you will stay within the flow of Divine Grace and Love.

The state of Dicha rises when you understand the true meaning of the experience of being UNO . You become ONE with the Source consciously. You enter the Heart of Light and experience the bliss and joy of the unique heart as it throbs within you and within all things. You may experience this within yourself, or you may choose to do so in the joy and love of a relationship with a Twin Flame. Or, you can choose to experience both states, for it is your choice, you are the Master of Light,

The integration of the divine feminine solar energy within means that they will lose their fear of death because they will know that death is an illusion of the ego's mind, they will not have Fear as they dissolve the limits of the illusion of the ego and enter into the bliss of the sacred union. They will come in and out of these states of consciousness as the masters of Light they are becoming.

And then they will experience the peace that passes the understanding. This is a very deep feeling of inner peace and joy that is beyond rational knowledge and causation. There is no raz n for this state, only it is. It is the sacred vibration of Cosmic Peace, the great and wonderful music of the Cosmos that your inner being interprets as peace and absolute stillness.

It is the energy signature, timbre or mark of the Cosmic Mind in Peace with itself within infinity. It is a peace so deep and intense, that in it you will find heaven on Earth. They will find your home.
Well, these are the states of consciousness of our home, Peace, Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy and Grace.
For the New Earth is your home, dear human angels. It is a material planet for angelic beings who have chosen to experience the nature of the Source in material expression, at the level where material reality is the perfect mirror of Divine Love.
And so it is. We wish you Joy and Love on your paths during the month of March.

Miguel Angel through Celia Fenn

Translation by Bárbara Martínez - …

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Against the Wind of the East I invoke the Cosmic Forces of Light,
so that the path of humanity is illuminated.
Against the Wind of the West I invoke the Cosmic Forces of the
Transformation and change, so that Humanity evolves through Love.
Against the South Wind I invoke the Will of Purpose, which allows
the triumph of the Florida War that takes place inside every being
In front of the North Wind I invoke the Wisdom of the Ancestors, to
May Humanity evolve full of Wisdom.
From the Center of my Being I invoke the Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Mother Earth,
expressing my gratitude to all beings with whom we coexist,
to all the Kingdoms of Nature, requesting for all the
Blessing of Heaven and Earth.

With infinite love: Lolita Vargas Malinalticitl

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