The Energies of February 2010, the Awakening and the Awakens- Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

  • 2010

Dear Family of Light, you are really living within a New Reality. This is the "New Earth" of which we have spoken to you over the years, and now you are living within this Reality. But yes, they are still within a Time of Transition, a period of Transformation and Continuous Change, where they have to deal with energies of the old, while living mostly in the New. We, here in the Kingdom of the Spirit, are aware of the difficulties they face as they have to exist within their physical bodies and deal with the two interrelated physical realities that we call the Third Dimension and the Fifth Dimension. It was their choice as a Collective not to go through a scenario of mass destruction in order to facilitate the changes, but instead chose to do this as an exercise in a new way - Peaceful Change and Transformation. The reality of the Old Earth will not be destroyed, but will gradually disappear as the New Earth grows in energy and strength. There is no need to fear major catastrophes and loss of loved ones. You will continue to live on the "bridge" between the two realities, until the New takes over. Those who are not able to fully awaken to the New will make their transition to light in due time and may return to the New Earth in a new way if they wish.

We wish to emphasize that this is a choice of Wisdom and Compassion. In the Superior Councils of Light it was decided that the Earth could not sustain trauma and loss of life on such a large scale as initially planned, and that the new approach would be to allow the Transformation to be gradual and with minimal loss of life. Of course, by voting for this option in the Councils of Light, you knew it would be difficult. For the first time they would have to carry out the Transformation through Love and Peace, and not through the much faster and more radical path of destruction and mass cleaning. And so it is, Dear Ones, who have worked very hard to Awaken the inner Light and express and live their Divinity, and to Awaken others to this reality so that they can begin the Transformation and Evolution to a New Way of Life. And so it has been! But, for this Transition to continue towards a New paradigm of Higher Consciousness for All on the Planet, without mass destruction, it is necessary that those who are Awakened continue to hold the Light for those who are still Awakening, and to be the Bridge of Light to that crossing towards the New Consciousness of Love and Divine Power that is the rubric of an Awakened Human Angel with full connection with the Cosmic Energy of his Higher Self. Many of the New Children, the Children of Diamond Light who are being born at this time, are already in this state of full Cosmic Connection and Awakening, and they are supporting this process, but we will talk more about them a little later in this message.

In the Hologram of the Old Energy of the Third Dimension, you lived in an energy of very slow vibration, which allowed the illusion of stability and fixedness. It was based on the concepts of "ego" and "I" and encouraged people to try to meet their own material and emotional needs as a priority for success in their earthly life. As they cross into the Fifth Dimension Reality, they release that belief system to move to an accelerated reality where energy flows faster and things change very quickly. In this reality, you are closer to the Flow of Creation and Manifestation, that place where Consciousness becomes Form, in response to Intention and Desire. They are fully aware of the Collective nature of Consciousness and the Unity of All Life on the Planet. They are learning to seek the Greater Good of All Forms of Life as a way of expressing and accessing their own Greater Good. They are learning to see the success of others as a measure of their own success and a demonstration of Love in Motion.

Dear ones, through the years we have urged you to learn to work with the Energy Flow in this New Reality. In the Manifestation Flow that they call Time, living in the Fifth Dimension requires the ability to live in the Present Moment of Now and be centered in the Space of the Heart of Infinity Love and Peace. In this way, they are able to be the center of their creations and not be dragged into the turbulent energies of the manifestations and creations of other people that occur around them.

Dear ones, we also know, at this moment when you begin to navigate this New Holographic Reality of the New Earth, that it is not always easy to find that point of balance. Especially because many of you still have to work to be the `` Bridges of Light '' between the old energy and the New. Because, in effect, the process of the Awakening of Souls to the New reality is a continuous process. Many of you who are Lightworkers have graduated in the energies of the New Earth and are living lives in complete harmony with the New. That is the choice of his soul. But many of you who are more adventurous and brave have chosen the most difficult task of being the Bridge of Human Angelic Light, the Alarmors and this means that you must continue living your lives one more time at the interface between the old and the New Energies.

For those who have passed to the frequency of the New Earth, the work will remain in the center of the Heart and manifest and create from that space. These Lightworkers will experiment with new ways of life, new forms of community, and with the creation of the Germinal Centers or Sacred Spaces of the New Earth. They will be focused on manifesting the Golden Age and the sustainable future that the Planet has chosen as its future path.

However, Dear Family of Light, there are many among you who have chosen at the level of the Soul to exercise the Divine gift of Compassion, and to remain those who provide the energy of Awakening and the Way to the Inner Light to those who are still in the process of awakening. In 2010, this Awakening is going to accelerate, and those who have chosen to be Soul Awakeners at the frequencies of the New Earth will have much to do in their work. They will have the additional challenge of maintaining their equilibrium and the frequencies of their Fifth Dimension Light Body, and still crossing at the lower frequencies to be the Light and the Way for those They are still waking up.

Dear ones, we have said before that everyone on the Planet has made the decision to cross into the Fifth Dimension, and everyone is given the opportunity. The New Earth belongs to All who live on Earth and the opportunity for the process of crossing continues. Know that there is no difference in the work that you, as Family of Light, are called to do, one way is not better than the other, everyone is involved in this great and wonderful transformation of the Earth and indeed everyone should Work to support each other and to share with each other as much as possible. Now is not the time for judgments and separation, but for cooperation and community based on common goals and the desire to co-create the New Earth and a New Society. Nor is it useful to make judgments about what is "old energy" and what is "new", because they do not always know the miraculous ways of the Spirit and cannot analyze this with their mind. Rather, focus on what you should do in your own work, be open and friendly and willing to share as much as possible, and trust that everything will flow as it should be in this unfolding of the Divine Energies of the New Earth. .

In this year 2010, while working with the new incoming energies of the Crystal Rose of Peace, the focus will continue to be to create Peace and Abundance through the energies of Love expressed from the Soul and the Spirit through the Heart. And, as the old security illusions continue to fail, there will be much anxiety and stress among those who have not yet crossed the “Bridge of Light” towards the Higher Consciousness of the Flow of Infinity Love and Abundance. And, because you are "One" in Consciousness, you will have to be able to maintain your center in Love and Peace, especially those of you who are the Bearers of Light and Awaken for others in this Transformation process.

For those of you who are the Bridges of Light, you will often feel as if you are facing a world where nothing seems to fit or function as it should. That is because you are already aligned for the Fifth Dimension Awareness Flow at an accelerated rate, but you are still dealing with the slow disintegration of the old in this Transformation process. Dear ones, know that you offered to serve in this way so that the Transformation can be Peaceful and Peaceful, as far as possible. We in the Kingdom of the Spirit applaud its Value and Perseverance, as they seek to achieve a transformation through Peace and Love.

While they exist between these Phases of Transformation Time, they may experience physical symptoms of "dizziness, " such as vertigo, nausea, fatigue, rapid changes in temperature and mood. Your Higher Self and those in the Spirit Realm are working to help you maintain your balance and stability in this process.

The Children of the Light
At this moment of Accelerated Change and Transformation, it is once again the Children who are playing an important role in sustaining the energies and providing a strong energy field to help the process. There are two groups that are especially active at this time.
The first group are the Crystal Children, but more specifically the Children of the Diamond Light, who have been born since April 2009. These New Children are born fully aligned with the Cosmic Consciousness or the "Cosmic Rose", and we also call them "Children of the Sacred Rose. " Your powerful energies are helping many to Awaken and find the Bridge of Light to the New Earth Consciousness.

In the course of 2010, and throughout 2011, there will be a new wave of Children of the Diamond Light that will also carry the energy of the Platinum Ray in their personal holographic field. These children will also contribute powerfully to the energies of Transformation and will allow a greater acceleration of consciousness, so that the Divine Light within Humanity can arise more rapidly in the Collective as it rises towards the Fifth Dimension of Light.

The second important group will be the Indigo Crystal Beings who incarnated on the Planet as the First Wave of Indigos in the 70s. These are now in their thirties, and they are entering mature adult life and activating the soul work and purposes for those who came to the Planet. Many of these are Powerful and Evolved Souls who will be the Leaders to build the new forms and structures of the New Earth. The most powerful among them will emerge as Masters, Leaders and Thinkers in all fields of Human Life on Earth. They will begin to be perceived and experienced as a transforming force or energy at all levels. It is this generation in his thirties, who will begin to assume leadership roles in the creation of a new society. And they will be guided by the “Deans of the Light, ” who have gone before them and created the Path or Bridge of Light to the New Earth.
We ask you to honor the "Deans of Light" among you, for these brave souls are the true "Warriors of Light, " whose courage and dedication to the Light for many years has made much possible. Together, the Deans of the Light and the First Indigo Wave will be the powerful agents of transformation, and the Children of the Diamond Light will energize the Holographic matrix of the Earth with its powerful Light of Love. It is a Blessed and Radiant time in the They are entering now. We ask you to celebrate your success!

The Light and the Love
Dear Family of Light, as the Light increases everything becomes clear and transparent, everything is revealed as what it is, beyond manipulation and falsehood. As the Light increases, what you call Time accelerates, and many of you must make adjustments to the new pulses of Cosmic Light that frame your New Reality and energize the Grids of the Sacred Rose of the Fifth Dimension. As this acceleration occurs, you will see more clearly that everything you experience is of a Holographic nature, is energy and light and has no "real" substance. It is a "dream" that manifests for a time to be experienced by you so that you can experience, enjoy and grow!
In this process, moving from the Tri-dimensional illusion of a stable "reality" to this world of manifest dream, you may feel anxious and insecure. Their sense of reality may be threatened, and they may feel vulnerable and unsupported in a sea of ​​rapid change. Dear ones, know that everything in your reality is Love and an expression of Love in some sense. Know that this Love will always support you to expand and grow. If they can say to themselves "I am Love and all I experience is Love", then they will find that center in Love and they will be supported by Love. And they will find Peace and Acceptance at all times. This was in fact taught by all of his Masters until now, as they prepared for this transformation. They prepared them to see their Divinity and to know that they are in fact co-creating their Reality through the Manifestation of Dreams and Collective Dreams in this rapidly reborn energy, called the "New Earth."

The Energies in February 2010
In February, the sun will be in Aquarius, passing Pisces on February 19. The New Moon is February 14, also in Aquarius and falls on the traditional day of Romantic Love, Valentine's Day. The full moon in Virgo is February 28. The Moon in Virgo, a powerful sign of Earth, is always a good time to take root and connect with the energies of the Earth. With the Sun in Pisces, but with Neptune in Aquarius and with the still strong energies of Aquarius since the beginning of February, it is also a good time to meditate and focus on the Greater Good for the Planet and all its life forms.
Mars will be retrograde in Leo for much of the month, and this will create some instability, especially in the field of work and love. You can expect some very strong confrontations, but know that these are necessary to create space for projects and relationships that are more aligned with the energies of the New Earth.

In the first part of the month, there will be a stellium of planets in Aquarius, providing a very strong flow of Aquarian energy to promote the transformation process. On the 14th, which is the day of Romantic Love, the Sun and the Moon will both be in Aquarius and will be affected by Neptune in Aquarius. This is an ideal time to recreate the energy of Valentine's Day from Earthly Romantic Love to a Higher Love that serves the Greater Good! Why not celebrate the arrival of Unconditional Love and Grace on planet Earth!
We wish you Joy, Peace and Abundance on your way in February!

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© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Thanks Margarita López !!!
The Energies for February 2010
Arc Miguel Angel through Celia Fenn Arc ngel Miguel by Eirios Laverick
in .

Translation: Margarita López

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