The emotions of the Chakras

  • 2011

When our chakras are open, it is because we are in tune with the Universe and with the people around us and with our surroundings. When the chakras are blocked or closed, the energy does not arrive properly and the organs related to the chakras are blocked.

When you feel joyful with life our chakras open to receive energy and we experience a feeling of well-being, balance, stimulation and connection with the All. When rage and low emotions are experienced, our chakras tend to close as a means of protection, especially in times of depression and stress.

All the interaction with our environment and other human beings causes emotional states and alterations that affect us a lot and are energetically collected by the chakras, which in turn affects the production of hormones. Knowing the emotional integrity that each chakra processes helps in psychophysical health.

If you want to know how your chakras are look at the following Test:

Root Chakra: Do I feel physically vibrant, healthy and powerful in the world? Do I feel like home here? do I feel like I belong? Do I have a strong desire to live? Do I love my body and appreciate it as a wonderful treasure? Am I a high energy person, moving boldly for life?

Sacral Chakra: Do I have a strong healthy sex drive? Do I feel confident and full sexual? Can I express myself sexually, and give and receive pleasure? Do you have to express myself creatively I feel wonderful and fulfilling?

Solar Plexus Chakra: Do I know what I want, and have confidence in being able to manifest it? Can I make decisions and act on them? am I conscious of my emotions and how to control them? Am I capable of mental type and resolve through my feelings? Am I emotionally fulfilled?

Heart Chakra: Do I have to comply, healthy relationships? Do I love myself, friends and family, and have a strong sense of compassion for all living things? Can I accept others as they are, without changing them? Should I expect the best from people, and seek the best from them? Am I good at cooperation? Can I stay in the moment and the results of the delivery to the Universe?

Throat Chakra: Can I express myself with skill and ease? Do I do the practical things I have to do to be healthy, happy and successful? Should I take responsibility for my life instead of blaming others for my problems and waiting for others to take care of me? Should I try to do my best, and do I feel worthy of reward or compensation for my efforts? Do I have enough faith in myself to take risks, accept challenges, and create ways of realization?

Third eye chakra: Am I mentally strong and able to solve things? Do I have a lot of creative ideas, and the habit of taking the necessary measures to make them a reality? No answers or ideas come to me as mentally try to understand things? Am I able to visualize my goals and dreams? How I can set realistic and achievable goals? Do my experiences support and validate my beliefs about life?

Crown Chakra: Do I feel like I'm part of something big and wonderful? Do I feel connected to God / Spirit of the Universe, and do I feel that my life has a purpose? Am I able to see myself honestly, and to discover the lessons of my experiences in order to develop wisdom?

Meaning of Blocked Chakras

First Closed Chakra: The person is devitalized, his will to live is greatly diminished.

Second Closed Chakra: The person has difficulty receiving and giving love. There is no sexual potency.

Third Closed Chakra: Difficulty feeling, block your feelings. You will not feel love and acceptance for yourself. Feelings of personal rejection and disinterest in one's health.

Fourth Closed Chakra: Has difficulty loving without receiving anything in return. Lack of purpose and meaning of their existence. We have the wrong idea that God and all oppose our will.

Fifth Closed Chakra: The person cannot take charge of his life. Communication does not flow. Professionally he is frustrated, he does not do what he wants.

Sixth Closed Chakra: There is confusion, blocked ideas. Ideas do not have access to the material plane. It becomes frustration.

Seventh Closed Chakra: The person has not connected his spiritual being to his physical being.

There are several ways to clean the chakras, I share this link where they have some ways to clean them. Music to activate the Chakras

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