Cavities can heal naturally

  • 2014

It is very worrying that most conventional dentists continue to insist that a cavity cannot heal itself when adequate nutritional support is provided and foods harmful to oral health are eliminated from the diet.

The textbooks themselves in the dental school indicate that this is possible.

Here is an excerpt:

It has been experimentally and clinically proven that incipient caries [small] enamel cavities can be remineralized . Art and Science of Dental Surgery Sturdevant 4 edition, 2002.

Of course, Dr. Weston A. Price DDS, a prominent, well-respected dentist at the beginning of the last century, who used to be the president of the National Dental Association (1914-1928), the forerunner of the American Dental Association, wrote about Healing of cavities with diet on numerous occasions in its classic nutritional nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

Why has this information been completely buried in the last decades?

Perhaps it is the profit motive that most dentists maintain in recognizing this truth of oral health. Why dentists may be worried about your business evaporating if this information becomes widely known, however. I mean, even if dentists promote their patients to cure cavities and help them with proper dietary intervention when necessary, there would still be plenty of drill and fill your business for cavities that don't resolve from diet alone. due to food intolerance or genetic problems known to affect enamel formation.

Dentists who choose to insist that the diet only affects the formation of cavities, and that they are not cured, are doing great harm to their clients.

The reason?

The cavities that are remineralized are actually more resistant to subsequent decay is like a callus in the hand. Again, a particular fragment to dental textbooks on this same topic:

These discolored caries that are remineralized, are areas of in-touch cavities and are more resistant to posterior caries [cavity] attack than the adjacent unaffected enamel. They should not be restored unless they are aesthetically unpleasant. ” Sturdevant Art and Science of Dental Surgery 4th edition, 2002.

From the perspective of the consumer, more and more parents are realizing the power of the diet to stop and cure cavities, and they are beginning to photograph it to prove their case.

The first article I published with photographic evidence that cavities heal can be found here.

Kristin S., a mother in New York and then consented to the use of her own series of photographs of healing her son's cavities for a period of six weeks.

The discoloration and holes in the teeth were identified as real cavities by the child's own dentist before the start of the healing diet.

The photos are taken in the 1 week, 3 week and 6 week.

Read on if you want to see the specific dietary changes and the recipe for natural toothpaste that Kristin uses with her 3-year-old son.

As you can see below, the discoloration in these cavities disappears noticeably over a period of six weeks and the holes in the enamel begin to fill.

These results are impressive and very encouraging for parents who keep their children's teeth meticulously clean just to continue experiencing tremendous problems with tooth decay.

When the diet is adequate, a natural toothpaste that facilitates the remineralization process can definitely help.

Chewing tulsi leaves is very effective in healing ulcers, cavities and mouth infections.

Eating apples cleans the teeth and strengthens it.

Do not eat entrehoras and brush your teeth after each meal.

Calcium is an essential element in the formation of bones and teeth. 99% of the calcium in our body is found in them. The remaining 1% is in the blood, extracellular fluid and adipose tissue: cereals, dark green vegetables, nuts, beans.

Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body (1%). Your metabolism is closely related to that of calcium. Next to it, it constitutes the structure of the bones and teeth. Among other functions, it helps maintain the activity of the muscular system and the acid-base balance of the organism, legumes, nuts or zucchini.

Vitamin D has an important function in maintaining bone and dental health, as it facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary to have healthy bones and teeth, and to keep our nervous system in good condition. In addition, it maintains adequate levels of calcium in the blood. Sunbathing at the right times.

Vitamin C, in addition to intervening in the formation of red blood cells, promotes iron absorption, increases resistance to infections and has an antioxidant or anti-aging action.

If the deficit is pronounced, symptoms such as swelling and bleeding of the gums and ease of bruising with minimal bumps occur.

If it progresses, dental losses occur. These are the characteristic symptoms of scurvy. This disease was common in sailors who embarked for long periods without consuming fresh fruit.

Where is it located. Vitamin C is found in fruits known as citrus fruits (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, etc.), kiwi, fresh soy, tomatoes, green pepper, lettuce, potato, cauliflower, etc.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes, is involved in the formation and development of bones and teeth, prevents infections and has an antioxidant and anti-cancer function.

Its deficit causes alteration of the structure of bones and teeth and drying of the mucous membranes, which increases the predisposition to caries and infections: foods of plant origin (in the form of beta-carotene) such as apricot, melon, carrot, mango, peach, spinach, Brussels sprouts, tomato, medlars, etc.

Kristin toothpaste

Before giving Kristin's natural toothpaste recipe, here is a brief summary of the changes he made to his son's diet in order to stop and cure his cavities.

In Kristin's own words:

My son had just turned 3 years old when we took him on his first dental exam. We were told that he had a stain on his front tooth (which broke off and has not returned) and a small cavity that wanted him to come back another day to be filled. With an amalgam.

I already knew about the healing of the teeth and decided to give it a try.

Now, the natural toothpaste that Kristin uses along with the traditional diet to solve the problems of her son's cavity.


6 tablespoons virgin coconut oil or red palm oil

1 tbsp baking soda

5 tablespoons calcium carbonate

1-2 tablespoons bentonite clay

20-30 drops of peppermint essential oil

5-10 drops of lemon essential oil

30 drops of trace minerals

The filtered water, as necessary


Mix all the ingredients well and store in a glass jar. If the mixture is too hard or thick, add two strong jets of filtered water to achieve the desired consistency.

Brush your teeth twice a day with this natural toothpaste. Before bedtime and brushing, add a drop of Lugol iodine to the toothbrush.

Source :

Cavities can heal naturally

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