“The chains of doubt”, lesson given by Master Beinsá Dunó, February 1926

  • 2015

Lesson given by Master Beinsá Dunó to the Hidden Youth Class,
on February 17, 1926, in Sofia.

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!" Reflection.

(Abstracts of the topics "Difference between self-control and temperance" and "Distinctive qualities of the four seasons of the year" were read.)

(The theme was read: "Qualities of the largest and smallest number".)

I ask: What is the difference between relative and absolute morality? Frequently one speaks of laws, of certain moral positions. Just as each household has its laws and rules established, so each society has its laws and rules established. To understand life, we must start from home. The mother and father create the laws at home. The mother fills 10-20 boxes with different sweets, closes it well and says to her children: "Don't go and put your hand in these boxes!" The children know that there are sweets that they love very much. They know that if they put their hand in the boxes, the wand will come, there will be reproach, crying, tears. Then the lie will come, and from there and the embarrassment. So while the child is small, it is a crime that puts his hand in the boxes alone. When the child is grown up, he becomes a big son or a big daughter, they have the right to open the boxes, to take candy. This for them is not a crime. This is a relative moral, or when the boxes with the candy are from the mother and the child puts his hand in these, this is a crime for which there will be a wand. If the boxes are yours, you can freely, without punishment, put your hand in them.

And so, there are common positions in life, whose breakdowns in one case are amoral, and in another case - moral. For example, it is not moral for the child to put his hand in the boxes with candy without the will of the mother or father. If he asks his mother and receives permission to reach out, this is not a crime. However, for the big son or the big daughter, it is moral when they open the boxes with candy and eat. The crime of the child consists in that he has not asked his mother about whether or not to eat sweets. A similar thing occurs in societies where there are established rules and laws, such as and in schools. For example, it is said that students must be serious in class, not laughing. However, one of the students laughs for something.

Immediately the teacher asks: “Dragane, why are you laughing? - And why not laugh? ” What crime did he make that he laughed? The crime is only there that the student has laughed in class where the range is completely different. When students laugh in class, the range of thinking changes and the teacher loses connection in their work. In the range of laughter there are different vibrations than these of thought, in consequence of which the student can laugh only after the completion of the teacher's work. By itself, in laughter there is nothing wrong, but between laughter and serious thinking there is no concordance. Usually laughter comes after a great affliction, as a reaction to affliction. After every serious thought comes a mediocre thought. This thing is observed and among religious people. In the great effort on your part of incessantly sustaining the state of religious mood within itself, reverse reactions occur.

I say: keep in mind the following rule. Among all thoughts, feelings and actions in man, there must always be an intermediate harmonic state. Man must not be extremist. Truly this depends on its development, but every day he must acquire something, however small; This small acquisition helps for its expansion, for the construction of your brain. The nervous man, for example, even if he becomes spiritual, is nervous again; The suspicious man, even if he becomes spiritual, is suspicious again. The suspicious man, although seen entirely in moral positions, again suspect will remain. The suspicion stands out only because of the wolf's wolf always doubts. When a wolf returns from a round, another wolf says: T you have gone to some corral . The second doubt of the first that he has gone to some pen, where he has taken some fatty sheep. However, there are things that we can never doubt. For example, one sheep can never doubt another that it has eaten meat. Why can't he doubt? Because according to the construction of the sheep it is impossible for her to eat meat. In conclusion we say: Men who are of the genus of sheep, never doubt; men who are of the genus of wolves, always doubt. Someone's say: This man has a wolf character. This implies that this man is connected with corresponding forces in Nature. To this end this man must be constantly on the lookout, to look for stable forces with which to connect.

Therefore, wolf in wolf doubts that he ate meat. Sheep in sheep never doubts that he has eaten meat.

However, wolf in wolf may doubt that he has eaten roots. Why? Because the wolf, after not finding meat, and rarely eats. Then the wolf suspects and in the bad, and in the good. And so, people who have wolf character, and if you did a bad thing to him, and if you did him good, they always suspect. If man notices within such manifestations, he must forcefully work on them. These are occupations, tasks, that the human spirit must solve. Frequently the spiritual people are given the task of transmuting a state of their wolf, that they work it, that they transform it into a higher one. In this respect, spiritual men must be alchemists, who transform non-noble manifestations of their nature into noble ones. The alchemist's task is to transform iron into gold. The task of the spiritual man is to transform some of his descending forces into ascending ones. For example, he must transmute his ignorance, his malice. The bad man is a rich man who must work on himself.

I ask: Do you, who have worked on each other for so many years, how do you transform the forces of anger? You threaten someone, you show your left fist well, the right fist. The left fist shows that your heart must take part in every job; The right fist shows that and your mind should take part. If you move your head, this shows that and it should take participation. If you move your legs, this shows that they should take part.

I am going to give you an example, that you see how far human suspicion can go. A man who was very jealous, every night, before going to bed, took a chain and at one end tied his wife's right leg, and at the other end tied his left leg. After this, he closed both ends of the chain tightly and went to bed. In the morning, when he got up, he looked to see if the chain was closed. He always found the chain locked, but again he doubted and said to his wife: "You have gone somewhere tonight . " His claim that she had gone somewhere is true, but where has she gone? Every man in his dream goes around here, over there, moves, meets people, talks. However, physically, with her body she has gone nowhere and that is why she said: “Where can I go? You close me and open yourself, right? Where can I go with this chain? ”I say: Fear is the human suspicion!

Man must get rid of suspicion, of doubt. These exist and among the disciples of the Hidden School. However, in suspicion, in doubt, there is no philosophy . Nobility is required of man! Doubt is an old science that has been studied thousands of years ago. If and today you walk the paths of this old science, you will have the same results. Doubt is an indicator of this, that man does not understand the root causes of things. When man doubts other people, he begins to doubt himself, his strength, his faith, his love. What remains in man when he denies his strength, his faith, his love and his nobility ? Where is the true science? The doubt in man represents an accumulation of other people's thoughts that disturb his heart and his mind. Man should never doubt his faith, his love, or the strength of his mind and his heart. These are certain magnitudes with which he must work. You can prove your faith, your love, as well as the strength of your mind, by manifesting them. Once you've tried them, do you have to doubt? If you prove yourself, if you examine yourself, in this way in you the beautiful life will be born. The beautiful life in man has the strength to cope with doubt.

The example I have given you about the jealous man, well characterizes the doubt in man. He himself ties his wife's legs with a chain, and in the morning he asks: “Where did you go tonight?” In the same position you are and you. You get up in the morning, you decide to pray, suddenly the doubt comes to you, he says: “What have you stood up here like a doll? Will God deal with you? ”And you say: “ I will not pray! ”You take a book to read, suddenly the doubt comes and says:“ Do you think that in this way you will solve the important questions of the life? ”You throw the book aside, you say:“ What have I started to read? Nothing I can do". You start singing, the doubt comes again: “What have you started to sing? Let the young people sing! ”Whatever you start, doubt always comes after you. What should you do then? If you listen to the doubt you must cross your hands, sit in a place and wait for everything to solve itself. Doubt is the man who ties you with a chain and says: "Nowhere are you going to go!" There is nothing more fearsome for the soul that has left God than this, that is tied with the chains of doubt. ! Hero is just this man who has been able to break these chains and get rid of them. This man has character.

Today many men tie their women with such chains; and many women tie their men with the same chains. There are such chains in Russia, and in England, and in France, and in America, and in Bulgaria, only they are not yet taken out, for all people to see. Such chains are there and in the spiritual aspect. It is time that all people break these chains of doubt and say: "We can and without chains on the legs!" The woman must say to her husband: "If you believe me, fine; if you don't believe me, goodbye! ”And the man must say the same to his wife. Contemporary women are ready to abandon their husbands, but no longer doubt. No, you will definitely leave! A woman abandons her husband, but she certainly does not abandon her; A man abandons his wife, friend abandons his friend, but he does not abandon her. Doubt abandon, do not think about it anymore.

There is something idealistic in man that never allows doubt within himself. What is this idealistic state? I am going to present you in the form of a picture this idealistic state. Suppose you live in a world similar to that of Earth, but extraordinarily beautiful . Wherever you turn, fruit trees everywhere with one, two, three, four, at most up to 12 fruits per tree . In addition to this you can cut all fruits. In this beautiful world there are no animals: no mammals, no birds, no fish. The water in the seas is still and calm; the air is pure and transparent; the sun shines brightly, he is at his zenith. Imagine that you live alone in this world. How will you feel? You will say: "Afraid it is here, a great solitude exists, I cannot live in this world." In what world do you want God to put you? On Earth you are unhappy, you cry and grieve. In the world of ideas you cannot live alone. To live in the world of ideas, you must learn the language of plants and with these conversations. They will show you the Divine way by which you must live. It is said in Scripture: "The righteous will be like a tree planted in the Divine garden" (Isaiah 61: 3 - ndt). If you enter the world of ideas, you will be like a tree or like a small flower. Now people imagine paradise to something similar to this world. Do you think that if you go to that world you will be the same as you have been here? There will be no memory of your external form. How will you meet (each other - ndt) then? There is a way by which people know each other. To meet a man and for him to know you, you must have faith in each other. If you don't have faith among you, you don't know each other.

Contemporary people do not believe in each other. You praise someone, you say it's good, he doesn't take faith in your words, he says, "You don't speak from the heart." You say: "You are a little irritable man." - “Why do you attack me?” And when you praise the man, and when you reproach him, he is always unhappy. Tell me a word in the Bulgarian language that produces no doubt in man. One thing is important to you: that you find a way by which you will transform your doubt alone and not wait for God to remove it from you. If you wait for God to take away your doubt, you will achieve nothing. Doubt must be replaced with something else. This is the way by which you can get rid of it. This represents a skewer in man that can: or be rooted out and instead put another plant, or it can be re-grafted. I ask then: If man lives in the world of ideas, who will he doubt?

Everything he wants, he will have available: wealth, books, music, art, but he will be absolutely alone. If you want music, you will push a key and listen to the most beautiful music in the world. You want to read, you will push a second key and in front of you the most beautiful and wisest books in the world will be ordered. You want to study the sky - you will push a third key and you will see in front of you the most perfected instruments with which you will observe the sky. What your soul desires you will have, as in " The thousand and one nights ." You will read, study, enjoy in this world, reflect, but everywhere and in everything you will be alone. Would you like to go to this world? You would not wish. If so, you must recognize that the world in which you now live is very beautiful. In this case, the idealistic life means only one man. When two men appear, idea cannot exist. The idea is only one, so exactly, in the world of ideas only one man can live. Where there are two people, there is no idea, but there is discord. When two men appeared in the world, and disarmament occurred.

Imagine that each one of you lives alone in one world; How will you feel then? This is possible, however man must first pass through nirvana, to enter this superior idealistic world. If he passes through this world, man will go to the world of eternal light, where neither trees are there, nor water is there. He will live in the eternal light, he will be silent and calm, he will think of nothing and he will be glad that he has suffered and lives in joy, using the goods that God has given him. dice.

I say: this world where you now live has many lying positions that you should keep. For example, someone says: I am alive with knowledge, but in reality he is a curious man. You will see this man get in here and there just to understand something that interests him. Keep your curiosity and educate yourself! Other people, then, cannot keep secret. Someone has told you something and they immediately transmit it to a few places. There is nothing criminal in the transmission, but when you carry the words from one place to another, you will always make some mistake. If you decide to hide them from everyone, this is another extreme. Man has to understand what to hide and what to say. I ask: Should the mother hide the boxes with the candy from her children, or shouldn't she?

Many say that our life must be open. This to some extent is only true. Our life can be open only to reasonable people. A man wants to be good only for people with whom he is in contact. For those who do not know him, it is indifferent whether he is good or not. From this point of view, however, when it comes to good, virtues, they penetrate the entire Cosmos . Good is a Divine quality that comes from the high worlds and passes through all the lower worlds. Good will come, but first of all, man has to cope with a series of negative qualities within himself: with doubt, with zeal, with little courage, with malice, With revenge If he manages with these negative qualities, repentance will come, and then and sacrifice, which will erase all sins. With these things you have to fight before entering the Kingdom of God. These skewers must be rooted out of your soul, if you wanted to help yourself first and then your neighbors. If man learns this art for himself, he will know how to help his neighbors.

Contemporary people work for the education of young people, but always with old methods ur zurra, punishments, threats; These methods, however, have not yielded good results. The good man must work with new methods that good imposes. If such a man makes thousands of goodnesses and an error, this error will have the strength of thousands of goodnesses. And vice versa: if the bad man does thousands of evils and a good work, good work by force equals thousands of evils. The last work of man compensates all his previous works.

Then, if you have done goodness throughout your life, and after all you do evil, this evil will not erase the good works, that is, the good in you, but it will counter-act; if he acts against it, he - karmically - will stop your good initiations. Then a series of misfortunes will come into your life that will temporarily stop your development. He who understands this law, he will not provoke his karma. Sometimes, just the time comes for God to bless someone, and he makes some mistake with which he stops God's blessing. Then come a series of sufferings through which he must redeem his error, so that after years the blessing of God may come upon him again. We have such examples with David, with Jacob and with many others. In this regard man should not fear, but be careful, reasonable.

And so, if you talk about the mistakes of men you must be very careful, because they are extremely sensitive. If you decide to straighten a man's mistake, he will not understand you straight and begin to doubt you. I have done a series of tests and I see how doubtful people are. I tell someone who has this or that error. He immediately gets offended and asks me: “Who told you this?” I say: Anyway, someone has told me. First, I will see you, then, people will tell me; after this the angels will tell me, and after all God will tell me. Then first I see people; what I do not see, the angels see it and they communicate it to me: "Tell this man that if he does not right his mistake, great suffering will be attracted." Don't think that nobody sees what you do.

And they see you, and you see - you are all clairvoyants. From see to see there is difference. When you love a man, you see in a way; when you don't love him, you see differently. For things to be seen in the spiritual world, and there the atmosphere must be silent, calm, so that refractions and reflections of light can occur correctly. In the first place a calm atmosphere is necessary, because and in the spiritual world disturbances occur, as and in the physical. If your spirit is not silent and calm, you cannot perceive the oscillations of the spiritual world. If you want to straighten the error of some man, first of all you will go to him with all the nobility of your soul, to predispose him, that you understand his state. When you understand his status, you can help him. If you help him, you will help yourself. Help your neighbor, this is a science.

The first task that awaits you as disciples is to uproot doubt from yourself. This is the smallest mistake with which all the greatest sins begin. The doubt is incapturable, and with a microscope it is not seen, but if once it enters the mind of man, it drags behind it a series of errors. If you don't get rid of the doubt, the gifts of your mind, your heart and your soul cannot develop properly.

Doubt gives conditions for the development of all parasites that destroy good in man. Here is why the invisible world through different methods acts upon you, until you become masters of yourselves. If you become masters of themselves, then beautiful and elevated things will begin to grow in you. You are all heroes. If you are heroes, begin to root out the smallest evil of yourselves - doubt. When you unravel it, you will put something pretty in its place.

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"

“The chains of doubt”, lesson given by Master Beinsá Dunó, February 1926

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