The 7 species Diversity of Being One

  • 2015

God is One, the deity is universally coordinated. Those of us who achieve an inclusive consciousness, develop the ability to detect the basic unity that underlies the creative diversity and to discover the divine singularity that overwhelms this entire operation of plurality. Man is divine in his lineage, as well as human in his inheritance. A divine spirit begot his evolving soul.

Humanity progresses from one realized integration after another; However, the basic integration of man is achieved in the realm of consciousness, before merging into a unity with the soul. It could be said, superficially speaking and generally, that:

  1. In Lemurian times, humanity achieved the integration of the vital or etheric body, with the physical body.
  2. In the Atlantean era, humanity added another part to the synthesis already reached, the astral nature, and the psychic man definitely came into existence. He lived and at the same time was sensitive and responded to his environment in a broader and more specific sense.
  3. Today, in our Aquarian race, humanity is committed to the task of adding the mental aspect. To the qualities of experience and sensitivity achieved, man quickly adds reason, mental perception and other qualities of the mind and mental life.
  4. Evolved humanity aspires to merge these three divine aspects into a whole called personality. Thousands of individuals today are aspirants and act, feel and think, simultaneously, turning these functions into a single activity, synthesis of the personality achieved by the Disciple, under the direction of the entity that dwells internally, the spiritual man.
  5. In his Trial period, the aspirant begins to consciously serve humanity although he does so only during the last stages through his integrated personality, and in this way the consciousness of a larger and wider whole gradually replaces his individual consciousness and separatist. He knows that he is only part.
  6. For the disciple the process of integrating into the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Souls, continues until the third degree is finished.
  7. Already as an Apprentice, the Master begins to make the transfer of his wisdom, so that in the sixth grade he decides to choose one of the seven cosmic paths.

Just as the human species will become a single race, so the universe must unite the species to form a single one: everything is repeated in the universe. Uniting the species into one is an arduous work that awaits us ahead; It is not easy, due to the different elements that were transformed for adaptation. Many different species have already procreated and united their elements, giving extraordinary results. The important thing in the universe is the mind, and all species possess it. When they reach the supreme elevation, they unite and form a single race. The important thing is the vibratory thought that unites them.


The AYAPLIANOS are the authors of the books BEING ONE, which were channeled through telepathy by Franca Canà © nico, knowledge that began to be received, in the year 2002 The Ayaplians belong to the Eighth and Ninth Hierarchy of the Antimatter Reality of Alpha Centauri (Spiritual Reality). This reality, we know as the spiritual world, they are called ENERGY BEINGS OR BEINGS OF LIGHT.

The Ayaplians are tall, thin bodies, well formed and fine textured. Head a little prominent and without hair, they have large and straight eyes, which can be blue, green or light brown, with a very sweet and penetrating look. Very small nose and ears. You cannot define how old they are, nor if they are female or male. When they show up, they do it holographically, because they cannot descend or enter a dense dimension like ours. Its communication is totally telepathic, it is done through vibration and inner rhythm, images of the imagination and immediate perception of what they are communicating Disseminated in the universe are countless Ayaplian species.

We are the Ayapliana-human species. There are others with reptile features, whose skin is scaly and green, with slanted and clear eyes. They are reptilians. Others, with pale white skin, very clear eyes and prominent heads, tall and thin, they are the Orians, they make their bodies visible or invisible as they can, decomposing them into tiny particles and leave it deposited in the ether, until they are used again. There are those who are short, thin, with clear eyes and big heads; These are the Andulians.

There are also those whose skin is violet, with clear eyes, medium height and small heads; They are the violet light. Others are very tall, thin, big hands and slanted eyes, no hair, and belong to sunlight. The species acquired different characteristics due to the environment in which they developed. All are species-ayapliana, with certain differences. These species are scattered in the universe, some very evolved and elevated, others halfway, and others very backward. There are many species in the universe to name them all; Let us remember that the universe is global, infinite planes populate it, and so that we can understand it, we need to first know the environment that surrounds the planet Earth and then depart to other distant realities.

The Ayaplianos-Nefilins: Study the center of the planet.

The Ayaplians-Humans: Study the outside of the Earth.

The Ayaplianos Interanos: Study the Interior of the Earth.

The Elohim Ayaplians: Study the Five Degrees of Electromagnetism.

The Seramit Ayaplians: Study the Four Degrees of Magnetism.

The Lemurian Ayaplians: Study the Seas.

The Ayaplian Volunteers of the Ships: Study the Poles of the planet.

The two lowest - gray and gray reptilian - that are described in the second book of Being One do not appear.


The second book of THE BEING ONE, was dictated by the Ayaplian-Volunteers of the Eighth and Ninth Hierarchy of the Antimatter (Spiritual) Reality of the Pleiades. They are the volunteers who came to this planet to cure him of a terrible disease called: Distortion.

In the inner city, the thought-energy is taught and guided by the guardians, who become masters and transmitters of ancient wisdom.

Of the 660 volunteers, 84 returned to the ships and became the guardians of the planet. In these ships and without leaving them, we continue to watch over our brothers who were trapped in the density of Tera. We who are telling this story are the 84 that are still in our ships, in our Inner City.

The 84 guardians found in the city-ships must house all the offspring in their bubble-spheres. In this way, both we and they can return to our planets of origin. We must enter the Inner City to be able to move on to another reality of existence.

The 84 Bubbles-spheres of the Inner City are the ships and the means we need to leave Earth, there is no other way. Each time one of us enters the Inner City to go through the degrees of evolution and elevation that is still missing, one of them will give us shelter.

We are all located according to the degree of vibration, the intensity of the light, the purity of the tone and the clarity of the color, since all four have an electrodynamic origin. They basically constitute an impulse effect that emanates from the cosmic mental plane and takes shape in the cosmic physical plane.

Electric vibration the intuitive plane

Electric light ………… .the mental plane

Electric sound ... the astral plane.

Electric color ……… .the physical plane.

Group A Rh + 37%

Group A Rh - 9%

Group B Rh + 6%

Group B Rh - 1.5%

AB Rh Group + 3%

AB Rh Group - 0.5%

Group O Rh + 35%

Group O Rh - 8%

They already joined their races and today they formed one. So we will also form one and join them who are waiting for us. It would be like joining the four types of blood into one. The different types of blood and the negative and positive factor, is the consequence of many combinations that will end in one, will return to the origin that is Group A.


The fifth book of THE BEING ONE, has been dictated by the Ayaplianos-Seramitas, the Ayaplianos-Elohim and the Ayaplianos-Interanos. The latter live in two realities: The Antimatter World and the City of Atlantis.

They are the union of the four races that came to the planet: Tenezia: Africa, black race, earth; Ebiar: America, red race, fire; Retryón: Asia, yellow race, water; Ambiares: Greenland, white race, air.

The Interan Brothers are very similar to humans from abroad. Tall stature, slightly slanted eyes of light color, very light hair, so much that it seems platinum or white. Brother Interano has his short hair and sister Interana, uses it a little longer, at the height of his ears. They wear loose and very comfortable clothes. They are disembodied spirits of the City-Internal-material. They are in charge of the Antimatter reality (beyond) and they are the ones who receive us when we from the outside disembody. Our Interan brothers belong to the Inner-material City of the interior of the planet called: ATLANTIS.

From the grades: seventh, eighth and ninth already have more defined Ayaplian features. The seventh grade are tall, very thin, without hair, large, torn and clear eyes, small nose and mouth, white and iridescent skin (Ayaplianos-Elohim). The eighth grade is also tall, very thin, hairless, large and clear eyes., small nose and mouth, slightly coppery skin (Ayapliano-Seramitas) The Ninth grade are similar to Ayaplianos-Seramitas with certain differences, they have the finest and thinnest body, no hair, large eyes torn and clear, no hair (Volunteers of the ships).

Most of the contacts or channeling that are received abroad are with the sixth degree of the City-Internal-Atlantis, that is, of the Inter-spirits-disembodied-antimatter, called Ascended Masters.

They explain to us that negative thoughts (electrons) live in the uncontrolled electricity of beings or the planet. Positive thoughts (protons), live in the controlled magnetism of beings or the planet.

The chemical decontrol of the beings of the planet results in serious psychic diseases, some of these future and serious diseases will be Depression and Bipolarity. This chemical lack of control is due to the fact that the person has too many electrons in their brain and this is caused by the amount of medicines they eat or the bad food they have. By producing many electrons, they invade the center of the nucleus eliminating the protons and this is what causes the chemical imbalance.


The fourth book of THE BEING ONE has been dictated by the Ayaplianos-Seramitas and the Ayaplianos-Interanos called ELOHIM.

They are medium in size, reach a height of 1:80 meters. Their skin is very clear, maybe a little out of the ordinary, it is because they always lived in the deep caverns and developed there. They are of fine texture, prominent head, without hair or hair, with elongated arms and legs, their eyes are a little more developed than ours and very light in color, hands with five elongated fingers.

The Elohim have not been able to reproduce. Over time they have been cloned and incarnated in their genetic clone to continue living. They fight just like us to return to their origin and are working hard on themselves to get it.

The population of the Elohim-Ayaplians is small, they are exactly 144 of them, which have preserved 40% of healthy understanding in their soul (right side of the brain). They were always the same since they arrived on the planet, they have incarnated again and again in their clones, unlike outside beings.

The 144 Elohim, have had to clone, to preserve their livelihood. In the society of the Elohim, there are the Grays, these are only clones, formed of those that were totally distorted, were reproduced through cloning, for service and work in the City-Ship in which they live. The gray servers do not perceive their environment, they are fully parameterized and robotic for the repetitive service. They are deer and workers of the Elohim society.

They tell us that electromagnetism is a force field, artificially elaborated by them to attract the Nimeos-energies to group them according to their frequency, vibration, rhythm, shapes, colors etc. It is necessary so that their Nimeos-energies that are not yet elevated, cannot contaminate other high realities of existence.


The third book THE BEING ONE, was dictated by the Ayaplian-Seramites of the Eighth and Ninth Hierarchy of the Antimatter (Spiritual) Reality of Planet Earth. They are in the antimatter reality of planet Earth and belong to the thoughts-energies of the right side of the brain, their headquarters are in the North-Cone.

The Cone-North of the planet is divided into degrees and hierarchies, starting with the sixth until reaching the ninth grade. Upon reaching the ninth grade, these energies-thoughts will be ready for the Ayaplian-Volunteers of the ships to house them, thus moving to the tenth grade. By housing them in their bubble-spheres, they will be giving them the opportunity to continue their existence, they will take them with them in their ships to return to their home planets.

They are THE INTERNAL CITY OF ENERGIES-THOUGHTS, they belong to the Antimatter reality of the Alciatic Universe.

The sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades, are no longer subject to reincarnation, communicate with us through telepathy. They have freed themselves from reincarnating because of their knowledge, understanding, love, work, effort, belief, truth and freedom that characterized them in the material lives that some of them had.

In all times they have presented themselves holographically before us, using their cosmic names of inheritance and lineage. They are those who have revered for the teachings they transmitted to us and this has been the big problem, we see them as gods and they are not.

They tell us that magnetism corresponds to zones 6 to 10 of the electromagnetic field. When the soul comes to conceive spirit, it is because its percentage of Nimeos exceeded 50% of its lifting capacity; This allows the soul to continue its internal work, but it will no longer need to return and incarnate abroad, it will do so in the Internal City, where it will continue its existence learning Universal Knowledge, Understanding and Love.

The spirit will be housed in the Internal City of the Atlantis-Interanos until the end of the sixth month of gestation. Upon entering the seventh month of pregnancy, it will be part of the magnetism, it will go to the Internal City of Lemur, where the seventh, eighth and ninth months of the spiritual pregnancy will end.


In the sixth book of THE BEING ONE they talk about Lemurians. Of all the brothers, they are the purest and most authentic beings that exist on this planet. They kept their purity intact, were not distorted or became ill due to the influence of Satien's energy. They are the closest to us and even when they disembark they do not go to the Inner City of Atlantis, they enter the Inner City of Lemur, where they directly contact the Light brothers: The Volunteers.

They have not yet joined us, the Brothers-Light, will begin to do so when the Cosmic Alignment has begun. They are waiting for the energies-thoughts of Atlantis. When the spirits of Atlantis join us the Light brothers in this Cosmic Alignment, then we will begin the fusion of energies to prepare for the return. As you know we will pass to Venus, then Mercury and we will leave through the Pineal-Astro Sun Gland. The Cosmic Alignment will help us, due to the proximity we will have to other realities of LIGHT and LOVE, the passage will be suitable for our departure


The first book of THE BEING ONE, was dictated by the Ayaplianos-Eighth and Ninth Hierarchy of the Antimatter (Spiritual) Reality of Alpha Centauri. There were 660 volunteers who arrived on planet Earth.

The Volunteers withdrew us the Cosmic Memory, that memory is stored in the Lemurian Reality. This is the origin of our planetary memories. When we reach this reality, then we will recover our Cosmic Memory and with that we can return to our origins.

Volunteers are our future. They have joined the four elements and are currently in South America, because they are joining with the ether element, and then leaving through the helium element.

When an alignment occurs, it is the center, the axis, the Single Principle that expands your energy flooding your reality with a high content of ideas, these expand and nourish the universe. Each alignment has the process of expanding and retracting the ebb and flow of the energy stream, through the flow we came and through the reflux we will return.

They tell us that the first Intangible Internal Cities or Antimatter, which were founded by them when they arrived on the planet, are and always will be: LEMUR (North Pole-Cone) and ATLANTIS (South Pole-Cone).

Our souls must be incarnated in the Interans, there we will form our Energy Being (spirit) and then incarnate in the Elohim, Seramites and in this way we will pass to the Volunteers of the ships to be all ONE and return to our origins. But we don't need to incarnate in the Lemurians to get to BEING ONE.

For the return we will follow the reverse path to that of the incarnation.

Material body ………………………………… .Jesus

Astral body …………………………………… Ra

Mental body

Energy body

Universal body

Thoth is the brand of the universal lineage . Christ is the mark of his mental lineage, reached as Seramita. Ra is the mark of his planetary heritage and Joshua Emmanuel is the mark of his volunteer work.

The image of THE BEING ONE books represents the prism, the nine dimensions, where everything that exists exists and develops: the nine species. This is the Pineal Gland of BEING ONE. We are a hologram reflected by our mind through the prism of the pineal gland in our ethereal body.


This article was projected as the seventh compendium of Being One, which integrates the information about species that appears in the 6 books of Being One.

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