The 230 most effective medicinal plants and their uses

  • 2015

Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times as a treatment to heal and treat diseases that have been fought throughout history so that their health was not diminished. Currently, their active ingredients are the protagonists of most of the drugs of the pharmaceutical industries and of the most modern studies against cancer such as curcuma.

Medicinal plants: A

Birch leaves: Respiratory system, obesity, arthritis, uric acid, cholesterol, hypertension.

Abrótano plant: Digestive, menstruation, hair.

Sorrel: Ulcer digestive disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids, lack of appetite.

Chicory plant: Promotes digestion, anemia problems, liver failure, circulation.

Agrimonia plant: pruritic, anti-allergic ermatitis, stimulates, pharyngitis, snoring, migraines.

Savory leaves: Bowel disorders, increase sexual vitality, energize you.

Savory plant: Bowel disorders, increases sexual vitality, energize you ...

Wormwood leaves screening: Slimming, natural detoxification, itchy alitosis, toothaches ..

Basil imported screening: Nervous problems, anti vomiting, mouth sores. Culinary uses ...

Basil ground import: Nervous problems, anti vomiting, mouth sores. Culinary uses ...
Artichoke leaf: Hepatic impairment, liver problems, has a lot of vitamin B iron.

Caraway seeds: Hemorrhoids, belly swelling, breast milk stimulant.

Fenugreek seeds: Reduces hypertension, anemias weakness, bodybuilding, increases muscle mass.

Algae: The great unknown, have innumerable properties and are an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals.

Poppy Flower: sedative, insomnia, nervousness, bronchitis, cough ...

Root Angelica: Stimulant, tonic, nervous system balance, indicated for multiple ailments

Anis grain screening: Reduces gas swelling, acidity, heavy digestion, respiratory diseases.

Celery seeds: problems of aphonia, healing, sores, very good for arrhythmias, nervousness.

Cranberry leaves: Reduces blood glucose content, diabetics.

Arenaria plant: Diuretic (indicated in slimming diets), detoxify you.

Arnica flower: Bumps and skin problems, muscle, sprains, stretch marks, antibacterial.

Arraclán / forge cortex: Functioning of the liver and spleen, constipation in pregnancy.

Artemis plant: Menstrual and postpartum pain, regulates menstruation.

Avena sativa plant: Aphrodisiac, fertility, diuretic, bodybuilding very energize you.

Orange blossom flower import: Relaxing, insomnia, tranquilizer, anemia, tiredness, vitamin C

Medicinal plants: B

Burdock root: Antibiotic, antiseptic, cystitis, antibacterial, cleanses the blood.

Boldo selected leaves: Very antioxidant, gallbladder, digestive liver repair.

Shepherd's bag: Regulates the menstrual flow, due to excess by default, varicose veins.

Borage plant: Depurative, sweaty, expectorant, good for colds cough.

Heather flower: Actions urinary tract, gout, edema, hypertension, bleeding gums (gingivitis).

Medicinal plants: C

Calendula flower: Natural anti-inflammatory, burns and skin irritation, ulcers and infections.

Plant Cantueso: Stomach problems, heavy digestions, helps gas expulsion.

Extra green cardamom: Aphrodisiac stimulant, fatigue strengthens the heart improves the voice.

Milk thistle seeds: Protector and regenerator of the liver, excess alcohol, bile flow, breast milk, antidepressant.

Holy thistle plant: Asthma, herpes zoster, liver arthritis, fevers.

Carvi seeds: Prevents intestinal gas secretion, windiness

Horse chestnuts: Prostate problems.Tones hair arteries, varicose veins, and swelling of veins, cellulite problems.

Centaurea plant: Decreases the amount of blood sugar urine, slimming.

Centella asiatica plant: Beautiful toned skin, cellulite varicose veins of the skin.

Cherry tails: Eliminates fluid retention to recover light legs, weight loss regimens.

Cilantro country screening: Digestive disorders, gas elimination.

Cochlear plant: Purifies the blood and fights excess uric acid.

Horsetail plant: Beautiful skin, hair and nails, cellulite, strong bones cell regenerator.

Import grain cumin: Diuretic, rheumatic problems.

Copalchi cortices: Treatment of diabetes, febrifuge, flu and colds.

Root turmeric: anti-inflammatory, liver arthritis, eliminates cancer substances, psoriasis, and fungi.

Ground turmeric: Kidney stone.

Medicinal plants: D

Damiana leaves: Aphrodisiac, impotence, premature ejaculation, frigidity, depression, exhaustion, vaginismus.

Dandelion plant: Kidney stone.

Medicinal plants: E

Root Eleutherococcus: Exam preparation and intellectual concentration, exercise and resistance,
nervous system stimulant.

Holm oak bark: Inflammation of the intestine, diarrhea, eczema, pharyngitis angina, bleeding wounds.

Juniper black berries: Eliminate headache migraine, kidney stones.

Echinacea plant: Increases the body's defenses, very useful for cold sores.

Rosehip fruits: For people who need calcium, ideal for fat dissolution.

Hawthorn: All kinds of heart problems, hypertension, antioxidant.

Tarragon leaves import: digestive disorders stimulates appetite, eliminates intestinal worms.

Eucalyptus: Asthma, expectorant, bronchitis, cough, flu, angina respiratory tract diseases.

Medicinal plants: F

Raspberry leaves: Throat agas in the mouth, gums dermatitis, menstrual pains.

Fresno leaves: Slimming, it is very good for curing and removing warts.

Strawberry leaves: Very interesting in the treatment of arthritis, gout, cholesterol.

Fucus: obesity, cellulite, fluid retention, cholesterol, gout.

Smoke plant: pimples, acne, sores, skin lesions, hives, facial tonic.

G medicinal plants:

Bearberry leaves: Cystitis and urinary infections.

Root gentian: Fights weakness, helps to recover after an illness, immune system.

Ginkgo biloba leaves :: Antioxidant, attention and memory, stimulates performance, improves circulation in legs head, heart, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, impotence, hangover depression.

Ginseng Root :: Insomnia, fatigue chronic fatigue, neutralizes stress increases mental capacity memory, cholesterol, blood sugar, diabetes, immune system, cancer, aphrodisiac, impotence and sagging .

Gordolobo leaves: Bronchitis, cough, sore throat, cold, analgesic, antiviral.

Root gram: anti-inflammatory antiseptic in infections and urinary stones, gout arthritism and cellulite.

Black currant leaves: Decreases inflammation of the joints and soothes pain and reduces inflammation of the gout, blood circulation

Medicinal plants: H

Witch hazel leaves: rich in tannins and flavonoids, varicose veins, circulatory system, leg pain, bruises, skin care.

Root Harpagofito: Rheumatic pains, joints, osteoarthritis and arthritis.

Herniaria import plant: Cystitis urethritis, bladder tenesmos, urinary lithiasis, neuralgia,
rheumatism and gout

Hibiscus Flower: Skin care, strengthens hair roots, aphrodisiac, respiratory system

Peppermint extra leaves: It is a very digestive plant, stimulating tonic properties of the organism,

Hierbaluisa extra leaves: Useful for expelling gases, digestion, weak and nervous stomachs, relaxing, bad breath

Fennel plant: Reduces cholesterol, is antioxidant, obesity, impotence and aphrodisiac.

Fennel seeds import. thick: Reduces cholesterol, is antioxidant, obesity, impotence and aphrodisiac.

Fennel seeds import. Fine: Reduces cholesterol, is an antioxidant, obesity, impotence and aphrodisiac.

Fennel seeds import. ground: Reduces cholesterol, is antioxidant, obesity, impotence and aphrodisiac.

Hypericum plant: Good remedy for acidity ulcers diarrhea, anti carcinogen, analgesic, menstruation.

Plant swab: cold asthma, cough, respiratory disorders.

Medicinal plants: I

Incense tears: psychic treatments, inner peace and meditation.

Medicinal plants: J

Root ginger: Anti vomiting, dizziness, pregnancy, good for the heart and circulatory system, chronic fatigue syndrome and sinusitis.

Bean pods: antioxidant slimming, cellulite, arthritis, cardiovascular disease rich in fiber.

Medicinal plants: L

Laurel leaf selected: Culinary uses. Arteriosclerosis treatments, rheumatism, bronchi, influenza, respiratory system.

Laurel cut leaf: Culinary uses. Arteriosclerosis treatments, rheumatism, bronchi, influenza, respiratory system.

Ground leaf Laurel: Culinary uses. Arteriosclerosis treatments, rheumatism, bronchi, influenza, respiratory system.

Lavender: Gastronomic uses. Digestive, to eliminate anxiety, scare away insects, fight bad odors, healing and headaches.

Lavandin flor: Used for respiratory tract, diarrhea dizziness, slow digestion, etc.

Lemon grass: concentration and memory, cosmetic, digestive, hypotensive, hypoglycemic,
sugar, teeth whitening.

Root levistic: Digestive in cases of scarcity of gastric juices, carminative, regulates menstruation.

Lemon bark tapes: rich in vitamin C, obesity edema, colds, hypertension.

Yellow flax seeds: Rich in omega 3, anti carcinogen, antioxidant, beautiful skin, heart.

Lichen from Iceland: Bronchitis, cough, very good for the common cold, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

Plantain leaves: cure sore throat hoarse voice hoarseness, mouth sores, and good for diarrhea.

Cone hops: sedative properties, tranquilizer, nervousness, insomnia, muscle stiffness, increases the production of female hormones (good female aphrodisiac).

Medicinal plants: M

Mace: carminative and stimulating, comes from the same plant as nutmeg.

Corn stigmas: contains tannins, lowers cholesterol, hypoglycemic, grinding and diuretic cleanser.

Malva import flower: ulcer sores and skin lesions, dry eyes, aphonia and hoarseness.

Malva flower / leaves: Marshmallow plant: external use, blows, bruises, burns, grains,
frostbite, sprains, arthritis, bites, itchy skin.

Chamomile extra sweet flower 100%: digestive ulcer, cholesterol gastritis, sinusitis, anti cancer, spasms in menstruation.

White Marrubium plant: It is a good appetite stimulant, increases liver activity, respiratory diseases

Masturbation / lepidium: stimulates the metabolism and activity of the kidneys, strengthens the stomach and the gallbladder rheumatism and gout.

Mate grass: Stimulant, eliminates fatigue, mental and physical activity, circulation defenses, bladder problems.

Marjoram Cut plant: digestive properties, antiseptic, sedative, respiratory conditions, potent antioxidant.

Melisa leaves: Nervous problems, stress, personal anguish, insomnia, tachycardia and muscle spasms.

Peppermint mint: National leaves: digestive, bloating, stomach problems, altitude sickness, muscle aches and pains.

Peppermint mint leaves import: Kidney stone.

Yarrow flower: Improves memory, menopause, hypertension and inflammation of veins, varicose veins, pimples, nails.

Yellow mustard grain: high protein and mineral content, has properties, digestive antiseptics.

Medicinal plants: N

Orange leaves: Very good for circulation has minerals, vitamins C, common cold,
Rich in potassium and phosphorus.

Walnut leaves: Treatment of eczema and various skin diseases,
It is also a good remedy for diarrhea.

Medicinal plants: O

Olive leaves: Very suitable for hypertension, tachycardia, increases good cholesterol, antiviral, antibiotic.

Oregano Chile screening: Powerful natural antioxidant more 4 times more potent than apples, circulation.

Spanish oregano: Powerful natural antioxidant more 4 times more potent than apples, circulation.

Andalusian oregano: Powerful natural antioxidant more 4 times more potent than apples, circulation.

Ground oregano: Powerful natural antioxidant more 4 times more potent than apples, circulation.

White nettle: Cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis, acts on the bronchial epithet, increasing alveolar broncho secretions.

Green nettle leaves: Kidney stone, osteoarthritis.

Ortosifon leaves: Promotes the elimination of water salts and nitrogen, gout depurative treatment.

Medicinal plants: P

Parietaria plant: it is a very effective diuretic, stones or grit in the kidneys.

Passionflower Sedative, nervous system, cardiovascular, contains mantol (muscle relaxant), hypertension, tachycardias, imsomnia.

Pebrella leaves: colds, cough, throat conditions, gases.

Parsley leaves: diuretic, accumulation of water in the body, very useful to prevent kidney stones from forming bad mouth odor, cardiac properties, flatulence.

Pine Buds: has an antiseptic and fluidizing action of the bronchial tubes, prevention of colds, diuretic balsamics, anti-catarrhal.

Medicinal plants: R

Rabogato plant: gastrudenal ulcers, gastritis, in so external heals wounds quickly,
antibiotic properties, anti-inflammatory.

Licorice root: acidity, ulcers mouth sores, heavy digestions, smoking,
liver protector, hepatitis b, alcoholism, cirrhosis, hepatitis b, antiviral, flu,
cold sores, chronic fatigue, natural aphrodisiac stimulant.

Oak bark: urinary incontinence, reduces excess fluids in the intestine slowing diarrhea, helps cure gastritis by acting on the inflamed gastric mucosa.

Rosemary leaves: Helps overcome liver conditions, respiratory diseases, muscle aches, Alzheimer's, improves hair, natural tonic.

Pink whole flower: tones the skin, especially for oily skin, widely used and relaxing massages, it is a mild laxative.

Rhubarb root: Effective remedy for diarrhea, and to clean the Colom, is a mild purgative of the intestine.

Ruscus / xilbarba / Rusco: treatment for hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Medicinal plants: S

Sage buds: Improves memory, contains some chemicals, which are used in Alzheimer's disease.

Sanginary flower: it is very effective in lowering blood pressure.

Willow bark: inhibits and reassures the excess of sexual desire of men and women, for its external spindle is very good for warts, skin problems, corns, and bunions.

Elderflower: Relieves cough, flu problems, fever, prevents colds, and if we introduce steam in the ears is a remedy for otitis.

Sen follicles: It is used as a natural laxative, and is much softer and better than the leaves.

Sen leaves: It is used as a severe laxative, and slimming diets.

Medicinal plants: T

Tila 100% extra clean flower: Insomnia, stress, nerves in the stomach, and physical problems of a nervous nature.

Tila single flower import: Insomnia, stress, nerves in the stomach, and physical problems of a nervous nature.

Tila cut / infusion: Insomnia, stress, nerves in the stomach, and physical problems of a nervous nature.

Thyme vulgaris: it is a good appetite stimulant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, digestive, expectorant.

Travalera plant: Known as vegetable insulin used for diabetes treatments,
reduces blood sugar in urine.

Water clover leaves It is a plant widely used for problems of anorexia.

Medicinal plants: U

Cat's claw: Renal urinary tract diseases, wounds of difficult healing, immune system, antiviral, AIDS, herpes, useful in the treatment of cancer.

Ulmaria plantaulan: Promotes the elimination of kidney stones, has an anticoagulant effect.

Medicinal plants: V

Valeriana root: Plant used for thousands of years for its relaxing effect for situations of insomnia stress.

Goldenrod (solidarity): moderate or severe renal impairment, diuretic, diarrhea, hypertension.

Verbena: Strengthens the nervous system, helping, in situations of stress, depression, melancholy and headaches.

Red vine: Improves cerebral circulation, improving the symptoms of any disease related to circulation: circulation of the legs, cerebral .. and stops vision loss in the eyes, when it is related to poor circulation of them.

Medicinal plants: Z

Sarsaparilla root: Purifying, slimming, eliminates toxins from the blood, uric acid and fat, also stimulates the elimination of liquids.



The 230 most effective medicinal plants and their uses

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