The 12 Doors of Dan Millman

  • 2015

The famous writer and university professor Dan Millman produced a book called the 12 doors of Dan Millman, in which he describes the steps that a person must follow to achieve happiness in life. It is important that the reader does not go forward to each door but that he enters each of the 12 doors of Dan Millman and overcome them one by one and be able to achieve the goal.

Dan Millman, a modern Buddha.

The 12 doors of Dan Millman.

Find out how much you are worth.

This door leads to a self-analysis of the value as a person, many times negative values ​​are given to the physical form without considering that the most important thing of being is the spiritual; What is the use of being attractive or not when you are ugly inside, you have to value yourself positively, because the person will radiate and receive positive energy. You have the right to have everything you want, the person has to discover how much it is worth and that he deserves what he wants.

Recover the will.

If you are lacking in motivation and lethargy, you have to get up, think about the plans that have to be made. You have to be strong, visualize the goals to be traced and execute them with an unwavering will to achieve the objectives.

Revitalize the body.

This is the third door of the 12 doors of Dan Millman, where health is a fundamental part of the arsenal that is available to face the changes to be made and achieve the objectives. Vitalize the body, energize the muscles as this will allow to come into contact with the environment, providing well-being in the body.

Manage the money

Performing jobs for the community and for their own livelihood has a cash reward. Having discovered self-worth means that money is valued and charged to obtain the objectives set. Money is energy and as such should be used.

Master the mind.

The brain saves the information that is received in life; The current society has established a series of behavioral parameters that govern people, when the individual does not comply with them is displaced and suffers, is full of fears to not being able to follow them. The mind and behavior must be their own, without being influenced by the environment, thus allowing them to dominate insecurities and enjoy the world as it is.

Believe in your intuition.

Intuition elevates the individual to a higher level, allows him to connect with his inner self, be more sincere and clear with the world around him. This is the middle point of Dan Millman's 12 doors to achieve a happy and productive life.

Accept your feelings.

Being carried away by feelings does not allow us to see reality as it presents itself. Emotions and thoughts should not influence the perceived reality.

Face your fears.

Fear is always present in life, the unknown is not within the control circle, the mind must be focused on the positive, taking control of emotions and filled with courage. To move forward you have to face the fears and overcome them no matter how big they are.

Light up your shadow

Knowing and understanding what is inside each one, allows to be authentic. We must review the inner self and illuminate how dark there is; Knowing what is inside will allow you to not waste time on unimportant things, you must value what is positive and thus be a more effective and safe person.

Accept your sexuality.

In the functions of the body there are numerous energies. The denial of sexual energy is not recommended, you must accept the sexual desires and the way of being of the couple. Making love is a practice of spirituality and joy in life.

Wake up our heart.

You have to open the door to the heart overflowing with love and not confuse it or make it dirty with feelings that choke and control. Love brightens the day and fills everyone with a beautiful feeling.

Serve the world.

This is the last of Dan Millman's 12 doors, It is the culmination of training, serving the world gives meaning to the accumulation of knowledge and feelings, serving others leads to abundance and happiness in life. Which is the meaning of the trip.

For those who need this guide, reading the book is recommended, there are many ways to download the book of the 12 doors of Dan Millman . The reading must be careful and unhurried, you can not overcome a door without taking enough time to internalize each of the concepts. The important thing is to gradually approaching a higher state of consciousness that guarantees us happiness in life.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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