Yerba mate, an ally for health and your beauty

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 2 A little history 3 Treatments based on yerba mate 4 Beauty products 5 How about a matecito? I already told you the advantages of yerba mate: 6 Yerba mate, an ally for health and beauty

Yerba mate is part of the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of Argentines: in addition to being an excellent companion in hours of work, study and relaxation, it brings numerous benefits to our health, not only inside but also outside, since It is a key ingredient for some beauty treatments

Despite the rise in price and the difficulty to get it in some parts of the country, yerba mate is still the companion of countless Argentines who, in their homeland or around the world, enjoy the national infusion par excellence. The good thing is that it has been shown that yerba mate has numerous benefits for our health, in addition to being an essential ingredient in different beauty treatments.

A little history

Originally the Guarani made use of the yerba mate to purify the blood and restore the hair color. It was for them a kind of elixir that gave them energy and strength.

This tree from southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina has "xanthines", which are tonic substances, firming and stimulating blood circulation. Because of this it is optimal to be used in massage creams. Currently, due to its lipogenic action (that is, the ability to dissolve fat), extracts of yerba mate are used to apply them to beauty products.

Yerba Mate based treatments

Today we can find many products with extracts of yerba mate, as is the case with body oils, exfoliating soaps, lotions and salts for whirlpools. In addition, polishing with maté, cleaning with cooked mate and milk and masks of yerba powder and hydrotherapy are carried out. These techniques are used to improve circulation, tone the skin and eliminate some signs left over time.

In some cosmetic centers, scrubs are used in the area to be treated and gels with yerba mate extract to eliminate toxins. Through these treatments an optimal antioxidant effect for legs and abdomen is achieved.

As if all this were not enough, there are also foams based on extracts of yerba mate for cellulite treatments. This method, combined with mesotherapy, allows to achieve surprising results.

Beauty products

Yerba mate extracts are used in numerous products of recognized brands, including shampoo with antioxidants and phytochemicals that stimulate the growth of healthy and strong hair. The properties of yerba mate moisturize and nourish the scalp, leaving it soft and shiny.

We can also find in the market cilantro and maté soaps, for example, which have an astringent and antibacterial effect.

But it is not necessary to spend a fortune to take advantage of the benefits of this infusion: in the comfort of our house we can use a tablespoon of grass, one of olive oil and one of wheat germ to make an astringent mask. It is necessary to heat half a cup of water, without boiling, and pour the grass. After five minutes you have to strain and mix that preparation with the tablespoon of oil and the wheat germ, creating a kind of paste that you should apply on your face and leave on for fifteen or twenty minutes.


How about a matecito? I already told you the advantages of yerba mate:

Vitamin value: In 1964 the Pasteur Institute and the Scientific Society of Paris concluded that mate contained practically all the vitamins necessary to live, highlighting in its composition vitamins A, B, C and E. In addition to many minerals, especially Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium and Manganese.

Natural laxative because it stimulates peristalsis, bowel movement. At the same time, it is a natural diuretic, which inhibits the antidiuretic hormone, therefore it favors diuretic, that is the elimination of urine.

Disease control: Yerba mate contains phytochemicals that help boost the immune system, protecting the body from diseases

Stimulating drink Unlike similar ones, mate has no side effects, nor toxic. While it contains caffeine this is in small amounts. More important is the presence of mateine, a stimulant that fights mental and physical fatigue. Which has fewer negative characteristics than caffeine, such as the disorder and problems in sleep patterns produced by the latter. In addition to being stimulant, antidepressant properties are also associated with its consumption.

Healing: Some studies state that the plant has tannins, which act in the body as healing and astringent.

Muscle relaxant: A number of nutritionists say that mate delays the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which makes it advisable in people who practice sports or physical activity.

It soothes the appetite: They affirm that it possesses substances that calm the anxiety helping in diets of reduction of weight.

Antioxidant: In a study conducted by the chemical engineer Luis Brumovsky, from the National University of Missions, it was established that yerba mate contains a high percentage of an antioxidant substance that delays cell aging and prevents certain diseases. The article was published by the agency Efe.

Blood pressure reducer: The nutritionist Nelba Villagr n also points out properties that make it an excellent vasodilator, hence a blood pressure reducer.

Hydrates: The habit of serving as an infusion directly increases water consumption. It is recommended that the mate should be prepared with water at about 70 degrees of temperature, for 50 grams of yerba mate, so the amount of polyphenols it possesses will be much better used.

In passing I leave you the recipe for oatmeal biscuits.



2 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon grated or powdered cinnamon

200 gr vegetable oil

1 cup of blond sugar

a jet of soda

1 of rolled oats

1 Teaspoon vanilla extract

cup of vegetable milk of your choice


Mix the flour with cinnamon and oatmeal.

Beat in a bowl with a wooden spoon, the oil along with the sugar.

Add the jet of soda (the one you need) and the essence beating well.

Add the dry ingredients alternating with the milk. Mix until you get

a somewhat consistent dough. Add more flour if necessary.

Stretch it on the floured table leaving it ½ cm. of thickness.

Cut discs with a circular pastry cutter and place them on plate in shortening.

Cook in a moderate temperature oven until softly browned.

Yerba mate, an ally for health and your beauty

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