The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy - December 2013

  • 2013


I was shown a great sphere of light. Rays of bright light emerged from her and she returned lightless rays.

I heard these words:

When you have traveled the whole cycle, you will return to Me, the source of all life, and you will be one with me as you were in the beginning.

December 1st

Leave yesterday behind and quickly enter into this wonderful new day, knowing that it saves only the best for you, and hopes it will only bring the best. Notice My hand in all that is taking place, and contemplate the birth of the new heaven and the new earth. Do not be afraid, for I am pleased to give you the kingdom, not tomorrow or at some other time, but today. Can you accept that anything can happen today? Are you ready for the most wonderful events to take place? That helps things happen before and allows you to see only the best of each situation. In fact, by looking at only the best, you help it happen. Through this positive action you create the right conditions and environment for the new to emerge. You become a kind of midwife, willing to help the new born in a thousand ways.

December, 2

Pioneers are always necessary, those souls that have the strength and courage to go into the new are always needed. They are those souls that, having a sense of vision, keep that vision always before them and see it become manifest. But each one is an individual and therefore cannot be pigeonholed into a mold. You have to be free to grow and develop and be inspired by those deep inner impulses that shake and move your whole being. Live according to the Spirit. Act according to the impulses of the Spirit, however ridiculous they may seem. It is much more comfortable to sit and wait for someone else to take the initiative and jump into the unknown. To be able to give it, faith and courage are required; and if you don't have the faith and courage to do it, don't try to stop the pioneers who do. Show, however, eternal gratitude, for without them My new heaven and My new earth could never be established.

December, 3

You are part of the whole, and each soul has a role to play in it. Therefore, do not be critical or intolerant, but keep in mind that there are no two alike between you, and that composing a perfect whole requires many different parts. Have you ever seen a disassembled watch? It is composed of many different parts, and when you see them all loose, you will surely wonder how it is possible that they can be assembled to form such a perfect mechanical device. But when someone who understands watches begins to put each piece in its place, you immediately check that it not only works but also gives the correct time. If each of the little pieces is in its rightful place, doing what it is necessary to do, it works well. Now you will understand why I insist on asking you to find your right place in the vast scheme of life and to give your best when you have found it.

December, 4

Learn to appreciate and take care of everything that is given to you. You will only do it when you realize that everything you have comes from Me. When you really love the donor, you will estimate the donation. If you stop caring for My gifts, that reflects your attitude towards Me, that I am the one who gives you all those presents. Love is the key. When you know the meaning of love, you cannot stop loving and caring for what is in your care. You don't give a child a valuable piece of equipment to play with, because you know that the child will not take care of it and possibly end up breaking it. I cannot give you everything that is waiting to be donated until you learn to take care of it and give it a straight use, with love and attention. Therefore, I have to wait patiently until you are ready before I can give you more and more gifts.

December, 5

Why do you have to go with your eyes and mind closed, thus ceasing to recognize your true heritage? Realize that you don't have to search outside of yourself to find wisdom, knowledge and understanding; Everything is there, within you, waiting to be manifested. When you realize that, you will never have the impression that one soul is smarter than another. You will know that as souls realize that they have everything deep within their being, they will be able to do everything and understand everything; in fact, a whole new world will open for them. You are a world in yourself, a world that contains all the light, all the love, all the wisdom and all the understanding, and all this waiting to be manifested. Stop looking for that outside of you. Take time to remain still and find it inside. Learn to understand yourself, and when you do, you will begin to understand others, to understand life, to understand Me.

December, 6

Do not let neither intellectual pride nor preconceived ideas or opinions and prejudices get in the way and hinder the way; Do not close yourself to the truth because it does not come through orthodox or conventional means. You are entering the new, and therefore you must be prepared for many new forms and means. When a child passes the course, he has to learn to expand and incorporate and accept the new subjects to be learned. The same happens with the passage to the New Age. You have to be willing to depart from the known, to try new experiments, to jump into the unknown. You have to be willing even to make mistakes and learn from them, in order to continue growing in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Do not worry; It will not happen directly from the first to the sixth level. The road will show you step by step, and you will progress gradually.

December, 7

When you do not keep harmony with the divine order of things, you attract to yourself what is discordant and fragmented. You will find yourself going against the current, heading nowhere, and you will end up exhausting yourself, simply.

Why not follow the flow, flow with it and be in harmony with everything that is happening? If you learn to do it, you will discover yourself in harmony with all the things and people around you. You will not feel like a freak, but you will fit perfectly into your surroundings. You will find yourself in harmony with yourself, and that inner harmony will be reflected on the outside. Life will pass in a fluid way and will fit perfectly. You will contemplate miracle after miracle to happen continuously. This way of life will be normal for you to be in tune with me so that I can work in you and through you, and thus produce My wonders and My glories.

December, 8

How many times a day are you fully aware of Me? How many times a day do you recognize My hand in what is happening and thank me? Take time today and try to keep in touch with me all the time. It will not be easy for you at first, for you will discover yourself leaving by the branches of life, without a single thought about Me entering your consciousness for long periods of time. As you begin, you will have to learn to bring all your consciousness back to me and stop it from spreading without direction or concert. But if you continue to do so, little by little you will become more and more aware of Me. You will learn to live, move and have your being in Me, and you will know the meaning of our unity: that there is no separation, that I AM in you and you are in Me, and that we are one.

December, 9

To mark the beat of the day, you have to learn to stay still and have a tuning time in the early morning when you wake up, before your mind becomes entangled in the affairs of the day. Your life is like a clean canvas without a single stain on it. That the first strokes upon awakening are very clear and defined. May they be full of love, inspiration and expectation at the best of the new day before you. You will find yourself in a very silent, receptive and sensitive state. In that state you will be able to direct the activities of your mind through the highest and most desirable path. Start the new day ready for the best to happen in everything you undertake. Step by step, watch the perfect design unfold for the day and for you. Yesterday you left it behind, a new and glorious day awaits you, and you are in harmony with all life.

December, 10

Do not waste time or energy stirring like a fish out of water, attributing the cause of your conditions and circumstances to others. You just have to know that you have everything in your hands. Therefore, you can rectify yourself without any outside help if you take time to find that inner peace and calm and wait on Me. Nothing will be hidden from you when you seek it and when you give yourself completely to Me and want to do My will and only My will. You will only know what My will is when you learn to remain silent and still. Don't put too much effort into it; Let go, relax and find that peace of heart and mind that opens all doors and reveals the light of truth. You will see that you can achieve much more if you can relax and put everything in My hands. Then, when you do so, wait very much in Me and let all things flow freely and naturally, without any effort on your part, and thus grows in true perfection.

December, 11

The best way to bring love and prosperity to your life is to bless everything and give thanks for every increase you find along the way as a gift from Me. If you learn to bless and thank everything, you will in fact be putting into practice one of the great laws of prosperity and abundance, because with love and blessings everything increases. You have been able to see children expand and grow in beauty and wisdom when love is poured on them. You have seen plants, flowers and animals respond to love and blessings. You have verified how you yourself responded when love and blessings have been poured on you. Now go, and you work in the same way with all the people you meet. You will see that the more you do it the easier it will be, and you will be able to open your heart with greater ease, until love and blessings spring from you at all times and your very joy of living is so great that it spreads over the world.

December 12

When you come to realize the hours of practice that a good pianist has to use every day before performing in an excellent concert, you will begin to understand why you have to be alert to be able to lead this spiritual life as it really is He has to live. That does not mean that you have to be in tension, but that you have to be constantly vigilant and realize everything that happens, and in a very special way at the beginning. Just as a pianist who practices to perfect himself has to return again and again on a particular musical fragment especially difficult before feeling satisfied, you also have to return again and again on the same subject, learning the same lessons to form part of you to such an extent that you cannot separate from them, because they are engraved on you. Remember, nobody can live this life for you; No one can practice in your place. Only you can do that. Why, then, don't you start doing it now?

December, 13

Amazing things can only happen if I can work in and through open and available channels. Souls who see how these things happen can see My hand in them and realize that by themselves they would be unable to do them. They know that, in truth, I AM working in and through them, and that way they get to know me and love me. So, never stop giving thanks for everything that is happening in your life. Keep your heart open and your mind clear of all negative thoughts so you don't have to waste time eliminating old ways of thinking that can stop the progress of the new. Always remember that simplicity is My seal. You can be sure, therefore, that if life becomes too complicated for you, you have deviated from your path and need to return to it as soon as possible. Be like a little girl, simple and uncomplicated, and enjoy life to the fullest.

December, 14

Keep in mind that good comes from all things and that each experience is given to help you grow and expand. Realize that without first-hand experience you would not be able to understand or open your heart to your fellow men, but would remain distant and even willing to judge and condemn. Experiences have been provided, regardless of their degree of difficulty or strangeness, for a purpose. Try to see My hand in all things, check that nothing is by chance, and that there is nothing that can be considered fortuitous. Realize that you attract all the best or the worst of life to you. It can be peace, serenity and tranquility, or it can be chaos and confusion. All that comes from within, from your state of consciousness; Therefore, do not blame your environment. A snail carries everything with it, even its home. You carry everything inside of you, and that is reflected on the outside.

December, 15

The divine spark is inside each individual but in many souls it needs to be taken out and enlivened so that it ignites. Wake up from your dream, recognize the divinity within you, feed it and make it grow and flourish. A seed must be planted in the ground before it can grow. It contains all its potential within itself, but that potential remains latent until it is provided with the right conditions for it to grow and develop. You contain the kingdom of heaven within you, but if you do not wake up to that fact and start looking for it, you will not find it and there it will stay. There are many souls in this life that will not wake up to that fact and they are like seeds stored in envelopes. You have to want to break your bonds to be free. As soon as that desire is there, you will receive help in every possible way. But first there must be that desire within you.

December, 16

It is transformed by renewing your mind.

How important are these words! You have heard them many times, but what have you done with them? What does it mean to you? Take time to meditate on them until they become living and vibrant words in your life and you feel transformed by the renewal of your mind. You speak of peace and harmony, of the new heaven and the new earth, of doing My will, of radiating love towards the world and of entering into the new, but what are you doing about everything? that? Are you living in such a way that you help that take shape? Do not consent to end up becoming a parrot, emitting words that make no sense to you. Pray incessantly to reach a higher and deeper understanding, give thanks and walk up and forward. Above all, live a true life and let things happen that transform your life.

December, 17

When you are in contact with me and your greatest desire is to do My will, you will see that the acts you do are not to be done for the self but for the good of all.

This life is only for fully dedicated souls who are willing to leave the self behind and be part of the whole. It is not easy for the vast majority of humanity to do that, for many souls are not willing to give up their individuality. They want to hold on to what they call their "rights" and do exactly what they want, without regard for anyone else.

Therefore, if you ever have the impression that this life is not as you would like and you find yourself disgusted with it, take time to find out what is causing this disharmony inside you, but do not look outside of you scapegoat to blame. If you realize that there is something inside you that is causing that, you can rectify it without further delay.

December 18

Stop accumulating tension chasing anything and just let things happen. Don't let worry bind you or kill you; learn, better, to deposit all your burdens on Me so that you can be free to fulfill My will and follow My ways.

I can't use you if you're entangled with yourself and the tree prevents you from seeing the forest, so relax and let go. Stay still and meditate on the wonders of life. May your mind be seated in Me.

Open your eyes, contemplate me in all things and give eternal thanks. When you are able to see me in all things, your heart is so full that it cannot help giving thanks; It is simply full to overflowing and overflows outward.

You cannot hide a heart full of love and gratitude, because that is reflected and is visible to everyone. When you are in a state of joy and gratitude, you attract others to you. Everyone likes to be with a soul overflowing with love, because love calls love.

December, 19

This is a life of action, a life of change. Do not show self-reliance, because when you incur that attitude, you can easily fall into a routine that results in stagnation. You have to do your own spiritual work. You have to do your own exploration, in your own way. Look where some change needs to be made and then take the necessary action to make that change take place. If the change is uncomfortable, the faster it happens, the easier it will be. It is much less painful to remove a bandage at once than to do it little by little. So do what you have to do without wasting your time thinking twice. Take that leap into the new without the least hesitation, because you just have to know that it will be much more wonderful than what you have left behind. With change comes life, a full and glorious life. It is being offered to you. Take it and give eternal thanks for it.

December, 20

Seek the kingdom first, put Me first in all things and everything else will be given to you in addition. You know those words, but what are you doing with them? Are you living them? Do the ways of the Spirit occupy the first place in your life? Do those times you spend alone with me have more value to you than anything? Do you like being quiet or do you feel uncomfortable and restless in silence? Do you want to always be busy doing things and find it very difficult to quiet your body and your mind? There are millions of souls in the world who can't stand silence. They have to constantly have noise and action around them. They are souls who do not know the meaning of seeking My kingdom above all or putting me first in all things. They are uneasy inside and out. I tell you that those times of peace and quiet in which we are together are very valuable in a world of agitation. Find them, find them and stay in them.

December, 21

Learn to live beyond yourself and your own strength and ability so that the people around you can see with their own eyes that it is I who works in you and through you.

In that way, souls who do not have faith and belief will get to know me, not through many words, but through a direct and demonstrated life. If you do not live that way, you are not recognizing that I AM your guide and companion and that you have dedicated your life completely to Me and My service.

You have to let go of your feet from the bottom and swim in the unknown with absolute faith and confidence, knowing that you will not suffer any damage because I AM with you.

You will never know if all that is really so if you are not willing to do something about it. Stop holding on to security and let me show you what can happen when you let go and allow me to take the reins and use you as I want.

December, 22

"According to you, you will receive" That is not just words ... it is the Law. When you live them and put them into action, you will see how wonderfully they work. When you start giving what you have, you will see that it will be given more and more.

Do not be afraid; don't keep anything, just give and keep giving. An open and generous heart attracts all the best to itself. May your heart be open and generous; Do not keep anything and may the spirit of the donation be always present.

Check what you have to give and offer it, whatever it is, because each gift offered helps you complete the set. Do not expect anyone to extract the gifts from you, but be willing to give what you have. When you do, you will see how it fits into the set, just like the piece of a puzzle, if it is placed in the right place, complete the drawing.

December, 23

Give me the opportunity to work in you and through you to produce My wonders and My glories. Always keep before you the vision of My love without limits, of My abundance without limits and of My wonders and glories taking place. Keep the vision of the new heaven and the new earth, of My will being fulfilled, of peace and harmony on earth and of goodwill towards all. Keep the vision of great cities of light sprouting all over the world where peace and love reign supremely. At no time lose the vision, because by keeping the vision firmly and clearly before you can help it be incorporated from the etheric, and that these wonders manifest themselves visibly on the earth plane so that everyone can contemplate them.

The more clarity the vision acquires, the faster it will manifest. Give constant thanks because your eyes have opened and you know what you have to do. Now,

Go ahead, then, and do it, and stop thinking about it!

December 24

You will be surprised at the speed with which changes may come. You have been prepared for such changes for a long time. Through the ages, day after day, month after month, year after year, with much patience I have been setting the stage for these changes to take place. You have been given all the opportunities to adjust and prepare: so, you should be able to move on without any difficulty. It is a matter of conscience, of being able to raise your consciousness and of adapting to everything that is happening. Souls who are aware of Christ's conscience are being attracted to each other at this time in the same way that iron is attracted by the imam. They may not realize it at this time, but they will be very clear in the days ahead. It is that consciousness that is approaching a growing number of souls so that you can all perceive the inner Christ, and give eternal thanks for that awareness.

December 25th

Every day you fill yourself more and more with the conscience of Christ. You are able to walk in the light and become one with the light until there is no darkness in you, and as that happens you can bring more and more light to the world. You must realize that everything starts inside. You have to start tidying up your house, and you have to have faith and confidence that you will be able to do it and then get to it. It is what is inside you that is reflected in your exterior. It is not something to fight for; It is something that simply happens if left, and that fills your heart and mind with understanding and love. That high state of consciousness is in the same air you breathe. Take a deep breath and let your whole being be flooded with it. It is so large that you cannot contain it; therefore, expire it and thus make it circulate and increase.

December, 26

What do you expect from life? Do you expect the best or are you one of those souls who are always fearing that the worst will happen and that everything will go wrong? If you are, you deserve what comes your way, because you attract either what you love or what you fear and hate.

When your consciousness is negative, you attract negativity towards you in the same way that an imam attracts iron, and so you will meet the soul company with the same way of seeing things, because the same calls the same.

When your conscience is of love, when you are overflowing with joy for life and your heart is full of gratitude to all people and all things, you will find yourself attracting all of you those happy and happy souls that radiate love and joy wherever they go. Your life will be full of the best that life can offer. Why not see the best in every situation? See how the best is being drawn to you now.

December, 27

Many times you may have to move forward with faith, unable to see the reasons for the course of action you are going to take, but do not hesitate if you know within yourself that this is the right thing to do. You have to have faith to be able to take those steps in the unknown, because there may be many external influences pulling you in different directions until you feel torn. That is where you must learn to enter within yourself and to know with absolute knowledge that what you are doing is being guided by Me and will go perfectly. It takes a lot of faith and courage to move forward and follow those deep internal calls, especially when the action you undertake is complete nonsense in the eyes of others. For that reason, precisely, you could not do it if you lacked absolute faith and inner knowledge. The choice is always in your hands; Therefore, choose, and choose the right thing with your hand firmly grasped Mine. I will never let you down or abandon you, but I will guide each of your steps.

December, 28

Let there be unity in diversity. Look at the multiple paths that lead to the center, which lead to Me; each one is different but, despite that, they all follow the same direction. The closer they are to the center, the greater their unity, until they all become one in Me and there is no longer diversity but complete unity. You will see that this happens more and more with all the centers of light throughout the world. As the world situation worsens, they will shine more and more until the light overcomes all forms of darkness. It is good to see a wide view of everything that is happening, but it is also important to see that everything starts within yourself. Realize that what happens in the individual expands in the world and is reflected in the world situation. For that reason, peace of mind and heart within you is essential, and for that reason, harmony, understanding and deep love would be given between you and everyone else.

December, 29

Open your heart and accept all My good and perfect gifts. They are there waiting for you, but many souls do not open their hearts and extend their hands to accept their inheritance. Either they are scared or believe they are unworthy of it, or they simply do not believe that such an inheritance exists and, therefore, reject what is just waiting to be claimed. If you have money in the bank but you refuse to accept that it is there and you refuse to take it out of the account due to your lack of belief, you are the only one to suffer that lack and you have to manage without the money. My warehouses are full to overflowing, and all that I have is yours; but you have to claim what is yours. You cannot lead this spiritual life if you do not believe that inheritance is yours and you claim it. The new heaven and the new earth are here now.

December, 30

You are My hands and My feet. I have to work in you and through you to reveal My wonders and My glories. I have to use you to bring My kingdom, to produce the new heaven and the new earth.

Unless you realize that I need you, you will continue to hear about that wonderful new heaven and new earth, but you will not contemplate it, nor live in it, and you will not see it operate in you or around you.

What is the use of dreaming in utopia? It has to come true and that can only happen when you start living it and stop talking about it.

If you see a person who is drowning, it does not help to start shouting instructions from the shore. You have to jump and do something to help her. Therefore, it is not much use to read or learn about how to create the new heaven and the new earth. You have to start living it now to make it come.

December 31

Once you have stepped forward in faith, never look back or regret what you have abandoned. Just wait for the most wonderful future and contemplate it as it arrives. Leave everything old behind; it's finished. Be grateful for the lessons you have learned and the experiences you have had, since all of them have helped you grow and have given you greater understanding, but never try to hold on to them. What awaits you is incomparably more wonderful than what you have left behind you. Once you have deposited your life under My guidance and direct guidance, how could something go wrong? Only if you take a step forward and then you begin to wonder if you have done well, and you consent to doubts and fears, will everything begin to gather inside you and you will begin to feel overwhelmed by the weight of your decision. Therefore, release that weight, release the past and move on with a heart full of love and gratitude.

The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy - December 2013

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