The Inner Voice: August by Eileen Caddy

  • 2013


I was shown a cornfield, about to be harvested.

I heard these words:

There is a time and a season for everything.

Never leave for tomorrow what you know you should do now;

flow, however, with the rhythm of the whole of life and have perfect peace.

August 1

Tune in with me in peace and quiet. How can you expect to hear My little silent voice when there is agitation inside you and you are too busy to sit still and listen? As you learn to be calm, you will be able to do it, no matter what you are doing or where you are. You can wear a mantle of peace and serenity and you will find that center of peace that nothing can disturb. There you will find Me in the middle of you. You will find the realization of your Unity with me, the source of all creation. In that state of peace and unity you will have full control over each situation, and you will know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. It is something that all individuals can do whenever they want; It is not reserved only for a few.

Why don't you stay calm and

perfect peace now?

August 2nd

Learn to act spontaneously, according to intuition, and to do what your heart calls you to do, not just what your mind tells you is reasonable or sensible. Some acts of pure love may seem very unreasonable, or even resemble follies in the eyes of others, but it does not matter. When you feel a call to act, do it and don't stop to weigh it, not even to ask yourself why you are doing it. That little act of love may have some far-reaching effect. It may not even be manifest at first. Do not waste time looking for results; just do what you know you should do, and leave the rest to me. Sometimes that seed of love can take a long time to germinate in a hard, cold heart, but once planted, sooner or later it will be seen. All you have to do is do your part in faith, and know that everything is very, very good.

August, 3

When one door closes, another opens. He hopes that this new door will reveal even greater wonders, glories and surprises. Always expect the best of each situation, and watch out the best of each person. Never get depressed or let yourself down when you see a door close in front of you. You just have to know that all things work in unison for the good of the souls that really love Me and put Me first in all things. Feel yourself growing and expanding as you go through each experience, and look for the reason behind it. Learn from it, and be determined not to commit the same offense twice, if you think you have committed a fault, because you can learn a lot from it if you don't let it sink you. Your entire attitude towards life is very important; Therefore, realize that your life is what you make of it. Make it a wonderful, joyful, exciting life, in which anything can happen at any time because you are fulfilling My will.

August, 4

Why don't you start every day tuning in with the greatest good inside you? Then, have him accompany you in everything you do throughout the day. May peace and love flow freely in you and through you, until you reach all the people you come into contact with. Observe My perfection and My all in all your fellows, and hold on to that. When you can do it, all its imperfections will be eliminated, and you will see them in the light of perfection because you will be seeing with My eyes, and I can only see the perfect in all things and in all people; Reflect me; Be one with me. May your conscience be of unity and totality. You must know that I AM working on you and through you, and that each of your actions and thoughts are guided and directed by Me. You should know that as long as harmony, beauty, law and order enter your life, chaos and confusion will fly out the window. As long as you remain in that state of consciousness everything will be very, very good.

August, 5

Make your level high; The higher, the better. Do not be careless or bungling at anything you rush. The goal should always be perfection. It may seem impossible to achieve, but even so, continue to aspire to it, continue to do your best. Never be satisfied with anything that is mediocre, or with what is done half-heartedly and without love. That whatever you do, whatever it may be, be for My honor and My glory, for when your purpose is to do everything for Me, your goal will always be the highest, and not remain You are satisfied unless you are doing your best. Learn to forget the self in the service of others. You will find authentic joy in donating to all levels. Always remember: there are many levels where you can take, from the highest to the lowest, from the spiritual to the physical. In any of them, give and give with all your heart, and you will see that as you give, you will receive.

August, 6

Remain still and receptive to life. The more you are able to calm down, the more receptive you will be, for it is in the stillness where you can become aware of My wonders, which surround you everywhere. In the stillness you become very sensitive to the things in life that are really important, and in that state of sensitivity the doors can open wide and anything can happen. You must search and find periods of peace and tranquility, even if you are a very busy person, since it is not necessary that it be long periods. I will see those few moments of silent communion with me will work wonders in everything you do. Instead of rushing into a project, or doing something because it must be done, your entire attitude towards everything you undertake will be of blessing, praise and gratitude. Since your attitude and focus are straight, only the best can come from there, and will bring blessings to all souls that have to do with what you do.

August, 7

Walk in the light and never fear that the ray of the light of truth will fully affect you. When you have nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of, you are as free as a small child without inhibitions, who is able to express himself with real joy. She is beaming with joy and that joy is contagious and reaches everyone who comes in contact with him. Joy cannot hide or contain itself. It manifests itself in hundreds of ways: with a look, with a word, with an expression. Joy attracts people, because everyone responds to souls who are happy and happy, and everyone likes to be in their company. Joy attracts souls to itself like a magnet to iron, while sadness and negativity repel them. When you know that you are doing what you should do and that you are in the right place, you radiate joy and freedom. Everything flows without friction and fits in its right place. In this way you attract the best towards you; You can't help doing it, because everything attracts its equal.

August, 8

As you learn to do My will and walk on My paths, you will begin to know the sense of inner peace and harmony. Your heart will overflow with love, your understanding will grow and you will become more open and tolerant, and you will clearly see that there are many paths that lead to Me. You will learn to live and let live, and you will no longer have the impression that yours is the only way. You will not be dogmatic again about anything, but in a quiet and confident way you will follow your path knowing that it is appropriate for you. You will not try to change other souls again, but you will learn to live in such a way that those souls want to know what you have and they don't. Never forget it; You can teach much more by example. If you do My will in silence, that will have much more effect on humanity than if you utter many wonderful words coming from the heights but you stop living what you preach.

August, 9

Always adopt an optimistic attitude to everything, and erase all darkness and negativity. In life you are surrounded by many wonderful people, things and experiences.

Why don't you focus on them and thank them, releasing and releasing everything that is unpleasant, sad or difficult? Through your attitude you attract the best or worst of life towards you. Therefore, if you blame circumstances, life or people for your misfortunes, look inside to see what you can do to change your attitude. When you do, you will see how little by little changes begin to occur, and you will begin to realize how blessed you are and how truly wonderful life is. What a joy and what a privilege it is to be alive, to be where you are, to do what you are doing, surrounded by so many things and great people! Start looking for them right now. They are right there, so you don't have to look far.

August, 10

Do you want to do something to help the world situation? Then, look inside, because you don't have to forget that everything starts in the individual. As you change your consciousness towards love, peace, harmony and unity, the consciousness of the entire world will change. But it is not always very pleasant at first. You will find dark spots that need to be lightened inside. You will find that your motives are not always the highest and that your likes and dislikes are much more pronounced than you would have imagined. You will realize that the love you profess among yourself is not as it should. Start by putting all the cards on the table, be determined to do something about it, and start doing it now. There is no better time. I'm here to help you. Call me and let me guide each of your steps.

August 11

Are you in harmony with all life? Do you feel one with all the souls that surround you, and in peace?

Are you part of the chaos and confusion of

world at this time, or is your life part of the answer to the world's problems?

At this time you cannot be between two waters. Either you work for the light or not; The choice is in your hands. Either you are with me or you are against Me. Your faith and belief cannot be lukewarm or indifferent. or they are wholeheartedly or they are not.

I need you on, inflamed with love

for Me, completely dedicated to Me and My work, willing to do My will regardless of the price.

I ask for everything, and only when everything is given is everything received. Nothing is going to be taken from you, and you will know that everything I have is yours.

August 12

You can't do everything you should when you're in tension. Take time to be alone, and do something simple, something you like, but something you choose, not what someone else suggests. When you do, you will find yourself able to see everything from a different level of consciousness. A weight will be taken off you and you will see that you are capable of doing much more. Also keep in mind that you should not try to anticipate too much what is to come; that in itself can already be the cause of great tension and disturbance. Only one step can be taken at a time, and the next will come at the right time. Let life unfold without trying to manipulate it. Do not be irritated or impatient when things do not go as expected. Instead, look and see the purpose and plan that is in everything that is happening, and realize that everything works for the best.

August, 13

Learn to think and feel for others, to work with them as you would like them to do with you. Learn to understand them and enter completely into their lives and their hearts, bringing them love and understanding, and thus eliminating all criticism, judgment and condemnation. Realize that love transforms and transmutes all bitterness and hate, and that understanding opens hearts that have remained closed and that have remained cold and unmoving. Put these words into practice in your life: "Do not resist evil but overcome it with good." It is easier said than done, but until it is done and lived, there can be no peace and goodwill in humanity. These words have been heard, read and preached in many eras, but they have not been lived; That is why there are wars, destruction, hatred and evil in the world. That state of affairs will continue until humanity learns to live a life and does not limit itself to speaking about it, until it learns to make those wonderful words live and vibrate in everyday life.

August, 14

Just as your contribution to the set is that of your specific gifts and talents, so each piece of the puzzle of life comes together to form the perfect whole.

What are your specific gifts and talents?

Why not share them and stop hiding them, since all of them are needed? Perhaps you get the impression that you have many gifts, or you may believe that you have very little or nothing to give. The latter is not true. You have something of your own and unique to give, something that nobody could give in your place, and that something is necessary. It is up to you to find out what it is and give it. All kinds of people are required to do the set. Each of the nuts, casters and springs are necessary to build a clock. Every body organ, every tiny cell and atom are precise to form the perfect body. When you can see yourself as part of the whole, you will no longer want to keep for yourself what you have to give.

August 15

If you find it difficult to love your fellow men, do not try to force yourself to do so, for you cannot force yourself to love someone. But when you seek Me and ask Me for help, I will put in you the seed of love in your heart. All you have to do then is, with extreme softness and quietly, take care of it and see how it grows effortlessly on your part. Trying to love someone for yourself is a losing battle. You will see that each one attracts their peers, and in a very natural way you will feel more attracted to some people than by others, and with the first ones you can identify yourself more. Easily; but that is not a cause for concern. Gradually you will know the meaning of universal love, as you grow and get to know the meaning of My divine love. Let it open in you in a very natural way, without making any effort; have only a deep inner desire to love more.

August, 16

Your attitude is vitally important, much more than you realize. Therefore, if you can't do something with the right attitude, don't do it until you can change your attitude. Really enjoy doing it, and realize that, whatever it is, it is important for the smooth operation of the whole.

Do not be afraid to bear responsibilities;

Rather, he grows in stature and wisdom in doing so. You must know that you are never given more than you are able to bear.

It is important that each responsibility be

help grow and expand a little more each time.

The goal of responsibilities is not to sink or overload you but to help you grow. Do not resent the responsibilities that are given to you, thank them. I want you to know that they will not be given to you if I did not believe you capable of carrying them forward. Seek My help at all times. I AM always willing to help and guide you. Call me

August, 17

Learn to be very flexible and adapt. At the same time, it always works from a stable internal knowledge, so as not to be influenced or depend on external circumstances and conditions. Realize that your external way of life is a reflection of your inner life. When you have peace inside, you radiate peace outside; because if your heart is overflowing with love, you cannot avoid reflecting it and radiating it around you. You cannot hide what is inside you, because your external state is a reflection of your internal state. The time you spend in peace and quiet is never wasted time. It is necessary that each soul find time to remain still and reflect on what is in the deep, on the things that really matter in life, those that make your life what it is, on the ways of the Spirit. No matter how busy you have the day. These quiet times are essential and constitute the very core of your life.

August 18

Do not let your worries sink or consent to make you miss all the wonders of life. Consider all the beauty and wonders of life. Walk with your eyes wide open and appreciate all the beauty that surrounds you. Take one day at a time and appreciate that day to the fullest. May every moment be full of love and gratitude. When something that is not harmonious comes along, quickly look around and see how it can be changed to something harmonious. Do it right away, because negative and prejudicial thoughts can grow as fast as weeds in a garden and thus prevent the growth of all beautiful and delicate plants if they are allowed to take control. Learn to control your thoughts so that they are only of beauty, harmony and love. Once your positive thoughts have taken root, you will automatically look for the best in each situation. Only then can you relax, let go and enter into joy and freedom of the Spirit.

August, 19

Why not start receiving your inspiration and spiritual guidance firsthand and not through someone else?

Don't you realize that you own in the

Inner all wisdom, all knowledge, all understanding? It is not necessary that you look outside, but that means you have to take time to be still to enter the deepest part of yourself until you find them. There is nothing more wonderful or more valuable than coming into direct contact with me, the source of all creation. That means you have to take time and, if necessary, strive to find it. You have to get to the stadium where you are fully aware of Me and My divine presence at all times, where you are willing to join me in your whole life, and walk and talk to me at all times, sharing everything with me, both successes Like failures. When love flows and be one with me, you will want to share everything with me.

August, 20

All souls have to learn self-discipline, and the sooner they learn in life, the easier it is. At first, self-discipline can be a real effort, because you have to force yourself to do things against which the little self rebels. You have to learn to say “no” to yourself, but the stronger you are with yourself, the faster peace will reign within you. It is good that every so often you stop to examine in which areas you are weak and self-indulgent. That implies that you have to be very honest and not look for excuses. Maybe it even helps you write the areas where you think you need to change to have them before you. Then do something about it. If you feel unable to overcome certain weaknesses, I do not ask you to do it yourself. I AM always here to help you. Why not call me?

21st August

Everyone has had the experience of being completely disturbed by something that someone has said or done. Instead of facing it right away, you may have allowed it to affect your entire behavior, until you find yourself totally blocked and unable to help anyone. Perhaps you had even started the day with the best intentions, with love for everyone in your heart, determined to see the best wherever you looked. The next time it happens, recognize what is happening and immediately raise your consciousness. Call me May your mind remain firm in Me, to be fully aware of Me and My divine presence. You will see the difference that makes. If you are able to quickly direct your thoughts towards Me and towards My divine love when you find yourself in a negative situation, everything can change completely. Remember that idea next time. Try it and see how it works.

August, 22

It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing. I'm always with you. But unless you are fully aware of that, you can go through life as a blind person, without perceiving the wonders and beauties that surround you, groping your way in the dark. When you are aware, you have eyes to see and ears to hear. All the little things in life take on a new and deeper meaning. You take nothing for granted, and you see a plan and purpose in everything that is happening in your life. You find true joy in everything that takes place in your life. You see with the eyes of the Spirit. You understand the important things in life, and life is full of joy and happiness. You begin to appreciate that there is nothing fortuitous in everything that is happening. You recognize My hand in everything, and your heart is filled with love and gratitude.

August, 23

May the power of the Spirit flow in you and through you. Open yourself to that infinite power and realize that its true secret lies in keeping you in close contact with me, in drinking from the infinite, eternal source. It is always here for her to drink all the souls that are willing to use it straight for the benefit of all. You have to be willing; You have to ask before you can receive. It will not be imposed before you are prepared.

Do you think that with me all things are

possible? Do you accept it as a fact or do you still have doubts and fears that spoil the perfection of your life? There is a perfect rhythm in all life, and when you keep that rhythm you flow with it effortlessly, and you find joy and inspiration in doing so. Why not, then, follow that rhythm, go to the beat and enjoy life to the fullest?

August, 24

Explore your heart. Is there anything in you that is causing disunity and division? Is there any misunderstanding, jealousy, envy or something negative that makes you lose your temper? You will have to face yourself with equanimity and in a direct way and be very honest with yourself. You will know without a doubt if you are that piece of sandstone that lets you trace the perfect plot of My plan. If you find yourself uncomfortable and find yourself making excuses and trying to justify your actions and your thoughts, you can be sure that there is something deep in you that needs to change. When you recognize what it is about, don't let that depress you; on the contrary, start from right there, and from there start changing all your attitude. I AM always here to help you. Call me and I will help you overcome everything that seems to get in the way by preventing you from feeling one with everything.

August, 25

Never think you have nothing to offer. You have an immensity to give, and you will see that the less you think about it, the better it will be. The more you think and live for others and you can forget the self completely in the service of others, without a single thought about what you can get from life, the happier you will be. Never give with one hand and remove with the other. When you give something, whatever it is, offer it without any trace of attachment, so that it can be used in a completely free way. When you give, may your donation be made with abundance, with freedom and with all your heart, and then forget about it. That principle extends to gifts at all levels, material or spiritual, tangible or intangible. I am always generous in your donation, and never fear any loss, because if you do, that is not really giving. With the true donation, you will not lack anything.

August, 26

You have a tremendous job to do. It is the silent work of creating more love in the world. It is like the yeast in the dough, which works without being noticed, and yet without it the bread would be a hard dough. Therefore, love the souls you meet, love your surroundings and love the souls that apparently are your enemies. There is much greater grace in loving the seemingly impossible to love than in loving only the souls that love you. Feel the need for love that all souls have, and let yourself become a channel for love to flow satisfying that need. As each individual learns to love without seeking reward, the weight of the world will be lightened, for love carries an element of lightness there where there is weight and darkness. Love begins in each individual, so look into your own heart and manifest it. Offer it freely and with real joy.

August, 27

Give thanks for everything. Keep your heart wide open and let your feeling of gratitude pour into an endless stream. There is so much to be thankful for! Gratitude keeps your eyes open to Me and My wonders. Therefore, you don't miss anything, and you see Me in everything that is happening. You know there is a design and a plan going through your whole life; Therefore, nothing is casual. Each contact is appropriate, each act is guided. You must have complete faith to be able to live that way, faith that your life is being guided and directed by Me. That means that in the first place you have to give yourself entirely to Me to use yourself as you wish. You have to learn that only when you give everything do you receive everything. You can only do it when you have learned to love me with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength; because without love you cannot take these steps, you cannot lead this life. Therefore, open your heart and love.

August, 28

Learning to put the priority in the first place is vitally important, because only when the priority is put in the first place will everything go perfectly. Explore your heart and see what you are putting first. Are you yourself and your well-being? Is it your job and your material circumstances? Are you happy to go through the completely ignorant life of Me, trusting that you can continue equally without My help and that you don't need Me? You have the complete freedom to adopt the attitude you want. No one will stop you. But you must be willing to bear the consequences when things do not go away. Remember, when you know what's right and choose to follow your own path, the responsibility you have is even greater, because you can't even use ignorance as an argument. Never make the excuse that there is so much to do that there is no time for everything to fit. I tell you that when you put the priority first, there is time for everything.

August, 29

You must do your own work in this spiritual life. I AM always here to help the souls who help themselves, but you have to take the first step. You will never learn any lessons if everything is given to you. You cannot teach a child if you do everything. You have to let him do things for himself. It doesn't matter that at first your actions are very slow or hesitant, you have to stay out and be very patient. With a lot of patience and a lot of love, I have to stay out and see how you do your own work and make mistakes. But always remember: you will benefit from your own mistakes; Nothing is in vain. At all times you are learning new lessons and moving along the spiritual path. Each step, however small, takes you closer to the goal, which is to realize your Unity with me; until, over time, you realize that there is no separation and that everything is one, and that you are part of that glorious life and one.

August, 30

Do you sometimes wonder why you are where you are, doing what you are doing?

Do you have any doubts in your mind? Search

deep in your heart, and answer these questions honestly. Then, if you think you are still one of those who doubt, take time to stop, to look for illumination from the inside and to find out where you fit into the whole vast set. I can assure you that it is no accident that you are where you are. Life may have been hard on you. You may have had to pass many tests. Maybe you've immersed yourself even in the fearsome oven. You can be sure that behind all this there is a reason: that all the scum is completely consumed and there is nothing left but pure gold - the inner I AM -, so that I can work in and through the I AM and bring My wonders and glories In view of all.

August, 31

To learn the laws of manifestation, there are vitally important lessons: patience, persistence and perseverance. You have to learn implicit obedience and be willing to follow My instructions, no matter how absurd they may seem. Only when those lessons have been learned and put into practice the most wonderful things begin to occur in your life, and you really begin to contemplate how My laws are lived and demonstrated. Always remember: you have to do something, you have to live a life and not just spend your life praying, waiting for something to happen. Prayer is necessary, but not enough. You have to learn to lead a life that everyone can see. Talking about faith is not enough. You have to live in such a way that all the souls that surround you can see what it means to live according to faith, what it means to put your entire faith and trust in Me, the Lord your God, the divinity within.

Excerpt from the book: The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy . Chapter: August.

The Inner Voice: August by Eileen Caddy

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