The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy - September

  • 2013

The Inner Voice Eileen Caddy


I was shown a deep dark well, and at the top was a bucket tied to a rope.

I saw how the bucket was introduced into the well, and when removed from the darkness it was filled to overflowing with clear and pure water.

I heard these words:

Deep in each soul is the purity of the Spirit.

Take time to look for it until you find it,

and then take it out.

September, 1

You can rise to great heights with a heart full of praise and gratitude. But like the little lark, you have to rise from the ground; You have to make that special effort. It is not necessary that this implies tension, it can be a light effort, joyful. Why remain anchored, when acting by you can change your life completely ?. Look high, the more the better. Look forward to the most wonderful events, not in the future but right now. Move forward with firm and determined step, knowing with a deep inner knowledge that you will reach the goals you set for yourself. Why don't you take a positive action today? Why don't you start the wheels? Once you have done your part, you will receive all the help you need, but not before. Be confident in your ability to do all things because you are getting your substance from Me. You can do all things when your faith and your trust are placed in Me.

September 2

When your desire is to bring peace and harmony to the world, you will have to find peace and harmony in your own heart. It is a waste of time to talk about peace. You have to search and find that awareness of peace that nothing and nobody can disturb, and remain in it. In that state of consciousness you will be able to be effective and help bring peace and harmony to the lives of many people. Become aware of the peace and harmony of your own life in the first place and, in the same way as a stone thrown into the middle of a pond, the waves will expand more and more, touching and changing the lives of many people. "According to sowing, you will reap." If you sow disagreement and disharmony, you will gather disagreement and disharmony, while if you sow peace and harmony, the harvest of peace and harmony will be abundant, not only for you, but for all the souls with whom you enter Contact.

September, 3

Give again and again. Never try to save anything. Make everything flow freely, whether it is about talent, love, money or possessions; circulate If you do, you will see it multiply by a thousand. The vital energy of your body cannot be retained; it has to keep moving and circulate, because only in that way can a greater, newer vital force penetrate, and you can become a vital being. So it is with all things: allow them to move and not stop their flow. Watch life unfold for you with true perfection. You have to see each of your needs met at the right time. Hope that happens, and never let doubts assault your conscience. Be positive about everything, regardless of what external conditions take, and feel those thoughts of misery disappear as they are replaced by others of wealth and abundance. Have absolute faith that everything is very, very good and that everything is going perfectly because it is in My hands.

September, 4

Keep continually before you the vision of perfection, beauty and harmony, and look at it in all people and in all things. May the love within you be spilled like water and may its current reach everyone equally. Do not discriminate within yourself, for you are all Mine; You are all a family. Universal love begins within each individual and expands outward. When each of you realizes that and lets love flow freely, great changes will happen in the world, because it is love that transmutes everything: hate, jealousy, envy, criticism and greed. Those are the qualities that cause war, destruction and death. Love creates life, eternal and abundant life. Love brings with it peace, joy, happiness and content, authentic and lasting. Above all it brings unity. Therefore, if you have wandered along deviated roads and paths and lost your north, return to the path of love that leads directly to Me, and there you will find me waiting for you deep within your being.

September, 5

When you choose to do My will and walk in My ways, you will have to do it with all your heart, with all that that implies. You will have to be hard and mature if you want to learn that vital lesson of instant obedience to My will. Only when you give it all will you receive everything. In this spiritual life you cannot take the cherries and leave the cake; or all or nothing. Many souls like to select the parts of this life that they find most attractive but ignore those that do not seem to satisfy their lowest desires. That is not leading a spiritual life; that is to take and take what one wants, not what is required of one. You cannot expect things to go well if that is your attitude. I need your complete submission and dedication before I can work wonders and miracles on you and through you. Now that you know,

Why don't you do something about it?

September, 6

Live one day at a time. Don't try to hurry, making plans for tomorrow, because tomorrow may never come. Enjoy today to the fullest; Enjoy it as if it were the last day. Do all the wonderful things you crave, not in a reckless or careless way, but with true joy. Become a small child who has no concern for tomorrow and has forgotten what happened yesterday; He lives only as if the only present time were now. Now is the most exciting time you have ever known, so don't miss a single second. Live very awake, on tiptoe, ready for what could happen at any time. If you live like this, you are prepared and open to anything that may take place. Changes will come and they will come very quickly. Lift your heart with deep gratitude as it comes one after another. Always look the best in every change that happens.

September, 7

The next time you have to face a job that doesn't appeal to you, it takes time before you even start it to completely change your attitude towards him. Consider that you are doing it for Me, and if your love for Me is as it should, you will find a real joy and delight in doing whatever it is to perfection . What's more, you'll find that you have plenty of time to do what needs to be done. Don't waste your time persuading yourself that you don't have time and that you're too busy. Simply go ahead and do what you have to do. May your life run smoothly and peacefully without feeling of precipitation. When you start the day correctly, with a heart full of love and gratitude and with a sense of expectation before a wonderful day in which everything will fit perfectly, you will attract it to you.

September 8

Let me work in you and through you. Let My love and My light flow freely in you and, through you, in the world. Realize that this is how it was at the beginning, when we walked and talked together; realize that you have gone through a complete cycle and once again you have returned and become one with me, the Beloved. Don't dream about it; you just have to know that it is so now and that there is no longer any separation. You no longer have to wander the lost desert alone, without knowing which way to go. Realize that each one of your steps is guided and directed by Me, and to the extent that you become more and more aware of Me, of My divine presence, you can never lose your way ever. Therefore, give eternal thanks and may your heart be so full of joy and gratitude that you can express it at all times, and that every breath of yours says: "Thank you, Beloved."

September, 9

If a soul tries to obtain as much as it can from life without giving, it will not be able to find authentic and lasting happiness and joy, because what provides deep inner joy and contentment is to think and live for others. No one can live for themselves and be happy. Whenever you encounter a feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction in life, you can be sure that this is because you have stopped thinking about other people and have become too entangled in yourself. The way to change is to start thinking about someone else and doing something for others until the self is totally forgotten. There are so many needy souls that there is always something you can do for one of your fellows. So why don't you open your eyes and your heart, and let the light show you the way and let love guide your actions? May my love fill you and envelop you, and remain in perfect peace.

September 10

When planting a seed in the ground, it may look like any other seed, brown, dry, with no apparent life force inside. However, you put it on the ground with confidence, and at the time it begins to grow. Growing up, only she knows what she is going to become. You only know what you have planted on the envelope label, but you are confident that that particular plant will grow from that specific seed, and so it is. When planting ideas and righteous thoughts in your mind, you must do so with complete confidence, knowing that only the perfect will spring from those ideas and thoughts. As your faith and trust become strong and unwavering, those constructive thoughts and ideas will begin to grow and develop. That way, you can do anything. It is that internal energy within each one that works in you. It is the I AM within you.

September 11

Until you start putting into practice what you are learning, you will not know if it works for you or not. It may work for others, but what about you? Remember, you cannot put yourself in the shadow of the deep spiritual experiences of others. It can be helpful to read about them, learn from them, and even hear about them and comment on them. But it is up to you to live them and practice them in your own life if you want to live according to the Spirit, if you want to live according to faith. No one can make you follow this life. All souls are absolutely free to make their own choice. What have you chosen to do? Sit down and dedicate the rest of your life to hearing about other people's experiences? Or are you going to start here and right now to lead a life completely dedicated to Me, putting into practice those wonderful lessons you've been learning, and seeing how they really work?

September 12

Many souls find it very difficult to accept their love relationship with all human beings. This separation is the cause of all the problem that afflicts the world, the cause of all struggles and wars. The place where you have to start correcting things lies in yourself and in your own personal relationships with all those souls with whom you come into contact. Stop pointing your finger and criticizing the souls with whom you don't get along in the world. Put your own house in order. You have more than enough to confront yourself, without needing to tear apart your peers by pointing out all their faults and defects and indicating where they were wrong. When you are willing to face yourself and put all things in order within yourself, then you will be able to help your fellow men simply by your example, not by criticism, intolerance or through many words. Love your fellow men as I love you. Offer them your help, your blessing, your encouragement, and see the best in them.

September, 13

You must know with an internal certainty that I never give you more burden than you are able to bear, and that you never have the need to carry it alone, for I AM always with you. Therefore, let's do all things together. When you fully realize that help, you will no longer feel overloaded with the weight of your responsibilities, however great they may be. I need souls who are willing to assume responsibilities without avoiding them, for I have to work in and through the dedicated souls and willing to forget the self completely in My service and in the service of their fellow men. Are you willing to do it? This life calls for absolute consistency and dedication. Are you consistent in your work for Me? Do you dedicate each of your days to My service? Are you obedient to My slightest hint? Surely by now you realize that all things work in unison for good only when you really love Me and put Me first in everything.

September, 14

Try to have balance in everything. Work hard but also learn to play a lot, and do what you really like to do, whatever it is. It doesn't matter if the things you enjoy are simple or extravagant, if you really find real joy in doing them. When you do something you like, it doesn't matter that it takes effort; You do not feel exhausted but energized and lively. Work should never be monotonous, and it will not be if your attitude towards it is correct and you enjoy doing what you do. When there is balance in your life, you will find that it is complete, and you will not have an overdose of work or play. The one is as bad as the other. Never compare your preferences with anyone else's; What you like may not appeal to anyone else. Do what you enjoy and let others do what they find attractive. Live and let live.

September, 15

Always remember, when there is something you really want, you can make it happen. When you want unity, and if you want to be complete, that can be yours if you turn whole to make it happen. Your love and your longing to be one with me will continue as the day follows the night without anything to prevent it. It is something that happens in the depths of each being, and once the seed of that yearning has been deposited, it will grow more and more. What is your deepest longing for?

Do you want to give it all to Me? You are

willing to end all those little self-indulgences and desires that can cause separation? It is up to you to make your own decision and to know the desire of your heart. Do not expect someone else to tell you what it is. That is something you just have to do without any outside help. I AM here to help you. Seek My help at all times.

September 16

Life is full to overflow with the new, but it is necessary to empty the old to make room for the new to penetrate. The emptying process can be very painful, because when you have become empty of the old, you may experience the sensation of having nothing to hold on to and being alone and devoid of everything. You may believe that life is completely inert and empty, meaningless; You may feel moved to raise your hands in a gesture of despair. Realize that if you are going through that streak, or a similar one, it is that process of being emptied of the old in order to be filled with the new. Never give up hope; Hold on to it until you are completely empty of everything. Then you can start again in the novelty of the Spirit and the truth. You can become a little girl and enjoy the wonder of this new life to the fullest as you gradually fill it.

September, 17

I AM LOVE. To know me, you have to love from the heart, because without love you cannot know me. Make love continue to flow freely and learn to love what you are doing; Love your surroundings and all the souls that surround you. Love without calculating the price, without seeking reward. You can never give too much love; Therefore, do not be afraid or try to retain the flow of love, even when you are rejected. If such a thing happens, the easiest thing is to close the heart and withdraw for fear of being hurt. Do not do it; that will only harden you, and in that state you can never help another soul, for no one is attracted to someone who has a hard heart without love. Make use of wisdom and understanding in conjunction with love, and in this way you will always maintain the perfect balance. The most important lesson in life is to learn to love. Don't waste your time and learn that lesson quickly.

September 18

Does your life run smoothly? Are you happy with what you do? Do you feel at peace with the world, or is your life full of ups and downs? Does the way you live or the work you do leave you unsatisfied?

Do you find it difficult to be in harmony with the

souls around you? Do you blame your discontent and dissatisfaction on the people you keep in touch with and your circumstances and situation? Do you think that if you were somewhere else everything would be fine and you would have peace? When you are in perfect peace inside, it will not matter where you are, or who you are with, or the work you do, no matter how ordinary or ordinary. Nothing can disturb you or unbalance you, because you will have perfect balance and harmony inside. Instead of fighting against your circumstances, learn to flow with them and thus find that peace and understanding in the depths of your being.

September, 19

I AM the source of all life. When you follow My rhythm, everything runs smoothly. Many souls wonder why life is full of ups and downs or why many things go wrong, and are immediately willing to blame it on all things and all people, but not on them. When you take time to find out why you are not in harmony with life, you will very often verify that you are not putting the priority first and that you are stopping taking time to enter the silence and find the peace and stillness that I give you solicitous.

That requires time, patience, faith and belief.

That means you have to learn to be still.

I want you to learn to find the answers to your problems alone with me. I wish you to trust Me entirely for everything, and for you to realize that your strength, your wisdom, your understanding, all of them come from Me.

September, 20

When you think you have reached the end and it seems to you that you cannot go one step further, or when life is devoid of any purpose, what a wonderful opportunity to start over again! It is something that all souls can do if they want to and if they accept, with all humility, that they just end up entangling their lives when they try to handle them on their own. It is something they can do if they are willing to place their lives before Me and let Me lead them. Give continuous thanks for this new day and for a new way, for a new opportunity to start again. Realize that I need you, and when you are in a negative state, you close to Me. Call me and I will answer you. I will be with you in difficulty. I will lift you, put your feet on the straight path and guide each of your steps. I'm always with you.

September, 21

My plan for you is perfect and will fit in just the right time. Never try to rush anything; look, however, how it arises and develops. If life seems to pass very slowly, don't be impatient. Learn to wait on Me with absolute faith and confidence, knowing that at the right moment all things will happen, because there is certainly a time and a season for everything. Remember, you cannot change the seasons of the year; you cannot change the movement of the heavens or that of the tides. The universe is in My hands and no one can cause any harm. Go ahead with complete faith and confidence, letting My wonders and My glories unfold. Do not fear anything; have, rather, strength and courage. When you are in perfect peace inside, you can withstand external stress and pressures. So let My peace and My love fill you and surround you, and remain in perfect peace by doing My will.

September, 22

Do not waste your time with thoughts and talk in vain. Use every moment of time with words and thoughts of love, positive and constructive. Realize that the thoughts you project can help or hinder; Therefore, be the owner of your words and thoughts and not your slave.

Why not enjoy life to the fullest? You can only do it when you give your best in time, words and deeds. Open your eyes and your heart, and look and feel the best in all things and in all the people around you. If you have any difficulty finding the best, simply continue searching until you find it; It's there waiting for you. There are many wonderful things in the world. Why don't you take time to concentrate on them and fill your life with them, and do so that unpleasant, sad and discordant things find no place in your life? Life is what you make of it. What are you doing of yours?

September, 23

You cannot play tennis by staying with a racket and a ball in your hands. You have to lift the racket and hit the ball until the net passes. You have to go into action. So also with faith. You have to do something to prove to yourself that it works and that you live according to it. The more you try and realize that it works, the more confidence you will gain until you are willing to take any step with faith, without hesitation, knowing that we are taking it together, and anything is possible when you are willing to do so. You have to have faith in your ability to swim before diving into deep waters with complete confidence; otherwise you would drown. You have to have faith in your ability to live according to faith before you can do it. Faith breeds faith. How can you know if you can trust Me if you don't try and see if it is?

September, 24

These are crucial times and every soul is necessary in its right place. It's like when a vast puzzle is recomposed: there is a place for each piece. Are you in your right place? Only you will know. Do you feel that you fit perfectly in the set and that you don't create any note that is disappearing or discordant?

Peace, harmony and tranquility must be within you to stabilize you and bring you in line with everything that is about to happen. Therefore, it is necessary to remain very still and find that inner peace so that nothing and no one can disturb it. Be like an anchor, firm and safe, so that no storm can affect you or move you from your right place.

Be firm, you must know that everything is

Very, very good and that everything is happening according to My perfect plan. May your heart not conflict; Put all your trust, your faith and your security in Me.

September, 25

As long as you learn to give, you will receive. Open your heart and give all the gifts that have been given to you. Give your love, your wisdom, your understanding. Give the intangible as well as the tangible. In fact, he gives and continues to give more and more without any thought of self, without any thought of cost or benefit. Your donation must be joyful and wholeheartedly; you will see, then, that the very act of giving brings you unspeakable joy and happiness. All souls have something to give, so find out what you have to give, and give it. Never forget that there are many levels that can be given. Do not limit yourself to giving what is easy, but do it even if it hurts, and grow and expose yourself by doing so, because only the best could result from your donation.

September, 26

Relax by knowing that there is time for everything. Everyone has the same amount of time, but what matters is the use given to them. Do you use it to the fullest and enjoy every moment, or do you dispel it by forgetting to put the priority first? Stop being a time slave.

Why, instead, not make him serve you? Thus I will never rule you, but you will rule it. Accept that you can only do one thing at a time, do it perfectly, and then continue with the next one. Never try to anticipate too much. So you can only live one moment at a time. If you try to plan ahead, you may be disappointed when things do not go as planned. Many changes can happen and when planning you can not count on them. It is best to live the moment fully and let the future take care of itself.

September, 27

Never waste time or energy thinking that you would like to be somewhere else, doing something different. Accept your situation and realize that you are where you are, doing what you are doing, for a very specific reason. Realize that nothing is by chance, that you have certain lessons to learn and that the situation in which you find yourself has been given to allow you to learn those lessons as quickly as possible, so you can continue on this spiritual path. No doubt you don't want to get stuck in a lane, no matter how confident you are. Think how boring and uninteresting life would be if that were your choice. Life is full of excitement and a sense of expectation whenever you are willing to move forward without fear in the unknown and take the next step with absolute faith and trust with me as your guide and companion. ero. Do not fear, I AM with you always

September, 28

Always remember that you can do something about the situation of the world through a complete change of heart, mind and spirit. When you realize that, when you assume your responsibilities and do something about it, the changes will occur; at the beginning in a very small way, although later they will extend to include everything. Consider how wonderful, how stimulating it is to know that you can do something to rectify the state of the world by changing from within, and thereby reflecting those changes on the outside. Blessed are those who are willing and open, those who see the need to change and do something about it; for they are like the yeast in the dough that allows the bread to grow. Without the yeast the dough would not grow. Without change everything would remain static, it would remain stagnant and die. So, expand with real joy and gratitude, and give thanks for being able to do so; and take action now.

September 29

Many times you have heard these words: "Life is what you make of it", but what have you done in that regard? Do you realize that you control your life, your happiness, your success, your joys and your sorrows? Life can be wonderful, exciting and glorious, but it is up to you to expect the best. Live one day at a time and live it fully. Never waste your time worrying about what tomorrow may bring, or allow yourself to feel depressed by having the impression that you cannot face anything. Always look at the luminous face of life and focus on it, in the now everlasting. The fact that yesterday did not run smoothly does not mean that today it should be the same. Leave yesterday behind; Learn from him, but don't consent to it spoiling today. Today is before you, untouched and immaculate. What will you do with it?

September 30

It is important to have a goal in life and continue heading towards it. There is a real plan and purpose in your life, even if you are not always able to see the goal clearly, because when you go down a valley or the road is in turmoil, you cannot always see the next section. You will see that from time to time you will be given a stimulating spiritual experience that you will take with you through the most difficult places, and that it will help you to continue, face what you face. Aspire high, the higher the better. That way you will have to continue walking, growing and expanding to get there. You cannot sit still feeling satisfied with yourself; You cannot remain static. You must always aim for the next step on the ladder of life, and you know that step is close to the goal, no matter how far away it is. So, keep going, and never give up.

The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy - September

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