Life comes from Far: Conception and Birth by Nat Villella Seijas

  • 2014

Like the human body, so is the cosmic body. Like the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. Like the microcosm, this is the macrocosm. Like the atom, so is the universe. Upanishads

In this text I consciously limit myself to synthesizing Master Bert Hellinger's vision about life and the souls that come into the world from his textual words. I also take some concepts of the Vedic tradition that are present in Bert's thinking.

The teacher Hellinger is the psychotherapist who gave birth to family constellations and later to those of the spirit joining and reflecting the most recent concepts of quantum physics, morphogenetic fields, knowledge of new medicine, shamanism and ancient teachings Eastern.

Today the constellations are among the shortest therapeutic dynamics in vogue and far from being a fashion that will happen when something better appears to be the union and the light that many expected to illuminate our own lives and take it hard and in a way complete.

Here is your thought.

The biggest

There is something else that comes from the soul. Because beyond our parents and ancestors we are connected with something bigger than both them and us and puts us at your service. From that something bigger comes to each of us a special destiny and a task. The strength of being able to face it also comes from him. If we nod to that something bigger, we will be free, without distraction caused by superficial desires. We are full of something bigger.

In the words of Bert Hellinger ”… Strictly speaking, a human being does not come from the parents, but through the parents. Life comes from afar, and we don't know what that is. Looking over there, that's religious. Then we don't look at the near, but the bottom, without giving it any name. ”

A couple planning a child

According to Hellinger, the planning of desired children has a strange effect on the soul; It has something technical. It is as if the person interfered in Nature to somehow use it, instead of submitting to it. Instead, he says, when parents love each other and are open to a child, without exactly planning it, what happens in the soul is much more beautiful, both for the couple and later for the child. In the begetting, parents cannot choose what they give to their child and those who do not give it. Nor is the son free to choose what he takes from the parents and what not. When a person does not recognize and take what he receives from his parents, he cannot fully develop. Anyway, every person also experiences that he has something that goes beyond his parents, something of his own. This is also given to us. We can only fully develop when we also recognize and take our own.


In the Vedic tradition it is said Everything is God, everything comes from God. From which it follows that human beings are not the ones who determine births, the mind can have that belief but we are only at the service of a greater force and many times we interfere in the natural but that is not why we are the creators. It is true that children can be brought into the world with more or less awareness in conception but Hellinger goes further. Children come with difficult destinations and we do not understand it, children come in families with few human and spiritual resources and we say that it is because they are unconscious, hellinger questions the idea that there are unwanted children or destinations that could have been avoided . Hellinger speaks of a force majeure and that parents are at the service of that force that is linked to the family soul.

Family Soul and Karma

There is a fundamental movement of life that brings back what was separated. For that movement a single life is not enough. That movement takes place over several lives. For example, what we have seen here does not close in a single life. Nor can it be transferred to another to put it in order. That movement that, perhaps, over the course of several lives puts something in order is karma. If someone in your life escapes love and the consequences of their actions, so that instead of going and putting something in order with love, they turn around and let others take charge of it - without they know why, karma so to speak will move to the next generation. Things will be put back in order in an infinite process. Karma is a movement of love. At the end of that movement everyone is equal, everyone has the same destiny and the same fulfillment of destiny. We can see the work of karma in families in which from generation to generation something is repeated without reaching a solution and where love triumphs recently after many generations. It is always the love in which I in one way or another took someone's life, so that he became my victim, and that I carried it to others. They carry it with them until in the end I arrive at the same situation as the one whose life I was guilty of. Then, suddenly we are equal in destiny and we find love, a mutual love at the end of a cycle that can thus come to an end. About karma Sai Baba said a beautiful phrase: Love ends all karma. Love ends karma right now. When we refer here to life, to the life achieved, it is also about how with love we overcome our karma.

For avid astrology

The positions of the constellations and of the planets in the horoscope at the time we are born are not mere coincidences, these positions were established by our karma or rather due to our karma accumulated through of all our previous incarnations we were born in a certain place of the planet, within a specific family, at the exact moment when the constellations and planets were positioned in a precise way that will determine our future and to a large extent our destiny in the present incarnation. This is the main argument of the Vedic spiritual astrology of ancient India. Shiva Sundar (Guru Ganesh Maharaj)

Continuing with karma and returning to the mention of Hellinger by Sathya Sai Baba, one of his devoted servants for more than 4 decades Anil kumar tells us: The awareness that one was born from this oc The Divine, who is leading the life of the river of individuality and that is to merge back into the ocean is the purpose of human life. The purpose of human life is to merge into God. As man has been born of God, he has to merge into God. Where is it between these two points? He is in God too, but without being aware of it. He thinks he is out of God, but he is in God. So he has to merge into God, of whom he is not aware.

Some more thoughts.

Oh life, where, oh life, where. Hellinger Vienna 2009

We feel that we are alive and know so little about life. Sometimes we wonder where she comes from and where she is going. Sometimes we say that our life comes from our parents. But where do they have life, where do they have it in this way that makes it possible for them to transfer it to us? They have it from their parents, and these from theirs. Obviously life in abundance crosses each of the living beings. She comes from previous lives and through us and other living beings continues into the future. Do we have life then? It belongs to us? Who lives our life? Behind all life we ​​experience a force that directs and controls. In each moment we can only be there because that controlling force keeps us alive in an incredible interaction of many movements that make our life possible. Where does that force come from? Where it goes? Does it matter that we reflect on it when at all times we feel how it operates in us? In every moment we have life in all its abundance. Where do we go when we live? Are we in tune with that creative force? Or in our dreams do we turn away from it, do we turn away from the reality of the abundance of life now?
Some seek the meaning of life. Where can he be if not now? Life is the now, in the now life is shown in its full abundance. It depends on how we live it now. Some want to improve something in their life. What is there to improve when we are in tune with her? It is about us finding the movement of life towards its abundance. Almost all our problems arise when we depart from that immediate reference. It is important then that when we move away from the now in plans on how life should be, we will find the way back to its roots, to the essential life, that we experience in our life now what leads us to the abundance of life.

Artificial insemination by Bert Hellinger

Both artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization are too new topics and there are not many children in adulthood as a result of these procedures. Although it is an issue that provokes and mobilizes, I think it deserves a mention since surely in the not too distant future, the consequences can be seen, in family dynamics. Hellinger believes that a marriage is broken if the semen is from another man and goes even further by saying that probably the relationship in some cases was already in danger from before. When a couple has to face a particularly difficult fate, such as not being able to have the children they would like, they must proceed with special care if they try to change that fate. He comments that it is not so easy to change luck with technical means as some think. The consequences for the system are unexpected and, as a rule, more serious than they want to admit. If a man, for example, cannot have children and his wife undergoes artificial insemination to get pregnant, she does not accept her husband as she is, which is a bad omen for their relationship. If she wishes to have a relationship with him, she would be well advised to accept it as it is, including its limitations. Otherwise it should separate from it, with all the consequences that it brings. In the same way it happens if a woman decides to accept an egg from another woman or rent a belly. In these cases, who is the mother? How is this topic treated when the child grows up? Is the mother the one who took the baby nine months and the one who donated the ovum? But ... if we go a little further we can ask ourselves ... If the woman who donated that egg donates another egg to another woman and in the future those children are brothers? You could say that scientifically if, because if these children formed a couple and had a child, that child could have genetic problems since they are siblings on the part of the mother (egg donor). Perhaps this seems like a science fiction story but scientific advances are sometimes making these stories come true that lead us to ask previously unimaginable questions.

Cesarean section and vaginal delivery. Hellinger

In general, caesarean section is a big problem for a child, since it lacks the stimulation provided by the passage through the birth canal. Birth is a very strong process, which exhausts the baby, but it also stimulates it.

Adoption by B.Hellinger

When someone adopts children to make up for the lack of their own children, it is a serious interference with certain orders. The place of the children is next to their parents. Even in the case of a mother who before abortion is told: “Before abortion, she delivers the baby for adoption. We will take care of everything that is needed ”in that case Hellinger mentions: it should be said, “ Take responsibility for your son ”. If she and the father still cannot take care of that baby, they can be helped so that the child is welcomed by the mother's parents or by the father's parents, or by other relatives. That way the need of the moment is solved and the baby is still in the family. The adoption is justified when, for example, both parents died or the child was abandoned. In that case when someone takes the child and raises it, it is something big and justified according to Hellinger. When a baby or child is adopted lightly, taking it away from their parents and grandparents, it is a great injustice. First, for the child himself, who is separated from his parents and his family. Second, for parents, who are in a situation of need and whose children are removed in this way. And, thirdly, it constitutes a lack of respect for the person's own destiny. For example, when a child is raised in a developing country, in the midst of great poverty, and outsiders say: "We save you and offer you a better life, " they may not really help the child. It sounds hard but, it is no longer respected that his destiny in his own family is what corresponds and is part of his greatness. That the soul of the adoptive parents perceives this form of adoption as a fault is shown when they pay the adoption with a personal loss. Sometimes for example a child of his own dies; Sometimes it happens for example that an adoptive mother who becomes pregnant aborts her own child. In other words, the child is sacrificed. Frequently, marriages of adopted children are separated; In this case the spouse is sacrificed by the adopted child. The above is due to adoptions made lightly, when a person wants to have a child for himself, instead of helping him in an emergency situation. Hellinger says he opposes the abuse of adoption, since when an adopted child sees that his carnal parents do not offer any support, he can recognize him as his parents, knowing, however, that he can only develop alongside the adoptive parents. Thus he honors both his parents and his adoptive parents. It is important for the adopted son that the parents who took him recognize his biological parents and respect them since it is a very deep wound for that son who comes from those parents and cannot deny his origin.

To give an end to this synthesis of Bert's thought about the origin of life I would like to quote Master Parvathi Kumar through whom I have also received clarity and order about this subject in his book "Marriage the sublime sacrament"

Couple and sexuality

When the couple has good harmony with each other and when they conceive of that energy, they give birth to harmonious souls. The harmony in the intellectual, mental, emotional and physical plane allows to transmit such harmony to the soul that is incarnated. Not only sexual harmony, since harmony on other levels is considered essential. Offering bodies to souls who incarnate is in itself a great sacrament, it must be done with a deep understanding. It cannot be done only as an act of lust. When pregnancies happen only as a product of lust, children born of such lust bring lower energies. Man has a greater responsibility than animals in procuring bodies so that human souls become incarnate. Man can give birth to higher souls in accordance with his degree of knowledge, harmony and love. It can give birth to higher souls when conception is carried out with knowledge.

The future of society

The future of society is decided by the present act of conception. The next generation of a nation can contribute greatly or can be equally destructive, depending on the attitude of the couples of the present. There is a great sense of responsibility in the act of offering bodies, since the future of a nation lies in their hands. A healthy society springs from a healthy family. Marriage is the basic sacrament for building healthy families.

Give a body to another soul

Procuring bodies to souls who incarnate is also seen as the fulfillment of an obligation. Every human being receives a body. Thus, it is our obligation to give a body to another soul that is incarnated. That which is received with gratitude, over time must also be given with gratitude. Receiving is to give. As one receives, one must give. That is the law. Giving healthy bodies to souls who incarnate also frees them from the obligation one has with the Pitris, the lunar Devas. This is the opinion of the Vedas. It arises from the law of the perpetuation of nature. Man receives from many entities, and that is why man must fulfill his obligation to all. In this fulfillment man is released. Man receives from parents, from teachers, from society, from his peers, from animals, from plants, minerals, elements, planets, etc. So, it is your inescapable duty to serve everyone with gratitude.

Pregnancy period

When children are conceived, a greater responsibility falls on the couple during pregnancy to ensure maximum cooperation between them and harmonious living conditions. The entire period of pregnancy is considered a period of consecration so that men and women provide the best possible environment for the soul that is growing inside. A harmonious environment and a balanced behavior of men and women contribute to the healthy and harmonious growth of the child.

By Nat Villella Seijas

Facilitator of floral essences with special focus on women and their cycles.

Facilitator of integrated bioenergetic and creative techniques

Currently training in Family Constellations and Childcare (cultivation, development and child rearing from preconception until the first years of life)

Work experiences in service

Organicoopers collaborating in the Urban & Organic Natural Guide green map of Buenos Aires, 2011 2012 Centro Recrearte Fundacion Philosophy and Art for Life Master's introduction Conscious Food, 2010 Foundation Art of Living Production of the First Vegetarian Festival for the event The Planet Meditates, 2012.

Life comes from Far: Concept and Birth By Nat Villella Seijas

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