Alternative therapy with iridology

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Iridology is a detection tool 2 The iris look is an ancient technique 3 Benefits of this Alternative therapy 4 The basic iridology test 5 The iridology controversy

Iridology is a non-invasive alternative therapy that examines the colored part of the eye, the iris, as a tool to measure physical health . A trained iridologist can determine the health of an individual by analyzing the parts of the iris and combining observations with a graph that summarizes the various segments of the iris and their characteristics.

This therapy is based on the premise that the iris is an extension of the brain itself and each organ connects to the iris through the nervous system. This technique is not without controversy since skeptics point out that it contradicts the evidence, but a session with an iridologist may prove useful in revealing apparent health problems in the map of your eyes.

Iridology is a detection tool

The controversy surrounding this screening therapy has been due to the misconception that alternative therapy can accurately diagnose chronic and life-threatening diseases. This viral misconception has been spread by iridologists with misuse of their alternative technique practice.

Iridology is the study of the iris, or the colored part of the eye, but it is not a diagnostic tool, but it is an evaluation tool that gives us a look at the genetic roadmap with which one is born” explains Trixie Clark, certified integral iridologist (ICC) and vice president of the International Association of Iridology.

“We inherit the tendencies of our parents and grandparents that can affect our health. With this technique we can inform a person of trends based on eye color and different brands that are seen. Again, we cannot diagnose diseases, such as cancer or anemia. ”

The iris look is an ancient technique

Although the study of the eye dates back to ancient civilizations, clinical iridology was introduced in the late 19th century by Ignatz Von Peczely, a Hungarian physician. Von Peczely designed his first iris graphic after he realized a correlation between stripes or markers on the patient's iris and the corresponding physical ailments.

Since the creation of their iris chart, today's iridologists use this tool to determine changes in the iris that give clues to physical changes in the body, including inflammation, toxicity, lymph nodes and hardening of congested arteries Although specific diseases or ailments cannot be revealed, the patient can be alerted to possible health problems.

Benefits of this Alternative therapy

Although the practice is more common in Germany and the United Kingdom, it is gaining interest in North America as more people seek alternative therapies to complement Western medicine. The goal is to determine which systems in the patient's body are weak and require adequate treatment before a condition becomes more serious.

According to Clark, in the hands of an experienced iridologist, patients can discover what predispositions they have to certain health problems and then they can do things well, such as changing the lifestyle, to stay as healthy as possible. For example, blue-eyed people tend to have sinus problems , arthritis and skin problems. After a healthy lifestyle goes a long way to keep the body functioning optimally and maintain a state of balance that allows the body to heal.

The basic iridology exam

A basic examination of this technique lies in a painless, non-invasive procedure that includes a health questionnaire of your medical history and lifestyle, and an iris test using an instrument called iridiscope (a magnifying glass with a light). A special camera called an iridocmera can also be used to take an image of the iris, which is downloaded to a computer for analysis.

The iridology controversy

The idea of iridology, like many alternative therapies, faces controversy, and the verdict is mixed. In a series of case studies in which patients with a specific disease were evaluated by a team of trained iridologists, iridologists were unable to identify the condition correctly .

In addition, team members often approached with different responses individually. On the contrary, however, other studies report more favorable results and suggest iridology is a holistic health assessment tool that should only be used in conjunction with Western medicine or other alternative therapies have been tested.

Iridology is undoubtedly a form of complementary medicine that can be incorporated into your integral health. Use it as a screening technique and consult with your regular medical provider regarding the health problems that an iridologist reveals during an iridology exam.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of

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