The Unified Theory of Everything -ES- by Nassim Haramein, January 2009 AD

  • 2010

We need a scientific knowledge that integrates the human being into the universe and explains what we do here. We need to know that we are evolving, because in reality we are drowning throughout the involution by losing contact with nature.

WE FINALLY HAVE A YOUNG PHYSICIAN WHO GIVES US A COHERENT VISION OF THE UNIVERSE, is called NASSIM HAREMEIN and shows us a universe that takes into account the human being within its cosmic environment, in order to return to coherent beliefs that help us evolve, to knowing that we are evolving, that there is an evolution plan and so we can take responsibility for our actions. If everything happens at random we can see it as victims of bad luck and our effort to improve will not matter. All this we can finally see it differently and understand our place in the universe and in all that unknown world, as in the known, for every action there is a reaction.

The genius of Nassim is to answer why everything is moving, from the spin of the electron to the immensity of the BEING. Through the Theory of Everything, Nassim answers why planets, stars and galaxies constantly spin and where they get the energy to do it. As absurd as it may be, physics still could not explain this. And above all it is not a universe that only expands, as had been decided so far in the BigBang theory, but also contracts and follows the laws of the TAO, the ancient philosophy of China, the Yin and Yang everything is a breath of the cosmos, what expands also contracts. This has happened by looking at the universe as the ancients did with geometry and above all seeing that everything meets a PHI proportion, called the AUREA proportion of sacred geometry. Obviously, studying physics with geometry is more creative and looks in 3 dimensions instead of two dimensions only with mathematical calculations. When the universities that work with Nassim finish the calculations and formulas to prove it, the scientific community will have to pronounce itself before this new vision.

Basically it says that we see the expression of expansion in the universe, which is the irradiation of the Yang but the contraction or absorption of the Yin that happens returning to the singularity that we call the Void we do not see it, it is like the point of stillness and silence that We have not yet noticed that it is also moving, inward, towards the singularity and shows that we never got there, and everything is breathing cosmic exhalation and cosmic inhalation. The laws of strong and weak physics are no longer needed and everything takes on a new meaning and fits perfectly into the observation of nature, from the spirals that form tornadoes and hurricanes, to galaxies. This new theory would say that in the center of the sun there is a black hole that exerts the gravitational force of all the planets and in the center of the Earth there is also a black hole that creates the force of gravity and due to the size of the black hole and we being at a specific distance that exerts less force, keeps us glued to the Earth without sucking us completely, while the electromagnetic forces of the sky keep us upright and creative. The electromagnetic force we receive from the irradiation of our father the Sun, wakes us up and makes us active. The gravitational force we receive from our mother Earth, helps us rest and keep pace.

In the end the universe is a toroid, a donut constantly spinning like a gyroscope that produces the tension needed to keep life in a constant explosion followed by implosion, constant expansion and contraction. Like all the rhythms of the body, the beats of the heart, the skull and the lungs that go from full to empty and back again. All this happens in all dimensions, which can be distinguished by its size from huge to tiny and all its rhythms from very fast and small to slow and gigantic.

Nassim also gives the Void an essential geometry based on 4 heptahedrons that become an octahedron within a sphere. All this is related to IChing, two essential forces, the electromagnetic of the Yang sky and the gravitational of the Yin Earth, which create 4 possibilities of existence in 4 Heaven, Earth, Fire and Water heptahedra and finally 4 more become an octahedron that It is the same as the eight trigrams of IChing. Each hexagram of the IChing is a heptahedron and the primary alchemy of fire and water is always maintained in opposition or citraposition, the Yang explosion or irradiation and the Yin implosion or absorption. Solar flares are fire that expels water, according to the latest discoveries. The alchemy shown by the last two hexagrams of the ICHING that are reversible with each other, by turning them one becomes the other. The 63 the perfection of the fire that burns in the water, the photosynthesis and the 64 the fire burns over the water and everything starts again.

Give the starting signal to all the metaphysicians who understand the universe around us with the synchrony of the TAO. It opens up unknown doors of investigation both adapted to the outer universe Cosmic Macro and the inner Cosmic Micro.

In this theory Nassim has been able to express that the cells of our body in vibration are in an intermediate scale between the Macro and Micro cosmos and thus incorporate us into the cosmos to act as intermediaries from the largest to the smallest, as cosmic antennas electromagnetic and gravitational roots. So with our CONSCIOUSNESS, let us know that our existence is doing something in this enormous evolutionary movement of a huge and difficult to imagine environment for our mind. AWARENESS is to realize that what we do is taken into account, that it is not in vain, and that if it deserves to make the necessary effort to help improve things around us. Something very necessary to encourage us to continue as we look around now, reaching the maximum of entropy, we only see abusive interests and confusion of values.

Maybe you dare to hear and see Nassim in these videos, of course it makes physics easy to understand because it expresses it with geometry and images, not with mathematical formulas. Now several universities are working to carry out all the scientific formulas that put such a magnificent vision of the Universe into a scientific truth.

Also take into account that there was a non-terrestrial civilization living with us a long time ago, that huge and deformed skulls and pyramids prove it. And from them we inherit the knowledge that now official science does not want to take into account. They gave us the IChing as a way of knowing the physics of our universe and it gives us a lot of hope to the Tao and the IChing students like me, because now we can follow a parallel path to science.

The first part of 25 Nassim videos tells us about the expansion and contraction of the universe, the black holes within each circular entity of the universe, and the geometry of the void when going towards the singularity based on 4 heptahedrons below and another 4 above form a octahedron within the sphere, as it progresses, it becomes 64 heptahedrons, as well as 64 hexagrams of the IChing or codons of DNA and also seeing it in the prime of life, found laser-encrypted in Egypt. He talks about something I know much more about being a cranial technique researcher and it's the deformations of the skulls to mimic the disoses or children of the SUN, our extraterrestrial ancestor. The 25 videos are already translated.

. com / watch? v = zMx0S0WGUDY Nassim Haramein 1st Part (5 of 25)

. com / watch? v = a2ONArKF84Q Nassim Haramein 1st Part (8 of 25)

The second part of another 25 videos Nassim tells us about the current situation of the sun and the anomalies that happen around the Sun, huge amount of sunspots. Meteorites that seem to be abolished by the Sun and many things that are hiding us. He also speaks that the word of God is a Tetragram and that the Ark of the Covenant has been with us and was a weapon of light of an incalculable power, that if it should remain hidden until a certain evolution of the human being The Sefirot unites the Tree of Life of the Cabala at 64 heptahedrons and the flower of life. All cultures are united at last, because our ancestors are the same, the children of the SOL These 25 videos are being translated little by little.

. com / watch? v = Y5KEQIrBaIo Nassim Haramein 2nd Part (1 of 25)

. com / watch? v = Myx_B3zE1BA Nassim Haramein 2nd Part (2 of 25)


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