The SHAUD 4 Master Series: "How Does That Work? Part 1" Introducing ADAMUS, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

  • 2010

In my whole being, I am the one that I am Adamus of Sovereign Domain. Welcome to my world.

I will say that again. In my whole being, I am the one that I am Adamus of Sovereign Domain.

Later we will return to that statement, but for now, it is a pleasure to be here (Cauldre's eyes open). I'm used to seeing energetically, not physically most of you, so it's a bit shocking here at the beginning while I look, see your costumes behind which you hide, see these beautiful smiles on this day, a twinkle in the eye that doesn't I was so present a few years ago.

Oh yes, despite all the challenges, despite all the games, despite all the issues to deal with, well, the fact that you are not really here anymore. Not the old you. Now that goes to the core. Now that goes to the core. You two years ago, five years ago, is no longer here. You have given birth to a new you, and now you are getting used to it, on each level.

There are still parts of you that want to return to the old self; It's frustrating when you can't. When you try to go back there and find it and it's not there, it gets a little scary. But nevertheless, there is such a celebration in the fact that you have been reborn yourself. And this self, this self that you have been reborn ... No one can hide from me today (laughs while Adamus looks closely at the audience). This self that you have been reborn is not only a continuation of your past lives.

Excuse me a moment here. The way they connect the cables to Cauldre will electrocute him one day of these ... and the fans blowing and the electronic equipment (Adamus removes an electronic device from the pocket of the bag of Cauldre). Sorry Mr. Kuderka, but we will use that later. So better.

Do you realize how much noise there is in your reality when I visit like this? I have to take a deep breath. They have noise from lights, fans, electronics, everything around you, not including other humans. Not including its energy noise. But you produce these other things everywhere. Hmm. So…

So you are not only a continuation of your past lives. That is why I encourage them not to settle in who they used to be. It is interesting, and by the nature of understanding reincarnation, they understand evolution and the journey of the soul. Yes, certainly, I pity those who are one-time who believe they are one-time. That they only come in for it (Adamus walks towards the audience, and then backs off) I'm not going to mess with anyone right now, reserving that for later. I could feel that energetic (laughs) pushing me back. It's like talking about noise. One step at a time, towards the depths of Shaumbra we go (more laughter).

So, I do pity those who are one-time, but that is a belief system that they are choosing right now. They are keeping it relatively limited. They are playing the game of: once, good or bad, consecration or ruin. On the other hand, there is a tendency to be born again you come back and come back and be born again to believe that they are only a continuation of your past life. They are not at all. Aspects of your past life have built a movement of energy so that you could come into this life, let go of all those lives, and somehow start over. Be who you want to be.

They still feel that attraction of all past lives. It is still easy to come back and wonder who they were and what they did. And somehow it's a little what they call it crack, don't take responsibility for yourself by saying that you are only your past life that goes on. But you are not. You are not. You could indeed say that you had a spiritual death - a historical or historical death - several years ago, depending. You probably remember the situation in which you only felt like a total nothingness, a total darkness, a total lack of passion, forgetting forgetting who you were and had So this huge question mark: Who am I? Who am I? Because you have reinvented yourself. And when you reinvented yourself, brother (addressing a member of the audience), when you reinvented yourself, it was interesting because you introduced a lot of new features.

The new essence with which you have allowed yourself to come forward, that new essence has many new tools that have never before been used in any life. New tools like how are you going to work with the New Energy? New tools as in how do you claim your body? New tools such as the ability to go beyond the limitations of the mind, and a very essential new tool How do you understand this called God, this called Spirit?

When you were reborn yourself, you knew that these were going to be issues that you were going to contemplate in this life, so you incorporated the mechanisms to be able to handle all this. So everything we talk about right now is really not new. It's really remembering, reminding you, helping you understand things that are already in there. What we will be doing here in this next hour of time or something like that is to bring those to the surface or introduce those to this reality instead of keeping those in the other realities.

The biggest issue that comes in here is that doubt, that annoying, annoying doubt that continues to arise. It is a similar issue, and again, we all have many talks. You know you can do it. You know you can do it. When we talk in the dream state, we laugh and you laugh silly, because you know you can do it. But then when they return here, doubt enters. They come from, well, they come from parts of you that are really no longer parts of you, but apparently you continue to claim them. In other words, old beliefs, old fears, things that happened in past lives or in this life that you continue to introduce. They keep introducing those as excuses, as doubts in this life, but they know that this whole thing is really quite simple. But what is the thing? Well, we'll talk about it later.

About Shaumbra

But right now I want to share with you that back in 2002, while the Crimson Circle and Shaumbra were solidifying, so many of you heard this call to meet again and not even Tobias knew how many. It could have been just a few. It could have been many. It turned out to be really many. Many who remembered that they were Shaumbra, that they were family. They - you - are participants in the Crimson Council. Here on Earth they call it Crimson Circle, but in the other kingdoms they are active participants in the Crimson Council. They have a role or have assumed a responsibility to understand the nature of consciousness and energy.

Now, you would think that in the angelic kingdoms, with all the vast wisdom and all the great beings we have there, we would understand all these things. But we do not understand them. Oh, and that's the beauty of it. We do not understand them. We are sharing the experience with you.

In other words, how does consciousness respond in this dimension of the Earth, which is very solid, very dense? How does your conscience respond here? How do they introduce energy as one of their tools? And we are learning with you. You are bringing back that wisdom and that knowledge to the Crimson Council, which includes some beings that have never before been on Earth; it includes beings who have been here on Earth and have decided not to incarnate again for a long time; and includes, of course, you - human beings, angelic beings who are bringing back your wisdom.

But a strange thing happens. How wise you are at Crimson Council meetings, you still tend to forget it here. You still tend to forget it here, partly because, yes, this Earth energy is so dense, and one of the things we are learning through you is how to penetrate through density, how to return clarity.

We are also learning through you - you are learning for yourself - how to make this transition to a totally new consciousness. It has not been done before. There is nothing in the archives. There is nothing in the Akashic Records that has been through this before. There is an attempt, especially when they begin to contemplate past lives, there is an attempt to want to return and say, "Well, how was it in Egypt?" They did not go through the same experience at the time. "What was it like in Yeshua's time?" It was a different kind of change. It was a much slower change and it was a much denser change than what they are going through right now.

They are going through an incredible change right here. It's amazing. It is amazing what we are all learning. Part of my role here is to continually remind you of your connection with the Crimson Council, with yourself. It is so easy to forget that connection, so easy to think that they are forgotten by the angelic kingdoms, to think that they are forgotten by the Crimson Council. They are not forgotten. They are not forgotten at all.

Several years ago when Tobias was gathering all of your energies again, I was so excited to see how many responded and so excited to know that you were eager to be true pioneers and teachers, starting first with yourself. Do not go out and just lecture others based on the theory, but in fact going through the experience of transformation, of alchemy right here - energy alchemy right here.

At that time Tobias also knew that he would be returning to Earth to join you, and he talked to me and said: "Adamus, are you interested in taking charge or coming to orient when I return to Earth?" In fact I had had another offer from another group (laughs). And this is a true story, dear Shaumbra, but in fact I had another offer, so my initial response was that I would not be available since I want to focus with a group, with a kind of energy. I don't want to be scattered everywhere, and I want to focus with Shaumbra. That's why they don't hear me like Adamus working with many other groups. The time has come, this group.

Tobias told me a little more, as you know, quite convincing. I think he also cried a little (some laughs), but he talked to me for a little while and convinced me to at least consider the offer. So I started asking him questions about these few years of experience working with you as he did, and he explained to me what I was finding with all of you. He explained his challenges, explained his vulnerabilities, but also explained his aspirations and desires.

So I left to consider it on my own - "Go to the Crimson Circle or go to this other group." Essentially, not literally, but essentially I wrote the pros and cons. It was a conflict.

Now this other group was very dedicated. They were very ceremonious. They were very… oh, their energy felt so serene, and they did a lot of meditation and group work, and they were a delight. They had wonderful, wonderful spiritual insights - on another level. Not on Earth Wonderful concepts that were super modern there. In other words, what they were developing, what they were gathering as a group was postponed in another dimension. It would have been quite easy because with this group I could have said a few chosen words and they would have been bowing at my feet (Adamus chuckles). They are very, very ... they love to worship, no matter what it was or what it appeared - they love to worship.

I glanced at Shaumbra (laughs). I took a look at Shaumbra, and speaking with Tobias, he made me visit a good number of his meetings back in the earliest times - these same meetings as the one we are having right here - some as an announced guest, many as only one guest in the background, and I took a look (laughs). "Tobias, " I said, "Tobias, this is a thick group. This is a group that has no reverence for almost nothing ”(many laughs, cheers and applause). The other group, if I gave them homework at home, would have done it (laughs), every day - five, ten times a day.

This group ... I know they don't do homework at home, and that's why I love them (Adamus chuckles). I know they do it in their own way. I know they don't sit for 20 minutes a day and work with their Pakauwah. I would be so disappointed if they did. You are very busy sending emails to the world! (Laughs when Adamus addresses a member of the audience). I know about your breathing - you only breathe when you're in trouble (lots of laughs). This keeps Aandrah busy. It is a lot of rescue work.

I know you breathe in your heart. I know you intend to breathe and want to breathe, but you are so busy with other activities in your life. But I know, too, that they understand breathing. They understand what it is, so somehow even if they aren't taking deep breaths right now, they are breathing. They are breathing. Aandrah knows that. Aandrah knows that - they understand it - It means a flow of energy. It means to live. It means to dream. I know you know that.

So I had to take a look at this group and said, “What do I find so extremely frustrating (laughs) and disturbing about Shaumbra, but I find that it is such a challenge that I have to take it on? What is it that this other group does not look like? ". It's that you are real. It's that you are very, very real. There may be other words to describe it - cheeky, thick, lively, sometimes dirty street maps. I mean, really, they come into life. They don't just talk about her. They not only sit on the top of a mountain and contemplate it. You are her. They are very, very real and that's why I love working with you. That is why we have much to look forward to as we move forward. They have each other. We have each other.

Knowing what is in your heart, there is nothing that will stop us. Stop what? I do not know. But whatever we choose to do, nothing will stop us. And I know where it is going.

You are going to a place where you will suddenly realize the great simplicity of everything. We've talked before this - simplicity, simplicity. Simplicity does not lack depth or color or meaning. Simplicity has more of these characteristics than this kind of confusing mental life that so many of you live. Participating in drama / mental life is indeed very boring. It has no depth. It has width. It has a linear width type, but it has no depth. And what I really hear them scream in their lives is for depth, meaning, color, a relationship with yourself and the world around you.

Actually there is no relationship right now. There is an answer. There is an answer from yourself to yourself; a response from yourself to the world around you; An answer from you to your body, but there really is no relationship. And that is where we are going. That relationship is going to be so deeply simple that they are going to do one of those (Adamus hits his head with his hand) when they get to understand it.

And in fact it is nothing that needs to pass lives of suffering and disciplines and practices ... each one of you has gone through that before. Each of you in a past life - if you were a priest or a nun or a rabbi; Each one of you, if you were a great meditator, a prayer, whatever you were - have done that before. They have gone through the whole range of not having discipline, in some way, even disciplining themselves too much - disciplining too much - and not confusing with concentration; there is a big difference. But to discipline oneself, believing that this was going to give them insight. It gave them an idea of ​​things like how extremely bored they were with discipline, how much your knees hurt from disciplining yourself, and most of all how much your head ached from discipline. Then came a day when they said: “Fuck with discipline! No more". And they let her go.

But then that leaves a void. Whats Next? What do they replace it with? What is the next clown they do? And that's a bit where they are. How do they achieve enlightenment? Isn't there something you need to be doing? Are they not supposed to be reading certain verses every day or performing certain disciplines every day? Absolutely not

The reason why I love working with you is because they are real and apparently they know that. They get distracted, they still think there is something new they have to do, and they try that new thing and they are like, “This is not working. It smells like the old thing. It's just the same old prostitute in a new dress ”(laughs). We are real, very real.

So they know that, but they sit here and say, "But I'm not supposed to be doing something, studying something, disciplining me on something?" Not at all. Not at all. In the words spoken earlier by the wise teacher and musician (referring to Roger Drienka), “Get out of your way. Get out of your way, ”and this will come quickly. Remove yourself from believing that you have to manipulate your energies, manipulate through ... whether through discipline or complex systems, those don't work. Those are distractions.

This group is real - real meaning that you know you are here, living. They are not trying to get out of it; in fact they are trying to get into it more than ever, trying to be here more than ever. They are real because they are not trying to avoid the energies. Good or bad, they are not trying to avoid them. You are being very real in leaving yourself now, finally, start feeling. Start feeling - wow! It is an overwhelming, overwhelming feeling when they begin to feel.

It is a huge change of energy when you leave logic, when you go beyond it. Logic still serves a purpose to some extent, but when you let yourself feel from right here, right here and right here and every part of you, it's a bit overwhelming at first. But you have done it. You have let life feel and feel yourself and feel others. And this feeling will lead you to a true understanding of this simplicity, this deep, beautiful simplicity - not from here (head) but from here (heart) - that goes beyond any word, goes beyond all words ... ( Laughs when Adamus takes a Santa hat from a member of the audience and puts it on). I would borrow the beard, but it would make you cold (laughs) ... that goes beyond all words and simply is. You can't explain You don't want to explain it. And that is where we are going.

Yes, look at me (lots of laughs when Adamus poses with the hat on), spiritual master, but this is what I love about Shaumbra. We can do this. We don't have to have pretensions and we don't need to wear loose robes, although I would prefer a slightly prettier outfit, but ... (laughs) this is where we are going. Thank you (throws the hat back and leans toward Linda). Is the hair ok?


ADAMUS: (laughs). So, dear Shaumbra, let's stay real. Let's stay very, very real. That is permission for you to be you. It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. You know that. It doesn't matter if it's silly. It doesn't matter if it's serious. Let's stay very, very real as we move on.

And let's take a deep breath right now ...

Living to the Limit

So interesting energies everywhere. Interesting. You are probably feeling every day that you are right at the limit, that you could go directly to the other side. By the way, I'm going to ask someone to find me a writing board and writing instruments. This is a classroom, I don't see the board here, so ... Yes (someone asks "right now?"). Right now it's always a good time (laughs). Always a good time. So ... and a few are going to need to lift this.

So it has been interesting energies, and I know that you have been feeling that there are some days when you are sitting so close to the edge that you will lose your balance. Some days are so rare and so strange. What's going on? Well, it's just energy in motion, in fact. And you are feeling it all around you, but you are feeling it in yourself. They are going through this reconstruction process - it started a while ago, but it is intensifying right now; It is intensifying very deeply - and removes the patterns and logic of things that have been. That is why they feel that they are just at the limit and that if they let go they will slide. They don't know what's going to happen, but they're going to slip into, maybe, nothing or ... I know they care about going crazy. They are already crazy so don't worry about that happening.

It is already happening. And I define "madness" as saying that you are willing to release a lot of limitations, a lot of structures. That is crazy. That's crazy, and crazy is wonderful. You know, in some of the ... Ah, yes, here it comes (someone brings a writing board). And straight here, if you could.

In some of the mental institutions, what they call the craziest are the happiest. Now, not all; Please do not misunderstand. There are some who are tormented. They are in a kind of hell. But some of those who are considered crazy are those who are in fact quite happy. If we could now simply remove them from these institutions.

Crazy means they have let go. Now, I don't think you need to be dismayed that they are going to put you in an institution, because now they only distribute medicines. Well, that is a type of institution in itself. It is not a physical site, but it is a prison of characters. But you are not going to continue with those. So do not worry about it. Let yourself go a little crazy. Become very, very real.

Current Energies

The energies, in this particular week, were the most wonderful on Earth. Many things happening in the subtle levels, and what happens in the subtle levels becomes in this reality, comes to manifest here sooner or later. So there is a kind of delayed effect of these different major changes on Earth. See, there are changes that are taking place right now that manifest later in weather patterns; changes right now that are going to manifest in new stories that come out; changes that are going to affect science and technology - they are already affecting them.

One of the things I am most excited to work with you, however you want for the next few years, is that we are all going to experience an explosion of technology. And I'm not talking about anything else about computing, I'm talking about medicine, science and the understanding of energy - how energy works.

Isn't it interesting that this is going to be several years before the articles for the general public come out - which would be considered crazy today - about how energy works? There is so much lack of true understanding of energy. It is so rudimentary, what is now known on Earth. It is almost funny. But in the next few years there will be a much deeper understanding of energy, and it will be in your life and it will be due to all the work we are doing right here - that you are doing here.

When you read these articles and they are explaining these great scientific discoveries of how the universe works, you will think: “Well, we came up with that ten years ago. We have known that for a long time. ” It is only taking a while to manifest.

So my idea is, a couple of things. Some days when they think they are going crazy, they are not. That is the time to take a good deep breath and thank yourself. Take a good deep breath and know that you are not alone in this. They are not going crazy. They are not going down. They are exploring new lands, new territories, new dimensions. They are exploring you all the time inside of you, outside of you.


Crazy week. I spent most of it in Oslo. I had a good number of activities there. I went from everything from a cat to a count to a cleaning worker while we were playing in Oslo. Of course, as you know, earlier this week was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Abraham Obama (referring to the connection between Abraham Lincoln and Barrack Obama). And it is very true. That was an interesting experience and it wasn't just those who gathered there to be part of this; It was not just the politicians and the elite. .

There were humans there that, although they may not call themselves Shaumbra, they work at the same level as what you do of consciousness and understanding. There were some who were there who, let me say, were not really there. In other words, beings who are Ascended Masters who are arriving on Earth, who some are already on Earth, just having just been born recently who were so passionate about this event that they manifested bodies for a short period of time. Other beings who came from the other kingdoms to participate in this event and assumed the appearance of humans.

It was a magnificent event, and it was not just about giving out a peace prize. It was really about making a change for humanity right now. Making a change for humanity a result of the work that you and others like you have already been doing for some time. You must have been the guests there. You should have been the ones sitting in those chairs saying you helped bring a new consciousness to Earth. They helped bring a conscience that allows a being like Abraham Obama to come to Earth and be elected president of a very great nation.

It is, by the way, as you probably know, this is a fulfillment of the I do not like the term but of the desire of the Great White Brotherhood. It was an old Atlantean club we had. It had nothing to do with white and it wasn't great at all (laughs). It was good, not great. But it was a desire to have America as the land of new hope when we knew, hundreds of years ago when we could not unleash energy in Europe, we could not achieve compassion. Not the acceptance between different countries; there are still too many human issues of power of greed and religion that this United States was designated as the new Atlantis or the new hope.

See now, years later, from my perspective of course, having been very involved in European politics, see now how a leader of this great nation could To be as spiritual as he is and as his wife is they cannot flaunt it publicly, just as, well, you know of your own discussions with others, but there will come a time very soon that it will be much more open but to see a spiritual being, a compassionate being, a Black human not that he should make a difference, but he has made it and a young man, quite young, human, being in this environment was most inspiring. Of the most inspiring. It gave me renewed hope in humanity. I have hope in you, humanity is sometimes questionable.

Humanity is 95 percent goodness. Ninety-five percent goodness. There is that five percent, whether it is five percent in an individual or five percent of the population, that does not have that kindness; It seems to overshadow the immense goodness in humans.

See, at this meeting in Oslo, the culmination of the work that all of us have done - not to save the world, but to be ourselves, to bring the Spirit to Earth. Not having the Spirit outside somewhere else, but bringing the Spirit to Earth in a very real way, in a very honest way and in a very felt way - that's what I saw.

I have to say that I was not fully prepared for what I experienced in Oslo. I thought there would be more conflict, more drama. I truly expected the dark forces, if they want to call them that, but that the negativity is there, introduced by the participants.

Or very often negativity - negative energies - are attracted when they see so much light gathering, as we have seen here over the years.

"Negative" Energies

When we met like this, particularly in the early days when their energies were not so stable - they were full of hope and were high, but they were not so stable - dark energies used to gather around, a bit of food somehow, a little trying to prove that your goodness is really not so good; Trying to keep the energy stuck. They simply don't know anything better. They really don't know. They don't know - these energies, whether psychic or human - they simply don't know anything better. They don't wake up in the morning trying to be negative. Sencillamente es, y caen en sus propios patrones y sus propias prisiones.

Pero estar en Oslo y ver, me dio esperanza renovada al punto en que tuvimos reuniones con algunos de los – ustedes los llaman Maestros – estos son solamente unos muertos. Tuvimos reuniones después para hablar de cómo tenemos que reajustar como trabajamos con ustedes, puesto que está yendo tan rápido. Tenemos que trabajar ahora a un ritmo diferente con ustedes y hablarles diferente. Hablarles diferente – más real que nunca porque ustedes son más reales que nunca.

Como resultado de esta reciente reunión, nos dimos cuenta de que esto que ustedes llaman negativo, oscuro, lo que sea, pero los que no son tan amables como ustedes, van a estar amplificando su trabajo, al parecer un último hurra. Ellos saben que el cambio es inminente. Ellos saben, y cuando digo “ellos” es – este no es un grupo organizado – solamente es conciencia negativa. Está tan atascada – conciencia tan atascada. Están pidiendo ayuda, de alguna manera, de cómo desatascarse, pero son como un perro rabioso. Si tratas de ayudarlos, te morderán.

Pero puesto que está cambiando tan rápido, sabemos que su respuesta se va a intensificar. Es un, como dije, un último hurra antes de que entremos a una era en esta Tierra de absoluta cooperación y mucha aceptación, y un fin para aquellos que no entienden la ilusión del poder, y un fin para el desequilibrio severo en las dinámicas de energía en cosas como finanzas y gobiernos.

Hay un par de años más de lo que ustedes llamarían la bestia tratando de conseguir la atención, la bestia tratando de negociar, y eso es lo que van a ver mucho aquí en los próximos pocos años y, sí, hasta el final del 2012. Esta bestia, como yo la llamo, va a estar negociando por su posición. No quiere ser olvidada. Sabe que su guerra ya no es real. Sabe que su lugar está decreciendo rápidamente aquí en la Tierra. Los humanos no la van a tolerar – buenos humanos, humanos que tienen compasión. Esta bestia ya no va a ser tolerada, así que va a cambiar sus tácticas. En el pasado sus tácticas han sido cosas como guerra y crimen y manipulación y usando tácticas de miedo. Pero apenas la semana pasada nos dimos cuenta de que ella se dio cuenta de que ha perdido. Todas las guerras en el mundo no van a hacer nada por ella. Así que va a empezar a negociar.

Las negociaciones serán para mantener su lugar, para mantener su identidad. Y, por lo menos en los reinos donde yo trabajo y de hecho donde ustedes trabajan, no vamos a negociar. No existe negociación. Ninguna negociación, y no se trata de que queramos ganar. No tiene nada que ver con ganar, sino que tiene que ver con lo que los humanos están eligiendo para sí mismos. Por qué negociar cuando… ¿estás tú negociando contigo mismo respecto al balance de tu luz y oscuridad? No. Para nada. No es que ustedes estén tratando de aniquilar a la oscuridad. Están tratando de integrar o entender lo que han llamado oscuridad. No existe negociación.

Por lo tanto, quiero que estén conscientes de lo que está pasando y por qué está pasando cuando lean los encabezados. Existen ahora de hecho, varios seres iluminados que están en posiciones gubernamentales, y con el colapso reciente del sistema financiero como fue – y sí colapsó, a propósito. Todavía existe la pretensión de que está ahí, pero se fue a pique. Lo que se fue a pique, lo que provocó que colapsara fue la falta de confianza que tú y tú y tú (Adamus le está dando golpecitos a la gente con una pluma en su mano) tienen en el sistema financiero. La única cosa que lo estaba sosteniendo era la confianza, y la confianza ya no está ahí en el viejo sistema. Y lo que está siendo hecho ahora mismo es que ustedes están desarrollando todo un nuevo sistema.

LINDA: La gente no quiere que le des golpecitos con tu pluma.

ADAMUS: Les encanta ser golpeados suavemente (risas). En los otros reinos hablamos así en el estado de sueño y ellos dicen: “¿Te dieron golpecitos? A mí me dieron golpecitos. Sí. ¡Adamus en verdad me ama!” (risas).

De manera que quiero que estén conscientes de eso porque van a ver a otros tratando de negociar con ustedes – su familia, sus amigos, su gente que los contrata. Sus clientes van a comenzar a negociar. El viejo conflicto que acostumbraba ir así (golpea un puño contra otro) ahora va a estar tratando de ir así (mueve los dedos como hablando). Oh, y ellos van a ser intensos y van a ser amenazantes en sus negociaciones, pero ustedes no negocien. No negocien, porque los privan de pasar por la experiencia de entender la luz en el interior cuando ustedes negocian. Solamente les están dando una excusa para estar estancados por un rato.

¿Y qué hay ahí para negociar? Si estás en la presencia Yo Soy El Que Yo Soy de ti mismo, no hay nada que negociar. No hay nada que dar. No hay nada que ceder. Así que estén conscientes de las negociaciones, ¿okey? Excellent.

Luces en el Cielo en Noruega

Oslo – luz en el cielo. ¿De qué se trató eso? Ya que esto es interesante, y yo… (Adamus mira el reloj). Esto puede ir para largo el día de hoy (risas). Esto es interesante. ¿Qué provocó esa luz en el cielo?

SHAUMBRA: Nosotros lo hicimos.

Thanks Irma Sztabinski !!!

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La Serie de los Maestros

SHAUD 4: “¿Cómo Funciona Eso? Parte 1”

Presentando a ADAMUS, canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe

Presented to the Crimson Circle

Diciembre 12, 2009

Translation: Irma Sztabinski

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