Health View From the Chakras

  • 2010

We have talked about the role of the chakras in other blog posts but we continue to provide information since the chakras are part of the quantum field by governing the quality of energy that the person experiences at all times. Their existence is nowadays beyond any doubt: not only the mystics but many scientists speak openly of the energetic role they play or morphogenetic fields in the health of the organism. And about this we expand the information giving clues about the functions, glands, emotions and imbalances that govern each one.

They are energy vortices that absorb and transduce (change the form) the subtle energy (Universal Energy) into energy that can be assimilated by the body and that is distributed. That is, they are receivers, transformers and distributors of vital energy. They represent energy centers, which are outside the spectrum of positive (or negative) energies. The chakras are wheels of energy, knowledge and potentiality that form the consciousness of an individual and it depends on their development that we can consciously perceive, absorb and harness the energy we receive from our energy bodies.

The Ethereal Body captures the energies from multiple sources (Sun, Earth, emotions, subtle energies, etc.), the chakras process and transform these energies and the nadis or meridians stimulate the nervous system and by means of their electrical activity they send impulses to the different organs and endocrine glands, which in turn distribute their hormonal secretion in the bloodstream carrying information to each of the cells.

The Chakras govern the human energy system, which contains our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. This network confers the interrelation of low frequency energies to high frequency energies.

The crossing of the lines through which energy circulates us, the Nadis (Hindu Philosophy) or Meridians (Chinese Philosophy) form the Points known as Chakras that regulate the flow of Consciousness-Energy. Depending on the importance of the intersection of these Lines, we are faced with a Main Chakra (or Major Chakra), Secondary Chakra (or Minor Chakra), or Accessory Chakra (or Minor Focal Point).

Each chakra generates basic desires in addition to possessing positive and negative personality qualities. The first three chakras belong to the animal kingdom, in terms of how to survive, sex and eating. The next two are relative to the human being, in relation to how he loves, is loved and his artistic expressions. The last two belong to the divine kingdom, referring to the use of intuition, intellect, imagination, knowledge and spiritual yearning.

When we cannot satisfy an immediate desire or the desire is in disharmony, the imbalance begins, we recharge it by carrying that energy to another chakra, producing an energy disorder that begins to affect its energy field, and if this continues it can affect the functioning of a particular gland or organ.

Their inharmonious functioning gives rise to the disease; being able to have hypo and hyperfunctionality, with the consequent repercussions on the physical body. As we have seen, when interrelated with the parasympathetic, sympathetic and autonomous nervous systems of the physical body, they act in coordination with the nerves, cells and fibers that, through intermediate conductors, are related to the entire energy system, sensory organs and organs. of work, affecting the hormonal, physiological and cellular changes of the whole organism.

Each chakra can be seen projected on four levels of the human energy system:

Ø Physical level. It corresponds to the glands that regulate the corresponding organs.

Ø Energy level. It corresponds to the chakras linked by nadis and meridians that regulate the energy that manifests in the human being.

Ø Emotional level. It corresponds to the plexuses through which we observe the affectation of the emotional behavior of the individual that is projected on the organs of the human body.

Ø Mental level. Represented in the symbols and archetypes that we live and can be seen through dreams, dreams and fantasies.

The basic functions of the chakras, mainly are three:

Ø Vitalize the physical body.

Ø Promote the development of self-awareness.

Ø Transmit energy between different energy structures or layers of the aura.

The chakras can be damaged or disturbed by normal operation due to traumatic accidents, shocks, crises, strong emotions, fears, anxieties, emotional states that progressively wear down the activity, as well as the action of psychoactive products, such as alcohol, amphetamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics., caffeine, cocaine, crack, heroin, morphine, methadone, opium, peyote, ayahuasca, etc., etc ...


Names: Muladhara. Basal or Radical Chakra

Right to have

It governs the fundamental needs of life, the basic instinct of survival and security for money, work, home, clothing, sex, etc. (physical existence, vital force); It connects us with physical things. If it is open and connected, the person feels safe; otherwise, closed or locked, you feel insecure.

In short, it is the will to live or the ability to feel alive . It is the toma of land, it is the contact with reality and concrete things. It represents how we walk through life, it is the `` walk with the feet on the ground. '' It is the acceptance of changes.

? Location: In the perineum (between anus and sexual organs) and connects with the coccyx.

? Body correspondence: Everything solid (spine, bones, teeth and nails). Year (hemorrhoids). Straight (constipation, etc.). Large intestine. Colon. Prostate. Blood (lack of circulation in the legs, etc.). Cell structure. Sciatica

? Gland: The adrenal glands (located above the kidneys).

? Chromotherapy: Fire red and Black.

? Gemotherapy: gata. Hematite. Blood jasper Garnet. Red coral. Rub . Tourmaline Smoky Quartz Index. Obsidian. Wolframite Zoisita

? Emotions that block it: Tension at a sexual level.

? Purpose of the chakra: Prosperity and Abundance. Comfortable life. Economic stability

? Symptoms of psychological balance: Self-confidence, mastery of desire. Success with matters related to the material world. Serenity.

? Symptoms due to imbalance: An insufficiency of the adrenal glands, more or less important, manifests as fatigue and lack of vitality, and consequently the lack of this vital energy results in lack of desire of living or willingness to live. At the physical level you can suffer: Anemia (iron deficiency), Leukemia, Hypotension, Circulation problems, Fatigue, Kidney failure, Excess weight, etc.

? Symptoms of over-functioning: Safety attachment. Fear of changes. Obsession for the material. Overweight, anxiety to eat, cover or disguise deficiencies.


Names: Swadhistana. Sacral Chakra

Right to feel

It represents matter and material means. They are the sensations or feelings in relation to money, work, home, clothing, sex, etc. Indicates how reality is lived. Therefore in a state of equilibrium is the ability to flow freely with emotions, as well as perceive others and relate appropriately with them. It represents the materialization of creativity, the physical reproduction of the idea (the creativity of the fifth chakra is more subtle, it is the idea that is born; in this aspect they are complementary chakras).

Location: Above the pubic hair line.

Body correspondence: Pelvic cavity. Reproductive organs (ovaries and testicles, uterus, tubes, vagina, penis, prostate). Kidneys Urogenital zone (Bladder. Prostate). All moods (blood, lymph, digestive juices, sperm).

Endocrine glands: Gonads (Ovaries and testicles).

Chromotherapy: Orange.

Gemotherapy: Carnelian. Moon Stone. Jaspers and Agates orange / brown. Amber.

Emotions that blocks it: Fear of death. Repression. Promiscuity.

Purpose of the chakra: Pleasure and Love to life. Conquest, opening and management of sexual energy.

Symptoms of psychological balance: Resistance. Patience. Tolerance. Generosity. Trust. Wisdom of sexual desire.

Symptoms due to imbalance: Anxiety and Irritability. Fear, ghosts and negative fantasies linked to sexuality, as well as sexual repression and promiscuity. Rigidity. Frigidity, sexual impotence, rejection of pleasure. Uterine and urinary problems

Symptoms of excess functioning: Sexual addiction, anxiety for pleasure, extreme sexual desire or food.


Names: Manipura. Solar plexus.

Right to work

It represents self-esteem (valuation we make of ourselves).

It is the Center of Personal Power and Will to know and learn. It is the attitude towards life. Respect for himself. It is the "detachment." It is the seat of personality, of our own identity, and the balance of the ego (passions, impulses, anger, freedom / ability to act, fears, ability to maintain relationships, social adaptations etc.).

Being the one that most relates to our Ego and absorbs a lot of energy from the first two chakras. A person with this unbalanced (or negative) chakra demands a lot of himself, is a perfectionist, a fan of rigor and makes unfair judgments.

Location: Above the navel (3 to 4 cm.), Stomach mouth, epigatrium area.

Body mappings: Lower back and abdominal cavity. Digestive system (stomach and stomach ulcers). Liver (hepatitis, etc.). Spleen (linked to the Immune System) Pancreas. Gallbladder (gallstones, etc.). Vegetative Nervous System that is the relationship with the subconscious.

Gland (endocrine system): Pancreas, regulates insulin and pancreatic juices for proper digestion of food.

Nervous plexus: Celiac Plexus, located behind the stomach and sends nerve fibers to the organs of the abdominal cavity.

Chromotherapy: From yellow to golden.

Gemotherapy: Citrine. Tiger's Eye. Amber. Topaz.

Emotions that block it: Accumulated negative emotions, such as fear and panic, anger, anguish, worry, anxiety or low self-esteem (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, etc.) and feelings of guilt.

Purpose of the chakra: Bring vitality. Unbreakable willpower.

Symptoms of psychological balance: Personal power. Determination. Good humor. Motivation to act. Domain of desires. A strong solar plexus helps to reject negative energy from other people.

Symptoms of imbalance: Fears, Anger, Fury, Hate, Constant anger. Doubt, Shyness and Submission. Lack of self-esteem leads to feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Obesity (eating for anxiety because other desires cannot be satisfied) .Bulimia and Anorexia (emotional disharmony alters behavior before food). Disorders and discomfort in the stomach, digestion disorders, vomiting, gastritis. Peptic ulcer. Hiatus hernia Gastric cancer. Depositional rhythm disorders (constipation and diarrhea). Hepatic and gallbladder dysfunctions. Low energy. Fatigue.

Symptoms of excess functioning: Manipulation and control of things and people according to our desires.

Desires for conquest and power. Precipitous attitudes Angry and frequent anger. Ulcers.


Names: Anahata. Heart. Friendly center.

Right to have

They are relationships (not emotions) with others. It is the center of true and unconditional love. It is the affective ability to take care of oneself and others.

This is the chakra to be developed to achieve a genuine affective agreement with the neighbor. Forgiveness lived in all its dimensions, if it is deep and heartfelt, is a very powerful healing energy; but it must be lived from understanding and heart, not from the acceptance or attitude of the victim.

Location: In the sternum, at the height of the nipples.

Body correspondence: Heart (heart problems, hypertension, etc.). Upper back with box and chest cavity. Lower area of ​​the lungs (respiratory problems, etc.) Blood, circulatory system.

Glands: The thymus, which regulates growth, directs the lymphatic system, strengthens the immune system (see also Causal chakra).

Chromotherapy: Green and Pink.

Gemotherapy: Rose Quartz. Rhodochrosite Pink, green and watermelon tourmalines (green / pink). Kunzita Emerald. Jade. Aventurine Peridot / Olivine. Unakita Apatita

Emotions that blocks it: Doubt, distrust and inability to love. Fear of not being loved, of being rejected.

Purpose of the chakra: Balance in relationships and bond with others and himself. Living in the consciousness of Love protects us from diseases and stimulates our immune system.

Symptoms of psychological balance: Compassion (the highest of virtues, which is a mixture of love, joy, tolerance, forgiveness, gratitude, honesty, patience and concern for others). Acceptance of reality.

Symptoms due to imbalance: Instability. Close of emotions. Loneliness. Sadness and melancholy. Low self-esteem. Penalty towards himself. A deficient immune system produces pathologies of viral and / or bacterial infections, colds, flu, etc. Angina pectoris. Myocardial infarction. Stroke. Circulation disorders Asthma. Pathology of the thymus. High cholesterol levels.

Symptoms of over-functioning: Situations that lead you to depend on others. Excessive attachment or exaggerated detachment.


Name: Vishuddha Throat Chakra

Right to say, communicate and express

It is the center of the capacity for human expression, communication, creativity and inspiration. It is self-image and communication with our Higher Essence. It is the link between our feelings and thoughts, impulses and reactions.

Location: In the throat at the height of the thyroid.

Body correspondence: Neck area (sore throat, vocal problems, hyper and hypothyroidism, etc.). Speech apparatus (aphonia, etc.). Cervical area (torticollis, etc.). Respiratory ducts Bronchi Upper area of ​​the lungs. Esophagus.

Thyroid gland.

Chromotherapy: Light blue and teal.

Gemotherapy: Aquamarine. Turquoise. Chalcedony. Chrysocolla Blue quartz Sodalite

Emotions that blocks it: Copy and criticize others.

Purpose of the chakra: Express oneself in harmony with the interior towards others. Use of energy in a creative way.

Symptoms of psychological balance: Creativity (creative artistic development in any activity). Spiritual elevation Power of the spoken word.

Symptoms due to imbalance: Difficulties in communication or expression of feelings. More or less unconscious feelings of guilt and anguish prevent us from seeing and showing ourselves as we are or expressing our thoughts and feelings, hiding them with all kinds of words and gestures.

Symptoms of excess functioning: Talk a lot and say little (demagogy). Either with such verbiage manipulate other people or attract attention. Shout.


Names: Ajna. Third Eye. Inner Eye

Right to intuit

In him the superior psychic force, the intellectual capacity of differentiation, the capacity of the memory and the will is based. It represents intuition, clairaudience, extrasensory perception and clairvoyance (work with magnetite in octahedra or with obsidian "Rainbow").

It is the center of intuition and wisdom, it is the vision towards our interior. The chakra is intimately related to the pituitary gland (pituitary gland) large integrating center.

Location: In between.

Body correspondence: Eyes (eye problems). Ears Nose. Paranasal sinuses Cerebellum. Central Nervous System.

Endocrine system gland: Pituitary or pituitary.

Chromotherapy: Indigo and Violet.

Gemotherapy: Lapis Lazuli. Blue sapphire Sodalite Amethyst.

Emotions that blocks it: Internal disorder, imbalance between thoughts.

Purpose of the chakra: Grant the clear vision of events, know by intuition. Wake up the sixth sense. Discernment. Inspiration.

Symptoms of psychological balance: Psychic development. Lucid intellect and concentration (mental clarity) that brings global understanding of things, understanding the "cause-effect" relationships. Extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, intuition, etc.

Symptoms due to imbalance: Inability to use intuition, wandering mind. Deficiency to visualize and project. Intellectual stagnation and poor concentration. The following pathologies occur due to imbalance: Drug addiction, Alcoholism, Headaches (if closed).

Symptoms of excess functioning: Paranoid fantasies (fears of ghosts, apparitions, spirits, etc.). Nightmares and hallucinations. Fanaticisms


Names: Sahasrara. Chakra of the Crown.

Right to know. Expand awareness

It is where the supreme perfection of man sits. It is the source and starting point for the manifestation of all the remaining energies of the chakras.

It is where our personal energy field is fused with the Universal Energy Field, that is, it connects us with our Higher Self (or Higher Consciousness) and with our Guides.

Location: In the crown.

Body correspondence: Brain (somatizes tumors, pressure in the skull, etc.).

Endocrine system gland: Pineal or epiphysis. It establishes the union and communication between both cerebral hemispheres.

Chromotherapy: Violet and White, also Gold.

Gemotherapy: Amethyst. Quartz crystal. Violet Fluorite Okenita Diamond. Selenite.

Emotions that blocks it: Too much ego.

Purpose of the chakra: Expand awareness. Unification with the Higher Self.

Symptoms of psychological balance: Cosmic consciousness. Inspiration and lighting. See on a higher level of the common. Perception beyond time and space. Auras vision.

Symptoms due to imbalance: The following pathologies occur due to imbalance: Insomnia, migraines, hysteria, nervous system disorders, obsessions, neurosis, Depression. Concern. Confusion and slowness in the mind. Madness. Psychosis. Alienation. Senility. Late puberty Rigidity with personal beliefs. Little opening of the mind to the new. Materialistic view of existence.

Symptoms of over-functioning: People who believe they know everything and / or who always want to be right. Spiritual or intellectual elitism. Wake up the most dangerous of personal egos. Isolation and feeling of being victims of circumstances.


Excerpted from: +%28medicine +cuantica%29

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