Health and the Environment

  • 2012

On this occasion I will address health from the point of view of the environment, since we all know that our environment is definitive for the evolution, preservation or extinction of the species and for this I will move them to a beautiful place in Mexico, called Chiapas, where one of the archeological zones is not modified by modern archeology; It's called Yaxilan, a beautiful place for meditation. (Photo 1)

You will arrive in Yaxilan traveling through the Usumacinta river, which is located on the border with Guatemala, one of the most abundant rivers in Latin America (Photo 2). Then you can go to the Lacandona Lung Jungle not only from Mexico, but also from the world. Where its inhabitants take care of the environment with love and seriousness. (Photo 3)

Near San Cristóbal de las Casas, about 20 minutes away is the Grand Canyon of the Sumidero which can lose its beauty thanks to the thousands of tons of bottles and other plastic waxes that are used, non-degradable material that arrives there when there are floods and the trash of the surrounding towns is torn up. (Photo 4)

The contamination of the plastic can be avoided if we return to our old canteens that we used many years ago, when we now have several years used to go to school.

We ask everyone; tourists and natives… preserve the environment by safeguarding all beings on this planet.

Dr. Graciela Contreras de Tapia.

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