Religion and Meaning by Yolanda Silva Solano

  • 2010

We know that all religions are good in that they bring man closer to God, because the evolution of a person does not depend on religion, on the teacher, or on any book, however sacred it may be., because spiritual evolution is absolutely personal. It is not enough to know the truth, because we can know the fact itself, but if we do not know how to get the meaning of anything, it is a dead letter.

Knowledge can be demonstrated, truth is experienced. Knowledge is a possession of the mind, the truth is an experience of the soul, of the self in progress. But unfortunately it is usually left alone with the knowledge and forms of religion, it is thought that with once a week being fulfilled with the rites imposed and with being more or less moral, it is already religious and spiritual. Nothing is further from reality, because true religion is the action of an individual soul in its conscious relationships with its Creator.

Conscious relationships and nonsense mechanical prayers recited on certain days and times. To relate to God is to feel God inside us and communicate with Him in the midst of our daily life, with our own words and feelings, talk to Him as we speak to a loving father who we know loves and understands us, because certainly “The Father dwells in Paradise, but his divine presence also dwells in the minds and hearts of men.

It is not possible to dissociate the religious life from the earthly life, because both to be valid and consistent must always be closely linked, without neglecting each other, because “while you dedicate yourself to obtain eternal realities, you must also arrange for realities of temporal life ”is a mistake“ isolating part of life and calling it religion because it is disintegrating life and distorting religion and this is one of the reasons why religions have not paid off.

True religion does not work apart from the individual. Even, “the physical problems of the health of the body and its efficiency are best solved, when they are considered from the religious point of view of the teachings of the Master because the body and mind of man are dwelling in the spirit of God who becomes the spirit of man. "Because man could not love altruistically and spiritually, if he did not have a divine lover in his mind. Man could not truly understand the unity of the universe, if he did not have an interpreter in his mind. He could not estimate moral values ​​and recognize spiritual meanings if an evaluator did not live in his mind And this lover is part of the Universal Unity, this evaluator is the son of the Center and source of all the absolute values ​​of divine and eternal reality. ” Thus the mind of man becomes the mediator between material things and spiritual realities, but it is necessary to be spiritually awake to realize this divine presence in us.

This wonderful union between man and God is possible thanks to Jesus, who after his departure from this world sent the Spirit of Truth, destined to dwell in the hearts of men. This bestowal of the spirit of the Son effectively prepared the minds of all normal men for the universal bestowal of the spirit of the Father upon all mankind. In a sense, this Spirit of Truth is both the spirit of the Universal Father and the Creator Son. "

If we do not incorporate the Father and Jesus into our daily lives, it is because we know this wonderful truth, but we have not been able to derive the true meaning from it, we have remained in the letter and we have forgotten its practical application in our daily life. If we did all our tests and problems that are inherent in our human and finite condition, they would have a very different significance for us, because “only those who face the facts and adapt them to ideals can come to wisdom. "

Our life would be greatly enriched if we changed our concept of God, if instead of associating it only with religion, we practiced friendship with God because The Father's gift is man's inseparable companion. “It is the God always present and that encompasses everything. The spirit of the eternal Father is hidden in the minds of all mortal children. The man goes out to look for a friend and that same friend lives inside our hearts. ”

Intellectually, we know that these words are true, but in practice we do not know them because we have not taken away the meaning of what it really implies to be not only children of God, but also to be aware that He is our friend, especially his Son who lived among us and who wanted to know, live and feel each of our human feelings, in order to understand each other better and thus love us more.

Cultivating friendship with God is “finding God in yourself, for yourself and yourselves and making all this a fact of your personal experience. That way you can move from the authority of tradition to the experience of knowing God. Thus you will pass from darkness to light, from inherited racial faith, to a personal faith reached by real experience. You will progress from a theology of the mind, pierced by your ancestors, to a true religion of the spirit that will be built in your souls, as an eternal dowry and that is the only one that can change our life in a volitional way and not because others send us what We must or should not do.

This personal faith changes our life and our environment, because we begin to act for the love of our Father and not for the fear of punishment of a righteous god. “Religion lives and thrives then, not by sight and feeling, but rather by faith and inner discernment. It consists not in the discovery of new facts or in the finding of a unique experience, but rather in the discovery of new and spiritual meanings of the well-known facts. ”It is not so important what we do but how we do it and the why.

Our daily works can acquire tremendous spiritual significance if we execute them together with the God who dwells in us, with Him and for Him, because it is to experience the experience of believing in God, as the reality of a purely personal experience. Our life then has another meaning, because we learn from God through Jesus. From the life of the Master, each one can assimilate that concept of God that represents the measure of our ability to perceive spiritual realities. “Jesus well knew that God, can only be known by the realities of experience, can never be known by the mere teaching of the mind. Jesus used the word God to designate the idea of ​​Deity and the word Father to designate the experience of knowing God. ”

“The word God cannot be defined and therefore represents the infinite concept of the Father, while the term Father as it can be partially defined, can be used to represent the human concept of the divine Father, as it is associated with man during the course of his mortal life. ”and it was precisely this concept that Jesus came to teach us.

It is wonderful to realize that Jesus' self-bestowal was motivated to make us known to his Father who is also ours. “He is the spiritual lens in human likeness, which makes the material creature visible to the One who is invisible. Jesus is our elder brother who “makes you know a Being of infinite attributes to whom not even the heavenly hosts can fully understand. BUT ALL THIS, SHOULD CONSIST IN THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF EACH BELIEVER. ”

It is enough to blame others, or to encrypt our evolution in this or that religion or book, however sacred it may be, because as long as we do not do personal work, all knowledge will be useless. Jesus told us: YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MY WORDS, NOT TO MAKE THE MISTAKE OF HEARING MY TEACHINGS WITH THE MIND AGAIN, WHILE YOUR HEART DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE MEANING. ”

Based on the teachings of the Urantia Book.

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