The network that unites all things in the universe, by Alejandro Pourtales

  • 2013

An energy network composed of the original substance multiplied without losing its unity, on the loom, seems to permeate the entire universe

The postulation of a universal medium that not only allows the transmission and flow of physical forces but also integrates and cohesion all the events of the cosmos or a species The loom on which the infinite plot of existence develops is one of those notions or ideas that reappear throughout history. The pre-Socratic philosophers sought a ubiquitous element that constitutes all things; These legendary wise men, not without a profuse drop of mystics, nominated one of the 4 elements as the basis of all the others, but it was Anaximander who concluded that there must be an indefinite original princy from which the others unfold. The arche (the origin) becomes the apeiron, precursor of the ether. The apeiron is that which embraces opposites and directs the movement of things, rather than permeates space, it is space that permeates everything that exists. The Greeks also bequeathed to us related concepts such as pleroma, gnostically understood as the thought of God, but a thought that imbues the universe - a universe made of mind. "It's as much nothing as everything, " said Carl Jung about the pleroma: fullness that is infinite emptiness. We also have the pneuma, a word that means breath or air and that was used by Anaximander to de-ignite the original element or the monad, but which is also representative of the soul or spirit and as such linked to the Vedic concept of akasha, a Sanskrit word equivalent to ether.

According to Madam Blavatsky akasha it is the main component of anima mundi . The soul and consciousness have a close relationship with memory: the akashic records are considered as a universal library, but instead of being a gigantic structure that contains in innumerable volumes the records of everything that happened in the universe, akasha is a molecule (which is all molecules) that contains all cosmic memory. A monad, an ether particle in which there are all the stars and all the acts of all beings within them. It is said that akasha is the spirit of the universe and the ether is the body - without ceasing to be only one.

Also in India we find the concept of prana, similar to the pneuma in terms of spiritual breath, but with a clear connotation of vital energy. Prana also relates to the pleroma: prana means "to fill" and pleroma means the full, the full. This substance is the one that is distributed by emptiness and spiritualizes matter. Prana is like a kind of more subtle air that energizes living beings; It is said to be the true food and sustenance of life. Such that supposedly some people can live only from prana, especially from prana del Sol. Some people say they can see this substance and describe it as a network of moving light particles forming a dynamic structure that interpenetrates all matter. Perhaps as a microcosm constellated hyperspace.

This concept of a primordial substance, which would silence the modern concept of ether physics as a medium in which light is transmitted (later discarded by Einstein), has been integrated as a subtle network that links all things. A metaphysical network that has its physical manifestation. “According to Parmenides, the being itself is surrounded by the 'rope ties' of the powerful Ananque [the need]. And in the platonic vision an immense light appears 'linked to the sky like the gutters that strip the keels of the triremes, thus covering its complete circumference' ”, writes Roberto Calasso. Ananque can be seen, like the pranic energy network, as a link “that circles the world circularly, is covered by a colored strip, which we can see in the sky as a Milky Way, or also in perfect miniature, in the body of Aphrodite […] “, this warp that girdles the world is also love, the molecular jewels of the goddess. Aphrodite you saw a "belt gathered where all the charms reside: there is tenderness, desire, whispering words, seduction [...]".

As Aphrodite, the god Indra also had a circular garment that contains all the things of the universe. Francis Harold Cook, in his book Hua-Yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra, describes his pearl necklace:

Far away in the celestial mansion of the great god Indra there is a fabulous network that has been hung by a cunning architect, in such a way that it extends infinitely in all directions. In tune with the extravagant tastes of the deities, the architect has hung a shining jewel in each “eye” of the network, and as the network itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There the jewels hang shining like stars of the first magnitude, a supreme vision to hold. If we arbitrarily select one of these jewels to inspect and analyze it closely, we will discover that all the other jewels in the network, infinite in number, are reflected in its azogada surface. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so there is an infinite number of reflection processes occurring.

We glimpsed here a sophisticated and illuminated metaphor of this network that is constituted from the primordial substance, which is the link of unity in the multiple - and that is the registration and communication between everything that exists, such as a cosmic mobile office about the size of one of those pins in whose head the angels dance. Or the dust where innumerable Buddhas reside. Or the dust of Quevedo, the dust in love that continues to float in space beyond death with the memory of the spirit. Or the dust of the golden eyelid of Carlos Castaneda.

Erik Davis says in his text Diamond Shards of the Matrix :

The soul weaves the network of Indra ... The ngHolos emphasize that being and the world are constantly being produced, that the cosmos is both empty and net. The allusion here is to the Hindu myth of the Indra network, which the ngHolo's merged with the image of the universe as was imagined in the Avatamaska ​​Sutra: an infinitely interrelated and nested monadology in which the singularity reflects and embodies an unlimited totality.

This network may not be invisible. At times we can see the shining necklace of divinity entwine with our bodies or with the phenomena that tune around us. This is the nakedness of space, the development of splendor. A network of which the internet is just a pearl. A network that will inevitably hold us together with all things until the end of the universe that is inevitably also the beginning. By @alexpholo

The network that unites all things in the universe, by Alejandro Pourtales

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