Re-Imprint, or how to integrate and update our beliefs

  • 2015

An imprint is a significant event that took place in the past, from which we acquired a belief or set of beliefs. In this context, we start from the basis that current behaviors have often been created or configured by past behaviors and experiences. For us, the most important thing about past experiences is not their objective content, but the interpretation or belief that the person was formed from such experience .

The concept of imprinting was coined by Konrad Lorenz, who studied the behavior of ducklings when they hatched. Lorenz discovered that ducklings received an imprint of the mother figure during the first day of life. To do this, they were based on movement, so that if something moved to their side as soon as they left the shell, that something would become their mother. In addition, she discovered that if she later reunited them with her true mother, the ducklings did not recognize her as such; the ducklings had already received the imprint.

Konrad Lorenz believed that the imprints were established in certain neurologically critical periods, and that once the critical period was over, what remained “printed”, whatever it was, was permanent and not subject to change.

However, subsequent research on the phenomenon of imprinting in humans revealed that, under appropriate conditions, it was possible to access the contents that had been imprinted in previous critical periods and could be reprogrammed or reprinted. This possibility that we humans enjoy is because our nervous system is more refined than that of wild animals.

What content is imprinted from the experiences lived during the critical periods?

Biological survival (hunger, thirst, food, sleep, sex).

Feeling of well-being and emotional aspects.

Development and intellectual and cognitive capacity.

Social roles.

Perception and management of external environment stimuli and aesthetic appreciation.

The imprints established during that period establish core beliefs that shape our personality. The imprints can be significant positive experiences, which lead to useful beliefs, or traumatic or problematic experiences that lead to limiting beliefs.

Reimpronta technique

For the reprinting process we must locate events or time periods of our life that are related to our current conflict symptom or situation. We will relive from another perspective certain performances, states or tensions that we have experienced in the past.

What makes us suffer are the recordings we have recorded of our experiences, not the reality itself.

By outsourcing these events it is much easier to dissociate from them, reflect and reassess the beliefs that we have formed from them. With this technique we will obtain new knowledge and connect with the resources that were necessary but were not available at that time due to the circumstances. We are not looking for a solution to an event of the past, but rather an integration and updating of our beliefs and sense of identity in relation to the system of relationships we have had with significant people.


By loheriva


Re-Imprint, or how to integrate and update our beliefs

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