The first obligation of the students. Secret Prayer

  • 2012

Before giving way to reading what is written, I am going to make a few short notes. This knowledge, which you can acquire in a hidden school, will affect not only your present life, but also your future life. This knowledge will be useful not only now, but maybe for thousands of years from now on.

Each hidden school, that is the Great Hidden Divine School, is accompanied by great difficulties. And it is not so easy for man to become a student of a hidden school. You can spend in this Great school only as listeners. Because student is only one who can work with the duties of this Hidden school, just as the mathematician must know all the rules of mathematics to work with complex duties, and the musician - with complex exercises in music. The student should always know his position in the School, he should not have illusions.

The first rule in a Hidden school is: the student must have great humility, not passivity, but humility in this great idea that the Eternal, the Unlimited cannot fit in the limited. He should not get the illusion that in this little head, all this secret knowledge can fit inside this small brain - for the moment this is impossible. A comparison is made that the human brain has a great capacity to acquire great knowledge. This comparison is as follows: if we combine all current knowledge (we can put it into ninety large books like the Bible) and if we print it on the cells of our brain, there will still be room for 900 more books like these. So take 90: 900 and you will see what the correspondence is - 1:10; Then, man has not even reached the middle of his study.

The student in this Hidden school must know where their site is. He should know that students of the lowest level are distinguished from students of the highest level by knowledge, that is, that their knowledge and strength compared to that of the advanced is nothing. The human being in one aspect may know, but in another aspect he does not know. Now, this should not serve to discourage you, but whoever wants to study should know this thing. And again I am going to repeat the idea: people grow old, only when they think they know everything. He who wants to age, this is very easy, on the day you think you have finished everything, you have aged. And for you to rejuvenate you will think that you know very little, you will begin to receive as a child. I call this old age premature. That is why I wish that everyone in the School be young. And being young means that you think that you now begin the Great Divine teaching.

The teaching that the world gives is a preface to the Divine teaching. When you finish everything in the world - primary, secondary, high school, then university -, you will become specialists and become the wisest man, this is just a preface to the Divine knowledge that you must begin. Therefore, if you have acquired this preface, you can become a good student in the Divine school. That is why I recommend everyone to acquire as much as they can from worldly knowledge. Because someone says: "We do not need worldly knowledge, but Divine." If you do not have the mundane, you cannot acquire the Divine; if the mundane is difficult for you, the Divine is thousands of times more difficult. Now, in a contemporary university they pay a rate of 800 cams, but in a Divine teaching with 8, 000 cams you cannot enter, and with 10, 000 cams you cannot enter, and with 20, 000, and with 100, 000, and with 1, 000, 000, and with 10 and with 100 million you cannot enter, and with a thousand you cannot enter. Do you understand If it is for money, with money it cannot be redeemed. In the Divine school you will pawn your heart and your mind, and the will will remain yours. And then you will redeem your heart and your mind, so you can show how hero you are. The will will remain for you, but the mind and the heart - there -. And that is why the Scriptures say: "My son, give me your heart!" Of course, this effort is not how they work in the world.

In each hidden school you will approach with all your veneration. This is something internal. You are not going to be disheveled, but there, when among man, he must have all the nobility of the mind and heart - that you know that this is one of the greatest and noblest works there is. And on the knowledge, on this material that the student will acquire, his happiness will rest, since he will build his future life and his future home on this knowledge of his. Some will say: "Without this knowledge you can't?" - You can't. You can enter consciously or unconsciously, but you will go through the Divine school anyway and you will finish it. Only some have entered without knowing it and others know that they have entered this School. Religious people say: "We don't need much knowledge", that is, "We and without a hidden school can pass. This implies that they will pass this School unconsciously. Some people will pass it consciously and others - unconsciously. And I'm going to tell you why: cowardly students pass them over the bridge at night, they don't see, and those who aren't afraid - for the day. Cowards are put bandages on their eyes. And when someone says: "Can't you do without this School?", I say: you can, but with bandage, and you can also without bandage.

Then, the rule says that we don't want much, the opposite - what we require is very little. We want each student to set aside one hour of his time a day. Seven days for an hour a day - seven hours of work. And besides this time of time, that you will lose it somewhere, that you dedicate it to this occupation - and this hour you will dedicate it consciously, for Love -. I will tell you again: if you work without Love, nothing will take advantage of you. The Divine school rule says that knowledge must be acquired by the law of Love; if you acquire a knowledge without Love, he will not be useful to you. And the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians says:… If we do it with love, we take advantage.

Now, in this Hidden school, you will become familiar with all religious systems, positions, laws - why religions have appeared, under what conditions, etc. And then these misunderstandings - whether we are on the right side or the wrong side - will not be. From the hidden point of view, we reflect otherwise on the right and the wrong. From the point of view of the Hidden school, current law is a lack of rights. And when someone tells you: "Is there no right? ..." Right! Your right from the hidden point of view is lack of right. And therefore, in order for us to have a correct perception of this Great Divine evolution of things, we must have this true knowledge, a true understanding, and then we can observe the issues philosophically. We do not fear the questions. Some questions can be solved very easily, but other questions are left unanswered. Why? Because in each of the hidden schools, each question must be observed in time and not at the wrong time. There are questions that are asked at the wrong time. The question is asked whether the Lord exists or not. This question is not on time. Is there a future life or not? And this question is not on time either. Because I, who live at the same time in this and the other world, come and talk with all these angels, but if they ask me if there are angels, I will shut up. Someone will convince me that this is silly I shut up again, I see what is silly. Someone, then, ask: Do you see this? Do you understand what you ask? As much as you have the right to doubt in my point of view, so much I have the right to doubt in your understanding. And two forces in two contradictory directions towards each other, mutually destroy each other. But look, to such questions asked in the Hidden school: How should we live? How can we improve your life? This is what the Hidden school can answer. How to renew our life, how to develop our mind, how to purify our heart, how to develop our spiritual forces? to all this It responds directly, methods are given.

Those who enter the school should know that they are students, and the student should be without prejudice He should be clean as a washed clothes. Only the old people, who have lived a long time in the world, say: Man should not be silly . And from the Hidden point of view we prefer to be silly in a way. So each one of you must abandon his prejudices. And if from this, what is taught, no results are achieved, he himself will make his conclusion. Small, microscopic tests large jobs we will not do. We will tell you that you sow a grain of wheat and then I will ask you if it has grown. He has grown . Then how many grains did he give? Ur Madur ? Is this grain real? Because what happens with a grain of wheat, the same thing happens and with ten million like this.

You will not expect hit results. Someone, when he enters the School, thinks, that he will throw the curtain and that suddenly everything will be fixed. Whoever thinks he will lift the curtain suddenly, I warn him not to waste his time. So we will have to understand each other, don't say some: But what did I think? If you think about big things, I am going to show you the place where you can go for that ah you acquire a lot.

And so first hand we are going to give way to the study of the integral man the current man as he is, that we study him in this phase of his, with these forces that develop in his organism, which manifest in his mind, that they act in their heart and that they are performed in their will. And after we study man in this way, we will then pass into another region, wider and more pleasant. The study of man in some aspect is pleasant and in another aspect unpleasant. When you study the positive side of the human being is pleasant, when you study its negative sides it is very unpleasant. And every student must be very brave and determined. Let us study man, this is a difficult thing. They will put you in a hidden school and they will show you the positive and negative sides of your character, as if you were in front of a mirror that you see the thoughts. And in such an exam I don't know, but your temperature will go down at least 35 degrees below zero, you're going to cool down and you won't feel like living. And that's why in ancient times many students went crazy. But we are not going to do this. In these schools, where there is much, man goes out, either with a lot of mind, or without a mind - this is a game of chance -. And the method that we are going to use, is one of the most harmless. But when I say harmless, do not think that you will have an easy time - here you will also pawn your mind and your heart. There are drawers and keys, and every day, when you say: "I want my heart back" you can open, when you want, and take your mind and your heart. And the other way - where much is acquired, this is in another class. And then, when you finish school, the Great Teacher will arrive and He himself will open you. And if you ask me about contemporary madmen, why crazy people are like that, they are all students of such schools, they are not finished. First of all you will put in your mind the thought: "We must finish school in any way whatsoever." Religion says: "We must do the Will of God, " and we say: "The Earth is a school and it must end in any way."

Now, who among you can read beautifully? Let the topics be read! (Brother Bélev reads).

Now you are going to determine a commission, which after reading all the duties will get something in common. From all this you will get the most important things and make a common definition - which is the best mind. You can start from there: the mind and its connections with the material world, its different qualities in Nature, etc. Who will enter this commission? You can choose, for you 14 is the best number - 7 brothers and 7 sisters. You will choose them, it is your business. (Silence). Then I choose the brothers Tólev, Bélev, Rúschev, Rádev, Cólev and Radoslavov, and the sisters - Nediálkova, Zarávka Popóva, Spiridónova, Stoyánova, Dónkova, Aunt Gina, Ivanóva.

Now, here you need the ability to get important thoughts, because this common definition that you are going to do, you will all study and all students will rewrite it, so that they have it. May this be something beautiful. We will read it here and put it to a vote, to see if everyone will approve it.

Secret prayer

Fourth lesson of the Master, given in front of the General hidden class, on March 16, 1922, Thursday, at 7:30 p.m., Sofia.

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