Mercy, conversing with Beloved Kuan Yin. (our union with Akasha)

  • 2016

Piety is born from the deep healing of the soul, it is born from the abyss of pain, when the truth comes to the table, and no one can stop it; and yet one feels the need to remain there, assuming his role, in the dance of life, without expecting anything in return.

The call of the heart invites us once and a thousand times to close cycles, which in the short term seem devastating, because in the few years of a human life, it opens us in two and breaks all our senses, but that that minimal reality, polarized and painful, it is the door to an even greater state of consciousness, not better, but, but greater in terms of broadness, as far as healer, charm to the consolidation of being.

The call of the heart has us all, becoming aware of how small our world was, how we take erroneous positions inherited from our ancestors, of many truths that come to light, one after another, to more incoming energy more light, more true.

But it is not like that, nothing we became aware of, as error was an error, was a plan of each soul, for a concrete work, in a group of souls.

And now, with the change of energy in Gaia, and the transmutation of all those threads of consciousness and past times, that function vanishes, so we do not see meaning, because it is no longer necessary to continue developing a partial plan, and we can raise the internal frequencies with the call of the heart at frequencies without unit separation.

So yes, it made sense how much we lived, however polarized and painful it was, we came to experience it, and while we lived it, it opens up infinite paths of light, for those group souls, who are nourishing, to the set of lamas involved, and that It helped us to love and respect each other in the midst of chaos.

Now we all have to live and heal these processes of transformation, from non-consciousness and consciousness, perhaps even more painful; that the linear time:

- in the pure and hard incarnation, because there was no conscience in it, and now if we remember true love, ourselves, others and unity, now we have to improve and apply our conscience.

We are beings waking up from a deep lethargy, far from everything and everyone, sometimes, for such a deep journey that we are making inside our heart chakra and in the depth of DNA memories, which open in all our body, and situations or places, almost suddenly one after another, so that we can manage it.

The opening of the pineal gland helps us to specify, with greater precision, whole lineages or recurring karmatic situations in all of us.

Beloved to be of light, I am kuan yin, there are thousands of legends about me, all beautiful, but only one, I was a woman who learned to love in adversity, in full confidence of a greater good.

Now it is up to you that deep leap of life, that transition from the unconscious to the conscious so that it is transformed in your life, in your own chemical and physical process of your bodies, to understand the whole consciousness of unity, without losing your life, neither memory nor conscience.

Because it does not touch anymore, it is Gaia who gives us this magnificent gift of living in the present time and in light consciousness in real time, in real-time awareness and vibration, and in real-time love consciousness.

Beloved to be of light, the planetary purpose is so broad, that you understand when you see the global, of everything lived and fulfilled.

Whenever you assume a reality of your self, an awareness, or recognize a previous or parallel life, that reality is incorporated into all your selves, in all your planes of consciousness, and stays there, in what you they call their Akasha book, in their soul-living being, so that it is at their disposal, life after life, plane after plane, helping them in their purposes and experiences.

This is how Akasha works as a continuous stream and flow of light, which leads them to illuminate all their paths, and their steps. Even their bad human experiences allow them to grow, in awareness.

Now the book of life, it opens, is at your disposal and the thousands of awareness of their bodies are there, supporting them in their transformation, in assuming the true source of power that is knowing themselves, and respecting themselves with love. This is the great planetary change, to be oneself and to love what it is, what it sees, and where it is.

Love is not given away, love flows, and for it to flow it must be vibrant in yourselves, from the point of union of your thymus farm.

So they lived all this, to love each other, to become aware of the most precious gift, their own being!

Love him, hurt him and assure him, that is the transition of ascension, but none of what you live is real, if you have to fight to sustain your reality, to maintain your life, then it is not his being who expresses himself, but his personalities, forget the term ego, the ego, it is really the defenses or positions that all souls create, to survive, and it is not bad, it was his friend, his support, your conscience for years, thank him and let him go.

Find out how many of them took power inside you, and how cornered your being is, and release one by one, from love, without fear of being yourselves, they reinforce each and every one of their personalities, and rely on the magic and energy of gratitude, and also that of their enemies, will see that they are very little distant from their own fears.

Why in wisdom, there is the real power of unity, and the unit begins to recognize that they are not special, nor perfect, nor .but infinite souls in a human experience, learning in the first years of their life, and transcending the karmic contract in these years of transition, or ascension, to access their free will Or conscious.

That is the big difference, before they were not aware of it, and they exercised their free will as a response action reaction, now their truth comes to light, and their free will, will be born from the truth, conscience and respect in unity to all beings and consciences, from infinite love, to which you are all gradually, thank you beloved brothers for your great growth, and your willingness to resonate again to the call of the heart n, say goodbye from Alcyon, beloved kuan yin.

AUTHOR: Elsa Farrus



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