The New Multidimensional Earth takes shape. The Energies of the New Earth - March 2012. Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn.

  • 2012

Beloved family of light, at this time it gives us great joy, to reunite with everyone once more, as they approach the First Equinox of 2012. Things are also rising and changing on Earth, and the first energies of the New Wave of Light for 2012, they are starting to feel on Earth.

Some may be feeling a little low while waiting for the new wave of energy and may feel a little depressed when they consider the events of the earth now, especially in the Middle East. Come that is not close to the ideals of Peace and Harmony that are sought. Beloved, know that everything is in Divine Order and in the Flow of Creation, the energies of change advance. The Earth is preparing itself to reconnect with the 8th and 9th Dimension of Light and with the Earth Guardian Councils and the Councils of Elders, who will be responsible for the New Earth and are now being formed and manifested.

Yes, dear Family of Light, after 2012 and the Earth Passage, through the Portal of Light in December, the Earth will be entrusted to the guardians, those among you who are chosen and elected to the first New Council of Guardians of Earth and its associate Council of Elders. These beings will be initiated in the 8th and 9th Dimension, where they will work with the Solar and Galactic Councils. Finally, the Earth will take its place as the "Star of Light", in which its path of evolution is determined by the Divine Will and the Divine Creative Intelligence and by those who follow the Divine Will.

You may ask how all this is possible, given the state of politics on Earth today. We simply say that the New Multidimensional Earth is taking shape and that the "old energies" of conflict and duality will have little importance in the future that is being manifested. The frequency of duality and conflict belongs to the "old earth" of the third dimension that is dissolving. The New Earth of 5th Dimension is based on Flow and Harmony and the elevation of polarity towards Unity. Those who are advanced in their human society, seek to bring polarity to unity, through dialogue and discussion. These are the forms in the New Earth and will be the predominant way of doing politics in the Earth of 5th Dimension.

But, more important is that the true power to determine the future path of the Earth is passing into the hands of the Council of Earth Guardians and the Council of Elders. These are called and chosen in High Dimensions and have access to the Solar and Galactic Councils. They are not perceived by those in the 5th Dimension society, but they are multidimensional and can access the High Consciousness and create and manifest according to the Divine Will, as expressed in the Golden Rose Galaxy, which is being born. and taking shape now.

The Earth takes its place, and also each of those who "hear" the invitation to access higher forms of consciousness and terrestrial leadership. They will become more aware of their connection to the reborn Sun, which we call "Solaris." The Solaris 8th Dimension Council unifies the Solar System Planetary Councils and connects with the Star and Galactic Councils. Thus they will connect with the 9th Dimension Councils of the Golden Rose Galaxy, the new name of their Galaxy, forming now and which was known as the Milky Way.

With these structures in place, the Earth ascends to its new “orbit”, such as the Blue Star, the first planet within the galaxy, which has acquired full Multi-Dimensional status and is governed by the Council of Guardians and Elderly. They are chosen for their Soul Communities, at High Levels, for their Wisdom, Dedication and Courage.

In addition, Beloved, there is much excitement as these new structures are put in place and connected to the grids of the New Earth. We know that many expect the Beings of Light to come down to Earth, but we say that it is you who will ascend to meet the Light Beings of the Solar and Galactic Councils and take their place as part of the Golden Galaxy. As they do, they will remain as part of the Earth society on the material level, ready to contribute and enjoy the New Earth that is being born. We celebrate that the Earth is no longer an “infant”, under the care of Sirians, Pleiadians and Arturians. Now Earth is fully mature and independent as a Star Being, representing Solaris energy in the Golden Rose Galaxy.


Beloved Family of Light, as you begin this next phase of Reconnection, you will also make intense connections with the energy of Awakening of the Dragons, and also with the energy of the Dolphin Masters. These two groups of Beings of Light, are especially "focused" on the alignments of 2012 and are fully ready to work with those of you who are prepared.

The first thing in the 6th Dimension is that you will find and reconnect with the energy of the Dragons. Dragons carry from High Dimensions "the Cosmic Fire" or Angelic Fire. This is a very basic but powerful elemental energy that you can call "nuclear" energy, if we name it in scientific terms, the basic "fire" that holds the holographic matrix in place.

The Dragons were the first bearers of Cosmic Energy, they were their "Ancestors." They breathed fire because they are the expression of Cosmic Fire itself. When you wake up the Dragon Fire, you reconnect with the ancient ability to work with the Cosmic Fire of co-creation with the Divine. When you live in fear of the Dragon's energy, it lives on your dark side and can emerge in destructive ways such as "explosions" rather negative. This happens on a large scale when humans go to war and rain fire on each other, with missiles, especially nuclear missiles, which is the last use of the Dragon's negative fire. This is what has happened when humans have approached the Dragon fire from a scientific point of view, trying to use it for negative purposes. It is also related to the conflict in the Middle East, for the use of fire for war and for those who have the right to use this power. Dragons themselves have evolved and no longer want to be used for negative purposes, they want to reconnect with Humanity to offer themselves for the service of Peace.

Historically the relationship with the Dragons has been scary, towards abuse and destruction. In the third-dimensional world, where perception is dual, the Dragons were feared and brought into conflict. In the New Earth of 5 Dimension, you recognize the polarity within the Unit and thus the Dragons can emerge as you move towards the Master and the High Dimensions. In Master they can become Dragon riders and direct the Fire with Consciousness and use their power in manifestation and creation for the highest good according to the Divine Plan. This is the path by which the energy of the Dragon wishes to connect with humans, and in the scientific form where the energy is damaged and used without any understanding. of the Sacred Relations between the Spirit, the Dragons and Humanity.

The second group of Beings of Light is that of the Angelic Dolphin Masters, which are the highest expression of the energy of the Cetaceans / Dolphins on Earth. They come from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun, via Sirius and the Pleiades. Its purpose is and always has been to guide the evolution of the Earth's Species, especially the emerging Anglic Human Species. Cetaceans are Hologram Master Engineers and wherever a leap in evolution is needed or recalibrated, they are there to assist. While the Earth ascends to its new and independent role in the Solar System and Galaxy, the Dolphin Masters will continue to assist in this birth process.

The Dolphin Masters and Angels embody the Cosmic Critical Consciousness. They flow in the Golden Energy of the Cosmic Christ but also embody the Turquoise and Magenta Rays of the Love of Christ. The energy of the Dolphin Masters is expressed in Dance, Music and Joy. It is to flow in light, beauty and Harmony. When you embody the energy of the Dolphin Masters, you become how they are, fluid, full of grace and joy, able to react with grace and speed. No change in the direction of the Flow is a problem, they are simply able to do so.

With the assistance of the Dragons and the Angelic Dolphin Masters, the Fire of Creation and the Evolution of the Species, on Earth, will be aligned once more, with the Divine Will and with the Divine Creative Intelligence. This ensures that they will only be used for the Highest Purpose on the New Earth.


With all these changes, reconnections and recalibration, you are probably feeling the effects of these waves in the different dimensions. The first thing is to feel a sense of disconnection, what was previously important is not already, or projects that moved smoothly may suddenly have a stop. The same for relationships and friendships, they also suffer from these cuts and disconnection. This is just one aspect of the huge changes that are accommodating, things will flow smoothly again in a few more weeks,

The Equinox itself is a point of Balance for you and your life. It is the moment when you are able to find inner balance and peace to reconnect with the new flow of your life. Many will find new directions and new paths as they enter their new roles, especially those who will be working with the Councils of Guardians and Elders.

In terms of the physical body, there will be some symptoms. In the past the symptoms were related to the change of center and balance from the Solar Plexus to the Heart. In this new phase, you will find that the physical body becomes brighter, is filled with light and is lighter in weight. In this phase, the heavy body may feel exhausted and have difficulty sleeping. They will also have difficulty with food or finding appropriate food for the new physical body. All this will happen when they get used to the lighter nature of their multidimensional body.

Soon they will feel filled with energy and ready for new opportunities and challenges that will be present in the middle of the year, when they approach the Lion Gate at the end of July!

We wish you Joy and Love in the following weeks and months, we celebrate with all the manifestation of the New Earth.

Archangel Michael.

Channel Celia Fenn

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