The New Energy in Manifestation - Your New Incarnation ~ Archangel Michael through Keshavananda

  • 2013

December 14, 2013

You are now at a crucial moment where something new, something unknown in the old spiritual and consciousness schemes, is happening in many of you and as you go further you will open the door for it to occur at a more generalized level. His old "I" is disembodied to give way to a new incarnation in this same life. It is really a new incarnation in life. You do not need to die physically anymore to be born again with a new consciousness. Simply your old consciousness, your old karmic self linked to the experience of past incarnational cycles has ended its purpose. Its purpose has already been fulfilled and this allows at the present moment of change in the Universe something that has rarely been allowed in times past: a new incarnation in life. This new incarnation is a direct incarnation of your Higher Self, the Christic principle of consciousness that is in the direction of your Soul and implies a change of purpose in your stay here on Earth from now on.

Beloved Lightworkers,

We greet you from the heart of God, the Great Spirit One who is your true nature and who always has been and will be beyond the illusion of the physical World with which you have so far been fully identified. This identification is falling apart, as so many of you are already experiencing, as the veil of separation that kept you in a deep state of sleep is diluted and the presence of your Being, the Christ that unites you to that true nature, manifests more and more in all aspects of his incarnation. We from the angelic kingdoms feel great joy as we observe them and see the great general awakening of their hearts. As we see the inevitable already, union of Heaven and Earth in these exciting and great awakening times that everyone is living. It is not surprising that the perception of his current World is of a great tumult because the change that Gaia, the beloved Mother Earth, along with her consciousness, is going through, supposes the creation, the birth, of an authentic new World. From a New Earth where Heaven is no longer something separate and alien to its reality but a state of higher consciousness that is integrated into the experience of matter. It is really a "new subject". That is why most of you are feeling so many changes in relationships with what were once your eating habits, your sleeping habits and in general the way you experienced what it meant to be incarnated on Earth. As the frequency of his thought rises, as his consciousness joins more with the consciousness of the Spirit, all the rules that previously governed matter begin to change. Matter itself changes by raising the frequency of vibration of its molecules and atoms. Their bodies change and put them in front of a new paradigm of their relationship with matter and with the World. His whole energy system changes and new energy centers appear until now unknown that connect them with other dimensional levels of his Being.

Most of you are feeling it. They are feeling how they can no longer eat what they used to eat. They are feeling how they can no longer be in the places they used to frequent. They are feeling how their dream patterns change and become so to speak erratic. For many of you these changes are not easy to process because you have the temptation to process them with the paradigms of the old consciousness.

Understand how all these changes are natural and are part of the process of raising your consciousness that brings a new physical reality, a new matter ascended . That ascended matter no longer needs, for example, to rely on material food as it did before. That ascended matter no longer needs the nighttime sleep time that the denser matter needed before. Get used to these new experiences and avoid processing them with the old mind at all costs. Processing them with the old mind cuts off its flow, the flow of the power of your Being, of the Spirit in you and leads to chaos and confusion.

You Lightworkers, those who are reading this now, are the `` spearhead of this great change we call the Ascension of the Earth. It is vital for humanity that you understand and learn to be completely congruent with what at the bottom of your intuition, at the bottom of your consciousness, everyone knows for sure. It is absolutely vital that you learn more and more to choose the power of your Being, of the Spirit in you in every situation.

We will give you some examples: many of you are worried about your weight and continually use scales to monitor yourself and check the state of your physical appearance. If you lose weight, you worry and more when many of you are changing your diet to a diet more in line with your spiritual consciousness and with Love. Facing a world of great density whose nourishment is based primarily on the flesh and that has built a whole body of doctrine to support the need for that type of death-based nourishment, you care about the effects of your habits nourishing in their appearance in the face of others and so many of you are in an authentic internal battle between what your consciousness asks you and the fears that the old World and your old mind put before you. Just know that the scales are no longer useful. Measuring your body weight is no longer a scale to check your appearance and body health status. Simply, matter weighs less according to its vibration increases. That is the reason why many of you have experienced or are experiencing reductions in your body weight. Do not give them a negative meaning. Don't make it a problem. Do not make problems. Know that as incarnate spirits you have all the power to create the appearance of your body according to your own intention. You are in command. Ultimately, neither food is necessary to materialize a body as many of its yogis who learned to live from prana directly have already taught them repeatedly.

The true power lies in consciousness, in the energy of the Spirit that floods the entire Universe and the entire material and non-material World. That is the power that we urge you to assume with the greatest congruence. Do not worry about the opinions of the world around you. Understand that ignorance, fear and darkness is what speaks through the opinions and paradigms of the Old World.

We also told you how many of you are concerned about changes in your sleep patterns. Many are experiencing a drastic reduction in the hours of sleep they used daily in the past. Many are experiencing changing patterns in their hours and in their sleep times. Also understand how that, far from being a problem, is a direct manifestation of the change of energy on the planet and the elevation of its own vibration. You are simply "waking up", and as awake beings you need less sleep. In the same way it is also the opposite, when many of you find yourself in need of sleeping an unusual number of hours. They can find themselves in moments where their daily sleep time is lengthened, where they even seem to want nothing but sleep. Do not give it meaning either. It may be normal for your body to need long hours of sleep on time so that large changes at the dimensional level and of your energy bodies can settle. Stop judging yourself and what is right and wrong and trust the guidance of your Higher Self. You are being guided. Their only task is to remain vigilant so as not to fall into the old patterns of guilt, weakness, or at the other extreme, of unbridled action without consciousness, without objective. Give yourself your time. Respect yourself and your processes. Stop judging yourself guilty. Be patient with yourself. You will see that "patience" is one of the most important needs in the intensity of current times. Patience with yourself. Patience with the World and its circumstances, which means faith in what we were telling you before: that you are guided. That they have nothing to fear. That there really are no problems. The problems do not exist, unless you decide to create them by giving them reality. The key is Consciousness. Simply be "present, " either in action or at rest and surrender completely to your Higher Self, to your Christ Presence. They do not create problems. Do not "make" problems. The only problem exists when you create it and decide to catalog your experience as a pathology or "dysfunction."

You really create the illnesses of your bodies when you do not understand how the relationship of matter with consciousness works and put it in the hands of others, doctors, healers or healers, or the pharmaceutical estate, your well-being and the decisions of what is wrong or good on you It is very important that you, Lightworkers, know that when you go to the medical establishment, you are usually turning to the old energy, the old paradigm that measures and quantifies things that are already outside your reality, which creates a tremendous field of contradiction. in their bodies and in their consciousness. Know that the higher the elevation of your consciousness, the higher the price you pay for entering these contradiction scenarios. So to speak, someone with a level of consciousness asleep on this plane, can afford things that someone awake could not afford. Every time an awake Being delivers its power by inhibiting, for example, its responsibility and surrendering itself to the magic of the external, whether in the form of medicines, or in the form of any other substitute for its own internal power, it is sending Universe a field of contradiction much more powerful than the one that creates a sleeping mind that simply repeats established and learned patterns without a hint of discernment.

Learn to move in these new scenarios from the power of your consciousness. They do not create problems where they do not exist. The World that presents itself to you is a very different World and you have really done nothing but "glimpse it." Do not surrender your power to others and in this we refer especially to your worldwide corrupted medical and pharmaceutical system. Understand how the old consciousness of darkness has created a true system of death, your current medical and health system in the World. A system of control of their bodies to steal their power and enslave them to the vision of the inevitable pain and disease. A false system based on fear and unconsciousness. That system is what is being presented to you before your eyes throughout the World now so that you become aware and decide to choose to wake up from that dream of weakness and death. Decide to take your power. They really do not need medicines to cure or protect themselves. Do not fall into the traps of the spokesmen of fear and manipulation. You have all the power to heal yourself because it is really the quality of your vibration that puts you safe from any external attack and from any disease. When your consciousness, your thoughts and your emotions are vibrating in the frequency of Love, when your mind is a channel of the Spirit, of your Higher Self, your body simply vibrates on a different plane of the World where viruses, epidemics and diseases. Thats the reality. You have the power.

You are now at a crucial moment where something new, something unknown in the old spiritual and consciousness schemes, is happening in many of you and as you go further you will open the door for it to occur at a more generalized level. His old "I" is disembodied to give way to a new incarnation in this same life. It is really a new incarnation in life. You do not need to die physically anymore to be born again with a new consciousness. Simply your old consciousness, your old karmic self linked to the experience of past incarnational cycles has ended its purpose. Its purpose has already been fulfilled and this allows at the present moment of change in the Universe something that has rarely been allowed in times past: a new incarnation in life. This new incarnation is a direct incarnation of your Higher Self, the Christic principle of consciousness that is in the direction of your Soul and implies a change of purpose in your stay here on Earth from now on. This purpose has nothing to do with the healing of past lives or the resolution of accumulated karma or the solution of conflicts still latent in his personality. That is why many of you, Lightworkers, after years of healing processes and internal work with your past and with all the latent blockages in your consciences, are beginning to feel disinterest in this healing path. They are simply not there anymore. Your new Self has nothing to do with all that and now you begin to experience more and more a luminous and loving vision of your stay on Earth. This is the gift of the Spirit in the final times of the cycle that culminates on Earth. This reincarnation in life is the end of the karmic cycle of lives during the last 200, 000 years and even more for many of you. Now that you have already passed through the decisive portal of the December 2012 solstice and the March 2013 equinox, this process will be consolidated into more and more Lightworkers, thus dragging much of Human Consciousness. This new incarnation is the true second coming of Christ to Earth in each of you. It is the promise that was made from the beginning of time, a promise that now joyfully begins to be fulfilled for great joy throughout the Universe. You will know that you are in this process without having to ask. They just know it and they already knew it. Now his mental level will simply recognize him. As that recognition takes place, trust will be rooted more and more in each of you and will allow you to unfold and develop the function of Love and Light of your Soul in these exceptional times for Earth. The development of this function makes them as we have indicated on previous occasions in true Lighthouses of Light for all their brothers in communion with the consciousness and presence of Mother Earth.

Beloved Lightworkers, you are in truly intense and splendid moments. The times of fear and limitation have passed and are now firmly beginning to experience life from the higher planes of the Spirit. It is really an inversion of your consciousness, of your perception. Until now his perception was that of human bodies with some intuition or spiritual experience. Now it is precisely the other way around: Spiritual Beings with experience in human bodies. That is why we have often spoken to them using the expression of "Human Angels." It is really the part of his Angel, of his Christ Self, that now takes command of his consciousness here on Earth. It is very common the use in his World of the confused expression of "being with the feet in the earth". Now we ask you, beloved Lightworkers, to be on the ground. But they are new feet and a New Earth. It is the feet of your Spiritual Being that walk and bless from the heart to the beloved New Earth that is being created from your consciences. That is the true meaning of his popular saying. The Spirit walks with his feet on the Earth because he loves the Earth from the heart, because he sees a World from the gaze of Love.

Beloved Lightworkers, now we say goodbye to you, but not before reminding you of the powerful times ahead.

We remind you again that solstices and equinoxes are the main points of your relationship with Solar Consciousness, the Christ Energy that flows through your Sun from the Central Sun of the Galaxy. We also remind you of the importance of recovering your sacred and revered relationship with the Sun from your Solar System. Feel what the Sun really represents and ask you to feed and activate with your energy all your energy centers and your true vision of Light, while protecting your body, your skin and your eyes. In this way the energy of your sun will bless you, for Ascension is impossible if it is separated from the solar principle.

The next Solstice will be another step in the powerful entry of Light codes that are being emitted from the Galactic Center. After the Solstice, the changes will accelerate greatly on Earth and in Human Consciousness which will bring the process of awakening to mass consciousness closer. Remember that the turbulence that you will see in your World is only the appearances of an old consciousness that loses its center of power. It is through his forgiveness and the blessing of his heart that all these turbulences will become true opportunities for liberation and global change of consciousness.

So we ask you to honor the lunar and Earth cycles by performing group ceremonies of blessing to the elementals and to Mother Earth, which will allow them to prepare their consciousness for the powerful energies of the Solstice and the summer and winter that begin.

We, the Hierarchy of Light, are at your disposal just by invoking us. Remember that we are one in the heart and that together we are invincible.

I am the Archangel Michael, bearer of the Blue Fire Ray of protection and truth, and I greet and embrace you from the heart of God.

Archangel Michael through Keshavananda (Jesús Gómez).

The New Energy in Manifestation - Your New Incarnation ~ Archangel Michael through Keshavananda

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