The New Science, by Geoffrey Hoppe

  • 2012

The Count of Saint Germain, better known by Shaumbra as Adamus Saint-Germain, was a strong advocate of science in his life between 1712 and 1784. He encouraged the study and practical application of science to validate reality at a time when science was still questioned by wise men and, above all, by religious authorities. It has been the earl's desire to use science and mathematics, as methods to prove, finally, not only the nature of reality perceived through our physical senses, but use the same basis to prove the nature of the multiple dimensions and the Misterios in the last instance. St. Germain wanted the linear and logical structure of science to expand in the field of Chaos or the creation of the indefinite to demonstrate once and for all the existence of a higher Being, the Spirit, the Eternal.

Many of us, spiritual pirates, have resistance to studies such as science, because we believe it is a limited, disciplined, and dominated approach. And with reason. They taught us at school that if I can't prove it, it doesn't exist. Modern science does not take into account factors such as communication with entities, that angels appear to us in times of need, the feeling that something is going to happen before it happens, or the power of the intuition. We know it's there, but traditional science and conventional wisdom tells us no.

A new science is emerging, from the likes of what the Count of Saint Germain has dreamed centuries ago. The new scientists go beyond the definitions of textbooks and the rules in search of new answers to old questions like `` Where do we come from? '' How was the physical universe created? And What is the essence of all things? Recently the tests at CERN, the largest physics laboratory, suggests that subatomic particles can travel faster than the speed of light. This brings down one of Einstein's theories and could undermine all the way we perceive our universe, including time and space, energy and cosmic structure. Other research laboratories are delving into quantum physics, literally, they see particles that move in and out of reality. So where do they go when they are not present on our reality platform?

Scientists are learning that particles can communicate with each other when they are separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers, even when there is no plausible explanation in their communications network. It is amazing the ongoing investigation of something called "dark energy" - meaning that the energy that appears pushing outward, with the adjective of "dark" means that they know nothing at all about their nature, but that in fact it exists.

In the next few years, keep your eyes off other news about unprecedented discoveries that baffle the scientific community. We are in the middle of a quantum change in our understanding of reality. It is enough to give a smile to the Count of Saint Germain (and Adamus) to know that one day science will validate what many of you already know - that reality is much larger than we have known and experienced so far .

Soon, due to new scientific research, metaphysical concepts such as multiple dimensions, the Non-Time / Time of Now, intuition, divine intelligence and the Spirit, it will even be considered the norm rather than the eccentric. They will be able to smile knowing that they were at the forefront of consciousness, long before science comes to "prove" the matter.

The new Crimson Circle blog) has a science and discovery section where we publish updated articles on the new science. If you find something of interest please send it to: Science @

Extracted from the Monthly Magazine Shaumbra Monthly November 2011.

Translation: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Edition: Alexiis

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