The New Initiation of Abundance by Lord Buddha

  • 2019

I invite you to share with us the extraordinary message that Lord Buddha brings to us all "The New Initiation of Abundance", Channeled through Natalie Glasson. It is an amazing message!

The New Initiation of Abundance by Lord Buddha

(Many associate abundance with money, prosperity and success and yet they can be integrated into so many creations and such diverse forms)

My dear friends, this is a wonderful time on Earth now, as it is producing the true era of abundance for those who focus on their spiritual growth or who follow the path of dominance in whatever form.

I am sure you are aware that ascended masters are channeling vast amazing energies and waves of abundance to Earth from the inner planes.

The Galactic Federation, which is the airborne association of ascended masters, is working to anchor the energy of abundance on Earth.

This makes it a special moment for transformation if you are willing to accept the energies of abundance that derive from ascended master consciousness and the Creator's core.

The energy of abundance from the Creator's core is a unique quality that exudes fecundity, fullness, vitality, increase and intensification.

By experiencing the energy of abundance, you can recognize it as alive, energizing, empowering and stimulating.

It is so rich in the energy of the Creator's vital force that it allows those who embody the energy of abundance to feel the power of life and of the Creator.

The energy of abundance is a fundamental quality of the Creator and, therefore, the divine right of all aspects of the Creator to access and incarnate.

The energy of abundance has no form, it can manifest itself in various ways within its being, reality and the world.

Many associate abundance with money, prosperity and success, and yet they can be integrated into so many creations and such diverse forms.

I, Lord Buddha, recognize the energy of abundance as a magnifying glass, energizing frequency of fullness and fullness.

Imagine if your body was full of energy of abundance and you focused on your radiant health and well-being, how sustained and nourished your physical body would be.

The synthesis of focus and abundance

(The ascended masters are creating this time frame so you can begin to dominate your being with miraculous results)

It is important for me to share that the energy of abundance can create beautiful creations and experiences within your being and reality, this is magnified when you marry your thought process focused on what you want to experience.

A single thought like "The Creator provides me abundantly" will increase your ability to accept the abundance in your life and bring it closer so that it manifests itself at a faster rate than ever.

All thoughts, visions or sensations of what you want to experience intensify and further amplify the energy of abundance, creating a synthesized power so you can project it into your reality.

It is the accelerated speed of manifestation that is creating the energy of abundance, an amplification of all energies.

This means that you are now existing in a time frame in which your dreams can manifest before you at an accelerated speed that is faster than you have ever experienced.

The ascended masters are creating this time frame so that you can begin to dominate your being with miraculous results.

This is to inspire you to continue dominating your being, raising the energy vibration of humanity and the Earth at the same time.

There are many approaches that can be used in absorbing the energy of abundance, one can focus on mastering his mind and evolve into a new consciousness, they can accept and embody love or they can manifest abundance in their lives in many ways.

Let me tell you that it is acceptable if you want to focus on anchoring more prosperity and additional money in your life because, in doing so, you will dominate your mind and anchor love in your being while you learn the technique of manifestation in a physical body, the earth.

These are lessons that must be overcome, your intention does not matter, since the focus and discipline that you will have to use will be the key that will raise your energy vibration and allow you to master your being.

Aligning with Abundance

(Sit down and bathe or meditate on the red, golden and pink light of abundance and accelerated growth)

First of all, I wish you to concentrate every day, morning, night and throughout the day in aligning and anchoring the energy of abundance of ascended masters that is red, gold and pink.

This energy is manifested through the first three rays of light, the first ray of red energy of the Creator's will, the second ray of blue energy of the Creator's love and the third ray of yellow energy that focuses on manifesting and materializing energies, vibrations and thought processes.

You may want to use this invocation to help your alignment:

“I invoke the attention of the ascended master community to anchor the waves of abundant energy from the inner planes of the Creator's universe .

Channel this abundant energy of abundance red, gold and pink in my soul, physical body and reality now.

Help me understand this powerful energy and understand how to use it for the greater good of my soul and humanity on Earth.

I am an ascended master in manifestation on Earth; I exist now and eternally as a beacon of the abundant energies of the Ascended Masters . Let it be".

The focus of your soul

I, Lord Buddha, wish you to be encouraged to connect with your soul during meditation to ask you to receive the most appropriate and divinely guided approach for you as you discharge the Creator's abundance .

Your focus will come from your intuition instead of the desires of your mind. You may discover that the approach you are given is unexpected and yet you can manifest what you need and want in your life now.

Once you have intuitively received your approach, it is your responsibility to create a statement that indicates that you already have what you want in your life on Earth.

Let me give you an example. My focus during this time would be to embody a greater aspect of the Creator within my being. My statement could be something in the line of "I have now integrated a larger and more vibrant aspect of the Creator into every aspect of my being."

To summarize, it is necessary to consult with your soul to discover what your true dreams are and where it is advisable to focus during the discharge of abundance through the Ascended Masters .

Once you have received your approach, create a positive affirmation that indicates that you already have what you want in your life.

Once you have accomplished this, you now have the tools to master your being, especially your mind and the tools to anchor the energy of abundance in your body and reality on Earth.

Recite it while focusing on aligning yourself with the abundant energy of the Creator . Sit down and bathe or meditate on the red, golden and pink light of abundance and accelerated growth.

The New Initiation of Abundance

... now you have the tools to master your being, especially your mind and the tools to anchor the energy of abundance in your body and reality on Earth.

I, Lord Buddha, invite you to sit in peace, concentrating on your breathing and relaxing your body. To connect with my energy, repeat silently “I am Lord Buddha; I honor the Buddha within me . (Three times)

Imagine the red, gold and pink energy of the Ascended Masters anchored in your being.

It will descend like a cylinder of light over your body and aura. Imagine that there is a great intensity of the same energy that enters your crown chakra, through your mind and the area of ​​your chest.

Let the light become a magnificent and powerful source in the area of ​​your chest when it reaches the climax of the energy flowing through your arms and towards the palm chakras.

Imagine, feel or know that as the energy flows continuously to your being and from the chakras of your palm, you are creating a ball of red, golden and pink energy in your hands.

The more light is anchored in your being, the more the ball or the source of light in your hands expands.

Repeat in your mind your created statement, placing it inside the light source in your hands.

When you are ready, raise your hands imagining that energy still flows through your body and place your hands on the third eye chakra.

Imagine the red, golden and pink light that sustains your chosen statement melting into your third eye chakra.

Move your left hand towards the back of your head in line with your forehead to channel the energy of abundance from the ascending master to the front and back of your chakra system.

You are activating this chakra so that it becomes a major influence in your life while you anchor the affirmation in your chakra so that it emanates with the energy of the chakra in your aura and reality.

Let the source of abundance accumulate inside your palms once more and then place it in the chakra of your throat (front and back of the neck).

Then repeat for each chakra: heart chakra (front and back of the chest or sternum area), solar plexus chakra (on the front and back of the waist), sacrum chakra (lower and back of the waist) root chakra (this is at the base of your spine, you will have to place your hands between your legs.)

You may also wish to imagine a source of abundance placed in your soul star chakra above your head and your earth star chakra below your feet.

This will align all your chakras to work simultaneously to achieve a greater manifestation of abundant and loving energy in your life.

In divine abundance,

Lord buddha

Let the source of abundance accumulate inside your palms once more and then place it in the chakra of your throat (front and back of the neck)

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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