Death and the beyond ", Master Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, beloved angels of light, I greet all of you.

It is from the heart of the Christ energy that I, Jeshua, open my arms and extend my greetings.

Beloved angels, know that they are appreciated. Know that you are loved unconditionally, even now while residing in a body of flesh and blood, a mortal body. Even while living within the boundaries of this temporary home, you are still an unconditional part of God, the Home that you so long for. In reality you have never left Home, however you do not recognize the eternal flame that remains lit forever within your being. Get in touch with that light right now, appreciate yourself, know who you are. A light burns within you, so beautiful and pure. How could they come to doubt?

Today we talk about death. There is a lot of fear about death. Fear of annihilation, fear of oblivion, fear of being devoured by the great black hole associated with death. As is so often the case in the terrestrial dimension, you tend to turn things upside down and present them in exactly the opposite way as you really are. Actually death is liberation, a return, a remembrance of who you really are.

When death comes you effortlessly return to your natural state of being. Your consciousness mixes with the flame of light that is your true identity. Earthly charges rise from his shoulders. Residing within a physical body imposes limitations. It is true that you chose to immerse yourself in this state of limitation due to the possibilities of experiencing that you had to offer. Anyway, being restored to its natural angelic state is a sense of rapture. The angel within you loves to fly and be free, freely investigate the myriad worlds that constitute the universe. There is so much to explore and to experience. Once you are born in a terrestrial body, you more or less lose contact with this angelic freedom and feeling of being without limits.

Please join me now, as we return to the moment just before plunging into your current incarnation. On an inner level you allowed yourself to begin this earthly life. It was a conscious choice. Perhaps you have forgotten this, and occasionally you feel doubtful as to whether you really want to be here. Still there was a time when you said "yes." This was a brave choice. It is an act of enormous courage to redeem your angelic freedom and sense of absence of limitation for the adventure of becoming human, of becoming mortal. That adventure holds a promise that makes everything valuable. Feel the "yes!" That ever left your soul. Remember also to be pulled to Earth. Feel how you connected to the reality of the Earth, and feel the moment you descended into the embryo inside your mother's womb. You may notice that there is a heaviness surrounding planet Earth, a certain gray color or density.

There is much suffering on Earth. Pain, loss, fear, negative thoughts are part of the collective atmosphere of the Earth. And that is what you, as a newly incarnated soul, went through. Its light found itself a way through this darkness and in doing so an inevitable veil of ignorance fell upon its original angelic consciousness. Feel the sadness of that event, and behind it, your courage and courage. You were determined: “I will do it. Once again I will take root in this earthly reality, to find my own light, to recognize it, to rediscover it, and to transmit it to this world that needs it so much. ”

Yes, it has been a leap to ignorance. Forgetting temporarily who they are, not remembering that their free state of being is part of being human. You forget that you are safe and free, no matter where you are. Being human, you begin to claim that natural feeling of freedom and security. In your search you can become deceived by powers that seem to offer you what you are looking for, but in reality you are becoming dependent on something external to you. They can depend on judgments that come from outside of you, telling them how to behave to be loved. These false images of the Home, these substitutes, tend to sadden and depress them. In truth, the journey down from heaven to Earth has been an arduous one. Death, however, transports them back to the plane of love and eternal security. It is at death that you surrender to who you have always been. If they die consciously, if they can accept death and surrender to it, dying becomes a joyful event.

What happens when you die? Before you die you go through a stage of firing and releasing. It is a phase where they say goodbye to earthly life, to their loved ones. This can be difficult, but at the same time it offers you the possibility to deeply reflect who you are, and what you have learned and accomplished on Earth during your life. In the affliction you may feel from leaving your loved ones, it always becomes so clear what connects you to them. It is a bond of love that is immortal. This bond is so powerful that effortlessly passes through the limit that is death. Love is an inexhaustible source, giving rise to new life eternally. They are not afraid of losing their loved ones, because it is at the moment of saying goodbye that the limits of unconditional love are reinforced and obtain new life. Because it is true: when they depart in love, they will meet again. They will find each other again, effortlessly, because the shortest path to another always remains the path of the heart.

If you have loved ones who have passed away, you can be sure that they are close to you at the level of the heart. Feel their presence, because they are here among us, extending their greetings. They feel privileged and free. They are freed from the doubt that plagues so many on Earth and they look forward to sharing with you the love and kindness that are available to you at all times.

Those who remain behind often associate the pre-death phase of their loved ones with feelings of sadness and loss. It is natural to regret the departure of a loved one; It is natural to miss and pray the physical presence of the loved one. However, we encourage you to try and feel that with your departure a portal opens to a new dimension, a dimension where communication is of a nature so pure, so clear and so direct that it it elevates over the methods of communication commonly used on Earth. You can have a direct communication with a loved one after he dies, from your heart to his heart. Thus, once you communicate honestly and openly with each other, the misconception that used to be among you can easily be clarified. Your message will be received, always.

Once you have died, you will see the people who are living on Earth from a different perspective. They will be more tolerant, meek and will find themselves with an increased sense of wisdom. You will not be completely balanced suddenly, because there are emotions and feelings that you take with you and that you need to deal with. They will not be perfect or omniscient once they leave physical life. And that is really not so bad, because on this side there is still much to experience and discover! Even so, in most of you there is a new perspective. The dimension of eternity is tangible and this respectfully mitigates their vision of what occupied them and the people who were directly around them during their time on Earth.

Now, what happens to YOU ​​once the limits of death pass? Once they have passed the stage of mourning, the stage of saying goodbye, they will begin to feel death approaching. Now change the focus of your consciousness. When you release the external world, people, your body, will turn inward and move deeper within you. Their awareness of the external world decreases and this allows them to prepare for the inner journey in which they are about to embark. If you accept death consciously, you will experience a "getting ready", a willingness to really release. For your loved ones this is the time to let them go, because you need all your strength to turn inwards and prepare.

Dying does not need to be a painful process. What actually takes place is of a great and majestic nature. Dying is a sacred event where the soul connects with itself in the most intimate way. During the final stage, the person who dies feels the earthly dimension in a detached way: the body, the smells, the colors, and other physical sensations. Another dimension is entering your consciousness, with a radiation so promising and tempting, that it is no longer difficult to give up and leave all earthly things behind. Even the presence of your loved ones now will not stop your departure. The energy of the Home - God, heaven or whatever you want to call it - is so overwhelmingly accommodating, warm and soothing that it becomes easy to release and return your tired and worn body to Earth.

Once you release in peace, your soul will rise from your body gently and fluently. They will feel sustained by universal forces of love and wisdom. If you die without resistance, your immediate surroundings will be filled with a warm and lovely energy. They will experience an unspeakable sense of relief. They are free, and everything becomes clear. They remember the omnipresence of Love, not as an abstract idea but as a palpable reality. While you were on Earth, you called this kind of love "God" and held a skewed, human image of what this God "wanted of you." You were convinced that there were certain demands made by this God, demands that you usually did not meet. But here in this dimension you remember what the will of God really is: to encourage you, to inspire you, to experience creation through you and finally to recognize yourself in your countenance. God wanted to become human through you. The goal of the evolution of the universe is YOU: God made human!

God is the source of creation, and you are his realization. You, who have given you human form in the light of God, are never judged to be human. Instead they are honored. The idea of ​​a vengeful God is yet another perversion, a disruption of the truth instigated by fear. God recognizes Himself in you, regardless of what you do or stop doing. When they are back on this side, they will again become aware of this, and a truckload of self-criticism and feelings of inferiority will fall from their shoulders. You will feel again the original joy of living, safe in the hands of God.

After your arrival here, you will perceive beings of light around you. There will be guides to assist you and people you knew and who died before you. Sometimes they will be surprised to see who they are there with: people with whom they only met for a short time, but those who touched their hearts deeply, may be there next to friends and relatives of a lifetime. Anyone with whom they had a love-based connection will come to greet them at some point. Once again, it becomes so clear to you that saying goodbye is nothing more than an illusion, that the connection of the heart is eternal. They will experience a feeling of gratitude and admiration, as they enter this plane of unconditional love and wisdom.

Once they reach this side, there is a phase of adjustment in which they get used to their new surroundings and slowly release their bonds to earthly life. They will need to acclimatize. There will be guides that will support them and that are specialized in this. You will still have a body but you will feel more fluid than the physical body you were used to. Most likely, it will take the appearance of your most recent physical body. Although there is freedom to take whatever looks you want, most people appreciate some continuity for a while. You are also free to create your own living conditions, for example a beautiful house with a lovely garden, in a natural environment with which you felt fond while on Earth. It is totally good to live your earthly fantasies on this plane, which I refer to as the astral plane. This is a dimension or realm of being which takes into account a lot of creative freedom, although it still resembles and is closely connected to the dimension of the physical Earth.

Some people have had difficulties in accepting death on Earth and their transition to the other side may have been less peaceful. Usually they need more time to adapt to their new life circumstances. Sometimes it takes them a while before they really realize they have died. Some people have suffered a long-term illness and find it hard to get rid of the idea of ​​being sick. They cannot totally believe that they are healthy again, and often require the patience and kind support of a spiritual guide to help them free their old body. The old body can stick to the soul, purely as a concept, as a way of thinking. The same goes for emotional habits and behavior patterns. They can be repeated on the astral plane until the soul discovers its freedom, its power to free itself and open itself to something new.

Another possibility is that the soul remains tied to the kingdom of the Earth, to loved ones in particular, because she died suddenly or very young. This can happen in the case of accidents, catastrophes, or when the person was in the prime of his life. These are situations in which a particular soul did not feel willing or prepared to leave. Dying in those cases is more or less traumatic. On this side there is loving support for these traumatized souls, as there always is. Sooner or later the soul will reach a state of acceptance and understanding of the situation. There is always a viable reason for what appears to be a premature departure from the earth plane. Dying is never a coincidence.

While extending his stay on the other side, his spirit expands within broader and deeper levels of consciousness. They will increasingly release the ways of thinking and feeling to those who were accustomed to the Earth. Essentially, you gradually return to the center of who your soul is, the inner divine spark. The more they enter - or return - to that state of consciousness, the more they detach themselves from the terrestrial personality and the dimension of the Earth. You will feel a flow of being that extends beyond that aspect of you. They will come into contact with other lives that passed on Earth, incarnations where they personified other aspects of their soul. You become aware of the limitless space that is your soul and the many experiences you have accumulated on your journey to the universe.

When people on Earth now connect with you, they will feel a person who has gained in wisdom and spiritual love. In fact, as you approach the center of your soul, you are leaving the astral plane and entering what I call the essential plane, the realm of Essence. Most people remain in the astral plane for quite some time after they have died. They look back to their life on Earth and reflect on all the experiences they have been through. In the astral realm you can experience both joy and depression, both positive and negative emotions. Its surroundings reflect its inner psychological reality. The emotions with which they have to reach an agreement take the form of colors, landscapes and encounters. You often visit the astral plane in your dreams, so you are familiar with this field of consciousness. In their esoteric literature, when they speak of many layers or spheres in life after death, ranging from darkness to light, they are referring to the astral plane.

On the astral plane you have the opportunity to choose the emotional baggage that you brought with you from your recent life on Earth. In this they are assisted by several loving guides. At a certain moment, you will release all your bonds and your emotional pain and be prepared to move completely beyond the astral plane. That's when they pass to the plane of essence. When this happens it is like a second death. They leave behind everything that does not truly belong to you and allow you to merge with the higher Self, your divine center. The moment they pass to the essential plane, they will be aware of the immense power that moves them. They will experience their unity with God.

The plane of essence, the plane of eternal You, is the seat of divine consciousness from which all creation originates. I ask you to take a moment to connect with this plane, here and now. Is not far. It goes through everything, both the astral plane and the earth plane; It crosses the entire cosmos. The presence you feel here is the presence of God, pure and uncontaminated. It can feel like a deep silence, completely peaceful but full of life and creativity. From this source springs all creation and this source must return.

When you reach the essential level in life after death, you will be able to make conscious choices about your future destiny. In this plane you can arrange, with the help of teachers and guides, another incarnation on Earth, or plan a different trip, depending on your goals. On the essential plane you can clearly hear the voice of your soul. It is from this plane that you once said s to the life in which you are now.

Take a moment to remember how it feels to be on this plane. The more aware they become of this dimension during their life on Earth, the easier it will be to die peacefully and, after their death, move beyond from the astral plane to the essence plane.

Death is nothing more than a transition, one of the many transitions that happen in life. Birth is a transition. Life on Earth knows so many moments of transition, of passing and liberating. Just think about this. The body in which they now reside at some time has been very tiny, a small vulnerable baby. And yet his soul, the divine essence within you, was already working through you when you were that little vulnerable baby. When you reached maturity, many of you were devoured by the demands that life on Earth put on you, and faced fears and doubts. The consciousness of his divine center, his soul, was pushed to the bottom. However, there came moments in his life when the dimension of divine consciousness opened again. This often happened at times during which they had to release, when they had to say goodbye.

Maybe it was saying goodbye to a loved one, maybe quitting a job; Any conceivable argument. Such events are transitions that resemble death, not in a literal sense but on a psychological level. You are asked to liberate at a deep level, and it is exactly in those moments of liberation that you can begin to feel the reality of your eternal Being, the divine light that burns within you. This reality remains with you unconditionally, even when everything around disappears. And so it is when he reaches physical death. If at that moment you are brave enough to release, the plane of the eternal will embrace you and experience a very strong awareness of who you really are.

Dying in conscious surrender is a sacred event, full of life and beauty. The majesty of what is unfolding will be tangible for those who are present. The more you have experienced those who are present to die while you are alive, more will be filled with an admiration and reverence about the transition n who are witnessing.

With respect to all the transitions available in creation, ranging from physical birth and death to moments of intense emotional detachment during your life, the essential question is always not in whether you will survive, but in whether you are able to retain the connection With his own divine center. Can you stay in touch with the plane of Essence, its origins, the beat of Creation? Connecting often with the essential plane during your life is the best way to prepare for death, and for what lies beyond. By becoming aware now - before physical death - that the true center of who you are does not depend on the current physical body in which you reside, nor on the identity you assume in the world, you are released to gently make the transition a Once the time comes.

Connecting with the essential plane is a choice you make. Dying for yourself will not bring you closer to that. After dying you will be almost the same person you are now, although endowed with different possibilities and with broader perspectives. But the crucial question always remains: do you remember? Are you able to consciously connect with that dimension of eternity that flows through you and inspires you?

You are deeply beloved, non-perishable angels of Light. Have faith in this. Allow yourself to be comforted and sustained by this knowledge when it is time to die; and now also, while struggling with the affairs of his life.

To die peacefully, they are asked to detach themselves internally from anything that binds them to earthly existence. Practice this detachment continuously while you are living, and you will be prepared to die.

You may ask: "Isn't it tragic to part with life while standing in the middle of it?" The answer is: "No. Instead, it is a testament to a truly powerful spirit. ”

What does detachment mean? It means that you pay attention to the essence, that you do not get caught up in non-essential matters. It means they don't create unnecessary emotional drama; It means they experience joy in the simple things in life. Practicing detachment and remaining in tune with the plane of essence implies being aware of a hidden dimension, which lies directly below and behind the observable. It means giving up quick judgments in terms of good or evil, and trusting in a cosmic intelligence that far exceeds the human mind.

Many of you are caught in a thought fever. You think of life feverishly; how to solve problems, how they carry out all the things they think they need to do. Detachment means that you do not take this thinking aspect of you so seriously. Is this doing something tragic? No. Instead, it brings light and freshness to your life.

It is because of his excessive impulse to have control that life becomes a struggle, exhausting and heavy. Detachment brings peace to mind, humor and attention. Being aware of the finitude of life inspires the natural desire to take care of it. And that is where your divine center can flow effortlessly through you, from the essential plane to your earthly reality. Once this happens, they will have conquered death before they die.

© Pamela Kribbe 2009

Spanish site:

Death and beyond

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe


Translated from English by Sandra Gusella

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