The metaphor in matter by Jordi Morella

  • 2014

There is an important step in the path of being that implies having come to open the doors of consciousness.

There is a moment in life that we stand, observe and feel something different because we realize that our interior vibrates and feels in relation to something in our environment. Until our present, we have been opening the doors of our remembrance, reaching a point where you feel that you are part of the decoration of your life and that this has been chosen with great care so that, at the time, which is this, you can Remember that there is a loving energy that accompanies you, watches over you and is guiding you at all times so that your soul can go where it agreed just moments before your current incarnation .

You realize that what you see, hear and perceive by the touch and sensations of your skin are the magnificence of the Superior help you are receiving as a blessing of your presence on this planet.

You stop, and something resonates in you as being part of what you see and where you are. Behind everything that reaches your consciousness, or rather, everything that you become aware that seems to be part of you and is there for you, being part of that, and at the same time, as an image that is before you to make you see that on the reverse there is something for you, some gift from the universe for you, then, ... then your whole life changes, when you realize the metaphor in which you live. Your life is an illusion in matter, and behind this mirror of density, there is the content of its presence as learning for your soul.

We are not alone.

We are not helpless or left by the hand of God, as they say in my country.

When in our steps we feel the weight of confusion, doubt, uncertainty and fog for not seeing clearly where to go, the Home is responsible for showing us the right situation to straighten our path, rectifying in the right direction.

There comes a time that you realize that that particular fact, or such situation, is part of you, and it seems as if they were created to make you see something you needed to know or realize. You see that the shape of your environment involves a background for you. It's like knowing that under each stone of the road there is a message, where it tells you the location of a treasure waiting for you. You lift a stone and you get a fragment of this great patient treasure for when you have obtained all the messages and advice that will take you to the greatest treasure that you have never been able to imagine: YOU!

With each step you take, you lift a stone and it tells you about your confidence, in another it shows you your uncertainty, and so with all that you find on the red carpet of your life, addressing the OSCAR award of your Integrity.

Right now, you are in a set. Look at it and realize how this one you have chosen and created, with your way of being. What you are living has been your work, without the intervention of anyone else, yes, with the complicity of the other souls that surround you.

What you see is not what you see.

What you see is the result of your imagination due to the identification with your past, but it is not your reality.

What is behind each form, each situation that you live, feel and experience, is the content of the meaning of your existence among us.

You decided to participate in this great earthly metaphor, knowing that one day you would decipher the enigma of so much suffering and identification with what was transmitted to you within life in a body.

Nothing is what it seems.

The TRUTH is found in the hidden, on the reverse of the seen and the apparent. The important thing is not seen, it is not visible to our physical eyes, until the moment you open your eyes, and all you perceive is beauty, meaning and love. While we do not reach this point, including what happens in our lives, not only what comes to us through audiovisual media such as television, the press, radio, social networks about the world, … ..; For as long as we do not arrive at this moment where you realize that there is only LOVE, life will continue to be a metaphor for you.

Each is a reflection for the other. We are a mirror for those who want to see. Due to our roots in matter, we need the image and physical sets to realize that we are not body, but essence, Love.

It is fortunate to be so well accompanied by the Home living in biology. It is a pleasure to feel them and be aware of what happens to you in your life. Everything you live comes from a previous act where you were creator with your decisions. These have taken you to your present and that the universe has predisposed for you materializing in every step you take.

Everything you see is for your interpretation. Do you not realize, beloved soul, that in moments of desolation and suffering, your environment is speaking to you? Look behind the form to see the content. Accept it and keep it in mind, because on the basis of realizing it and picking up the messages from the stones of your path, you can get where you have always dreamed.

The paradise of matter has already become obsolete for your soul. Something higher is waiting for when you are ready and willing to open the door of your heart and turn up the volume of your voice to be able to hear it and know what it has to say for you.

Alone? You have NEVER been. They were moments that you closed inside and blamed yourself for not being or having your dreams based on matter.

Life is a constant metaphor where the sleeping being can wake up by the successive stumbling blocks that seems to be in his walk. The stones are not there to deprive you of enjoying life. They are there to show you the way. They are stones. They are hard and matter, but their existential content in relation to you, are pure sweetness and love for your heart.

Your realization will depend on the degree of acceptance of the path to follow, and the learning obtained along it. There is no greater or lesser learning, only greater or lesser willingness and willingness on the part of each one, of each human being to free himself from his human condition and transcend the divine.

This is the way to go: the way to Divinity.

Only Love can help you break through the creation of your limiting mind. You are the creator of your state. You are the magnificence, still in many, of the sense of living asleep.

Go collecting all the messages and small or great blessings that each stone in your path offers you. Accept them and look on the back, the background that contains their presence in your life, to realize that you are not alone, you have never been or will not be. You are being protected so that your soul can follow its evolutionary process.

Life is a great metaphor, and everything in it contains, keeping in mind the human condition in which we find ourselves. Go beyond it and you will find the blessing of wisdom.

Over time one becomes aware that, with little learning your interior is waking up and one day, as if by chance, but as a result of your willingness towards integrity, you will connect with your true Consciousness.

Then, everything will be possible and flat. Simplicity will govern your life, and the tranquility of your being will manifest the irradiation of the Light that you are, feeling LOVE in you and radiating Love towards the whole planet and humanity.

From my heart, may Love and Peace be in you.

The metaphor in matter by Jordi Morella

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