Magic is everywhere, it is only necessary to believe in it

  • 2014

The magic has its awakening towards the year 1400, it was a command that interested philosophers, doctors and scholars of the time, at that time the doctors were betting on a medicine miraculous which seems to have achieved what in those times they called miraculous cures.

The magic itself was a set of attitudes, initiatives taken by the person and operations carried out by people who thought they were magicians or because of their powers were considered by other magicians.

One of the greatest purposes to which magic aspires is to perform rituals or spells to obtain a benefit or hex to a specific person or a group of specific people.

Today we can say that to achieve the desired ends we can put into practice two types of magic: imitative magic and transmission magic.

Imitative magic.

This is a type of magic in which the action consists in imitating the person or people to whom this magic is directed, the phenomenon or object to which one wishes to punish, capture or reward, always depending on the end to which this magic is directed.

We will explain it through some examples so that the reader can get to better understand the concept we are referring to.

For example, if you want a person to put aside their fears and insecurities and become a strong and determined person, the magician begins his ritual by exercising forceful actions with this person, such as strong movements, dances, phrases of conviction., etc., in the same way if it is not done with the person in person, this force can be exercised with a photo or even with the name of the person, the synthesis is that the magician imitates the force and power before this person.

Another example is when you want it to be worn, a bunch of dried leaves are set on fire, in this case the flames represent or imitate the rays, drums are played or thunderous noises are made that in this case imitate thunder and then If you pour water on a stone, the water must fall from top to bottom imitating the natural phenomenon of the rain, during these actions the magician will say his prayers and requests for the rain to come to us.

Transmission Magic

This is a form of magic in which magical powers are transmitted from parents to children or from grandparents to grandchildren after their death, this is a ritual that consists in making a transmission from the spirit of our predecessor through which he transmits the Mysterious powers of magic.

When a person discovers that it is special as his father or grandfather was, it is necessary to do this ritual of bestowal or transmission because otherwise it will not open completely towards the powers that his predecessor possessed, once the ritual is performed the person grows spiritually and enhancing its magical powers every day, which although they have been granted since birth, must be cultivated to grow, develop and mature.

The ritual consists in initiating a sacrifice after the death of its predecessor that consists of fasting and vigil until the physical forces decay so much that they no longer allow the person to keep their eyelids open, then they should sleep on the grave or the ashes of the deceased and during this restful sleep the powers will be transmitted, so that upon waking the person will have the very marked gift, to the point of healing, of physical healing and spirits of third parties.

In this as in other facets of life Jose Ramon Ruinas faith is what moves mountains, it is very difficult that someone who does not believe can understand it, I can only tell you in a few lines that we do not have a single future but several and that our decisions and actions make us choose, most of the time unconsciously and other (the least) we choose, who has enough "sensitivity" can see several of those "futures" that open our way and help us deciding on one of them, but if death marks the way you can know that it is marked but not the moment or the place and it is already in the way of thinking of each one to say it, at least I never comment it, if I they leave in the letters I never say it, nobody can know for sure when it's time and why not bear that?

Author: Ruth Montenegro. —–> link:

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